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Fantasy (NEED MORE MEMBERS!) The Brothers Grimm m Fairytales

Nina keep going as she smiling. "Look at me! I'm riding!" Then she see something up a head. "Wait, how do I stop? I'm going to--AAhhhhh!!!' It was too late when she ride down the hills. "HELP ME!!!!"

@Astaroth Suzumiya
Calixto turn into a wolf and ran fast to nina as nina land in his back and gently jump down the hill as they end up in the waterfall he then look at her "sorry ... are u alright? " he said as he look at her.

"Its not funny....dose that bike have a button to stop? I almost fell on that thorny bushes!" Nina look mad as she talk to him.
Calixto nodded "yeah sorry about that fairy i should have show u how to control the bike before making u ride it" he said and continue "but its nice to see u alright u could have got me worrying since u dint move the bike and just move forward" he said as he make a funny movement.

Calixto smile "awww cmon dont frown youre more cutter when smiling" he chuckle and continue "fairy what should i do to make u smile?" he ask while there are still in the water.

Ed opened his mouth, trying to think of a good reason why he'd come over. After all, hadn't there been someone else here, too...? He looked around a bit and said, "Well... I know you didn't want it, but you dropped yer hood, 'n I thought, maybe sometime you want it back." The farm boy noticed the welts raised on the younger girl's skin and frowned.

"Did... did someone here do that to ya?" he asked, pointing to one stripe on her shoulder.

Nina try not to giggle. "If you kiss me, I'll smiles...but if you don't, then....I'll stop talking at you...." She make a cute act as she turn around and swim to land.

@Astaroth Suzumiya
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Malaya nodded. "Dokken did. I deserved it anyway, so it's okay," she answered him. She backed away from the sight of the hood though. "Thanks for asking," she said, a bit flattered.
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Calixto was still blushing as he swim up and follow her in the land as he notice she was teasing so he will just play along "sure fairy if that will make u smile" he said as he kiss her in the cheeks althoe he wanted to kiss her in the lips he still respect her.

Nina suddenly in shocked that he really did kiss her, only on the cheek, as she a little disappointed. "Ah.....you kiss me....I thought you won't do it....." She feel like her face on fire and she said, " Not fair!" She accentually push him back in the water. 'Oosps!'

Calixto laugh as grab her hand and made her join with him in the water "its was very fair" he said with a smile as he look at her as the water and the shine shine her up making her more beautiful.

"This is for a payback...." Nina said as she make a quick kiss on the lips. "Gotcha!" She stick her toughe playfully.
Calixto blush again "hey that's not fair" he said with a chuckle as he swim out of the water as remove his wet top showing his muscularity and some of blade marks some scratch marks as he place his shirt it on the tree and sit down the soft grass.


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