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Realistic or Modern Never Go Back [Zombie RP] - Notes


Procrastinating Perfectionist



[This thread will consist of notes and updates on groups and plot points]

[uPDATES: In theory, every week... (in theory)...]
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Update #1

8/10/15 - 8/13/15

@JackMonroe @Shimakage Thunder

Group One - On City Outskirts / Middle of Nowhere (6)

Luke Marlin (The Jest)

Jackson Ekul (The Jest)

Reid Field (ThatOneCrazyPerson)

Allie Field (ThatOneCrazyPerson)

Weston Field (ThatOneCrazyPerson)

Jack Monroe (JackMonroe)

The Field siblings, after escaping from the city, ran into Luke and Jackson. After confirming none were infected, they were suddenly approached by a horde of Runners. The group managed to outrun them, before finding themselves in the middle of nowhere. They searched for shelter, before suddenly a large ruckus was triggered some ways off, by Jack, who was trying to escape a pack of Clickers. Luke raced ahead to investigate, much to the dismay of the others, who had to follow behind.

Group Two - Other Side of City, Closer to Farmlands / Outside of Cabin (6)

Carrie Lee (ThatOneCrazyPerson)

Ivy Maddison (Jupiter)

Archie Maddison (Jupiter)

Amelia Connor (Corgi)

January Connor (Corgi)

Vivian Tran (Shimakage Thunder)

Making their way out towards farmland, Carrie, Vivian, and the Connor sisters met the Maddison twins. The group then spotted a cabin in the distance, and upon approaching, sent Carrie and Amelia to find a way inside, while the others waited outside, talking. Upon investigation, they declared the place abandoned, though a singular light might have said otherwise, and made plans to climb to the second floor, in hopes of entering through an upstairs window.
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Update #2

8/14/15 - 8/17/15

@JackMonroe @Shimakage Thunder @DrTrollinski

Group One - Gas Station (7)

Luke Marlin (The Jest)

Jackson Ekul (The Jest)

Reid Field (ThatOneCrazyPerson)

Allie Field (ThatOneCrazyPerson)

Weston Field (ThatOneCrazyPerson)

Jack Monroe (JackMonroe)

Mitchell Greenich (PopcornandCaramel)

Jack managed to escape the Infected with help from both Luke and Jackson. Meanwhile, Mitchell accidentally attracted the attention of one Runner, managing to kill it just as he, too, approached the group. Both strangers were interrogated for infection, though Jack was very indignant and refused to answer. After a tussle between Jack and Jackson, they managed to pin him down. The group decided their only means of escape was a truck about two miles away, but unfortunately, the truck had no fuel. The only means of fuel was reclaiming a gas canister from the station, that of which was overtaken by Infected. With the teamwork of Luke, Jackson, Jack, and Mitchell, the group managed to reclaim it, and they headed towards the truck.

Group Two - Outside of Cabin / Inside Cabin (6)

Carrie Lee (ThatOneCrazyPerson)

Ivy Maddison (Jupiter)

Archie Maddison (Jupiter)

Vivian Tran (Shimakage Thunder)

Adam Douglas (DrTrollinski)

Chris Douglas (DrTrollinski)

Amelia managed to boost Carrie to the roof, and she made their way into the cabin through the upstairs window, only to find that it wasn't abandoned-- Adam and Chris were using it as a hideout from Infected. (The Connor sisters promptly vanished from the group shortly after.) Meanwhile, Archie overheard Adam and immediately decided to leave as well, though much to Ivy's protest. Vivian, too, became angry, and the three created a large disagreement. The argument was dissolved, however, after they were invited into the cabin by Adam to use as shelter for the night.

Group Three - In the City (6)

Yvette Rouselle (PopcornandCaramel)

Sam Willis (ThatOneCrazyPerson)

Mark Ward (DrTrollinski)

Stephen Walker (DrTrollinski)

Jack Briggs (DrTrollinski)

Lewis Griffin (DrTrollinski)

Sam, whilst sneaking around the city, heard a noise (that also attracted a small group of Infected), which happened to be Mark, who took Stephen, Jack, and Lewis before holing up in a hotel. Sam tried to get their attention, as the Infected attempted to get in. Meanwhile, Yvette was startled from her sleep in a nearby bakery.
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Update #3

8/18/15 - 8/21/15

@JackMonroe @Shimakage Thunder


Group One - Two Miles Away From Gas Station (8)

Luke Marlin (The Jest)

Jackson Ekul (The Jest)

Reid Field (ThatOneCrazyPerson)

Allie Field (ThatOneCrazyPerson)

Weston Field (ThatOneCrazyPerson)

Jack Monroe (JackMonroe)

Mitchell Greenich (PopcornandCaramel)

Jess Osena (JPax42)

The group reached the truck, before beginning to discuss sleeping arrangements and their next destination, when suddenly, Jess appeared, wielding a bloody steak knife. She showed them her pilot license, and informed them of a nearby military base. While most of the group didn't trust her, Jack seemed to take a liking to her, and they eventually came to the conclusion that he had fixed her home's wall before the apocalypse.

