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Realistic or Modern New Blood


Junior Member
Sirens... That was how every night ended these days. Sirens and the rush of the hunt... Or rather, the rush of the hunted. A single teenage girl broke through the crowded sidewalks, ignoring the curses of those she passed as her fingers found themselves in and out of their pockets. The teen was short enough to hide among the commotion, but what she really needed was a good route to a rooftop... Just as she finished the thought, a sturdy looking pipe caught her attention, along with a chainlink fence in a nearby alley. With a simple pivot, the girl disappeared from sight, her dark gray jacket, navy blue athletic shorts, and short black hair blending into the shadows.
"Hey you, stop!" Two police officers dashed after the girl, waving their batons over their heads as they tried to push past the stream of unhappy pedestrians. The lights from the shops and cars kept the sidewalk bright, and the young thief safe from their clutches.
The girl quickly shimmied up the fence, hopped to the pipe, and pulled herself up to the roof of the bakery. She didn't give her eyes time to adjust to the darkness, but her feet knew these rooftops better than she knew the back of her own hand. Soon enough, the sounds of the city echoed far below, and like a bird the teen took to the air, hopping from one building to the next as she dashed back to her latest hideout. With such a big, bustling city, there was no shortage of those, but this girl knew how to find the best of the best... And tonight, that was in the alley behind the abandoned clock tower near the edge of it all.
Sirens... That was how every night ended these days. Sirens and the rush of the hunt... Or rather, the rush of the hunted. A single teenage girl broke through the crowded sidewalks, ignoring the curses of those she passed as her fingers found themselves in and out of their pockets. The teen was short enough to hide among the commotion, but what she really needed was a good route to a rooftop... Just as she finished the thought, a sturdy looking pipe caught her attention, along with a chainlink fence in a nearby alley. With a simple pivot, the girl disappeared from sight, her dark gray jacket, navy blue athletic shorts, and short black hair blending into the shadows.
"Hey you, stop!" Two police officers dashed after the girl, waving their batons over their heads as they tried to push past the stream of unhappy pedestrians. The lights from the shops and cars kept the sidewalk bright, and the young thief safe from their clutches.
The girl quickly shimmied up the fence, hopped to the pipe, and pulled herself up to the roof of the bakery. She didn't give her eyes time to adjust to the darkness, but her feet knew these rooftops better than she knew the back of her own hand. Soon enough, the sounds of the city echoed far below, and like a bird the teen took to the air, hopping from one building to the next as she dashed back to her latest hideout. With such a big, bustling city, there was no shortage of those, but this girl knew how to find the best of the best... And tonight, that was in the alley behind the abandoned clock tower near the edge of it all.
Somewhere deep in the darkness she cried. she cried for answers. She cried because she was scared. For there in front of her was a lifeless body.
"What have I done?" She whispered. "What is happening to me?" Emma curls up into a ball and cries some more. She is filled with guild. Today was her first kill. Her heart throbs for more but yet she doesn't know what more she needs. Her throat tingles and her hands stained red from where she tried to stop the bleeding of the victim. It has been 24 hours so far and her memory is a blank slate. Not knowing what is happening, she shrinks back further and further into the cave and vows never to leave the cave again in fear of another killing.
Somewhere deep in the darkness she cried. she cried for answers. She cried because she was scared. For there in front of her was a lifeless body.
"What have I done?" She whispered. "What is happening to me?" Emma curls up into a ball and cries some more. She is filled with guild. Today was her first kill. Her heart throbs for more but yet she doesn't know what more she needs. Her throat tingles and her hands stained red from where she tried to stop the bleeding of the victim. It has been 24 hours so far and her memory is a blank slate. Not knowing what is happening, she shrinks back further and further into the cave and vows never to leave the cave again in fear of another killing.
As the teen dashed from rooftop to rooftop, she couldn't help but notice the faint sound of crying on the outside of town. Such a noise was hardly uncommon in their city, but she had some time to kill. So with a quick pivot, the teen shifted toward the edge of town. It sounded like it was near the caves... Most people didn't go near the caves, since the whole system had collapsed a few years prior. The occasional daring soul sought to venture in, hoping to discover treasure or disprove the ghost stories surrounding the place. She wondered if someone had wandered too far in and gotten caught inside... The teen picked up the pace just in case, and quickly slid down the pipe of the final building before the rocky hillside came into view. "Hello? Hello~!" The teen called out, wondering if she'd even get a response.
As the teen dashed from rooftop to rooftop, she couldn't help but notice the faint sound of crying on the outside of town. Such a noise was hardly uncommon in their city, but she had some time to kill. So with a quick pivot, the teen shifted toward the edge of town. It sounded like it was near the caves... Most people didn't go near the caves, since the whole system had collapsed a few years prior. The occasional daring soul sought to venture in, hoping to discover treasure or disprove the ghost stories surrounding the place. She wondered if someone had wandered too far in and gotten caught inside... The teen picked up the pace just in case, and quickly slid down the pipe of the final building before the rocky hillside came into view. "Hello? Hello~!" The teen called out, wondering if she'd even get a response.
Emma heard someone calling out in the distance and walked to the edge of the cave. "Anyone out there?" she wipes the tears from her eyes. "Help me." Looking at the dead body, she tried to figure out what to do with it. She shoved into a dark corner away from the entrance and waited for a response.
