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Need Partners, Lots of Options! (Updated 10/1)(OPEN)


An actual deer



Hello there, I am Fern, and I am seeking 1 x 1 rp partners in a variety of genres.

I am an experienced roleplayer, and tend to have very detailed posts. I don't really have limits, and am comfortable with more mature roleplays. Read below for more info.


In a roleplaying partner, I am seeking:

-”Detailed” posts. I usually post 5 or so paragraphs per post on average, depending on the context and situation at hand. Please do not give me less that 3 paragraphs to work with.

-Someone who will roleplay in 3rd person, past tense.

-Someone who can help drive the plot.

-Someone who is online frequently enough to post at least once or twice a day.

-Someone who is open to romance, blood, violence, and other more mature topics (within the limits of the site rules).

-Someone who uses male characters and is comfortable with MxM pairings.

-Someone who is willing to chat/discuss things in OOC.
I like to be friends, or at least social with my partners, including planning things in the rp.

-Someone who will commit to one main character. Side characters are okay, but I have had issues in multiple Roleplays where there have been an overabundance of characters and it detracts from the quality and focus of the rp.


~Genres/RP Types~

*Currently, I will roleplay:

(Preferred roles are bolded where applicable)

-Werewolf/Vampire/Demon/Monster x Human (Modern)

-Master x Slave/Pet (Can be any genre, characters can be humans or any combination of beasties/non-humans)

-Scientist x Experiment/Specimen

-Bounty Hunter x Bounty

-Vampire Hunter x Vampire


-Zombie Apocalypse Survival (Only with an interesting plot)




-Anthro (Any genre above but with Anthro characters.)


*I am looking for a possible Romance aspect in all rp's.

*I am not comfortable playing female characters.
I also am not particularly interested in mxf pairings (with some possible exceptions)

*If you have a plot in mind, please share! I am usually open to anything, as long as it falls into one of my genres.

*I am happy to do "Sandbox"/Open Ended style rp's

*I prefer to rp in messages/"conversations" rather than on the actual forum, just easier for me to keep track of.

*I prefer to play non-human characters where applicable, but can be convinced to play one if you have a plot that intrigues me, and necessitates that I play a human.

*I do not do realistic or fandom based rp's

If you are at all interested in seeing my writing style/skill beforehand, I have a story going on here: Deerferns - Wattpad

(I also have multiple rp's going on in conversations if you'd prefer to see that.)​
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I'd love to do DNA Experimentation/Laboratory/Scientist x Experiment with you! Would you be okay with me being the experiment?
WolfOfProphecys said:
I'd love to do DNA Experimentation/Laboratory/Scientist x Experiment with you! Would you be okay with me being the experiment?
I can probably do that. The character I had inteded for this was an experiment, but I do have a character that is fairly versatile I could use as a scientist. Message me and we can discuss it further :)
Hello! I've been hankering to do a plot idea of mine and you seem like you'd be open to the sort of thing I want. It's a pretty gore-filled and dark plot, so you'd have to be open to some pretty gruesome violence. It would be set in a sort of vampire-run butchers market. A house where humans are either processed for slaughter or groomed for sale to other vampires. I figure the pairing could be any of a variety of stuff; human being groomed for sale x groomer vampire/purchaser, human trying to escape slaughter x sympathetic/uncaring vampire, pro-human killing vampire x anti-human killing vampire, captured vampire hunter x capturing vampire, etc... Whaddaya think?
mechanimated said:
Hello! I've been hankering to do a plot idea of mine and you seem like you'd be open to the sort of thing I want. It's a pretty gore-filled and dark plot, so you'd have to be open to some pretty gruesome violence. It would be set in a sort of vampire-run butchers market. A house where humans are either processed for slaughter or groomed for sale to other vampires. I figure the pairing could be any of a variety of stuff; human being groomed for sale x groomer vampire/purchaser, human trying to escape slaughter x sympathetic/uncaring vampire, pro-human killing vampire x anti-human killing vampire, captured vampire hunter x capturing vampire, etc... Whaddaya think?
You have me intrigued. Though It would depend on what type of character you would prefer to play. I am more used to playing a submissive role in roleplays like this, so that would be the ideal position for me. Though I can play a more dominant role but it would most likely go a bit rougher, since I am not used to it. I am very interested in the concept, though! Feel free to message me if you'd like to discuss it in greater length!!
Bumping this because I updated my info in the first post. Still looking for a couple more partners.
Hello! I used to rp a lot with male characters and tend to write a LOT when inspired!