Group Two - Inside Cabin / Inside Cabin, Upstairs (6)

Carrie Lee (ThatOneCrazyPerson)

Ivy Maddison (Jupiter)

Archie Maddison (Jupiter)

Vivian Tran (Shimakage Thunder)

Adam Douglas (DrTrollinski)

Chris Douglas (DrTrollinski)

The group entered the cabin and introduced themselves to one another. While Chris led Vivian (who quickly headed to bed) upstairs to the bedroom and discussed her soon-to-be son, Adam and the others began to figure out sleeping arrangements. The conversation descended into backstories, such as where they were from, how old they were, and what they used to do for livings. Finally, Adam invited Carrie to take the watch, while the others headed to bed.

Group Three - In the City / City Street, Across From Hotel / Inside Hotel / Inside Bakery (8)

Yvette Rouselle (PopcornandCaramel)

Sam Willis (ThatOneCrazyPerson)

Mark Ward (DrTrollinski)

Stephen Walker (DrTrollinski)

Jack Briggs (DrTrollinski)

Lewis Griffin (DrTrollinski)

Padrig O'Connor (The Jest)

Sabrina Sommers (PopcornandCaramel)

Mark, Stephen, Jack, and Lewis managed to get out of the hotel through an opened window (though not before Mark torched an unsuspecting Clicker), then managed to make it to a closed off parking garage. Sam, unaware of their escape, continued down the road towards the bakery, where Yvette could see the event unfold. Somewhere else, Padrig and his fiancee, Sabrina, discussed how they were both holding up and tried to lighten the mood. Then, Yvette and Padrig both tried to get Sam's attention, the former from atop a building, and the latter by almost falling out of a window, though he managed to get back inside.

Update #4

8/22/15 - 8/26/15

(Sorry for the wait on this one; week's been busy =P Schedule should be back to normal on updates ^^)

@JackMonroe @Shimakage Thunder @DrTrollinski

Group One - Two Miles Away From Gas Station (8)

Luke Marlin (The Jest)

Jackson Ekul (The Jest)

Reid Field (ThatOneCrazyPerson)

Allie Field (ThatOneCrazyPerson)

Weston Field (ThatOneCrazyPerson)

Jack Monroe (JackMonroe)

Mitchell Greenich (PopcornandCaramel)

Jess Osena (JPax42)

After Jess finally introduced herself, the group decided to head to the bed-and-breakfast place that Mitchell had suggested. But before they could, Jess spotted a Clicker coming towards them from far off. Reid quickly suggested they get in the truck to get away, but Jess and Jack were insistent that they fight it. However, Luke stepped in, and the group finally got in the truck and headed off.

Group Two - Inside Cabin (6)

Carrie Lee (ThatOneCrazyPerson)

Ivy Maddison (Jupiter)

Archie Maddison (Jupiter)

Vivian Tran (Shimakage Thunder)

Adam Douglas (DrTrollinski)

Chris Douglas (DrTrollinski)

While Ivy went to bed, Archie decided to join Carrie and Adam on the watch. They discussed their pasts some more, as well as their motives, while meanwhile, Archie began to rifle through some cupboards, finding some old books, and Vivian woke up from a nightmare. Vivian then came downstairs to talk to Carrie, mostly about her attempt at sleep and her soon-to-be-born baby.

Group Three - In the City (4)

Yvette Rouselle (PopcornandCaramel)

Sam Willis (ThatOneCrazyPerson)

Padrig O'Connor (The Jest)

Sabrina Sommers (PopcornandCaramel)

Yvette tossed another stone down towards Sam, after writing 'How far can you jump?' on it in black marker. Sam responded by spelling out 'far enough' on top of the cars with random bits and pieces. Yvette responded again through the rocks, telling Sam to get to the bakery where she had been hiding out, and to run across the cars to get there. While Sam ran, Yvette made a distraction by yelling and banging on the fire escape, to draw the Infected to her. Meanwhile, Sabrina managed to patch up Padrig's hand that he had cut on the window with some bed sheets.

