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Fandom Naruto RP with twists RP (turned into 1x1)

Aya arrives back and she says "Sorry I was being held up for a bit" she says and hears something in the distance "Do you think Noriko will be able to avoid the traps, I mean she doesn't look the brightest" she says and she sits down after wrapping her tail around her waist again and she stretches.

Tsunade walks over with a bag and she asks "Where's Noriko?", she had hidden the bells pretty wel, but she was surprised to see Ezio and Aya back so soon, but they probably used jutsu and other things "I hope Noriko is alright" she says looking at the forest.

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Noriko stayed completely silent snd heard movement before a clinging noise. She tilted her head before running towards that noise. She blinked when she saw a bell in a squirrels nest and the squirrel nibbling on it. She giggled a bit before running off for a few minutes and comming back with several acorns. She jumped and landed near the nest, " Hello.." she said softly stopped and looked at her. The squirrel came over and looked at the acorns before looking at Noriko. "Come on go ahead.." she said as the squirrel took the acron back to his nest 3 at a time. This took a few minutes as Noriko smiled at the animal. She then slowly reached over and took the bell. The squirrel and looked st her as she slowly backed away from it. "Thank you for not scratching my face out" she said before running back to the group. She can already tell she is probably the last one.

"She may not be the smartest, but she is stubborn and you lived with for a for a while now... You should know her" Ezio said with a yawned.
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"I don't want to know her, she's annoying, loud and what not. Worst part is, we share a room" Aya says and she leans against a nearby tree "Not to mention she tries to hug my tail, which is very sensitive like my ears if people aren't careful, it also hurts more then if I would injure my knee for example"

Tsunade sighs and tosses a box to both Aya and Ezio "I'm going to try to get a mission fot tomorrow, but don't expect anything too exciting" she says and adds "So I got some food for everyone"

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Ezio looked at Aya, " So in other words... You dont see her as family" he said to her bluntly as he caught his lunchbox and looked at Tsunade. He was about to asked where Noriko's lunch box was until he heard running.

"Hey! I found them!" Noriko said happily to her teammates. Ezio looked back as the girl skidded to a stopped.

".... You are wet" Ezio said with a sigh.

Notiko blinked and looked at her clothes, "I thought these would dry if I ran by now..." she said scratching the back of her head.
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Aya catches her lunch box and she looks at Noriko "I thought you of all people had useful jutsu so you wouldn't have to dive in water" she says and sweatdrops as she looks at Ezio "No I don't, I only see Sasuke and Itachi as my family, they found me and took care of me when I could have died" she says with a shrug "But Minato was against me sharing a room with Sasuke".

Tsunade sighs "Dry of, then you get your lunch box" she says and adds "And Aya is right, you should have used jutsu to get the bells, you can do those things for a reason, how did you two get your bells? I thought the traps were pretty good" she says looking at Ezio and Aya.

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Noriko looked at Aya for a long time blankly before looking at Tsunade, " I dont know any useful jutsus..." she looked away as she tossed the bells to her. " And thanks for the food, but I am not hungry..." she said before running off home to change and practive her subsitution and shadow clone jutsu.

Ezio sighed a bit as he got up and gave Tsunade the bells, "Ill go talk to her" he sais as he walked off. " And thanks for the food. Looking forward to the mission" he added lazily as he walked off.
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"She's never gonna do anything useful" Aya says and she stands up "Gonna head home while eating" she says and waves as she walks off too, she wondered how someone couldn't know a jutsu that could have prevented her from jumping in, she tosses the bells to Tsunade before she's out of sight and she walks home.

Tsunade sighs and looks at the lunch box, you couldn't do much on an empty stomach, not to mention that Noriko had a high chance of getting a cold too "If she's sick tomorrow she's not going to come along" she mumbles to herself as she heads to the hokages office.

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Kushina was cooking lunch and for her husband who is stuck with paperwork again at the office. She heard the door open and saw Noriko walking into the house soaking wet. She blinked and rushed to her daughter, " Oh my god, what happened?!" She asked worriedly.

