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Fantasy New! Looking for a literate partner


The awkward one
Hi! I'm new to this site (this is my first day) so I'm a little bit foggy on exactly how this works but I'd like to get RPing again, as I haven't for a long time :)

English IS my first language and I'd like to think I'm quite good at it XD
I'd prefer a partner who speaks good and clear English, please!

I have a lot of characters who I could RP with, but they're all human except for four. All my human characters are set in a modern time, in England (but with all the people replaced with characters).
The four non-human characters are three vampires and a zombie, and they live in the same time and world as my humans, but two of the vampires live in a separate vampire dimension. They all have the capability to visit the human world, however.
I'll put some names and a little bit of information here so you can choose who you want to RP with!
Most of my male characters are bisexual, so I'll do MxM or MxF, although I don't write FxF :(

I usually do simple, one line, turn based RPs. I'm not a paragraph sort of person ;u;

I don't want to RP with furries, anthros or other animal people, sorry!

Matthew Eye, age 22, Spanish human. Moved to England as a child with his parents Maria and Oscar. His father is a Spanish army veteran, and Matt now serves as a special task force officer in England. He's very professional and serious on the job, but in his spare time, he's fun-loving and exuberant. He has curly brown hair and golden brown eyes, a light tan and is about six feet tall.

Fletcher Frost, age 24, American human. Fletcher emigrated to England when he was 7 with his ten siblings, his parents, and his best friend's family. He grew up on a farm near my characters' main city and now works as a lumberjack in the forests nearby, meeting Matthew and his friends along the way. Fletcher is very quiet and somewhat shy around new people. He's very kind, sweet and polite, perhaps because he's afraid of hurting people with his impressive strength. He has brown hair, green eyes and is about seven feet and eight inches tall. His height was frequently mocked in school but now he's quite at peace with it.

Charles Ambrose Pridesman, age 438, English vampire. Charles is the second eldest of his siblings and came from a wealthy Tudor family, although his favourite era was the 1800s and he dresses as such. Charles is a cheeky, funny but powerful vampire, and has amassed even more riches over his many years. He was sired by the Vampire King at the age of sixteen, and so far has sired one vampire of his own. Nobody knows his real first name except the Vampire King and his family, and he always introduces himself as Ambrose. Charles has dark rose curly-ish hair, purple eyes and is about six feet tall.

If you don't like those, ask me and I'll tell you about some other characters of mine!
Also, once you've chosen a character I'm happy to give you any extra info about them you want :)
I don't mind what the RP is really, so if anyone has any ideas feel free to let me know!
My characters DO swear apart from Fletcher, so if that isn't allowed on this site please tell me!
I'm open to gore and violence.
Other than that, I hope we can have plenty of fun RPing!

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Oh yeah, old fashioned vampires that don't sparkle. :)

I've never done an RP with vampires using one liners. Not quite sure how that will develop the story if there is one (?)
Regardless, hit me up if you've got some concepts for your vampire OCs.
Hi! So yeah, I do have the personalities written out for my vamps :)
I know it can be a bit difficult with one lining but I'm not a great writer so for me it's a lot easier XD
Not sure if I can actually DM you yet because I'm new, but when I can I'll be sure to let you know

Iven Bowhill, age 130, English vampire. Iven was a quiet, shy child and he had quite a typical life, aside from his intense fear of blood, until the age of 23, when he was attacked by an unknown vampire in an alley, who dragged him to the Vampire Kingdom and was never seen again. Unfortunately for Iven, his phobia stayed with him into vampire hood, and he's spent over a hundred years starving, which causes him to look gaunt and sickly. Iven has messy black hair, blue eyes and is about five foot eight inches tall.

Alexandra Price, age 203, Welsh Vampire. Alexandra was quite a feisty child and a bad-tempered teen, and when Charles sired her at the age of 20, her temperament only got worse. She's a disobedient thrall, and Charles often has to discipline her in the hope it will cease her bad behaviour. However, much like a grounded teenager, she is quick to escape and break more rules. Alexandra has curled, shoulder length light brown hair, red eyes and freckles, and is about five foot six inches tall.

I hope these are interesting enough!


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