Update #5

8/27/15 - 9/7/15

@JackMonroe @Shimakage Thunder @DrTrollinski

Group One - Inside Truck / Inside B&B / Inside B&B, Basement (8)

Luke Marlin (The Jest)

Jackson Ekul (The Jest)

Reid Field (ThatOneCrazyPerson)

Allie Field (ThatOneCrazyPerson)

Weston Field (ThatOneCrazyPerson)

Jack Monroe (JackMonroe)

Mitchell Greenich (PopcornandCaramel)

Jess Osena (JPax42)

The group arrived at the B&B, and Mitchell immediately headed inside to scout it out. He was attacked by Infected, and the others (minus the Fields, who followed shortly after discovering they had, in fact, been left behind,) raced in to the rescue, Jackson being the one to take it out. (Jess cut off the thing's head afterward as well, just to be sure.) While Jess began examining Mitchell for wounds, Jack inquired if he had been bitten. At that point, Reid led Allie and Weston into the B&B. Luke hurried down to greet them, as Jess took down another Runner. Mitchell came downstairs, and pointed out that they should secure the rest of the house, to which everyone else agreed. Jess was then attacked by yet another Runner, and was chased to the basement, where a water fixture was smashed, and the basement was flooded. The Runner was dead, but Jess now clung to an overhead light. Jack waded into the basement to help, as Reid stood at the top of the basement stairs. Jess slipped and fell into the water, then called Reid to bring her an iron pole.

Group Two - Inside Cabin (6)

Carrie Lee (ThatOneCrazyPerson)

Ivy Maddison (Jupiter)

Archie Maddison (Jupiter)

Vivian Tran (Shimakage Thunder)

Adam Douglas (DrTrollinski)

Chris Douglas (DrTrollinski)

Adam and Carrie continued to converse, while Archie continued searching the cupboards (before turning off his music and listening to previously noted conversation), Vivian waited around silently, and Chris and Ivy slept. Eventually, morning came.

Group Three - In the City (8)

Yvette Rouselle (PopcornandCaramel)

Sam Willis (ThatOneCrazyPerson)

Padrig O'Connor (The Jest)

Sabrina Sommers (PopcornandCaramel)

Mark Ward (DrTrollinski)

Stephen Walker (DrTrollinski)

Jack Briggs (DrTrollinski)

Lewis Griffin (DrTrollinski)

While Mark and Stephen discussed their next move (as Jack and Lewis sat, listening), Sabrina questioned Padrig about the girl he had seen (which had actually been Sam). Meanwhile, Yvette managed to get down from the fire escape, and ran past the garage where Mark, Stephen, Jack, and Lewis were hiding out. Sam found her way to the bakery, and knocked on the back door, in case someone were inside.

Update #6

9/8/15 - 9/17/15

@Shimakage Thunder @DrTrollinski

Group One - Inside B&B (7)

Luke Marlin (The Jest)

Jackson Ekul (The Jest)

Reid Field (ThatOneCrazyPerson)

Allie Field (ThatOneCrazyPerson)

Weston Field (ThatOneCrazyPerson)

Mitchell Greenich (PopcornandCaramel)

Jess Osena (JPax42)

Jack managed to rescue Jess, while meanwhile Weston threw a tantrum and knocked over a lamp. Jess and Reid rushed to the noise, before then entering the master bedroom, alongside Allie, Weston, and Mitchell. Meanwhile, Jackson and Luke, who had been outside keeping watch, accidentally stumbled into the basement. Mitchell, after offering Jess his shirt to wear, proceeded to search the B&B for supplies, (as well as Jess,) and they both produced valuable things. Mitchell and Jess tried to figure out how to light a fire, while Jackson accidentally fell into the flooded basement. Jack, who had drowned, returned from the dead and tried to attack Jackson, but luckily Luke was able to save the latter. Jess and Mitchell both rushed to the rescue, and while Mitchell rescued Jackson by way of a wooden pallet, Jess (who was a bit too small to do much good) managed to retrieve the trash can the group needed to light a fire. Reid, after leaving Allie and Weston in the master bedroom, then proceeded to come to the aid of the rest as well, pole in hand.

Group Two - Inside Cabin (6)

Carrie Lee (ThatOneCrazyPerson)

Ivy Maddison (Jupiter)

Archie Maddison (Jupiter)

Vivian Tran (Shimakage Thunder)

Adam Douglas (DrTrollinski)

Chris Douglas (DrTrollinski)

As everyone began to wake up, Adam and Carrie discussed their next means of action and destination. Chris, Vivian, (Adam a spoonful or two,) and the Maddison twins all ate, while the two latter discussed whether they should stay with the group or not. Carrie suggested they decide on their next move quick, before the day got too hot.

Group Three - In the City (6)

Yvette Rouselle (PopcornandCaramel)

Sam Willis (ThatOneCrazyPerson)

Mark Ward (DrTrollinski)

Stephen Walker (DrTrollinski)

Jack Briggs (DrTrollinski)

Lewis Griffin (DrTrollinski)

Mark, Stephen, Jack, and Lewis all remained hidden in the garage, until Marco decided to head out to find supplies. Meanwhile, Yvette made it back to the bakery, where she found an on-edge Sam. The two introduced themselves and began conversing.
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