Noriko smiled and shook her head, "Nothing, Tsunade made us a test to find 2 bells and one of them was in the water" she said.

" Ill make you some hot chocolate. Go take a hot shower and change i to some fresh clothes okay?" Kushina said. Noriko nodded and gave her a hug. Kushina blinked and hugged her back. "Did something happen?..."

"No, just tired and hungry...." Noriko answered.

Kushina knew she was lying, " Ill make you something to eat okay?" She swid with a smile.

"Okay..." Noriko said as she let go and ran off to her room to shower. She wasnt going to let herself catch a cold.

Kushina smiled before hearing a knock. She opened the door to see Ezio, " Hey, I am Noriko's teammate... did she come home?"

Kushina blinked at the question, " Yeah, why? "

"Just wondering if she was okay..."

"She is a little upset... Do you know why she is sad? She doesnt tell me often..." Kushina said to him.

Ezio sighed a bit, " I dont think it's my place to tell you... But tell her if she needs help with training to ask me okay?"

Kushina smile, " Why dont you come in and tell her yourself? She is getting change so she should be down in a few minutes"

Ezio looked at her, " You sure? I dont want to intrude"

Kushina laughed, " You are fine"

"Alright then.." He said as he came into the house and swt down in the kitchen.
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Aya enters the house and looks around "I'll go get Sasuke" she says and tuns if towards the hokages building at full speed while avoiding people, coming to a halt in front of the mask shop and she goes in "Aya, I was wondering when you were coming by again" the man says and Aya tries to reach for a fox mask, but she can't reach it "Let me get that for you" the man says taking it and handing it to the girl "Now off you go" he says and Aya smiles brightly "Thanks again" she says before continuing her trip, only this time humming.

Tsunade arrives at the office and sees a pleased Sasuke walking out "What got you in such a good mood?" she asks, but Sasuke says "Just make note Aya will be in a better mood", the blonde teacher shrugs it off and walks on.

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It too a while for Noriko to finish showering. Noriko came downstairs to see her older brother telling their mom all about Kakashi's test. She smiled before seeing Ezio sitting there listening. Naruto looked at Noriko and smiled before running over and hugging her, " Hey! I passed Kakashi's test! What about you?"

Noriko smiled, " I passed Taunade's test too..." she answered.

Naruto blinked, " Hey, whats wrong?" He asked her.

Noriko blinked, " Nothing is wrong" she quickly said. " just tired" she said with a laugh. Her stomach growled, " And hungry" she said as she stretched.

Kushina giggled, " Well do think I made food and hot chocolate" Noriko smiled as she walked over amd sat down.

She looked at Ezio, " So, here to eat lunch?" She asked as she ate.

"No, just here to say if you need help with anything I am here including training" Ezio said with a smile.

Noriko smiled as she started to eat, "Thanks that means alot". She said softly.

Naruto smiled, " Take care of my sister okay? She is just as stubborn as my mom and I"

Ezio hummed as he leaned back, " noted"
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Sasuke and Aya enter again and Aya says "I ate something already" "Me too" Sasuke says and Aya hums happily s she skips upstairs to her shared room causing Sasuke to chuckle "I talked to Minato and he said he got a nearby place for me and Aya, since we're both getting tired of sharing a room, she also keeps complaining about Naruto pulling on her tail" he says and looks at Kushina "So... I hope you're not angry about that, also Noriko seems in a bad mood, why is that?". Aya comes down putting a scroll in her pouch and she says "I said I only see you and Itachi as family, she took it pretty hard which I suppose I understand, but if she had paid attention it wouldn't have come as a surprise. In my clan only family is allowed to brush your tail, also I'm not fond of people trying to hug my tail, simple as that, we learned about that in class once". She looks at Sasuke and tosses him a scroll too "Went ahead and got your stuff" she says and thinks for a while "Oh here, I got this for you from Tsunade" she says handing Noriko the lunch box, Sasuke puts the scroll away and looks at Kushina "Minato did say he'll show us the place, so we're waiting for him to finish work, which is going pretty quickly".

