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Fandom Naruto: The New Age Of Shinobi

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/5688-209601874.jpg.7ad9383db249470be42af61d7ff5a919.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="96521" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/5688-209601874.jpg.7ad9383db249470be42af61d7ff5a919.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>(add on small mark in shape of rhombus with a light purple tint on the forehead)

First Name: Soestu

Clan Name (Last Name): Senju

Age: 29

Gender: Male

Height: 6'4

Weight: 200 lbs.

Attire Appearance/Clothing:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/ninja_boy_by_kuronekokoubou-d4o939l.jpg.c3912c42e7f9cc30b5d80f4ccd6f6e89.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="96522" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/ninja_boy_by_kuronekokoubou-d4o939l.jpg.c3912c42e7f9cc30b5d80f4ccd6f6e89.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> Just remove the symbol from the shirt, make the shorts into pants, and change the color of the jacket to grey.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/72045e7fdf8aba19115e2993144e1fb1.jpg.3cf046f2581b3a8fcf532f316a5f41a8.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="96526" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/72045e7fdf8aba19115e2993144e1fb1.jpg.3cf046f2581b3a8fcf532f316a5f41a8.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> no, just remove the scarf, the ribbons flowing from the front, make the clothing less baggy, remove the gloves, remove the separation of the two different sleeves, make the shoes into sandals, and change overall color to a darkish grey. Thank you for using your imagination xD .

Alias/Nickname: One man army

Affiliation (Village/Organization, if none place 'Rouge' or 'Traveler'):Kaigangakure

Rank (Ask me regarding this unless you choose Genin):Jounin

Personality: Soestu is a nice guy who may or may not be able to smash your spine in two if you get him mad. He cares very much about his genins and his entire village. However, that caring feeling may disappear if you get him mad. Once Soestu is angry, you'll be bound to find out why he's called the one man army. First impressions are also very important to Soestu. He expects and gives the best to not only his genins, but also the rest to the village. But once you get past his thick exterior, Soestu is a very nice guy who most people can call a friend.

History: Soestu was born into the Senju clan with a very happy mother and father. The loved their child very deeply and only wanted the best for him. The constantly gave him books to read, and whenever he was out with either of his parents to run errands, he always looked forward to heading home because he knew that his parents had sneaked a book into the purchase to surprise Soestu with later. Soestu was among the top few in his class back in his academy days. He seemed to be a quick learner and quickly mastered basic chakra control. However, after becoming a genuin things changed. Soestu was weak, his chakra control was amazing but his overall offensive and defensive capabilities were just lacking. This only pushed Soestu very far. He would not stop training, not until he was able to finally catch up to everyone else. It eventually came to the point where Soestu was about to give up. However, his skills in chakra control were soon noticed by a woman with a small rhombus like mark on her head. She told Soestu that people like him were great in field of medical ninjustu. Soestu agreed to the training and was ready for whatever came his way. However, this training was not what one would consider "medical ninjustu training". It was horrible, this woman practically strangled him whenever she got her hands on him. However, at the end of each session he learned a bit more about the rhombus on her forehead. She explained to him that the mark on her forehead was a sign of strength. Soestu wanted the mark, but thought that it would be near impossible to gain it. However, once he heard that he would just have to concentrate chakra he thought it'd be easy. But there was one problem, he would have to hold this for years before he'd have the mark. It took five years of chakra concentration in order to finally get the mark. But Soestu achieved the mark. It was a great accomplishment that did not go unnoticed. Many people noticed the rare mark on his forehead, but Soestu thought he was one of many. The truth was, the mark was rare, only those with a insane amount of chakra control were capable of forming the mark. Soestu eventually continued his training with the lady, but one day she didn't show up. It turned out, she left the village. The real question was, why? Soestu spent years looking for her, but eventually gave up. He was grateful for all he was taught and now hopes to pass it down to his students. Hopefully, that wish can come true.

Achievements/Crimes: (Only applies for ranked Shinobi and Rouge Shinobi): Soestu was one of the few people to release the yin seal and the monster strength that comes along with it due to his incredible chakra control. He is now one of the few medical ninja that are allowed onto the field of battle due to his strength of a hundred mark. He is also a Jounin and is very deserving of the title.

Chakra Natures: Earth Release Water Release Yin Release

Kekkei Genkai: Wood Release

Jutsu: Earth Release: Hiding Mole: this justu allows the user the change the earth around them to sand by channeling chakra into it. The user can dig through the ground with ease and can follow up with clones in order to create a sneak attack. The user can also seal up where the dug and restore the ground to normal. The user is not lost while underground however, they can sense where everyone and everything is by using magnetic forces.

Earth Release: Earth Corridor: This technique causes the earth in the surrounding area to rise up over a target and create a cavern, imprisoning the target. The user can leave an opening to allow attacks to go in to strike down the trapped adversaries, or close it up completely to prevent escape.

Earth Release: My Prisoner: This justu allows the user to create a wall out earth that creates two shackles for the target's arms. It is very hard to escape and makes for an very easy way to follow up with any attack of the user's choice.

Water Release: Water Trumpet: The user launches a large jet of water from their mouth through their hand.

Water Release: Water Bowl: The user emits a continuous jet of water from their hand to strike the enemy and or their attack.

Water Release: Water Dragon Bullet: The Water Release: Water Dragon Bullet Technique shapes a large amount of water into a giant, powerful dragon, which hits the opponent with formidable might, dealing physical damage. The ideal place to use it is near a body of water, but if the user's skill allows it, it is possible to use it even in a place where there is none. The amount of water used will be in proportion with the user's skill.

Yin Release: Mystical Palm Technique: The Mystical Palm technique allows the user to emit chakra from the hands and into the wounded person's body. However, the worse the wound is, the more chakra is required in order to heal it. Only those with a high amount of chakra control can use this technique, and must be wary not to put too much chakra into their patient's body.

Yin Seal: Release: After focusing and storing an amount of chakra over a period of time in the Strength of a Hundred Seal on the user's forehead, the user can release any amount of chakra with this technique by dispersing the seal and pumping the stored chakra back into the user's body. After the stored chakra from the Strength of a Hundred Seal is used, if there is any leftover chakra, the user may use it to re-form the seal.

