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Fandom Naruto: The New Age Of Shinobi - Organizations

Sinny The Fool

Clown Boogaloo
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Hidden Coast Village, Kaigangakure :

This village has been living in prosperity for the passed five years, being one of the two major villages most of it's residence takes up the coast. Having a large military of Shinobi they have been successful in training some of the best Shinobi of this era. Known to be in possession of the Seven-tails beast. The current council of the Village are accomplished diplomats and fighters. Coming to terms with another village, they have made a strict alliance in which they use to preserve

peace in their lands. Kaigangakure is also a place of free will, free speech is perhibited as well as many other things most Village's have made illegal. Running one of the largest 'black markets' for weapon stock in the Land of Shinobi, they seek to make fortune in order to grow.

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Hidden Steel Village, Haganegakure


(Replace the horse, and any other horses, with a sword and anvil)

Haganegakure resides in the mountains in a mini-fortress style layout. It has exsisted in peace and prosperity for over twenty years under the rule of the First Haganekage due to the Hagane family Jutsu which is proven to be an ultimate defense mechanism from atop the walls surrounding the village. Most of the residents are blacksmiths with the Hagane family line being the most renown in the village. As such they generally export high quality weaponry across the country to those that need it. A festival aptly named the Moonlight Festival is held yearly wherein the Dance of a Thousand Blades is used to cut the ropes of several thousand lanterns at once, propelling them high into the night sky.

Typically shinobi from the village are trained in Steel Release, most of them are also extremely skilled in taijutsu, making them a force to be reckoned with.
LordGowther said:
I especially like the picture from what LOOKS like Princess Mononoke
If you're referring to mine. I just picked a random picture I liked, lol.
The Jashin Cult


The cult of Jashin. Created by unknown means, this is an advanced type of 'Curse Jutsu' given to numerous individuals. Seeming to only be used by those who follow the belief of Jashin, once one becomes apart of the Jashin cult they cannot simply just leave and live their normal lives again. No, once you enter this faith you are forever bound to your God 'Jashin'. Requiring each individual to make human 'sacrifices' in order to maintain immortality, and their lives in general (Although this isn't how it originally worked..It kinda turns out this isn't any normal Jashin Clan). Their motivations and goals are unknown, however it is a very aware fact they kill mostly for pleasure and for their own health. Either way each individual seems to possess some psychotic and sadistic traits, being known as some of the most frightening people their cruelty is what will earn them a place in history. Their whereabouts are unknown however they are rumored to have a Temple located somewhere in the country.
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/th-361.jpeg.ea0fceacc869b69ae0c752fe4ccbd039.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="97509" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/th-361.jpeg.ea0fceacc869b69ae0c752fe4ccbd039.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Yugakure (The village Hidden In Hot Water)

Yugakure is a village on the outskirts of the Land of Fire. While it officially stopped being a shinobi village a long time ago, converting itself into a popular tourist spot, it has recently resurfaced with the help of Natsune. It is famous for its many large hot springs and geysers that soothe anyone who bathes in them. (I'll add more later)



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