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Kushina blinked as Noriko's mood became sour again. "Oh no.. i am not mad..." Kudhina said. "Maybe it's a good thing..."

Noriko finished drinking her hot chocolate and eating as she got down. "Thanks for the food.." she said as she left the house and headed off to the training ground.

Naruto glared at Aya, " What the hell is wrong with you?! Noriko and Mom set up a welcoming party for you two and this is how you talk to her?! Mom and dad took you in and this is how you see us?!"

"Naruto it-" Kushina got cut off b

"No, it's not fine!!" Naruto yelled. "Not to Noriko and me, we know we are lucky to have you two after hearing what happened to Saskue's and Aya's family!" He looked at Aya and said, " She also looked up to because you two were the top students. She was probably extremely happily to be on the same team as you" he said as he grabbed the lunchbox. " After you move, stay away from Noriko if you are going to continue being heartless" he added with a glare before running off to the training grounds.
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Aya clenches her fist and she calls "I can't stay away from her when we're on the same team!", it wasn't like they wanted a welcoming party but they went on with it anyway. She was't heartless, she just could handle only so much of hyperactive people, she runs of and head to the forest where she saw the ghost, she should probably investigate what it wanted and she probably wasn't welcome here at all.

Sasuke looks at Kushina and he adds "Don't worry, Aya and I both know how to cook, so we'll be coming over as less as possible, but Aya is complicated, she lost two families already, I think that's why she's saying those thing, to distance herself from them, so she won't become too attached, please tell them that she actually sees them as family, she just doesn't want to be hurt more then she already is. First she loses her own clan, then the Uchiha's get murdered, they just need to give her time to accept them as family, it took a year before me and Itachi were allowed to brush her tail and she couldn't do it herself, so it was quite a mess when she finally handed me the brush to help her out" he explains and looks outside "Maybe one day Noriko will be allowed to do that as well, but then she and Naruto will have to change how they do towards her first".

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Kushina smiled a bit at Saskue, "I will.. and I dont think those two can change that fast or will change enough to Aya's liking" she said as she took Noriko's empty dishes. " It will take time for them to mature and grow. Change does take time afterall" She looked back at Saskue, " Also.. you guys are always welcome here. So come by whenevery you want" she said with a smile.
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"Aya won't see it that way" Sasuke says and he adds "And the problem now is that she's off somewhere and I have no idea where she went", he wasn't going to add she normally got in some sort of trouble becausr of spirits needing her help.

Aya enters the forest and sees the spirit she had abandoned before and she says "Ready to help now", the spirit takes off and Aya follows, she wondered why the souls of her clan people were always there, to either ask help, guide her or get her into trouble. She stops at a clearing and frown seeing some bandits and she focuses "Right, we attack by nightfall, no one will suspect a thing" she hears one of them says and she wants to charge, but the other one says "I saw a cute little girl with ears and a tail looking our way earlier, let's capture her after getting rid of that annoying hokage and his kids". Aya gets pale and she looks at the spirit "Show up on the training ground when they're on their way' she whispers before heading off, she had to find Naruto and Noriko fast, maybe they were on the training ground.

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Kushina frowned a bit, " I can help ypu with that..." Ezio said with a yawned a bit as he got up. "Where does she usually run off to?" He asked him.
Noriko sighed a bit as she sat down behind the large rock in the training ground. "Come on Noriko... cheer up. You dont need her to see you as family. You already have mom, dad and I..." Narutoa said to the girl.

"But Naruto... I also see her as a friend. You know we dont have any friends..." she said to him. As she rested her head on his shoulder. "Maybe if I was less hyper she would like me..."

"If you were less hyper, ypu would be like Saskue" Naruto joke and poke her cheek.