Yin Release: Strength of a Hundred Seal: A seal which is reputed to be the pinnacle of chakra control. By storing a vast amounts of chakra over an extended period of time into a specific point on their body — usually the forehead — the user creates this seal, which manifests in the form of a rhombus-like marking. Once the seal is formed, the user's already impressive chakra control allows them to perform techniques without any wasted energy. When released, the seal will either spread across the user's face or wrap around their entire body. The stored chakra is then released into their body, greatly amplifying the power of their techniques. It should be noted that once the seal is released, it will permanently remain in the center of the user's forehead, presumably so that the user can keep on benefiting from its effects.

Yin Release: Chakra Enhanced Strength: This is a technique where the user focuses chakra into their hands and feet using precise chakra control and releases it with pinpoint timing. Combined with the users natural stength, it can result in the ability to punch solid rock in multiple pieces.

Wood Release: Great Forest Technique: A technique that changes one's own arm into big trees. Using chakra, the tissues are transformed into trees at the cellular level. Then, by activating the trees, stimulating them to grow rapidly, they lengthen at high speed and fork into many branches. It is possible to capture the enemy with these branches and at the same time, if one changes the ends into sharp stakes, turn them into countless, sharp, spear-like piercing weapons.

Wood Release: Hobi Technique: Using Wood Release, the user creates a dome-like defensive structure that completely surrounds which takes the form of a dragon's face. This dome is split slightly down the middle and can be opened on the user's command.

Natural Skills/Techniques: Excellent cook and very book smart.


  • Taijustu is amazingly above average, add on the strength of a hundred seal to create devastating power
  • Great perception
  • Normally able to predict opponents next move after fighting for a while
  • Incredible chakra control
  • Naturally strong
  • Due to medical ninjustu training, knows most of the body by heart and has extensive knowledge on vital regions.


  • Is prone to the occasional outburst of anger(usually resulting in Soestu punching someone's spine in half)
  • No well trained in weaponry and how to defend against them aside from kunai and shuriken
  • Can't handle any form of alcohol (although I have no idea as to how this'll come into play)
  • Easily offended

Other: Usually has herbs and books on hand (What? He likes to take reading breaks).



  • 5688-209601874.jpg
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  • ninja_boy_by_kuronekokoubou-d4o939l.jpg
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Last edited by a moderator:
Isune said:
View attachment 214916(add on small mark in shape of rhombus with a light purple tint on the forehead)

First Name: Soestu

Clan Name (Last Name): Senju

Age: 29

Gender: Male

Height: 6'4

Weight: 200 lbs.

Attire Appearance/Clothing:

View attachment 214917 Just remove the symbol from the shirt, make the shorts into pants, and change the color of the jacket to grey.

View attachment 214922 no, just remove the scarf, the ribbons flowing from the front, make the clothing less baggy, remove the gloves, remove the separation of the two different sleeves, make the shoes into sandals, and change overall color to a darkish grey. Thank you for using your imagination xD .

Alias/Nickname: One man army

Affiliation (Village/Organization, if none place 'Rouge' or 'Traveler'):Kaigangakure

Rank (Ask me regarding this unless you choose Genin):Jounin

Personality: Soestu is a nice guy who may or may not be able to smash your spine in two if you get him mad. He cares very much about his genins and his entire village. However, that caring feeling may disappear if you get him mad. Once Soestu is angry, you'll be bound to find out why he's called the one man army. First impressions are also very important to Soestu. He expects and gives the best to not only his genins, but also the rest to the village. But once you get past his thick exterior, Soestu is a very nice guy who most people can call a friend.

History: Soestu was born into the Senju clan with a very happy mother and father. The loved their child very deeply and only wanted the best for him. The constantly gave him books to read, and whenever he was out with either of his parents to run errands, he always looked forward to heading home because he knew that his parents had sneaked a book into the purchase to surprise Soestu with later. Soestu was among the top few in his class back in his academy days. He seemed to be a quick learner and quickly mastered basic chakra control. However, after becoming a genuin things changed. Soestu was weak, his chakra control was amazing but his overall offensive and defensive capabilities were just lacking. This only pushed Soestu very far. He would not stop training, not until he was able to finally catch up to everyone else. It eventually came to the point where Soestu was about to give up. However, his skills in chakra control were soon noticed by a woman with a small rhombus like mark on her head. She told Soestu that people like him were great in field of medical ninjustu. Soestu agreed to the training and was ready for whatever came his way. However, this training was not what one would consider "medical ninjustu training". It was horrible, this woman practically strangled him whenever she got her hands on him. However, at the end of each session he learned a bit more about the rhombus on her forehead. She explained to him that the mark on her forehead was a sign of strength. Soestu wanted the mark, but thought that it would be near impossible to gain it. However, once he heard that he would just have to concentrate chakra he thought it'd be easy. But there was one problem, he would have to hold this for years before he'd have the mark. It took five years of chakra concentration in order to finally get the mark. But Soestu achieved the mark. It was a great accomplishment that did not go unnoticed. Many people noticed the rare mark on his forehead, but Soestu thought he was one of many. The truth was, the mark was rare, only those with a insane amount of chakra control were capable of forming the mark. Soestu eventually continued his training with the lady, but one day she didn't show up. It turned out, she left the village. The real question was, why? Soestu spent years looking for her, but eventually gave up. He was grateful for all he was taught and now hopes to pass it down to his students. Hopefully, that wish can come true.

Achievements/Crimes: (Only applies for ranked Shinobi and Rouge Shinobi): Soestu was one of the few people to release the yin seal and the monster strength that comes along with it due to his incredible chakra control. He is now one of the few medical ninja that are allowed onto the field of battle due to his strength of a hundred mark. He is also a Jounin and is very deserving of the title.

Chakra Natures: Earth Release Water Release Yin Release

Kekkei Genkai: Wood Release

Jutsu: Earth Release: Hiding Mole: this justu allows the user the change the earth around them to sand by channeling chakra into it. The user can dig through the ground with ease and can follow up with clones in order to create a sneak attack. The user can also seal up where the dug and restore the ground to normal. The user is not lost while underground however, they can sense where everyone and everything is by using magnetic forces.

Earth Release: Earth Corridor: This technique causes the earth in the surrounding area to rise up over a target and create a cavern, imprisoning the target. The user can leave an opening to allow attacks to go in to strike down the trapped adversaries, or close it up completely to prevent escape.

Earth Release: My Prisoner: This justu allows the user to create a wall out earth that creates two shackles for the target's arms. It is very hard to escape and makes for an very easy way to follow up with any attack of the user's choice.

Water Release: Water Trumpet: The user launches a large jet of water from their mouth through their hand.

