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Fantasy Neko Private Acadamy

Amaya looked surprised and lost the challenge "wow! That would probably freak people out but I think that is actually really cool!...... Arent you a bit young to have been a past leader? I always picture them as ugly old men! But u are neither!" She then smile and realizes that his face was darker and so she smiled brighter…. Still very impressed.

Justin supposed it was his turn to be surprised. He hadn't expected such a positive reaction. "Ugly old men? Glad I don't fall into that category," he letting out a small chuckle. "Yeah I'm a bit young but I grew up with the street smarts. No need to dwell more about my sobstory though, cause I want to know a little something about you," he said, looking up at her

(I hate autocorrect)
(Same... I had to edit almost every post xD )

Amaya then thinks about something to tell him "wellll.......hmm...... I usually don't have many friends, and.. My parents were murdered in front of me while o was hiding when I as....5 wait no 6.. And neither of them had siblings and my grandparents all died... So I live by myself! Which has a few perks but not many.." She then smiled "Now tell me what your favorite food is!" She says taring at him smiling brighter

Justin blinked. He was really shocked to say the least that such a horrid event had happened to someone as cheerful as her. "Uh...erm," he stammered, not sure what to say until she asked him what his favorite food was. "Uh... favorite food? Fish. I mean... I'm a neko so that shouldn't surprise you," he said. Man... finding something like that about Amaya had really thrown him off his hinges but it didn't show on his face.
Amaya looked surprised "he he oh ya I forgot about that he he but I like sweets more than fish!" She then looks confused and tares at him blankly "hmm?"
Justin looked up at her. "How are you so happy if something like that happened to you as a child?"
Aylessa yawned, listening to Justin and Amaya's stories and them talking was intresting and all but she was getting bored.

Omi stood up once more the lollipop in his mouth. "Alright times up! Anyone who didn't pick a dormmate oh well, I'm picking for you." He said pointing at the clock showing class is now in session.
Opal looked up from her drawing, hiding it quickly. The edge of her sketchbook poked out of her unzipped backpack. She placed her elbows on the desk and paid attention to the teacher.
Amaya waited for the teacher to talk...... She stared...ヽ(*⌒∇⌒*)ノ
Omi turned to the board and started writing. "Okay for this class, each week there will be a vocabulary quiz on Friday. I will put the list up each Monday, it's your job to copy the words down and define them. I won't check if you did or not but I will probably know if you fail the quiz..." He said continuing to write ten vocab words and his lesson.

Aylessa took out her phone from her backpack and took a picture of the words once Omi was done. She put her phone back in her backpack and started writing the rules of the classroom.
Opal quickly wrote the words in her notebook. She then set down her pencil and continued to stare at the teacher.
Justin blinked for a moment after she responded to him. Then he realized the teacher was writing words on the board. Vocabulary? He knew all the cuss words in the book. What vocabulary did he need? He leaned back in his chair. Then he realized he didn't have a pencil or pen on him. "Oh..." he muttered as he realized this. Looking around for a second, he finally decided to raise his hand. "Uh... Mr.... um... Teacher.. person," he said, "Do you happen to have a spare pen or pencil I could borrow?"
Amaya thought it was funny what he called the teacher ad quietly laughed, then she wet back to writing things in her notebook with varied colors of pens....
Omi looked at Justin and nodded. "I do but next time please be prepared, um. What is your name sir?" Omi said grabbing a pencil from his desk walking over to the black haired boy setting the pencil on his desk.
Justin took the pencil and scribbled on the paper. Holding up the paper, he read what it said. "Justin King Jackson, Mr. Teacher Person...or... um... if you also have a name," Justin said.
Opal smirked at Justin. "He seems interesting. But a little to bold and outgoing for me." She thought. Opal went back to writing in her notebook.
Amaya finally got bored after all and started to mend the heart from earlier that she ripped, by stapling it like before.. She then took out markers and started filling it in.....(⌒▽⌒)
Omi chuckled. "Gurīn-sensei is the name. Make sure you catch up on the notes Mr. Jackson for I'm not slowing down." He said with a smile and walked back over to the board writing more.

Aylessa looked at Justin chuckling a bit. 'Isn't he a smart aleck.' She thought shaking her head at the unprepared boy then looking back at her notes.
Opal continued to write, coloring in the edges of her paper when she was finished with the notes on the board. She sighed. "Why did mom make me come here?" She wondered sadly.
Amaya roped the heart one more time which had millions of staples all over than put it back once more and continued writing notes and coloring in the heart ...
Justin jotted down the notes in a mess of words that were hardly legible. After finishing it up, he looked back up at... wait... what did he say his name was? Ugh... this was beginning to look more and more like a chore than fun. Justin's expression dulled as he rested his head on his chin. They needed to memorize these words and definitions by Friday? There were problems that Justin had to deal with in the real world. He was under government probation. He stole a peek at his ankle brace, which had him tagged so they always knew where he was. Why couldn't he just spend the ten years in jail instead of wasting his time here?
Amaya loudly ripped the heart and finished writing in the notes then started making annoying nom\eating sound mixed with meows while she took out a candy bar and started eating it "monk mom mom monm monnom..............mom...."
Omi stopped writing and looked at Amaya. "Miss please, you can eat as long as you can keep your...noises... Down." He said with a small sigh of annoyance. Omi set down his chalk and turned to the class. "You know what, let's all introduce each other." @Am2aM
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