Noriko giggled, " hey.. Saskue isnt that bad. "

"Oh god you sound like the other girls" Naruto said.

"No, I dont. I dont obsesse over him like the other girls." She smiled and looked at the sky. "Remember that story how dad rescued mom and said her long red hair was beautiful?... I wanna fall in love with someone like that" she said with a small grin. "Dad also loved mom even though she had a temper... I want someone who loved me even though I am not perfect.." she said. She blinked and blushed, "gaah... you are not suppose to know that..."

Naruto chuckle as he hugged her, "I wont tell a soul" he sais with a smile. Noriko smiled as she leaned on him and hummed a bit.
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Sasuke sighs "Well normally if she's upset she's going to look for some ghosts who need her help with something" Sasuke says and he adds "But they could be anywhere and she won't tell you directly if she saw one of those and if you don't know her eyes ability you will never find out"

Aya arrives at the training ground and she catches her breath she hears humming and she jumps on the rock and she sees the two "You need to go home and warn Kushina, a group of bandits is planning to kill you two and Minato tonight" she says and she adds "But you probably won't believe me after all I said already" she says and tilts her head slightly to check for any sound that shouldn't be there "So don't linger around here, but if you don't believe me and it does happen then don't come to me since I warned you" she says and jumps of again out of sight.

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"Hmm...guess we check the entire village..." he said as he gt up and walked out of the house. Kushina raised an eyebrow and followed the male out. Ezio made a few hand signs and put his hands on the ground. His shadow elongates and scattered in bird shadow.

"That is so cool..." Kushina said.

"Just give me a few minutes..." Ezio said they were his fastest animals right now.
Noriko and Naruto blinked at at Aya suddenly appearing. "Hey! Wait!" Noriko yelled as she got up. " gah! Naruto go warn mom!" She said as she ran off to gind the fox girl.
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Sasuke follows them and asks "Did she say anything that indicated anything that she might have seen a ghost?", if she had then they could still narrow down the area, normally she'd be pretty quick with helping "I probably should mention that ghosts who need her help normally end up giving her trouble.

Aya arrives at the gate of the village and narrows her eyes, she still felt something was wrong, but she hoped she was wrong for once "Blaze, scan the area" she says and she watches a giant see through phoenix take off and she sighs, she wished she wasn't stuck with a phoenix, a giant snake and a giant nine headed snake, until she found a host for one of them of course "Sasuke could be a good host for that normal snake though" she mumbles and she sees the phoenix returning and it shakes it's head, meaning it must be out of her reach and she jumps down, maybe she should go back to the house.

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"She did mention somethinf about being held up during our training exercise..." Ezio said to Saskue as Naruto came running back.

"Mom! Aya said there are bandits that are planning kill dad, Noriko and I" he said.

Kushina pale, " Naruto, where is Noriko and Aya?"

"Noriko ran after after Aya" Naruto answerd.

"Oh god.. go tell you father. Ill go look for those two" Kushina said as Naruto nodded and ran off. "Hey, where are my kids?" She saidto Ezio noticing the shadow coming back.

"Aya is at the gate and Noriko is looking around for the girl in the forest..."

"Saskue go to your sister. Ezio you come with me to get Noriko" she said as she ran off.
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Sasuke runs of and he wonders if that was all Aya had heard, he arrives at the gate quickly to see Aya focusing on the road and he says "Aya, we have to go back" "Alright" she says and the two head off again. "Nothing, but the feeling is still there, I hope it's not someone too strong for us to handle" she thinks and they lands on a nearby roof. Sasuke looks at Aya "How did you know about the bandits?" he asks and Aya says "A spirit of my own clan showed me the group, one of them saw me looking their way before and they plan to capture me, probably to sell me off somewhere" "I won't let them Aya" Sasuke says and he sighs.

Minato just leaves his office to head home and he sighs, he was worried as hell since it didn't always go well and with Sasuke asking for a place for just him and Aya, he had wondered how long that was going to take, but he figured that Naruto and Noriko wouldn't take it well.