Water Release: Water Bowl: The user emits a continuous jet of water from their hand to strike the enemy and or their attack.

Water Release: Water Dragon Bullet: The Water Release: Water Dragon Bullet Technique shapes a large amount of water into a giant, powerful dragon, which hits the opponent with formidable might, dealing physical damage. The ideal place to use it is near a body of water, but if the user's skill allows it, it is possible to use it even in a place where there is none. The amount of water used will be in proportion with the user's skill.

Yin Release: Mystical Palm Technique: The Mystical Palm technique allows the user to emit chakra from the hands and into the wounded person's body. However, the worse the wound is, the more chakra is required in order to heal it. Only those with a high amount of chakra control can use this technique, and must be wary not to put too much chakra into their patient's body.

Yin Seal: Release: After focusing and storing an amount of chakra over a period of time in the Strength of a Hundred Seal on the user's forehead, the user can release any amount of chakra with this technique by dispersing the seal and pumping the stored chakra back into the user's body. After the stored chakra from the Strength of a Hundred Seal is used, if there is any leftover chakra, the user may use it to re-form the seal.

Yin Release: Strength of a Hundred Seal: A seal which is reputed to be the pinnacle of chakra control. By storing a vast amounts of chakra over an extended period of time into a specific point on their body — usually the forehead — the user creates this seal, which manifests in the form of a rhombus-like marking. Once the seal is formed, the user's already impressive chakra control allows them to perform techniques without any wasted energy. When released, the seal will either spread across the user's face or wrap around their entire body. The stored chakra is then released into their body, greatly amplifying the power of their techniques. It should be noted that once the seal is released, it will permanently remain in the center of the user's forehead, presumably so that the user can keep on benefiting from its effects.

Yin Release: Chakra Enhanced Strength: This is a technique where the user focuses chakra into their hands and feet using precise chakra control and releases it with pinpoint timing. Combined with the users natural stength, it can result in the ability to punch solid rock in multiple pieces.

Wood Release: Great Forest Technique: A technique that changes one's own arm into big trees. Using chakra, the tissues are transformed into trees at the cellular level. Then, by activating the trees, stimulating them to grow rapidly, they lengthen at high speed and fork into many branches. It is possible to capture the enemy with these branches and at the same time, if one changes the ends into sharp stakes, turn them into countless, sharp, spear-like piercing weapons.

Wood Release: Hobi Technique: Using Wood Release, the user creates a dome-like defensive structure that completely surrounds which takes the form of a dragon's face. This dome is split slightly down the middle and can be opened on the user's command.

Natural Skills/Techniques: Excellent cook and very book smart.


  • Taijustu is amazingly above average, add on the strength of a hundred seal to create devastating power
  • Great perception
  • Normally able to predict opponents next move after fighting for a while
  • Incredible chakra control
  • Naturally strong
  • Due to medical ninjustu training, knows most of the body by heart and has extensive knowledge on vital regions.


  • Is prone to the occasional outburst of anger(usually resulting in Soestu punching someone's spine in half)
  • No well trained in weaponry and how to defend against them aside from kunai and shuriken
  • Can't handle any form of alcohol (although I have no idea as to how this'll come into play)
  • Easily offended

Other: Usually has herbs and books on hand (What? He likes to take reading breaks).

Accepted, you're good to go :P

First Name: Yukio

Clan Name : Yoshiro

Age: 14

Gender: Male

Height: 5'5

Weight: 120

Affiliation: Haganegakure

Rank : Genin

Personality: Yukio is a friendly and open person that is happy all the time and sees the positive thing in everything. He can be a clown most of the time but when its time for missions he gets real serious. Despite his funny attitude Yukio is really smart and he will plan his strategies for battle. He loves having fun, but he trains a lot as well. He says that his happy attitude is sticky because he got an ANBU laugh once.

History: Yukio was born inside a hostile environment because his mother is from Kaigangakure,but she always said that the 2 villages were going to become friends eventually. Yukio was raised under those word and he was proud that his mother was able to ignore what people said and married his father. When he was 6 he started training medical ninjutsu and steel release. When he graduated from the academy he was one of the best graduates. He dreams on becoming the next Haganekage or at least its counselor, and that's why his motto is: " I'm not training for me I'm trainig for the village because when I'm Haganekage I'll have to protect the entire village!"

Chakra Natures: Steel release, Fire release.


Steel release: steel armor: With this jutsu its user cloaks intself in steel chakra, increasing its strength and endurance( he uses it when he uses taijutsu)

Steel release: Steel manipulation: With this jutsu the user is able to bind metal that has ben charged with its chakara into what ever the user wants but ist size will depend on the amount of metal he is using.

As a medical ninja he has areally good chakra control and he applies in to create superhuman strength in combintaion with his Steel armor jutsu

Really good medical abilities

Fire release: Fire ball jutsu: With this jutsu the user charges chakra an expells it out of its mouth as aform of a fireball

Fire release: Fire bullet: With this jutsu the use is able to create a more concentrated firebal that the fire ball jutsu making it able to deal more damage.

Natural Skills/Techniques: He is really good in medical ninjutsu and taijutsu

Strengths:Medical ninjutsu

His really good chakra control


Weaknesses: He takes too much time planing his strategies which is a problem during battle
Konoha said:

First Name: Yukio

Clan Name : Yoshiro

Age: 14

Gender: Male

Height: 5'5

Weight: 120

Affiliation: Haganegakure

Rank : Genin

Personality: Yukio is a friendly and open person that is happy all the time and sees the positive thing in everything. He can be a clown most of the time but when its time for missions he gets real serious. Despite his funny attitude Yukio is really smart and he will plan his strategies for battle. He loves having fun, but he trains a lot as well. He says that his happy attitude is sticky because he got an ANBU laugh once.

History: Yukio was born inside a hostile environment because his mother is from Kaigangakure,but she always said that the 2 villages were going to become friends eventually. Yukio was raised under those word and he was proud that his mother was able to ignore what people said and married his father. When he was 6 he started training medical ninjutsu and steel release. When he graduated from the academy he was one of the best graduates. He dreams on becoming the next Haganekage or at least its counselor, and that's why his motto is: " I'm not training for me I'm trainig for the village because when I'm Haganekage I'll have to protect the entire village!"

Chakra Natures: Steel release, Fire release.


Steel release: steel armor: With this jutsu its user cloaks intself in steel chakra, increasing its strength and endurance( he uses it when he uses taijutsu)

Steel release: Steel manipulation: With this jutsu the user is able to bind metal that has ben charged with its chakara into what ever the user wants but ist size will depend on the amount of metal he is using.

