New Ability System


The Pun Tyrant
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Hey everyone.

So, I've been thinking up some stuff regarding roleplays I'm working on, and I ended up coming up with four ideas , mostly for group roleplays (although I may find a way to translate it into 1x1 later) :

1.Cost attribution system

With this system, the GM will attribute a cost and duration to the powers of the character, and also be able to determine conditions and handicaps to the powers. The players would choose the actual effect of their powers, though. So a player could choose to have the power to create a giant alligator. The GM would then say, "well, this consumes this much power and lasts for this long then".

This allows a ton of player freedom, while still creating a solid balance between the various characters.

2.Thread aid System

This system is based on points that are awarded based on much a player contributes to the well-being of a thread. Characters would rise in rank, gain new powers, win battles and so forth or the reverse, based on what they did to help the GM or on characteristic presented in their posts or character sheet that could objectively say the person is putting their soul into it.

This promotes the growth of thew thread, allowing mire active or more cooperating roleplayers to take roles of more importance, thus making it feel worthwhile to put more work into what one does within the thread.

3.Judge point system

This works best for dice-based rps, or rps that have stats in general. Essentially the character is written, and it's powers and skills are based on the opinion of designated judges. Each would rank how , for example, charming the character is, then an average would be made and that would decide whether or not the character is actually charming (as in having effects to inspire or charm people, maybe even other roleplayers).

This system allows a lot of player freedom and prompts a large vairety in characters. However, it is very reliant on the willingness of players to folllow some set patterns, to be willing to make sacrifices and adapt to chafing of conditions.

4.Secret Power System

This is a system where powers and abilities, perhaps even entire sheets are sent by PM to or from the GM. This allows one to hide stuff they don't want to be immediately found, while also creating a certain suspense and still preventing issues where the unraveled powers or history or personality are against what the GM would allow.

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