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"Got damn it where is she?" Noriko mumbled as she looked around the forest with a sigh.

"Noriko!!" Kushina yelled as she the girl looked up to see her mother running over to her. Kuhsina check Norik for any injuries and sighed in relief before hugging her tightly.

"Mom we need to find Aya! She just ran off after tell Naruto and I about bandits!" Noriko said.

"She is at the gate and Saskue went to get her" Ezio explained.

"Oh... okay.." Noriko said to her softly.

"Let's go back.." Kushina said as she let go off her daughter. " and no butts.." Kushina said as she took her hand and started walking back. Noriko pouted before looking back at the forest.
Naruto saw his dad and went running over to him. " Dad! Aya told us that bandits are going to try to kill you, Noriko and I..." he said to him. " Mom when to get Noriko and Saskue went to get Aya "
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Aya looks down and says "I sense something Sasuke, but Blaze couldn't find anything so it probably was out of my range, but I don't like it Sasuke" "Maybe it was Itachi" Sasuke says as they head back "Maybe" Aya says and she adds "But it didn't feel like him Sasuke, I sensed evil". Sasuke looks at her and says "He became evil Aya, he killed the rest of the clan", Aya nods, she had seen it, everyone death again, she didn't want that again, but her life hated her, the Leaf hated her "I have something I need to do Sasuke, we'll meet up in front of the mask shop" she says and puts the mask she got on her face before heading off, she would get her revenge tonight since everyone would be protecting the hokage, she knew that if people found out that she would in serious trouble if people found out, but she didn't care at the moment since she wasn't going to make hem recognize her.

Minato sighs "Did she tell you how she found out?" he asks and adds "And let's go home, people will stay on guard tonight", he just wondered if Aya ever was going to be completely honest with Naruto, Noriko and Kushina, she had trouble opening up to most people.

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Noriko sighed as she got home. Ezio pulled her cheek, " Dont sigh like that. You could have gotten hurt" he said to her.

"I am more worried about Aya..." Noriko said to him as she rubbed her cheeks. "And that hurt"

Kushina smiled, " Saskue went to get Ata. She will be fine.. dont worry" Noriko nodded work a sigh.

"Can I train in the backyard?..."Noriko asked.

"Of course" Kushina said with a smile. Noriko smiled before running off to the backyard. "You should go ans help her. She may want a sparing partner and dont go easy on her" she said. Ezio raised an eyebrow before following after Noriko.

The backyard was big and Noriko was thinkong about what to do. There was a tree wirh marks on the side. She looked back to see Ezio, " What should I do?" She asked him as she sat down.

"Well what do you have more trouble with?" He asked.

"Cloning and substitution..." She said to him. " I can do close combat just fine.. but jutsus.. I am just terrible at them.." She said with a sigh.

"Hm... have you ever tried meditating?" He asked her.

".......No, I dont have the patience for it" Noriko said pulling her knees to her chest.

"Well.... You get the patience and meditate.."

"But it is so boring..." Noriko whined.

"Do you want to get stronger or not?" Ezio said with a slight glare. Noriko stopped and nodded, " the give it a shot..."

"...Fine" Noriko said with a sigh as she got into a meditating position to start meditating.
Naruto shook his head, "No, she didnt..." he swis as she started to follow his dad home. " She just told us and left.. "
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Sasuke lands next to them and says "Aya is fine, she left to do whatever", it was fishy she left suddenly, but she must have her reason for going off on her own.

Aya waits on one of the roofs keeping her target in sight and she glances at her purple nine headed snake before focusing again, she sees the ANBU members heading towards Minato's house and she smirks slightly under her mask, her target would be alone.

Minato sighs "Naruto, one day she will tell you, but she has instincts that warn her about danger, if she left straight after that then something else must be wrong, but she would report it if she saw anything out of place and she didn't, so let's just worry about the bandits for now"

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