As a medical ninja he has areally good chakra control and he applies in to create superhuman strength in combintaion with his Steel armor jutsu

Really good medical abilities

Fire release: Fire ball jutsu: With this jutsu the user charges chakra an expells it out of its mouth as aform of a fireball

Fire release: Fire bullet: With this jutsu the use is able to create a more concentrated firebal that the fire ball jutsu making it able to deal more damage.

Natural Skills/Techniques: He is really good in medical ninjutsu and taijutsu

Strengths:Medical ninjutsu

His really good chakra control


Weaknesses: He takes too much time planing his strategies which is a problem during battle
Konoha said:

First Name: Yukio

Clan Name : Yoshiro

Age: 14

Gender: Male

Height: 5'5

Weight: 120

Affiliation: Haganegakure

Rank : Genin

Personality: Yukio is a friendly and open person that is happy all the time and sees the positive thing in everything. He can be a clown most of the time but when its time for missions he gets real serious. Despite his funny attitude Yukio is really smart and he will plan his strategies for battle. He loves having fun, but he trains a lot as well. He says that his happy attitude is sticky because he got an ANBU laugh once.

History: Yukio was born inside a hostile environment because his mother is from Kaigangakure,but she always said that the 2 villages were going to become friends eventually. Yukio was raised under those word and he was proud that his mother was able to ignore what people said and married his father. When he was 6 he started training medical ninjutsu and steel release. When he graduated from the academy he was one of the best graduates. He dreams on becoming the next Haganekage or at least its counselor, and that's why his motto is: " I'm not training for me I'm trainig for the village because when I'm Haganekage I'll have to protect the entire village!"

Chakra Natures: Steel release, Fire release.


Steel release: steel armor: With this jutsu its user cloaks intself in steel chakra, increasing its strength and endurance( he uses it when he uses taijutsu)

Steel release: Steel manipulation: With this jutsu the user is able to bind metal that has ben charged with its chakara into what ever the user wants but ist size will depend on the amount of metal he is using.

As a medical ninja he has areally good chakra control and he applies in to create superhuman strength in combintaion with his Steel armor jutsu

Really good medical abilities

Fire release: Fire ball jutsu: With this jutsu the user charges chakra an expells it out of its mouth as aform of a fireball

Fire release: Fire bullet: With this jutsu the use is able to create a more concentrated firebal that the fire ball jutsu making it able to deal more damage.

Natural Skills/Techniques: He is really good in medical ninjutsu and taijutsu

Strengths:Medical ninjutsu

His really good chakra control


Weaknesses: He takes too much time planing his strategies which is a problem during battle
Looks good to me, even though you're already accepted :P

(his hair is waist length)

First Name: Setsuna

Clan Name (Last Name): Jaganoto

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Height: 5'6

Weight: Unknown

Attire Appearance/Clothing:

Alias/Nickname: The Juggernaut

Affiliation (Village/Organization, if none place 'Rouge' or 'Traveler'): Haganegakure

Rank (Ask me regarding this unless you choose Genin): Chunin


Sage is a kind person but he is vain and very confident in his appearance as well as cheeky to a fault. He is somewhat sarcastic , he makes snarky remarks in and out of battle. He is a fanboy at heart , a trait he gained from his father who he looks up to greatly. He is also very sensitive at times to the point he will cry if he is offended or hurt. He is also very smart and will brag if he gets the urge to. He can be insensitive and rude but will feel bad if he realizes he has done wrong. Sage has a terrible temper and hardly anyone can stop him when he gets mad. Sage gives no sh*ts about self-preservation at times. Sage is not easily intimidated , he could stick his tongue out at a growling tiger or lion. He also extremely flirty and sexual with men he is attracted to and has no problems flirting with females to get what he wants.

Other part of his vanity is his love of his hair , he also is very protective of it , because hurting his hair is weakening him. If someone hurts his hair he will fly in a blind rage and beat the offender to near death.

History: Setsuna was born into the main branch family of the Jaganoto clan , one of the smaller clans in Haganegakure who was renowned for their ability to seeming take a opponents strength and using it against never knowing that hitting them was how their enemies was gaining power. The clan was one of the kinder clans as they let me roam their clan compound and use their shops but they were proud and because of this Setsuna was put under pressure to be the best.

He trained ever since he was 4 years old to use his kekkei genkai and fire release as well as training his body extremely hard. When he entered the academy he made many friends and always got high marks. He eventually became chunin when he was 14.

Achievements/Crimes: (Only applies for ranked Shinobi and Rouge Shinobi): He gained the title of Juggernaut after defeating a A rank rouge

Chakra Natures: Fire , Wind



Small Wind Blast

Rank: D


The user expells a gust of air that abbrasivly cuts at the target

Name: Fuuton: Minawana no Jutsu (Wind Release: Snapping Air Bullet)

Rank: C

Range: Medium-Long (5m~20m)

Type: Ninjutsu

CP: 5

Elemental Affinity: Wind

Description: A technique where the user gathers air particles into their finger until it shows a small twister on the index finger. The user then covers it with their thumb and snaps at a target. The snap causes a small but fast moving shard of air at the target. The shard can penetrate a normal human body when hit.

Name: Fuuton: Daitoppa (Great Breakthrough)

Rank: C Rank

Type: Ninjutsu

Range: Close-Long (0m~15m)

Elemental Affinity: Fuuton (Wind)

CP: 5

Description: This is a Ninjutsu which utilizes the Wind Element. After bringing their hands to their mouth, the user will blow a large blast of wind capable of leveling almost anything in its way.


Fire Ball Jutsu

Jutsu Type: Ninjutsu

Rank: C

Chakra Cost: 5

RP Description: The User blows out a ball of fire to engulf the target

Entou no Jutsu (Flame Sword Technique)

Jutsu Type: Ninjutsu

Rank: C

Chakra Cost: 5

RP Description: The user creates a flame sowrd made of pure chakra in thier hands to use as a weapon

Enkoudate no Jutsu (Blazing Shield Technique)

Jutsu Type: Ninjutsu

Rank: B

Chakra Cost: 8

RP Description: The User creates a flaming wall to block for them

Enkouu no Jutsu (Fiery Rain Technique)

Jutsu Type: Ninjutsu

Rank: B

Chakra Cost: 8

RP Description: Using this technique, the user is able to alter the particle floating around in the air and

create an effect very much akin to a rain of fire.

