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Fandom Naruto: The New Age Of Shinobi

[QUOTE="Chara Angel of Death]Has the IC started yet or am I just in time for it's birth? eue

The thread hasn't started yet no, I'm currently waiting to add the lore and finish making the antagonist group etc. (I also have to finish of writing the CS for my kage) once those things are done and all the ranks are confirmed I'll probably start the IC.
The lore is finished if anyone wanted to check that out, once both Village's have at least two Jounin and a few lower ranks we'll start.
Currently making a travelling medical-nin. Since those of the requirements I'll have them eventually join your village in teh RP. I'll also make a Jounin if needed. *shrug*
*now just realized that it might be a smarter idea to have a medical ninja* too late now, I'm almost done.
[QUOTE="Sinister Clown]Oh and feel free to start the IC whenever you guys want to ^-^

You do the first post pls. Doing the first post irks me D:
Well, I don't really know how to start it? Like should we start it in the middle of some event or will everyone do the whole process of getting up, doing their usual thing before eventually interacting with each other...
[QUOTE="Sinister Clown]Well, I don't really know how to start it? Like should we start it in the middle of some event or will everyone do the whole process of getting up, doing their usual thing before eventually interacting with each other...

That's my dilema. I generally prefer casual interaction before diving into the action though.
I was thinking more something for a reason for people to be gathered more in one place so they could interact.

I was thinking depending on if any of the Village's have at least 3 Genin. We could have both village's starting with getting into squads.
[QUOTE="Sinister Clown]I was thinking more something for a reason for people to be gathered more in one place so they could interact.
I was thinking depending on if any of the Village's have at least 3 Genin. We could have both village's starting with getting into squads.

Seems legit. Neither of them have 3 genin's yet though, at-least not PC's
Mitchs98 said:
Seems legit. Neither of them have 3 genin's yet though, at-least not PC's
Yeah I just realized, there are more Chunin than anything. Two genin would be enough since Chunin's will need a squad as well, typically the chunin of the squads could be Group captain or whatever.
[QUOTE="Sinister Clown]Yeah I just realized, there are more Chunin than anything. Two genin would be enough since Chunin's will need a squad as well, typically the chunin of the squads could be Group captain or whatever.

One would figure there'd be more high ranks than middle ranks requested, but for once the norm is not the norm xD . And yea that could work.
Mitchs98 said:
One would figure there'd be more high ranks than middle ranks requested, but for once the norm is not the norm xD . And yea that could work.
Well, I'm more focused on trying to keep things even and a little more organized than normal..Since in a sense we need Genin for the Rp as well as high ranks I'm more focused on them. I will be getting in more high ranks (Like more Kage's to join in and stir trouble) but that will come a little later.
[QUOTE="Sinister Clown]Well, I'm more focused on trying to keep things even and a little more organized than normal..Since in a sense we need Genin for the Rp as well as high ranks I'm more focused on them. I will be getting in more high ranks (Like more Kage's to join in and stir trouble) but that will come a little later.

Yeah, true. Seems legit.
I edited the mechanics page..If you guys could make sure your CS's fit the requirements (Right now they aren't too detailed on what you can and can't do but hopefully it's enough so people get enough of a gist)
[QUOTE="Sinister Clown]I edited the mechanics page..If you guys could make sure your CS's fit the requirements (Right now they aren't too detailed on what you can and can't do but hopefully it's enough so people get enough of a gist)

*stare* ('OoO') y u do dis.

But seriously. Is it alright if I edit my Kage, in this case, and now that I'm in a slightly less medication induced state of sleep?
Well, I thought the only official way to make sure people understand who is meant to be stronger than the other I put those there...I'm pretty sure they shouldn't interfere with too many people's CS's....

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