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Fandom Naruto: The New Age Of Shinobi

Mitchs98 said:
@Sinister Clown @National @Isune
Senki Tazuya

Senki just..kinda shimmied off to the side once the fighting got started. Once it started moving further into the village she ran after them, making sure to keep a safe distance away. Lucky for them she could heal from a range, so she could be of some use even if she couldn't fight well. Once she caught up she set to work performing the nessacary hand seals once noticing Kien was heavily injured, "
Yin Release: Wide Healing!" She shouted. Soon after a soft green glow surrounded Kien and Soetsu, setting to work healing their injuries as Senki concentrated. Kien was more injured than Soetsu by far so soon the glow faded from him and intensified around Kien.

Soon enough Kien would find his shoulder in working order and most of his bleeding wounds closing up as well as his burns mostly healed. Releasing the Jutsu Senki sighed, she wished she could help fight but she assumed that'd be useful, at least. She jumped into a nearby tree and readied herself to fire senbon at either Uta or the new bald guy, depending on if the bald guy was friend or foe. Senki hadn't arrived in time to see him punch Kien, so she wasn't sure.
:3 Mitchs....Mr. Baldy ain't there anymore xD
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Chara Angel of Death]Notice me Gowther senpai [/QUOTE] He's not on right now I don't think xD I'm trying to get to him through skype and it ain't working xD And yes [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/24115-mitchs98/ said:
@Mitchs98[/URL] now you know why I was laughing xD
Sinister Clown]He's not on right now I don't think xD I'm trying to get to him through skype and it ain't working xD And yes [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/24115-mitchs98/ said:
@Mitchs98[/URL] now you know why I was laughing xD
Indeed. Indeed I do. Lol.
I just now realized that I could have given Soestu the ability to summon lady *insert name here...its the slug*can he still do it because he has the seal released and that is one of the ways to summon her if I remember right? xD
Sinister Clown]He's not on right now I don't think xD I'm trying to get to him through skype and it ain't working xD And yes [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/24115-mitchs98/ said:
@Mitchs98[/URL] now you know why I was laughing xD

Give me that fucker boi.
Lol........Keep in mind, my username was an inside joke that only certain people will ever understand xD pothead.taylor69 (Makes me cringe typing this xD )
[QUOTE="Sinister Clown]Lol........Keep in mind, my username was an inside joke that only certain people will ever understand xD pothead.taylor69 (Makes me cringe typing this xD )

I. Have no words....
[QUOTE="Kinzu Hekmatyar]I'm sorry to state but I'll be pulling out of this rp , it just too quick pace for me. Now that school and work picked up.

Ahh, that might have been my fault in a sense but I understand
Sinister Clown]@ScytheMeister7 @Chara Angel of Death @femjapanriceball [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/14212-galen-ardila/ said:
@Galen Ardila[/URL] @ToshimaSuzuki @NyxNightmare
Gonna wait for all of these people to post before continuing >.> I don't want to leave everyone behind
All da people. You don't have to worry about me tbh, though I'll post for Rin in a sec.
Lol, yeah I didn't realize there was that many but I'm not sure how many of them are actually active.
femjapanriceball said:
aahh alerts broke :/ need a catch up...
I can summarize, Basically the kage's are meeting with each other in Kaigangakure (Which right now seems to be the main place of activity atm). Kaigangakure forces are trying to capture (Some trying to kill @Isune *Wink* *Wink*) Uta mostly actually. Not much over all has happened, Haganegakure is looking to do a chuunin exams which I may try get the other villages on so no one's left out. Yugakure hasn't got much happening at the moment besides a jinchuuriki falling at their front doorstep.

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