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Fandom Naruto: The New Age Of Shinobi

[QUOTE="Sinister Clown]I likey :P And erm, uh...I may end up making a criminal organization for my second char so I could just place you in that if you want.
For now, since you plan on being a rouge nin of some kind you will also be an A-class rouge.

Alright sounds good~

First Name: Kyomi

Clan Name (Last Name): Akamura

Age: 12

Height: 4'11

Weight: 91 lbs

Attire Appearance/Clothing:


Alias/Nickname: Currently TBF

Affiliation: Rogue

Rank: Dunno what to put here lol


Kyomi is, in a nutshell, completely insane. She pronounces things wrong while speaking quickly, she leaps off horrifying drops, she even would stab herself in the situation demanded it. Her behavior is a little over the top, being both extremely happy in the most innapropriate moments, and also loud, very, loud. This all seems very strange for a little girl to have, but she pretty much shat on every little girl stereotype. She saves herself in a pinch, she decapitates dolls, and she dresses in rags.

She's rather passionate about how the world is a horrifying, terrible place, so why not be a horrifying, terrible person?


Kyomi was born, not knowing of her parents or even her birth village. She was just tossed to the wild from when she could properly remember. She traveled a lot, stole food, and listened to some bad things from bad people. One in particular she looked to as a mentor, a now-dead masked man who did not speak his name.

He taught her just about everything she knew, driving the message of survival of the fittest quite deep into her consciousness, that she completely abided by the rule. Though she couldn't kill anyone, she stole, and was on the path of further wrong doing.

Her master was soon killed by Shinobi, though she hadn't known the cause, just there to cry over his corpse. She continued being a petty thief, carrying her master's message with her.


-Successfully stole a whole lot of candy (That's an achievement to her, so cmon that's gotta count)

Chakra Natures:



Currently, N/A

Natural Skills/Techniques:

-Sneaky, very sneaky

-Photographic memory

-Great aim



-Does not understand the concept of death very well


-Quiet when needed



-Very loose goals

-Predator mentality


She actually has ADHD and has shown signs of being a sociopath
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First Name: Senki

Clan Name (Last Name): Tazuya

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Height: 5'1

Weight: 110 lbs

Attire Appearance/Clothing:

Kimono + Alt Hair Style 1


Dress Outfit + Alt Hair Style 2


Alias/Nickname: N/A

Affiliation: Traveler/Merc/Will join something later.

Rank: Medical-Nin

Personality: Extremely optimistic and treats everything as an adventure. Is generally considered immature and child-like, easily gets mad at things others wouldn't consider getting mad at and generally won't stop until she gets her way.

History: TBR(I.E can't think of anything cohesive)

Achievements/Crimes: Stole a loaf of bread.

Chakra Natures:

Yin-Yang Release


Cell Activation Technique

Yin Healing Wound Destruction

Chakra Scalpel

Delicate Illness Extraction Technique

Healing Technique

Medical Mode

Mystical Palm Technique

Prepared Needle Shot

Wide Healing

Natural Skills/Techniques:

  • Good cook
  • Skilled in alchemy
  • Skilled in medical procedures


  • High Chakra and Chakra Control
  • Equally as high Stamina/Endurance
  • Optimistic


  • Not a skilled fighter when compared to healing.
  • Overly optimistic
  • Overly trusting
  • Has no sense of pain, and thus, can't gauge how wounded she is easily.

Other: Pie, nuff said.
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? ? ?

Uta Uchiha

  • Name:

    Uta Uchiha






    5'8" (177cm)








    Uta is man of average height with black hair, styled into an undercut. Various tattoos cover his arms, and a sun tattoo covers his entire left pectoral region. It appears that his Sharingan is always activated. Uta typically wears a grey tank top underneath a black wrap sweater, along with harem pants and black sandals. He also wears a black necklace with round, white gems hanging from it. Most people describes his appearance as being a little scary. Uta has a tattoo on his neck in Greek numerals saying "I can neither live with, or without you."


"We all have a mask that we must always wear."


? ? ?

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Hmm....he's a little op for the beginning of the rp.......but I like him, and this is New Age of course. A-Class Criminal for now.

@Sinister Clown ignore the attachment. I forgot it was there​

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/296049-blue_assassin_by_udonnodu_super.jpg.09d08a71cb4449122a02603b9bff3dae.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="96049" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/296049-blue_assassin_by_udonnodu_super.jpg.09d08a71cb4449122a02603b9bff3dae.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



  • 296049-blue_assassin_by_udonnodu_super.jpg
    92.2 KB · Views: 2
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LordGowther said:

Hmm....he's a little op for the beginning of the rp.......but I like him, and this is New Age of course. A-Class Criminal for now.