Natural Skills/Techniques:

( I use modern things to show his skill cause I could not find a non op naruto term)

*Extremely strong - He can send a grown man flying with a punch

*Extremely durably- He can take the hit of several missiles without injure.

*Sex appeal - He is very attractive and he knows , he has no problem using it to his advantage.

*Great Reflexes- He can dodge and weave around a hail of gunfire from a machine gun


His looks and Strength


His temper and hair

Other: He wants kids
djinnamon said:

(his hair is waist length)

First Name: Setsuna

Clan Name (Last Name): Jaganoto

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Height: 5'6

Weight: Unknown

Attire Appearance/Clothing:

Alias/Nickname: The Juggernaut

Affiliation (Village/Organization, if none place 'Rouge' or 'Traveler'): Haganegakure

Rank (Ask me regarding this unless you choose Genin): Chunin


Sage is a kind person but he is vain and very confident in his appearance as well as cheeky to a fault. He is somewhat sarcastic , he makes snarky remarks in and out of battle. He is a fanboy at heart , a trait he gained from his father who he looks up to greatly. He is also very sensitive at times to the point he will cry if he is offended or hurt. He is also very smart and will brag if he gets the urge to. He can be insensitive and rude but will feel bad if he realizes he has done wrong. Sage has a terrible temper and hardly anyone can stop him when he gets mad. Sage gives no sh*ts about self-preservation at times. Sage is not easily intimidated , he could stick his tongue out at a growling tiger or lion. He also extremely flirty and sexual with men he is attracted to and has no problems flirting with females to get what he wants.

Other part of his vanity is his love of his hair , he also is very protective of it , because hurting his hair is weakening him. If someone hurts his hair he will fly in a blind rage and beat the offender to near death.

History: Setsuna was born into the main branch family of the Jaganoto clan , one of the smaller clans in Haganegakure who was renowned for their ability to seeming take a opponents strength and using it against never knowing that hitting them was how their enemies was gaining power. The clan was one of the kinder clans as they let me roam their clan compound and use their shops but they were proud and because of this Setsuna was put under pressure to be the best.

He trained ever since he was 4 years old to use his kekkei genkai and fire release as well as training his body extremely hard. When he entered the academy he made many friends and always got high marks. He eventually became chunin when he was 14.

Achievements/Crimes: (Only applies for ranked Shinobi and Rouge Shinobi): He gained the title of Juggernaut after defeating a A rank rouge

Chakra Natures: Fire , Wind



Small Wind Blast

Rank: D


The user expells a gust of air that abbrasivly cuts at the target

Name: Fuuton: Minawana no Jutsu (Wind Release: Snapping Air Bullet)

Rank: C

Range: Medium-Long (5m~20m)

Type: Ninjutsu

CP: 5

Elemental Affinity: Wind

Description: A technique where the user gathers air particles into their finger until it shows a small twister on the index finger. The user then covers it with their thumb and snaps at a target. The snap causes a small but fast moving shard of air at the target. The shard can penetrate a normal human body when hit.

Name: Fuuton: Daitoppa (Great Breakthrough)

Rank: C Rank

Type: Ninjutsu

Range: Close-Long (0m~15m)

Elemental Affinity: Fuuton (Wind)

CP: 5

Description: This is a Ninjutsu which utilizes the Wind Element. After bringing their hands to their mouth, the user will blow a large blast of wind capable of leveling almost anything in its way.


Fire Ball Jutsu

Jutsu Type: Ninjutsu

Rank: C

Chakra Cost: 5

RP Description: The User blows out a ball of fire to engulf the target

Entou no Jutsu (Flame Sword Technique)

Jutsu Type: Ninjutsu

Rank: C

Chakra Cost: 5

RP Description: The user creates a flame sowrd made of pure chakra in thier hands to use as a weapon

Enkoudate no Jutsu (Blazing Shield Technique)

Jutsu Type: Ninjutsu

Rank: B

Chakra Cost: 8

RP Description: The User creates a flaming wall to block for them

Enkouu no Jutsu (Fiery Rain Technique)

Jutsu Type: Ninjutsu

Rank: B

Chakra Cost: 8

RP Description: Using this technique, the user is able to alter the particle floating around in the air and

create an effect very much akin to a rain of fire.

Natural Skills/Techniques:

( I use modern things to show his skill cause I could not find a non op naruto term)

*Extremely strong - He can send a grown man flying with a punch

*Extremely durably- He can take the hit of several missiles without injure.

*Sex appeal - He is very attractive and he knows , he has no problem using it to his advantage.

*Great Reflexes- He can dodge and weave around a hail of gunfire from a machine gun


His looks and Strength


His temper and hair

Other: He wants kids

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/tumblr_mrabrglYYm1sc1kfto1_500.gif.e8fa8ff6ad645d1c71d2fcc57e4f69cb.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="97220" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/tumblr_mrabrglYYm1sc1kfto1_500.gif.e8fa8ff6ad645d1c71d2fcc57e4f69cb.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

First Name:


Clan Name (Last Name):









120 lbs

Attire Appearance/Clothing: (Can add description or another picture, stick with anime/manga typed pics if you could please)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/tumblr_mm9we11pPu1rvkw6no1_500.gif.366fabe7f6b20147793582cb29322d7f.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="97224" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/tumblr_mm9we11pPu1rvkw6no1_500.gif.366fabe7f6b20147793582cb29322d7f.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/howl_commission_by_mstrmagnolia-d8hjw4a.jpg.afb895d2b8d59ec7c88f749faddfbbff.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="97225" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/howl_commission_by_mstrmagnolia-d8hjw4a.jpg.afb895d2b8d59ec7c88f749faddfbbff.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/Howl.600.1904755.jpg.551371adb646e47b37f6ff430e25e0c0.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="97229" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/Howl.600.1904755.jpg.551371adb646e47b37f6ff430e25e0c0.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Alias/Nickname: (Optional)

The Raven



Rank (Ask me regarding this unless you choose Genin):

Jonin or Jounin


Yamato is a mixed bag. On one hand, he is vain, caring more about his appearance than anything else. Though, this only occurs in the morning. On another, he's a psycho, drawing off of his opponents emotions to fuel himself. He kills without mercy, and is very sadistic when he wants to be. On the last hand (I'm not sure why this person has three hands. I don't ask questions about this stuff anymore, kinda accepted it a long time ago), he's very charismatic. Very often he's making some kind of sarcastic comment or joke about the situation at hand.


