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Fantasy Neko Private Acadamy

"Umm... Where are we going... You passed the icecream shop... Unless you decided you don't want icecream, we can go to the bakery instead" Iroha says. She was confused but wasn't sure if Lily would like to talk of her history, it was surely hard for her being an orphan and all.
Liam and Lola make their way to the lunchroom talking to one another cheerfully. They looked over to see a guy sitting by himself and walked over. "Hi!" They said in union. @Kayzo
Lily looks up at her" yeah i want ice cream it just the people always jusge me for being an orphan i just want a family who loves me for who i am my parents abandoned me when i was like 3 years old i been on the run since i turned 10 i was taken to the orphanage but i didn't stay i ran away from them" she say shaking up as she cried @Irohaa
Aero said:
Liam and Lola make their way to the lunchroom talking to one another cheerfully. They looked over to see a guy sitting by himself and walked over. "Hi!" They said in union. @Kayzo
stare blankly at them before taking out my head phones and shaking my head to clear the staticy sound after taking them out " what?" I ask confused
"We said hi." Liam said chuckling. Lola gave him a small wave. "We saw you were alone at this table and thought we'd keep you company!" Lola said smiling. "Or if you wanna be alone that's cool we'll be off then." She said and held out her hand. "I'm Lola." Liam held out his hand. "I'm Liam!" @Kayzo
Aero said:
"We said hi." Liam said chuckling. Lola gave him a small wave. "We saw you were alone at this table and thought we'd keep you company!" Lola said smiling. "Or if you wanna be alone that's cool we'll be off then." She said and held out her hand. "I'm Lola." Liam held out his hand. "I'm Liam!" @Kayzo
" I don't mind just... I am not used to people talking to me." I say shifting in my chair to sit up
Iroha looks at Lily in the alley, she stops and drops the groceries before hugging Lily tightly "I'm sorry for all you've been through, and Im not going to say I understand, I really don't" a tear trails down Irohas cheek "but I promise to always be there for you, I'll try and make up for the family you never had, and I'll do everything I can to make sure you're okay" Iroha holds Lilys shoulders and backs away out of the hug to wipe a year off of Lilys face

Lily looks at her as she nods" thank you that makes me happy" she say as she hiccuped" anyways lets get that ice cream" she say as she went inside the store as she felt better she glad she had a friend like iroha she was a replacement of a family she never had" come on" she say to her friend as she sang happily

Iroha orders some cookie-dough ice cream and waits for Lily to order before paying "get whatever you want, money isn't much of an issue at the moment" she says
Lily just smiled she got mint choclate chip ice cream" yay" she say as she started eating the ice cream" thanks big sis" she say she liked iroha as a sister
Iroha giggled at being called "big sis" and paid for the ice cream, she sits down at a table to eat her ice cream and says "after this we should probably get back to class, it's probably lunch time though so we have awhile"
i'm back again sorry i was doing something)

Lily looks at her" awe do we have to big sis i don't like teachers they are scary" she say as she pouted a little as she just ate her ice cream it was good she liked calling iroha her big sis she felt like one to her" okay we can go back" she say to her as she pouted she won this round she didn't really like school she was afraid to talk to that one human she don't remember how to talk to them
Anybody want to interact?
{Wow, I missed so many pages..}

Virus and Jace stuck to their schedules and attended their classes without drawing much attention. However, they decided to eat lunch outside today instead of being crowded in a lunch room.

Virus sat on the grass, placed his lunch into his lap, and began munching away without a care.

Jace wasn't hungry, but he accompanied his twin on the grass and pulled out a small drawing pad. He knew Virus would be stuck in the world of food for now, so he simply pushed his glasses on and started to doodle on the paper with a pen to pass the time.
((You can join me and lostsoul's characters at lunch. @Summer Dotty ))

Lola sat down next to the tall boy and Liam sat across from them both. "Sooo what's your name?" Liam asked nibbling on the string of his hoodie once more. @lostsoul
" alex..." I say looking around " alex fang..." I say quieter my red tatoo's showing barely under the hoody I am wearing.
lostsoul said:
" alex..." I say looking around " alex fang..." I say quieter my red tatoo's showing barely under the hoody I am wearing.
Lola took out her peas from her lunch and opened them up. "Alex Fang! Hmm Fang is a strange but cool last name." Liam said which earned a pea to the face. "Liam it's not nice to say people's last names are strange." Lola said and started eating her peas.
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Aero said:
"Alex Fang! Hmm Fang is a strange but cool last name." Liam said which earned a pea to the face. "Liam it's not nice to say people's last names are strange." Lola said and started eating her peas.
" not really that rude, strange is a general term. people have many diffrent definitions for strange too" I say suddenly leaning back " so It really isn't rude."
lostsoul said:
" not really that rude, strange is a general term. people have many diffrent definitions for strange too" I say suddenly leaning back " so It really isn't rude."
Lola swallowed the peas in her mouth. "Still." She mumbled. Liam smiled and took out his lunch.
Aero said:
Lola swallowed the peas in her mouth. "Still." She mumbled. Liam smiled and took out his lunch.
" you can call me alex or fang... I really don't mind" I say spinning a pencil while I am not writing.

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