@Sinister Clown ignore the attachment. I forgot it was there​
Yeah I was thinking that but he is also gonna be used for the Antagonist group so yeah. To start off with he'll appear a lot weaker since he won't really allow himself to use a lot of things.


First Name


Clan Name








Attire Appearance/Clothing









Misaki is a very happy and lighthearted young girl but can often be seen as an overachiever at times, especially when it come down to training and learning new jutsu. However, if it's something like paperwork that been given to her, she’ll most likely just take a nap. It’s quite confusing and scary how quickly she’s able to flip from an extremely happy-go-lucky, childish, and somewhat dimwitted girl to focused, cold-hearted, and cunning shinobi..




Misaki was the first in her class at the academy for Steel Release

One of the first, if not the first, to use and excel at Crystal Release within her village

Chakra Natures

Steel Release

Crystal Release


Steel Release - Impervious Armour

Steel Release - Metal Clones

Much like the Shadow Clone Jutsu but with a little more durability but uses a little more chakra per clone.

Steel Release - Spider’s Thread

Tiny sharp threads of steel that be used offensively and defensively by how the user makes of it. The threads can be used to wrap around weapons, environment, or even people. Parent of Steel Release - Steel Needles Technique

Steel Release - Steel Needles

Chakra stealing needles linked by Spider’s Threads are thrown at the target, seeming to be harmless if hit anywhere not vulnerable. Can be thrown or punctured in a way to cause death in vital areas if with enough practice.

Steel Release - Spikes

User is able to shoot extremely sharp steel spikes from their palm relatively quickly as well as summon massive steel spikes from the ground much like Steel Wall.

(Thanks Kage! A.K.A Mitchs98 aha)

Crystal Release - Crystal Lance

Crystal Release - Crystal Encampment Wall

Crystal Release - Growing Crystal Thorns

Crystal Release - Shuriken Wild Dance

Natural Skills/Techniques

Naturally gifted at Crystal Release

Has the potential of picking up Medical Ninjutsu

Precise Aim

Nearly unbreakable focus


Light on her feet

High levels of stamina

Tends to become much stronger when focused

Easily underestimated

Quick Reflexes

Sharp Eyes

Has potential of growing more via Chakra Natures and learning more powerful Jutsu


Can get ahead of herself

Tends to believe that she can take on more than she can handle

Offensive not as sharp as defensive


I can still add more jutsu as the RP progresses and she developes.. right?
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Steel Release - Impervious Armour[/URL]

Steel Release - Metal Clones

Much like the Shadow Clone Jutsu but with a little more durability but uses a little more chakra per clone.

Steel Release - Spider’s Thread

Tiny sharp threads of steel that be used offensively and defensively by how the user makes of it. The threads can be used to wrap around weapons, environment, or even people. Parent of Steel Release - Steel Needles Technique

Steel Release - Steel Needles

Chakra stealing needles linked by Spider’s Threads are thrown at the target, seeming to be harmless if hit anywhere not vulnerable. Can be thrown or punctured in a way to cause death in vital areas if with enough practice.

Crystal Release - Crystal Lance

Crystal Release: Crystal Encampment Wall

Crystal Release: Shuriken Wild Dance

Natural Skills/Techniques

Naturally gifted at Crystal Release

Has the potential of picking up Medical Ninjutsu

Precise Aim

Nearly unbreakable focus


Light on her feet

High levels of stamina

Tends to become much stronger when focused

Easily underestimated

Quick Reflexes

Has potential of growing more via Chakra Natures and learning more powerful Jutsu


Can get ahead of herself

Tends to believe that she can take on more than she can handle

Offensive not as sharp as defensive


I can still add more jutsu as the RP progresses and she developes.. right?

Accepted, I'd say either a Genin (You'd have been one for a while) or a new chuunin. Whatever you want unless @Mitchs98 has something else in mind. (Just so you know @Mitch98 I'll probably be giving you the freedom to decide ranks for members in your Village and what you class Rouge-nin as in your village. Since it could be higher or lower for different reasons)

I was aiming a low rank ^~^ so I'll take Genin and when i rank up, i'll add more jutsu' if i can
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Cell Activation Technique[/URL]

Yin Healing Wound Destruction

Chakra Scalpel

Delicate Illness Extraction Technique

Healing Technique

Medical Mode

Mystical Palm Technique

Prepared Needle Shot

Wide Healing

Natural Skills/Techniques:

  • Good cook
  • Skilled in alchemy
  • Skilled in medical procedures


  • High Chakra and Chakra Control
  • Equally as high Stamina/Endurance
  • Optimistic


  • Not a skilled fighter when compared to healing.
  • Overly optimistic
  • Overly trusting
  • Has no sense of pain, and thus, can't gauge how wounded she is easily.