Born into the "illustrious" Uchiha clan, Yamato trained hard to be even stronger than his relative, Uta Uchiha. For many years, he trained under many differeny masters, hoping to incorporate all their fighting styles into his own. Once it was shown that Uta had abandoned his village, Yamato decided now was the time to do something similar. So, he murdered his parents and siblings, as to not allow anything to hold him back from his ultimate goal of being the strongest.

Achievements/Crimes: (Only applies for ranked Shinobi and Rouge Shinobi):

-Killed his family

-Murdered another clan entirely

-Stole his brother's eyes in order to get the Mangekyo Sharingan

Chakra Natures:

Fire Style

Lightning Style


Great Fireball Technique

Type: C-rank, Offensive, Short range (0-5m)

Hand Seals: Snake, Ram, Monkey, Boar, Horse, Tiger

Fire Release: Great Fireball Technique--

is the most common fire technique used by ninja who are able to use fire techniques. After performing the necessary seals, the user inhales a large amount of air, gathering chakra in his/her chest and then spews it out of the mouth, thus creating a giant fireball. The more chakra used in the technique, the bigger and more powerful the fireball is. In the Uchiha clan, one must be able to master this technique to be acknowledged as coming of age, thus earning his/her name as an Uchiha.

Phoenix Immortal Fire Technique

Type: C-rank, Offensive, Short range (0-5m)

Hand Seals: Rat, Tiger, Dog, Ox, Rabbit, Tiger

Fire Release: Phoenix Immortal Fire Technique--

is another fire technique common to ninja who are able to use fire techniques. The technique is generally meant to be used as a distraction, as the user will spew out several small fireballs in order to create an opening. Shurikens can be hidden in the flames for a secondary attack.

Dragon Fire Technique

Type: C-rank, Offensive, Mid-range

Hand Seals: Snake, Dragon, Rabbit, Tiger

Fire Release: Dragon Fire Technique --

is a technique in which the user breathes a stream of fire along the length of a wire or any other long object.

Fire Dragon Flame Missile

Type: B-rank, Offensive, Short to mid-range (0-10m)

Hand Seals: Ram, Horse, Snake, Dragon, Rat, Ox, Tiger

Fire Release: Fire Dragon Flame Missile --

in this technique the user spews an intense stream of fire from his/her mouth much like that of a blow torch.

Great Dragon Fire Technique

Type: B-rank, Offensive, Supplementary, All Ranges

Hand Seals: Snake, Dragon, Rabbit, Tiger

Fire Release: Great Dragon Fire Technique--

is supposedly one of the Uchiha's original techniques they developed over the course of the clan's years The technique mirrors the Great Fireball Technique in its preparation and usage, only in this case the user exhales giant dragon shaped fireballs. It appears to consume a significant portion of chakra

Lightning Piercer--

is an enhanced and concentrated mass of lightning that is formed on the hand. It requires a high level of chakra control and this is evidenced by its appearance, which is more focused and amplified, resulting in a more blue look. Its rudimentary level of Shape Transformation takes the appearance of a rotating lightning cone about the user's forearm, allowing its use as an improvised shield as well as drilling weapon.

Lightning Piercer: Extending Spear--

uses Shape Transformation to form the original Lightning Piercer into a whirling spear-shaped blade, adapting it for long-range attacks with a maximum range of about fourteen meters. Although it's less powerful than the original Lightning Piercer, its increased range means there is a lessened risk of counterattack to the user. The blade can also be swung in order to grind targets with its sides, and can be sent through solid objects, like the ground, and make surprise attacks from below the opponent.

Lightning Blade--

After forming the needed hand signals, the user grabs a bladed weapon such as a sword, shuriken, senbon needle, etc. and coats it with a layer of lightning. The lightning expands and extends the reach of a blade. This technique is best used with shuriken or f?ma shuriken as the lightning blades electrocute and stun its targets, giving the weapons themselves time to hit their marks. The lightning can also be condensed to stab the opponents in case this could fail. Swords can have their reach extended and can vibrate from the electricity, stunning anyone it slices. This technique steadily uses chakra, so additional weapons can be used as such at a rapid pace.

Natural Skills/Techniques:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/image.png.01a3b758e56ad734a494c29062f86129.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="97361" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/image.png.01a3b758e56ad734a494c29062f86129.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

The Mangeky? Sharingan (??????, Literally meaning: Kaleidoscope Copy Wheel Eye) is an advanced form of the Sharingan that has only been activated by a handful of Uchiha.[1]They are noted to be the "heavenly eyes that see the truth of all of creation without obstruction" (??????????, tenj? no kotowari o sh?akuseshi hitomi).[2]

-Expert level taijutsu


-No emotional attachments

-High Strength and Endurance


-Low Agility

-No concept of feelings



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? ? ?

Adlet Nara

  • Name:

    Adlet Nara


    The boy genius












    Casual Clothing
    Mission Clothing

"Those will talent often believe things will go as they think."

? ? ?

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First Name: Yonrochi

Clan Name (Last Name): Unkown

Age: 30-40

Gender: Male

Height:179.4 cm


Attire Appearance/Clothing:(In the spoiler.)


Alias/Nickname: Yonrochi The Destroyer.

Affiliation (Kaigangakure)

Rank: Sage

Personality: Yonrochi possesses a complex personality; however, more often than not, he was described as "twisted" by a large number of people, He is cunning smart and processes many hidden talents and ambitions. Yonrochi was brought up in a(n) distinct lack of empathy. Even as a child, she reacted with hostility when outdone. And very sneaky, it's always hard to tell what side he is on.

History: Long ago (Post War) Yonrochi was the spitting image of training. He fought and killed at the age of a Genin. He grew older master the world ,and techniques of the snake like Jutsu and its amazing ways. He trained participating in amy things, some useless and some merc work. He joined forces in the war to fight along side the "demons" who threatened the shinobi existence. He trained ,and read many books until mastering most jutsu he came across, becoming a sage in due time and intense training.

Achievements/Crimes: The killing of a dozen(s) of Yamigakure ninja in the "battle(s)" that where.

Other unknown accomplishments (pre-war) such as becoming the Lizard Sage, and overcoming "Snake sage",and isn't after "Dragon Sage."

Chakra Natures: Wind, Dust, and Water.


