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Never Ending Search


• Best friends: We grew up together and our whole life's people thought we was a couple because of how close we was. We never even kissed. The night before I was set to be married we partied and somehow things got a little crazier than normal and we went to bed together. The next morning it's a complete mystery if we actual did stuff or just fell asleep together. I'm filled with both guilt and confusion. I disappear calling off my own wedding and after a month show back up final in town. I'm now single and not sure how to think of my best friend. Did we remember what happened? Where does that leave us now?

College star athlete and very liked guy / tutor: Your a very easy going guy and don't try to hard to get anything but when your grades start slipping and threating to cost you the only thing you truly care about sports you sign up for a tutor. College is to expensive and with the tutor program she gets a discount. Most would consider her a nerd but she could care less she's here for her grades and future career. When she's assigned you she has difficulty believing you care. You at first only half ass the studying and she goes awhile almost refusing to tutor someone that don't care. When you realize this you take it serious finally. The team however gives you hell about spending time with her. You chalk it up to easy access and a easy passing grade. They bet you a few hundred that there's no way you can get her to sleep with you. She's to much of a good girl. Will you go through with the bet? If so will she find out? What about when feelings get involved?

• Bad boy/Good girl: I'm straight A, typical athletic star, daddy's girl type. Your the town's troubled boy with a attitude to match. Drinking, smoking, and fighting are all bad habits you have. When we started dating sophomore year it was at first more of a joke thing but we got serious fast. Now our senior year people can hardly believe we are still together. This morning is your regular Saturday morning. You partied to hard with the boys last night and now are still passed smooth out in bed. I've been waiting on you for the better half of the morning since you missed our breakfast date for the third time this month. You've gotten good at blowing me off more recently and I'm done with it. I show up at your house and walk into your bedroom that reeks of cheap perfume and booze. I yank your covers back noticing a hickey on your neck and glitter on you as I kick the bedframe...(Clearly cliché start but who knows maybe you didn't cheat, maybe you did with a fellow student, maybe we break up, maybe you change or my character goes to the dark side because of things, many twist options.)

•You have been my brothers best friend for our whole life. When we slept together we both swore it was a one time thing and never spoke of it again. Now on summer break from college we are all back around except you have a girlfriend and I have a boyfriend. That doesn't stop the sparks. (Maybe all heading to a lake cabin or something for summer trip.)

Exes- We dated for a year before you got bored and dropped me for some new girl in school. It wasn't no shock to those around us who knew you and at first I took it rough. Summer is now over and its a new year in college. I come back and to say I've changed is a understatement. Before long all the friends that used to agree I was boring for you is now trying to date me. I've forgot some things at your apartment and have agreed to come get them. Your girlfriend is growing old and you find yourself curious about the new me. (completely rough copy we can twist and add whatever is needed.)
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Hey there, just checking to see if you were still looking for more partners? If so wonderful if not that's cool too. I can't pm just yet, but I'm especially interested in the good girl/bad boy, and the brother's best friend plots if those are still available though I'd be happy to do any of these plots or come up with another plot all together if you are still looking. Thanks.

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