Other: Pie, nuff said.
Accepted, since you plan to be a traveler you won't have a rank for the time/
But since she's a genin, i aged her down by a year if thats alright. I really dislike using 16 as an age because i feel like its so cliche
Yeah probably since isn't she a merc or something? Like she isn't apart of a Village or anything? If that's the case although you might have the techniques to be a medical nin, technically you aren't one.
[QUOTE="Sinister Clown]Yeah probably since isn't she a merc or something? Like she isn't apart of a Village or anything? If that's the case although you might have the techniques to be a medical nin, technically you aren't one.

Right, right. I get it now. Only had it there because I figured it was a classification type deal if they were a traveler.
Yeah I get what you mean, if you want to feel free to add that in. Once I get a hang of the coding no this I was thinking of re-making the CS anyways since it looks so dull to me xD
[QUOTE="Sinister Clown]Yeah I get what you mean, if you want to feel free to add that in. Once I get a hang of the coding no this I was thinking of re-making the CS anyways since it looks so dull to me xD

Not to mention you forgot a gender field, lmao.



First Name:


"Just call me lee"

Clan Name (Last Name):




"Do I look like a guy to you? "





" Yes I know I'm short but I still have time to grow... hopefully"



"Wait why are you asking me this?"

Attire Appearance/Clothing: (Can add description or another picture, stick with anime/manga typed pics if you could please)


(outfit on right)

Alias/Nickname: (Optional)

One hit wonder

" During one of my usual fights I knocked a guy out with one punch. Guess I just hit the right place at the right time."

Affiliation :


Rank (Ask me regarding this unless you choose Genin):


" Fresh out of the Academy"


Kazaki Kazuga @Yoshiro



she's adventurous, strong-willed, straight foward and suffers from grandiosity at times.She relentlessly drilled herself toward perfection and settled for nothing less from herself due to her parents expectations of her. She is very sarcastic to some extent that its hard to tell if she's serious or not at times. She's funny and a bit immature. she doesn't really have filter so she pretty much say things without thinking about it, which causes her problems in the long run. She gets bored easily and drifts off unless she is amused by her surroundings.She is very observant and resourceful for her age when in battle and sometimes prefer to stay collected


Ailee was born into a small driven family.Her mother and father wanted a boy but still molded her in the way they wanted her to be. Because she has a 'prodigy' older brother,she always have to reach her parents expectations despite the fact that even when she does, they are rarely satisfied. Ailee usually got into unnecessary fights at the academy which was started by her majority of the time since that was the only way she felt she could really try out her skills that she learned from her parents. Ailee passed with the highest grades and highest written exam scores, respectively. only losing 5 points because she forgot to write her name on top of the test. She now hopes to become a Jounin by as soon as possible and above all being trained by one of the kages.


" I ate 2 large bowls of ramen once. can you do that? I don't think so."

Chakra Nature:


Natural Skills/Techniques:

has great agility

hand to hand combat


analytical skills



Doesn't really know her own strength


carries giant fan with her


Usually has snacks with her.

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she's adventurous, strong-willed, straight foward and suffers from grandiosity at times.She relentlessly drilled herself toward perfection and settled for nothing less from herself due to her parents expectations of her. She is very sarcastic to some extent that its hard to tell if she's serious or not at times. She's funny and a bit immature. she doesn't really have filter so she pretty much say things without thinking about it, which causes her problems in the long run. She gets bored easily and drifts off unless she is amused by her surroundings.She is very observant and resourceful for her age when in battle and sometimes prefer to stay collected


Ailee was born into a small driven family.Her mother and father wanted a boy but still molded her in the way they wanted her to be. Because she has a 'prodigy' older brother,she always have to reach her parents expectations despite the fact that even when she does, they are rarely satisfied. Ailee usually got into unnecessary fights at the academy which was started by her majority of the time since that was the only way she felt she could really try out her skills that she learned from her parents. Ailee passed with the highest grades and highest written exam scores, respectively. only losing 5 points because she forgot to write her name on top of the test. She now hopes to become a Jounin by as soon as possible and above all being trained by one of the kages.


" I ate 2 large bowls of ramen once. can you do that? I don't think so."

Chakra Nature:


Natural Skills/Techniques:

has great agility

hand to hand combat


analytical skills



Doesn't really know her own strength


carries giant fan with her



Usually has snacks with her.


First Name: Akahi

Clan Name (Last Name): Hinami

Age: 19

Gender: Female

Height: 4'9

Weight: 86 lbs

Attire Appearance/Clothing:


Middle= Standard attire

Right= Torture attire

Left= Battle attire (Worn also with a cloth mask to hide most of her face)


The Red Princess

Affiliation: Rogue

Rank: TBD


To cut it short, Akahi is a sociopathic/psychopathic narcissist.

She can come off as a sweet young lady, always bearing a smile and holding flowers. She can even be very motherly when holding this charade, tending to wounds and even expressing concern for others.

