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Fandom Naruto: The New Age Of Shinobi

Well....there has been a fourty ear old genin.....but joining are USUALLY between 20 40
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Naruto is sorta sketchy on ages. For example yagura looks like a damn 12 year old, when he was really like 30
I've watched the original series, shippuden and Gaiden, but I STILL don't understand how all the fighting moves and what not work lmao.

Omg Itachi and sasuke's bromance. But I agree with your statement. @ScytheMeister7
ScytheMeister7 said:
I was kidding..I didn't intend to try reading it. Too many freaking flashbacks man.

LordGowther said:
@Mitchs98 I'd say 18+ just to be sure.
Alrighty then. 18 year old Jounin and 20 year old Kage..do-able. Onto finding pictures.. and attempting to write sheets..

Are we restricted to japanese names since this is ninja?
I've always been scared to do anything Naruto related, even something as sandboxy as this. The story is so complicated and intertwined that it's pretty difficult to get a solid hand on everyone's motives, sides, and everything else. I mean:

What the hell was up with the thing Itachi apparently put into Naruto one of the first times they met that allowed him to gain back control of his mind after he was resurrected? Seriously, wtf?
Is it wrong to want to make a sakura-esque character? I want to have a really intelligent shinobi that can also punch you through a mountain xD ...okay maybe he'll be able to punch through mountains later.
I'm personally leaning towards ripping off that chick with the million sword technique on bleachs' ability for my Kage move. Seems legit.. Though I can't exactly recall how Kage moves work, aren't they generally poised around the village I.E Fire, Mist, etc.? If not, I has plans. If so, I has no plans.
you know what, screw it I'm gonna make a Tsunade-esque character. Maybe I can give my character the strength of a hundred justsu....either that or I'll completely forget.
Isune said:
you know what, screw it I'm gonna make a Tsunade-esque character. Maybe I can give my character the strength of a hundred justsu....either that or I'll completely forget.
I hated Tsunade..for some reason I can't quite remember. ._.
I wasn't the biggest fan of sakura or jariyah...there was something about both that just bugged me. I loved Tsunade though, now I want to make a descendant of Tsunade...
LordGowther said:
Nah. It's really up to you to make your character unique @Mitchs98 for example, the second hokage was a master of water release
Innn that case: Awesome.

@Sinister Clown Which Kage are taken/being worked on so I know how to appropriately name my rank? I had another question but I forgot it. Lol.
The canon characters don't apply, but you could use her clan and stuff but technically Tsunade never existed in this world.
Mitchs98 said:
Innn that case: Awesome.
@Sinister Clown Which Kage are taken/being worked on so I know how to appropriately name my rank? I had another question but I forgot it. Lol.
Well, in the end of the lore, here was nothing left of the old Villages and they all eventually diminished. So it's up to you to decide what the village name is and stuff (I just made one myself).
Isune said:
I wasn't the biggest fan of sakura or jariyah...there was something about both that just bugged me. I loved Tsunade though, now I want to make a descendant of Tsunade...
Hated Sakura, loved Jariyah to death. Kakashi is life, so is Itachi, Sasuke pissed me off more times than I can count, and that's all I can say for now without going into an entire rant
yeah that's what I mean! Oh prepare for glorious mountain punching goodness. Now, if you'll excuse me I need to go and study up on Tsuande's clan because it has been forever since I've read or watched Naruto.

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