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Fantasy (NEED MORE MEMBERS!) The Brothers Grimm m Fairytales

Calixto smile "well my t-shirt is wet im just gonna leave it there until it gets dry" he said as he look at her in the water "so are u going to get out of the water or ?" he said as he look at her.

Calixto smile as he hug her back "alright then we better get back to the cabin or u will get sick" he said teasingly as he went back in the water and get the bike "alright u can ride on my back ill get us home" he said as he get his t-shirt and place it in the basket as he wait for her.

Calixto smile "yep he misses u" he said as he went inside the cabin and grab a box "okey fairy this can be your new dresses." he said as he showed it to her. "hope u like then my big sis made them well when she was still alive"



@JessBeth (it was actualy big sis i forgot ahahaha xD )
Nina look at the dress and smiles as she take the dress. "Thank you...I'm going to change now and no peeping..." She said as she go on the bathroom and close the door.

Spot wanna to go in as he scratched the door and whimpering.

@Astaroth Suzumiya (I thought it a little sister )
Calixto nodded as he walk out the cabin and sit down the soft grass and remember the kisses she was her first kiss his very first kiss and he hope she will be his last and he close his eyes and sing as he remember what happening for the both of them in a short day it was very special memory he will forever cherish.



@JessBeth (yeah just think of it as a big sister eheheheh kinda got it wrong latetly)​
Nina slowly change into a dress as she look at herself in the mirror. "I going to tell him....I'm going to tell him how I feel about him....you can do it!" She said to herself. She come out as she show Cailtxo a dress. "How do I look?"

@Astaroth Suzumiya
Calixto look at her and smile "wow u look great with that" he said with a smile as he pick a flower and place it on her hair "now u look greater" he said with a smile as spot ran around the both of them.

Cora watched the boy talk to a girl through the house window so she crept away, she didn't want to intrude on anything. "They might've been talking about something sad." She told Raven who didn't even bother to look up at her. "Well that would make sense as the girl had tears in her eyes and looked like she was crying." Raven answered sarcastically while flicking her tail around. Cora frowned, she didn't remember casting a talking spell on Raven.


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