I'd be really interested with the Demon/Vampire/Werewolf, post apocalyptic and fantasy rp themes! I'm unable to PM at the moment, but if you'd like to pm me first I'd be really grateful :)
I'd love to set up an RP or two with you and can easily workout something around the preferred settings you've listed. If you want we can hop to private discussions to iron out the details and get something going. Also, no need to worry about experience, I've years under my belt and am plenty competent.
Greg2344 said:
Interested in bounty hunter X bounty and I have some ideas!
Are you comfortable with the possibility of MxM romance? I only ask because sometimes people don't read everything in the post and get excited over a genre/rp type someone does. I just like to double check out of respect.

If so, then feel free to message me, I would love to hear your ideas :) .
Deerferns said:
Are you comfortable with the possibility of MxM romance? I only ask because sometimes people don't read everything in the post and get excited over a genre/rp type someone does. I just like to double check out of respect.
If so, then feel free to message me, I would love to hear your ideas :) .
Ah, sorry for being one of those fools who miss the most important details. I'm not comfortable doing MxM romance sorry, if you wanted we could still do a MxM pairing, but I suppose you're not interested in that?
Greg2344 said:
Ah, sorry for being one of those fools who miss the most important details. I'm not comfortable doing MxM romance sorry, if you wanted we could still do a MxM pairing, but I suppose you're not interested in that?
No worries, though most people do put that information in their posting for a reason. If you'd like, you can try me with your ideas, I may like one and want to run with it, but I can't make any promises. You can shoot me a message with your ideas if you'd like. If not, no hard feelings :)
FloatingAroundSpace said:
For Bounty Hunter x Bounty, would you consider making it Vampire Hunter x Vampire?
Absolutely! That was one I actually didn't think to add/slipped my mind.

Just double checking since multiple people have completely ignored some of the stuff in my post, are you okay with an MxM pairing and possibility of romance between the characters? Romance doesn't have to be central to the plot, but I like it to be an aspect/possibility in my rp's.

If you are cool with all that, feel free to shoot me a message. If you happen to have a plot in mind, I would love to hear it, as well.
Deerferns said:
Absolutely! That was one I actually didn't think to add/slipped my mind.
Just double checking since multiple people have completely ignored some of the stuff in my post, are you okay with an MxM pairing and possibility of romance between the characters? Romance doesn't have to be central to the plot, but I like it to be an aspect/possibility in my rp's.

If you are cool with all that, feel free to shoot me a message. If you happen to have a plot in mind, I would love to hear it, as well.
Perfectly fine with MxM. I've done them before and to be quite honest, I don't find there to be much difference between FxM, MxM, or FxF. The only thing that's different is the pronouns and the social context around those relationships. I will PM you shortly.
FloatingAroundSpace said:
Perfectly fine with MxM. I've done them before and to be quite honest, I don't find there to be much difference between FxM, MxM, or FxF. The only thing that's different is the pronouns and the social context around those relationships. I will PM you shortly.
Awesome, I look forward to it!
Hello there!

I'd be very interested in the Master x Slave/Pet. I do have an idea for it, maybe we can talk about it through PM? Also, English isn't my first or second language, so my posts are susualy short, but I can adapt to the post length of whoever I'm playing with - just a warning that there might be typos in longer posts.


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