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Fantasy (NEED MORE MEMBERS!) The Brothers Grimm m Fairytales

Tigergirl2013 said:
Ashlynn left the grave site leaving behind to roses mounting her horse and riding into town she watched everyone moving past on the horse, feeling alone more than ever at a little barn she tied the horse up keeping an eye on her animal as she paid the owner of the barn to watch him while she walked around. She was essentially invisible no one noticed her, even though she was queen of a land, that her parents once ruled and now they were gone, presumed dead of all things, she had visited their tombstones even though there was no body. She sat down on a bench looking down at her silk shoes as she was getting them filthy not even caring, she went over to a woman and bought a new pair of shoes they weren't her normal silk but they were what everyone wore. She thought if I am invisible might as well dress it. she went around collecting clothes as she left her clothes for people to use she sat down in a pair of jeans and a sweater of blue her hair tied back.
(i kinda feel like when i write no one wants to roleplay unless i butt into someones conversation.)
(lolz ahahahah then u should better do it for them to notice you :) )
"Aw, that's not true, he like you..." She said as she walk in with Spot.

Spot growl a the him a little as he look away and nuzzling Nina chest. Its look like a rivalry of Nina affection.

@Astaroth Suzumiya
Calixto laugh "yep he hates meh... that little devil" he said as he hear someone flying in the dark sky he know that sound before. that sound that killed his family "get inside now" he said to nina as his wolf ears twitch up. it was safe inside the cabin since there is salt so the witches cannot break in or enter.

Calixto look serious as they went inside he then sigh and look outside the window "well there back" he said with a frown. they saw nina and they want him dead he wish he could have been more careful.

"Calitxo.....I'm not a fairy....will I'm a human now, look at me....I'm not little....I have no wings which I'm glad I don't have it right now, and beside, its not you're faint......' Nina take his hands as she said it.

@Astaroth Suzumiya
Cora watched the goose flap its wings like it wanted her and Raven to follow. She followed the goose closely and ended up at a house, the one she had seen earlier. She saw a girl wearing all black, the boy which she guessed the goose belonged to as it sprinted to him and a girl which Cora hadn't seen much of before.

@MariLin @Doctor Jax @dorkling

Accaica Maleficent

The average heighted female observed the shorter one in red, hummimg slightly. "I sense...some negativity. Not counting myself," She chuckled a bit. "But, almost like someone has been fighting..abuse maybe?" She looked Malaya over before glancing back at Ed. Accaica didn't really care where the others were at, now, she was just focused in the two. "Well, that confirms my thoughts...What exactly do you need...'help' for?" Once she finished her sentence, she heard some obnoxious rustling of foilage, a girl, cat, and Clucky bursting in. The girl seemed familiar..
Raven saw the gathered crowd, she jumped off Coras shoulder and sauntered her way over slowly to where a girl she thought she recognised stared at the duo and clucky. Cora stared at her cat who wandered over to the girl in black like it recognised her and followed her cat with baffled look on her face. "Have we met before?" Cora asked the girl as a feeling of déjà vu kicked in.

Calixto smile and hug back as he look out of the window and notice they were gone. he then look back at her and smile as he look back at spot wanting to gain some attention. he then laugh at spot. he thought he was going to be a hunter with no heart and alone at life but then nina came to his life he was happy to have her but what if she turn small again will she love him or what if her kingdome finds out about this will she fight for him he know he will fight for her what ever will happen he will fight and save her he will make her special as much as he can aford in life.

Calixto smile "yeah...together" he said as he hug nina and chuckle he was still a little bit shy of this thing called Love it makes him crazy about it well hes crazy when it comes to nina.


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