Elenion Aura
Two Thousand Club
"Surprise, Rook! Betcha thought ya'd seen the last a' li'l ol' me! Heh!
Well, think again! 'Cause yer ol' pal Tiger's back to welcome one n' all to the B-Sides. Look around, get cozy, and if ya have any questions! Don't ask me, I'm just a Tiger."
Well, think again! 'Cause yer ol' pal Tiger's back to welcome one n' all to the B-Sides. Look around, get cozy, and if ya have any questions! Don't ask me, I'm just a Tiger."
- 「 RULES 」THE B-SIDES: RULES OF THE ROADWelcome, one and all, to New Oasis: The B-Sides!
For those of you who are interested, this thread is designed to give any active posters as much space as they want to write and collaborate with each other to flesh out past events and/or further develop and give color to existing character relationships, while also keeping the main thread at a stable pace for everyone involved. Feel free to use this thread as much or as little as you want (so long as you're keeping up to date in the main thread).
There are a few guidelines that will need to be adhered to to use this thread, but we will never limit the posting quantity here, so go wild.
And so, without further adieu, I present to you, Da Rulez:
Rule # 1.
You must put the location and time of your interaction in every post, and who the interaction involves. The time relates to the events in the main thread, so for example, you must include all of the following in each post you make in here:
Scene Name: Strikeout!
Location: Lucky Strike Bowling Alley, Central District
Time: Pre-Arc 1
Characters: Boltius & Milo
You must include the Scene Name, Location, Time, and Characters involved for that specific interaction in every post, so people can separate the ones that might be posting Side Story Scenes at the same time.
Rule # 2.
You must tag the people you are interacting with, so they know you want their attention.
Rule #3.
New Oasis Side Stories' timeline must lag behind the main IC thread by 1 Arc.
For example, Side Stories scenes prior to Arc 1 closing can include time up to but not including the kick-off of the Arc 1 scenes (September 22, 2021). Indicate this by Pre-Arc 1 in the timestamp. You can get more granular with the detail, providing year, month, and even day of interaction if you would like. Once Arc 1 closes and Arc 2 begins, the time-jump between Arcs 1 and 2 will open up for Side Stories Scenes.
Rule #4.
The B-Sides is meant to supplement the main canon IC thread, not replace it. If you're looking to post for a Side Story, be sure you're up to date in the current main thread and that no one is waiting on you to post!
Rule #5.
The B-Sides is not meant to host any game-changing events that will directly impact the current scenes in canon. Use your best judgment, but if a scene seems like it's going too far off the rails in here the GMs reserve the right to strike it from the record!
And that's it! Feel free to use the in character code from the main thread here as well. Please have fun! Also, and this should go without saying, but all of the conduct rules mentioned in the original thread apply.
「 CS 」
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