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Futuristic Necromunda: Hive City


I believe there are very small bands of Chaos Cultist's deep in the underhive, but their numbers are small enough not to attract the attention of the Noble Houses or other Imperial authorities.

That's in the boardgame, however, not sure If the Gm himself would include them, but I'd likely imagine so.

Don't sure about Chaos Space Marines, however.......
A thousand sons coven.... in an underhive in necromunda.

What would they be doing there?

And why havent they atleast tried to conquer the hive I mean if they managed to get in then they probably have the abilities to summon some daemons.

Which again leads me to the question of what are they doing here? Is a copy of the liber chaotica hidden in the underhive or something?
There is a artifact he wants it's only like 1 son a few rubrics and some cultists looking for some chaos or xenos goody
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Well, I don't think we should get ahead of ourselves.

Let's wait for @Bone2pick to voice their opinion on the chances of Chaos Cultists being included in the Rp.

Personally, I see it as a bit of a stretch to include any sort of Space Marine unless they're Imperial Fist. 
"a few rubies"

This insinuates theres a sorcerer who has survived the rubric change, which means hes more then a bit powerful, again sufficiently powerful to not just get into the segmentum solar without being spotted by the inquisition... unless hes sufficiently powerful to obscure himself that much with his psy power in which case... why hasn't he summoned a horde of daemons to conquer the hive yet.

And again, what artifact would be located in the underhive of necromunda? I don't see how a literary work on the powers of chaos or on the secrets of warp powers would find its way there.
It is an idea i have that I do not want to sully explain and therefore ruin any future possibilities.  I will say this why has he not summoned daemons because he would rather be in an out without anyone knowing he was about. As for the artifact  how does lots of this shit get anywhere maybe a cult somehow moved it there maybe some Xenos came by thousands of years ago and got killed, whatever i can get it to be isn't a book. 
See you know what the issue is with this from a gameplay perspective.
We can't do anything against that, even a melta gun might not be enough to down a chaos sorcerer nor rubric marines, we would be entirely powerless to anything you would do so we would instead just avoid you hence leading to you not getting any interaction cause people dont wanna really have the balls to talk to a 10.000 year old chaos sorcerer and fighting one is even more idiotic.

And sure yeah fair enough, waiting for the GM it is.
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I get the  balance idea and see the concerns I am sure something can be worked out  we will see
Have to ask any chance for a small group of CSM to be hiding in the underhive? 

The heart of this roleplay is to explore the dangers and struggles that regularly impact Imperial Hive World residents.  With that understood, I wouldn't think any faction of Chaos Space Marines would make an appropriate player choice.  Putting them in our Hive could shift the (often neglected) 40k conflict of man vs man, to Imperium vs Chaos.  There's certainly room for characters to covertly worship or serve chaos, but it should be handled rather delicately; otherwise it might bleed into everyone else's story whether they wanted it to or not.

Great discussions so far.  I'm really pleased by the level of interest expressed here. My character will be a ganger/crime lord too, and it sounds like I'll have plenty of story crossover potential to work with.  :)
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An arbite enforcer. This was the first faction I saw when I discovered the tabletop game years ago and I always thought they looked great and held a soft spot for them. I noticed a few people in the thread seem to want to play as them so if they'd be willing to work with me I'd be happy to play the rookie in the team. Maybe we could even form a precinct? 

I don't want to sway you away from your other character concepts, but I certainly like this one.  It would also please me if a few of the Arbiters were slightly (totally?) corrupt... 

It is Necromunda after all. ;)  
Cash, Addy, Mel and I are all planning on playing Enforcers. But can you say 'Imperial Zealot with a flamethrower' quickly ten times? 
This seems really interesting, I've just recently been introduced to the 40k universe (largely through quests over on SV), and would really love to join in the RP if possible. 
Because of the open world freedom of this roleplay and the multiple thread structure it will support, everyone is welcome to join.  The Hive is enormous, and the more people create and engage the better. I'm looking forward to launching Hive City soon just so I can see what everyone will bring to the table. ?
Defnitely interested.

but i have a question: are only humans allowed, or can our characters be xenos (not counting abhumans)?
Defnitely interested.

but i have a question: are only humans allowed, or can our characters be xenos (not counting abhumans)?

Xenos? No.  Again, that would spoil the heart of the roleplay, which is to focus on Hive World residents.  But abhumans like squats, ratlings, and ogryns are acceptable.

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