  • Orochimaru-Style Body Replacement Technique :Used primarily after sustaining massive injury or as a means to elude a seemingly inescapable attack, this technique allows the user to materialise a new body — typically by regurgitating it from their mouth — in a manner that somewhat resembles how a snake sheds its skin. After emerging, the user's clothing and injuries are completely restored, with even amputated limbs being regenerated. Whilst the technique has the additional advantage of potentially being extremely difficult to detect, its use consumes a great amount of chakra
  • Sage Mode: is an empowered state that can be entered by blending natural energy with one's chakra, creatingsenjutsu chakra. Sage Mode allows users to tap into the natural force of the world, opening up new techniques to them and allowing them to power up existing ones
  • Shadow Clone Jutsu:Similar to the basic clone technique, this technique creates copies of the user. However, these clones are corporeal instead of illusions. The user's chakra is evenly distributed among every clone, giving each clone an equal fraction of the user's overall power.
  • Rasengan(All Basic Forms): User makes a ball of wind that can be used to (Throw/or send into the body to shoot off the opponent into a spinning attack.
  • Wind Ball Justu: A wind style cloned Jutsu using wind as the basic element to blow away and cut the opponent severely.
  • Water wall Jutsu: The user creates a solid wall of water as a form of defense.It is is either converted to water within the body and then spat out to form the wall

Natural Skills/Techniques: (Releases or Kekki: (Shikotsumyaku and, Wood Release,) Kunai throwing, Huge ball of steal and metallic spikes.

Strengths: Intelligence, Speed and, agility.

Weaknesses: Earth style techniques ,and Ninjutsu

Other: (I'll add more later but as so far am I accepted any questions?)
Last edited by a moderator:
TheJester said:

First Name: Yonrochi

Clan Name (Last Name): Unkown

Age: 30-40

Gender: Male

Height:179.4 cm


Attire Appearance/Clothing:(In the spoiler.)


Alias/Nickname: Yonrochi The Destroyer.

Affiliation (Kaigangakure)

Rank: Sage

Personality: Yonrochi possesses a complex personality; however, more often than not, he was described as "twisted" by a large number of people, He is cunning smart and processes many hidden talents and ambitions. Yonrochi was brought up in a(n) distinct lack of empathy. Even as a child, she reacted with hostility when outdone. And very sneaky, it's always hard to tell what side he is on.

History: Long ago (Post War) Yonrochi was the spitting image of training. He fought and killed at the age of a Genin. He grew older master the world ,and techniques of the snake like Jutsu and its amazing ways. He trained participating in amy things, some useless and some merc work. He joined forces in the war to fight along side the "demons" who threatened the shinobi existence. He trained ,and read many books until mastering most jutsu he came across, becoming a sage in due time and intense training.

Achievements/Crimes: The killing of a dozen(s) of Yamigakure ninja in the "battle(s)" that where.

Other unknown accomplishments (pre-war) such as becoming the Lizard Sage, and overcoming "Snake sage",and isn't after "Dragon Sage."

Chakra Natures: Wind, Dust, and Water.


  • Orochimaru-Style Body Replacement Technique :Used primarily after sustaining massive injury or as a means to elude a seemingly inescapable attack, this technique allows the user to materialise a new body — typically by regurgitating it from their mouth — in a manner that somewhat resembles how a snake sheds its skin. After emerging, the user's clothing and injuries are completely restored, with even amputated limbs being regenerated. Whilst the technique has the additional advantage of potentially being extremely difficult to detect, its use consumes a great amount of chakra
  • Sage Mode: is an empowered state that can be entered by blending natural energy with one's chakra, creatingsenjutsu chakra. Sage Mode allows users to tap into the natural force of the world, opening up new techniques to them and allowing them to power up existing ones
  • Shadow Clone Jutsu:Similar to the basic clone technique, this technique creates copies of the user. However, these clones are corporeal instead of illusions. The user's chakra is evenly distributed among every clone, giving each clone an equal fraction of the user's overall power.
  • Rasengan(All Basic Forms): User makes a ball of wind that can be used to (Throw/or send into the body to shoot off the opponent into a spinning attack.
  • Wind Ball Justu: A wind style cloned Jutsu using wind as the basic element to blow away and cut the opponent severely.
  • Water wall Jutsu: The user creates a solid wall of water as a form of defense.It is is either converted to water within the body and then spat out to form the wall

Natural Skills/Techniques: (Releases or Kekki: (Shikotsumyaku and, Wood Release,) Kunai throwing, Huge ball of steal and metallic spikes.

Strengths: Intelligence, Speed and, agility.

Weaknesses: Earth style techniques ,and Ninjutsu

Other: (I'll add more later but as so far am I accepted any questions?)

You're accepted
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/th-558.jpeg.ea3d8661170d6d3fbc5820c18c72c8bf.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="97495" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/th-558.jpeg.ea3d8661170d6d3fbc5820c18c72c8bf.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

First Name: Natsune

Clan Name (Last Name): Terumi

Age: 35

Gender: Male

Height: 6'3

Weight: 145 lb

Attire Appearance/Clothing: Natsune is a slim man, with brown hair braided with chopsticks, scars over his face, and deep green eyes. He wears a bandana over his mouth, along with blue and black garbs. His most distinct feature though is the giant tea kettle he carries with him so he can keep his temperature high

Alias/Nickname: Natsu, Lord Terumi

Affiliation: Yugakure

Rank: Kirikage

Personality: Natsune at first glance is a stoic and serious man, however, in reality he is actually quite the opposite. He loves just plain traveling and having fun, along with a good battle here or there. He is a very kind hearted and gentle man at heart, in fact one of his favorite pastimes is training the younger generation of his villages shinobi. He is aware that his village is treated as just a tourist spot, however, he takes pride in knowing that people can feel safe and protected by his villages shinobi while they enjoy their time in the villages world famous hot springs. He has problems with his sense if appearance due to the scars on his mouth from his hot water training as a child. He is fully are of the fact that the Jashinist Cult had originated in his village, which is why he considers himself the lone sentinel in protecting the village if they ever come back

History: Unknown. He had simply wandered into the village one day for a bit, and found that it's people had been being sacrificed. He saved the village from the Jashinists, and helped establish a new government for the Yugakure

Achievements/Crimes: (Only applies for ranked Shinobi and Rouge Shinobi): Drove the entire Jashinist cult into hiding single handedly, at some point came into posession of the Seven Swords ( you know which ones) and incorporates all of them into his fighting style.

Chakra Natures: (Read mechanics, For Genin two) Water Release, Fire Release, Boil Release

Jutsu: Can't explain. Brain hurtz.