What a little liar.

When she has pulled her victim into her trap, the true party has unfolded. She starts it slow, her tone creeping in a kind of scary tone. Those who haven't caught the red flags from before are in for hell. Then she knocks her prey unconscious, may it be from gas, or hitting them into unconsciousness.

"When you get into the chair, you never come out the same."

Are her first words as she speaks to her victim. She doesn't use torture to gain any information, though it is handy when they're trying to think of things to make her let them go. She comes in to either torture or feed her victim, showing how uncaring she is. The feeding part? She feeds them other people's (Sometimes maggot-filled) meat. She doesn't say anything because it wouldn't matter.

She constantly preforms her Genjutsu, Your Best Nightmare, getting a kick out of all the screaming and crying her victim does, and she wouldn't even have to touch them.

Though sometimes, she uses her Kekkei Genkai, just to play around with them further...

She's finished when they cease functioning properly. Just to treat them like a broken toy, and toss them out.


Akahi was born in a very religious family. Though they were religious, they weren't the nicest of people... They decided that they wanted to preform new rituals, since they began a new religion. Of course those rituals, meant harsh brainwashing. Akahi was the first, and last victim of their new custom. She was strapped down into a chair, day after day a member of her family coming and preforming their Kekkei Genkai on her. Hours and hours of trying to train her mind into enjoying their religion.

The opposite happened.

Instead the illusions slowly twisted her into a mindset where it was okay to torture people to your heart's content, that it was just a thing to say "Too bad"! if you were to be pulled into it.

She soon then had the power, and lost enough humanity, to kill her own folks. She preformed the same illusion on them, slowly driving them to suicide. She was finally free; she came from the chair, and stepped outside for the first time...

She was then rescued by a squad of ninjas and effectively was put into school, unaware of her mindset.

Years later, after learning all she needed... She killed her own squad with the same method, and fled.

She soon met the religious group's leader, and joined suit.

Achievements/Crimes: (Only applies for ranked Shinobi and Rouge Shinobi):

-Successfully tortured over 100 people, both children, adults, and shinobi alike.

-Successfully killed many

-Near-masted all the Genjutsu she knows

-Learned many killing techniques

Chakra Natures: (Max is 2 for now, 1 if Genin or lower, exceptions made to some but PM me first about this)

Water release

Illusion release (Kekkei Genkai)


Water Release: Water Dragon Bullet Technique Water Release: Archerfish Water Release: Water Trumpet Water Release: Wild Water Wave Water Release: Water Bullet Technique

Natural Skills/Techniques:

Kekkei Genkai: Gensugan

Description: Although it shows no proper signs of being a Dojutsu, it acts much like one. It require eye contact to be done; it can preform just about any type of illusionary technique with a simple bit of eye contact. The user can even control the illusion, without handsigns. It could be effectively used for brainwashing, though the victim has to look directly into the eyes, and become trapped in the gaze.

Genjutsu: Your Best Nightmare

Hanseals: Ox - Rabbit - Pig - Eye contact

Description: Akahi can force up pleasant memories in someone's mind, making it seem like they had been knocked out before awakening to see their loved one. They're left with a minute to enjoy the illusion, and then the world become fleshy, the sky dark red, and all who they love melt away into rotting corpses..

Weakness: The person can break free of the illusion by relaxing themselves.


-Masterful in Stealth

-Masterful in Genjutsu

-Good in Ninjutsu

-Masterful temptress/deciever


-Prone to showing her true side if caught off balance in a situation

-Terrible in Taijutsu

-Not very strong

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Water Release: Water Dragon Bullet Technique[/URL] Water Release: Archerfish Water Release: Water Trumpet Water Release: Wild Water Wave Water Release: Water Bullet Technique

Natural Skills/Techniques:

Kekkei Genkai: Gensugan

Description: Although it shows no proper signs of being a Dojutsu, it acts much like one. It require eye contact to be done; it can preform just about any type of illusionary technique with a simple bit of eye contact. The user can even control the illusion, without handsigns. It could be effectively used for brainwashing, though the victim has to look directly into the eyes, and become trapped in the gaze.

Genjutsu: Your Best Nightmare

Hanseals: Ox - Rabbit - Pig - Eye contact

Description: Akahi can force up pleasant memories in someone's mind, making it seem like they had been knocked out before awakening to see their loved one. They're left with a minute to enjoy the illusion, and then the world become fleshy, the sky dark red, and all who they love melt away into rotting corpses..

Weakness: The person can break free of the illusion by relaxing themselves.


-Masterful in Stealth

-Masterful in Genjutsu

-Good in Ninjutsu

-Masterful temptress/deciever


-Prone to showing her true side if caught off balance in a situation

-Terrible in Taijutsu

-Not very strong


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