There WAS someone in there... "Are you alright? Hang on, I'm coming in!" The teen stuffed a hand in her pocket, gripping her trusty pocket knife just in case this was a trap, but stepped into the darkness of the cave.
'Shit.' Emma thinks to herself. She tried to act as natural as she could. Emma tried to slow her breathing. Little did she know was the blood was all around her mouth from her feed. She hid behind a large rock as she waited for the person to approach.
As Emma attempted to hide herself, she would hear the light tread of a teenage girl in tennis shoes. Said teen shivered from the chilled night air, wrapping her dark gray jacket around her exposed belly with her free hand. A cap that matched her jacket kept her short black hair out of her face, revealing her gray eyes as she scoured the cave for the voice she'd heard. "Where are you? God, it smells like blood in here..." The girl wrinkled her nose and covered it with her sleeve. "Are you hurt?"
Emma peers around the large rock.
"N-no... not me... stay back... I-I dont want to h-h-hurt you..." She says trembling with every word.
"Huh?" The teen thought she saw some movement, but she stayed put at the trembling. "What do you mean hurt me?" She tightened her grip on her knife, but kept her voice calm.
"I-I-I... Well... Something is h-h-happening to m-me... I-I-I don't know i-if..."
Emma tries to explain but she is still in shock from her first kill and doesn't know how to tell the girl that she killed someone.
"I-I-I don't know wh-whats happening... I-I-I n-need m-more.... I-I...."
With a shove, she pushes the rock. She didn't expect the rock to fly across the cave.
"Wh-wh-what the...?" She curls up into a ball and cries again, shaking from fear.
"Woah!" The teen jumped at the rock flying, but then she saw the girl... and the body behind her. "Uh... Hey, it's... uh..." This was kind of awkward... "So, kind of a weird question, but... What happened here?" The teen scratched somewhat absentmindedly at the back of her head. She tried to keep her gaze on the strange girl rather than the bloody heap behind her.
"I-I don't know. I-I woke up h-here.... This m-man... h-he... I couldn't.... But it t-tasted... and I c-couldn't s-stop.... I-I don't know what's happening." She is still curled up in a bowl and not looking at the girl.
"I-I don't know. I-I woke up h-here.... This m-man... h-he... I couldn't.... But it t-tasted... and I c-couldn't s-stop.... I-I don't know what's happening." She is still curled up in a bowl and not looking at the girl.
The teen let out an uncertain sigh and looked away for a second. "Well... if it helps any, I think I've heard something like this before... From my boss. Well, former boss, technically." The girl shifted her gaze back to Emma and leaned against the wall. "See, my boss knew some less than reputable people in less than reputable places... And he said that blood frenzies like this can only mean a couple of things." Her eyes sharpened somewhat at the memory of the heaviness in her boss's voice. "It means you're either a cannibal, a crazy person, or a creature of the night... Probably either a werewolf or a vampire." The girl shook her head. "At the time, I thought he'd just been telling stories to keep us up at night... But now I'm starting to wonder if maybe there was something to them." She studied the girl on the ground, waiting to see if something clicked.
"V-vampire? Th-they are my-mythical... d-don't exist... My memory is blank... I don't know how I got here, Why I am here. All I know is that I killed the man... And I need more." She stands up and looks at the ground. "I want it to stop."
The teen studied the girl before her for a moment, then shrugged. "Well, whatever you are, it sounds like you need some help... Glad to see you're not hurt, though." In one smooth motion, she was up as well. "You got a name?"
"E-Emma." Emma looks up at the girl standing before her. After a few minutes she falls onto the ground, covering her ears.
"Make the drums stop." She whispers in agony over and over.
"Woah, easy there." The teen approached Emma cautiously, but didn't touch her. "Maybe we should try to get you to a doctor... I know a guy if you're worried about cops."
As the girl approached, the drums got louder. Emma slowly stands up.
'Are-are you w-wearing perfume?' Emma asks. The girl in front of her smells sweet like honey. Emma thought she recognized this feeling. But she couldn't put her finger on it.
"Uh... No. Bad for, you know... sneaking." The teen took a step back. "Can you walk?" Again, she gripped her knife. There was definitely something off about this girl...
Emma stands up and hugs this girl suddenly. Her mouth just rested above the neck. She inhaled and realized the drums were coming from the girls heart and that the sweet smell was the girls blood. Her fangs form and she pulls abruptly back and again looks at the ground so the girl doesn't see her fangs.
"Y-yes I can walk."
The teen whipped out her knife and kept it trained on the girl's gut as she rushed, but didn't stab. For a moment, her heart pounded in her chest, but as the moment dragged out it grew more even. Then, Emma backed off, and the knife was returned to the teen's pocket. "...Alright, then let's move." She took a step back and motioned for Emma to walk in front, her expression guarded. She didn't need a sneak attack from behind.
The girl's heart is pounding and Emma tries to ignore it. She walks in front till she reaches the edge of the cave. She hesitated. This was the first time she has left the cave. Emma walks outside and inhales the fresh air. After a few seconds the sun starts to burn. Emma runs back into the cave before the girl could speak.
The first rays of dawn... When had it gotten so late? "...So I... take it you don't like it outside?" The teen stepped into the light, studying the girl in the cave.
"If I'm honest... I have never left this cave..." Emma looked at the ground. "But when I stepped outside... It started to hurt."

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