Natural Skills/Techniques: Natsune ever since childhood, had been an absolute prodigy in the use of his first and second natures, along with his infamous Boil Release. He has possibly the largest chakra resovoirs of any of the Kage. Has natural immunities to heat and cold respectively. Is a very proficient swordsman, as he is able to wield any and all of the Seven Swords with amazing proficiency

Strengths: + Huge Chakra control/resovoir

+ Genjutsu master

+Superb Swordsmanship

Weaknesses: + Is not the best at taijutsu....far from it actually

+ Has to keep his body scorching hot to keep concious.



  • th-558.jpeg
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LordGowther said:
View attachment 216924
First Name: Natsune

Clan Name (Last Name): Terumi

Age: 35

Gender: Male

Height: 6'3

Weight: 145 lb

Attire Appearance/Clothing: Natsune is a slim man, with brown hair braided with chopsticks, scars over his face, and deep green eyes. He wears a bandana over his mouth, along with blue and black garbs. His most distinct feature though is the giant tea kettle he carries with him so he can keep his temperature high

Alias/Nickname: Natsu, Lord Terumi

Affiliation: Yugakure

Rank: Kirikage

Personality: Natsune at first glance is a stoic and serious man, however, in reality he is actually quite the opposite. He loves just plain traveling and having fun, along with a good battle here or there. He is a very kind hearted and gentle man at heart, in fact one of his favorite pastimes is training the younger generation of his villages shinobi. He is aware that his village is treated as just a tourist spot, however, he takes pride in knowing that people can feel safe and protected by his villages shinobi while they enjoy their time in the villages world famous hot springs. He has problems with his sense if appearance due to the scars on his mouth from his hot water training as a child. He is fully are of the fact that the Jashinist Cult had originated in his village, which is why he considers himself the lone sentinel in protecting the village if they ever come back

History: Unknown. He had simply wandered into the village one day for a bit, and found that it's people had been being sacrificed. He saved the village from the Jashinists, and helped establish a new government for the Yugakure

Achievements/Crimes: (Only applies for ranked Shinobi and Rouge Shinobi): Drove the entire Jashinist cult into hiding single handedly, at some point came into posession of the Seven Swords ( you know which ones) and incorporates all of them into his fighting style.

Chakra Natures: (Read mechanics, For Genin two) Water Release, Fire Release, Boil Release

Jutsu: Can't explain. Brain hurtz.

Natural Skills/Techniques: Natsune ever since childhood, had been an absolute prodigy in the use of his first and second natures, along with his infamous Boil Release. He has possibly the largest chakra resovoirs of any of the Kage. Has natural immunities to heat and cold respectively. Is a very proficient swordsman, as he is able to wield any and all of the Seven Swords with amazing proficiency

Strengths: + Huge Chakra control/resovoir

+ Genjutsu master

+Superb Swordsmanship

Weaknesses: + Is not the best at taijutsu....far from it actually

+ Has to keep his body scorching hot to keep concious.
Ketsuki Gyouko (Blood Coagulation)

Type: Rank D

Description: A simple healing technique. The user uses his chakra on his wound to make the blood there coagulate quickly. The wound still remains but the bleeding stops. It goes quickly for small wounds but larger ones need a couple of minutes to finish the coagulation. It can also be used on wounded allies.

Chakra Enjintou (Chakra Scalpel)

Type: Rank C

Description: A Ninjutsu technique used, primarily, for field surgery. The ninja concentrates a powerful aura of chakra around their hand, creating a blade capable of tearing through muscles and arteries, or breaking bone, without actually breaking the skin of the person they're using it on. When used offensively, in combat, it is difficult to concentrate on the length and power of the scalpel, making it harder to successfully hit an enemy's arteries, ensuring a kill.

Limit: Must learn Chiyute no jutsu Before

Zesshi Nensan (Fanged Tongue Acid)

Type: Rank C

Description: A very corrosive acid which is expelled from the mouth. It is capable of being projected far distances, with the strength to even dissolve rocks. However, being as acidic as it is, it must be spat very cautiously from the mouth, making it a very slow attack that will not succeed unless your opponent's speed is hindered.

Limit: Must know Chakra Enjintou (Chakra Scalpel) before

Chiyute no Jutsu (Healing Hands Technique)

Type: Rank C

Description: A Ninjutsu technique where the ninja focuses chakra into the palms of their hands, creating a small ball of healing chakra. This chakra, when concentrated, can repair physical damage to another person. Depending on the degree of the wound, the ninja must concentrate more of their chakra to repair the damage. However, if the wound is too extensive, such as extensive damage to vital organs, this technique may not be able to help them.

Limit: Must learn Gantai no jutsu (Bandage skill) Before


Gantai no jutsu (Bandage skill)

Type: Rank D

Description: One of the first techniques that a Medical Ninja must learn. Reasons why is because these techniques are what matters between life and death. This is a special type of technique in which a medical ninja is capable of making bandages by using their surroundings such as sand, grass water and others with the help of using chakra.

Kaze Gyorai no Jutsu (Wind Torpedo)

Description: The user gathers a large amount of wind into his lungs and expels it in a single blow, similar to the projectile deflection blast. This version however is significantly more devastating as the wind forms a torpedo that is near invisible that launches towards the opponent. Upon contact it explodes with the force of two exploding tags.

Description: The user summons a violent gust of wind, moving so fast that if caught within the blast an enemy will suffer blade like wounds from the wind slashing them so strongly. Due to it’s nature it’s difficult to block but can be avoided. The injuries look very much like that of a sword wound, which is where the name originated.

Kaze no Yaiba (Wind Sword)

Description: The user summons a violent gust of wind, moving so fast that if caught within the blast an enemy will suffer blade like wounds from the wind slashing them so strongly. Due to it’s nature it’s difficult to block but can be avoided. The injuries look very much like that of a sword wound, which is where the name originated.

oufuu Bakuhatsu Bunshin no Jutsu (Wind Explosion Clone)

Description: A deadly attack formed by modifying any bunshin that requires the usage of wind during creation. Upon its destruction, the wind that is used to create the being suddenly explodes outwards with great force. The results can be deadly, especially to those around the clone. There is virtually no way to tell the difference. The clone detonates with the force of three explosion tags, enough cause serious damage to anyone caught within the brunt of the blast without protection, requiring immediate medical attention. One clone may be made for every ten reserves of the user's.

still working on it

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