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Fantasy (NEED MORE MEMBERS!) The Brothers Grimm m Fairytales

Nina look at Spot. 'Spot, you naughty puppy, don't bite on Calitxo...." Nina take is hand as she look at the black and white blood. She didn't want to say anything as she gently wrap her handkerchief around his hand. Nina look at him as she feel like he's sad for some reason "......Calitxo....can you close you're eyes....."

@Astaroth Suzumiya
Calixto look at nina as she wrap the napkin on his hand as he look back at her as he told him to close his eyes. he then nodded and close the both of his eyes and wait for what she will do next.

Nina look at him as she face turn red. She slowly kiss him on the lips.Her heart pounding as she dream of the kiss of true love, but will he return her feeling she wonder.

@Astaroth Suzumiya
"Well, this princess, she got long brown hair, and she got these real sad, blue eyes, and she paints a whole lot--"

Ed was surprised to see the tall woman with the black dress from earlier, and he smiled uncertainly at her.

"Well, two a' them went off with this pretty lady, somesuch princess I think, and..." Ed wondered briefly if he should just tell her about the abuse he'd witnessed, the strange events that had transpired, but he had enough sense not to do it right in front of the girl with the hood. "...and, well, I saw this young girl here who seemed like she needed some help. Turns out she's helpin' me seein' as I'm tryin' to find someone who's done disappeared."

@dorkling @MariLin
Calixto look at her back as he saw him kiss her fully on the lips it was true love he love her he love her and he was happy she love him back. as he close his eyes again and kiss her back it was true he love her truly with no lie.

Calixto look down while his eyes is close and he was blushing madly as he scratch the back of his head "well... .... .... im sorry i-i ... ... ... i love u im sorry .... i love u... u can punish me from my sin" he said.

Nina look at him. 'Nope......count to 30.....and try to find me...."Nina giggle as she get off of him and run and hide in the forest. She's feeling so happy that she finally got her true love and he love her return.

@Astaroth Suzumiya
Calixto smile as he feel her he never know from all the evil things he have done . what did he do with God to favor him giving him such a lovely flower. he will never know but he love her deep inside his heart and he promise that he will protect her he promise he will nurter her and always make her smile "alright fairy" he said with a smile as he start counting.

Nina keep running to find a perfect hiding place. "Oh but he's a wolf....he can smell me quickly.....I have to hide where he can find or smell me....hmmm..." The she see some flowers on the trees. She start climbing the tree and hide herself in some leaves and flowers.

@Astaroth Suzumiya
Calixto finish counting as he open up his eyes and look around as he stood up to find were she is tho she must know he is very well trained at remembering the scent of his preys. tho this time she was different she he grab his eyes patch and wore it back as he look around and walk silently as he chuckle and walk around the forest he then look around saw some leaves and flowers as he smirk and walk thought it but as he open it she wasn't there. he then laugh at his fail and search around for her.

Nina try not to giggle as she know that he might hear her with his super hearing. She suddenly feel something in her heart, like something trouble. Its was only a little as she thought it was nothing.

@Astaroth Suzumiya
Calixto ears perk up and look around "... ... ... " he notice he heard something like help but he dodge it of and notice a slight of bush move, he then smile as he walk silently and leap softly at nina "GOTCHA!" he said playfully as he laugh and tickle her.

Calixto laugh as he keep tickling her "wha its cute" he said with a chuckle and stop as he lay beside her on the flower bed and look at her as he smile and wonder why did she love him a low life wolf like him.

Nina smiles as she come close to him and close her eyes.And she stay there for a long hour...

Soon, it already dark, Nina get up as she headed back to the cabin and Spot is waiting for them return.

@Astaroth Suzumiya
Ashlynn left the grave site leaving behind to roses mounting her horse and riding into town she watched everyone moving past on the horse, feeling alone more than ever at a little barn she tied the horse up keeping an eye on her animal as she paid the owner of the barn to watch him while she walked around. She was essentially invisible no one noticed her, even though she was queen of a land, that her parents once ruled and now they were gone, presumed dead of all things, she had visited their tombstones even though there was no body. She sat down on a bench looking down at her silk shoes as she was getting them filthy not even caring, she went over to a woman and bought a new pair of shoes they weren't her normal silk but they were what everyone wore. She thought if I am invisible might as well dress it. she went around collecting clothes as she left her clothes for people to use she sat down in a pair of jeans and a sweater of blue her hair tied back.

(i kinda feel like when i write no one wants to roleplay unless i butt into someones conversation.)

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