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Fantasy Naruto Era of Peace

Opus smiled and saw that even Aiolos had paused drinking and stood at the ready. "let's go to the land of Sand but first our guest should be getting here soon." He looked around and then two shinobi of the mist appeared near them with a woman between them. She was fairly tiny seemingly only 5'3 and wore nondescript clothes so as to not stand out. She had a small back with some clothes and in her arms was a book that she held tightly to her chest. She bowed tentatively and said "my name is Mira and i will be in your care."

Opus nodded and said " hello Mira I am Opus and I am the leader of team 6 for the first part of our Journey that red head will carry you." Opus then gestured for Kuma.
Makoto approaches the girl and bows with respect. "It is a pleasure to meet you lady Mira. Please, feel at ease. You will be safe with us, of this I swear". Mako notices the book and tries to recognize any writing or motifs on the cover. Smiling she says she enjoys reading herself and hopes they can share a story or two during the journey.
Kuma smiles politely and got into a knee facing away from her saying “hop on please”
Makoto approaches the girl and bows with respect. "It is a pleasure to meet you lady Mira. Please, feel at ease. You will be safe with us, of this I swear". Mako notices the book and tries to recognize any writing or motifs on the cover. Smiling she says she enjoys reading herself and hopes they can share a story or two during the journey.
Mira smiled and moved he book to put it in her bag but looked nervous about it. Opus looked at her and whispered to her which made her nod tentatively. Opus then smiled and said "Aiolos was it? Tell me you can store things inside yourself yes?" Aiolos slowly nodded looking at his teammates with measured concern.

Opus gently took the book from Mira and sealed it in a little scroll and then handed it to Aiolos who unhinged his jaw and had his tongue wrap around it before seemingly swallowing it. Mira seemed a bit creeped out but still relieved as she turned to Mako with a small smile "I don't mind sharing stories I guess but I don't know many." She then awkwardly climbed onto the back of the big red man who offered to carry her.
Mira smiled and moved he book to put it in her bag but looked nervous about it. Opus looked at her and whispered to her which made her nod tentatively. Opus then smiled and said "Aiolos was it? Tell me you can store things inside yourself yes?" Aiolos slowly nodded looking at his teammates with measured concern.

Opus gently took the book from Mira and sealed it in a little scroll and then handed it to Aiolos who unhinged his jaw and had his tongue wrap around it before seemingly swallowing it. Mira seemed a bit creeped out but still relieved as she turned to Mako with a small smile "I don't mind sharing stories I guess but I don't know many." She then awkwardly climbed onto the back of the big red man who offered to carry her.
Kasai watches as Aiolos swallows the scroll realizing his assumption on the books value was correct and grows more curious into the secrets it may hold, he than grabs the two scrolls on his belt and stretches preparing himself for the journey ahead
Mira smiled and moved he book to put it in her bag but looked nervous about it. Opus looked at her and whispered to her which made her nod tentatively. Opus then smiled and said "Aiolos was it? Tell me you can store things inside yourself yes?" Aiolos slowly nodded looking at his teammates with measured concern.

Opus gently took the book from Mira and sealed it in a little scroll and then handed it to Aiolos who unhinged his jaw and had his tongue wrap around it before seemingly swallowing it. Mira seemed a bit creeped out but still relieved as she turned to Mako with a small smile "I don't mind sharing stories I guess but I don't know many." She then awkwardly climbed onto the back of the big red man who offered to carry her.
Kuma looked sickened and said “gross” as he saw aiolos swallow the scroll. He then stood up with ease and said “when you are ready sensei”
Kasai watches as Aiolos swallows the scroll realizing his assumption on the books value was correct and grows more curious into the secrets it may hold, he than grabs the two scrolls on his belt and stretches preparing himself for the journey ahead
Kuma looked sickened and said “gross” as he saw aiolos swallow the scroll. He then stood up with ease and said “when you are ready sensei”
Aiolos stuck his tongue out at Kuma the tongue going further than a normal one as he flicked it at Kuma before pulling it back into his mouth. Opus then said "let's go kids." Before hopping away with Aiolos hot on his heels.
Aiolos stuck his tongue out at Kuma the tongue going further than a normal one as he flicked it at Kuma before pulling it back into his mouth. Opus then said "let's go kids." Before hopping away with Aiolos hot on his heels.
Kuma watched Aiolos and laughed as he did that to Kuma. He then followed behind Aiolos
Mira smiled and moved he book to put it in her bag but looked nervous about it. Opus looked at her and whispered to her which made her nod tentatively. Opus then smiled and said "Aiolos was it? Tell me you can store things inside yourself yes?" Aiolos slowly nodded looking at his teammates with measured concern.

Opus gently took the book from Mira and sealed it in a little scroll and then handed it to Aiolos who unhinged his jaw and had his tongue wrap around it before seemingly swallowing it. Mira seemed a bit creeped out but still relieved as she turned to Mako with a small smile "I don't mind sharing stories I guess but I don't know many." She then awkwardly climbed onto the back of the big red man who offered to carry her.
Kuma looked sickened and said “gross” as he saw aiolos swallow the scroll. He then stood up with ease and said “when you are ready sensei”
Aiolos stuck his tongue out at Kuma the tongue going further than a normal one as he flicked it at Kuma before pulling it back into his mouth. Opus then said "let's go kids." Before hopping away with Aiolos hot on his heels.
Kuma watched Aiolos and laughed as he did that to Kuma. He then followed behind Aiolos
A little taken back at what she saw, Mako couldnt help but stare in silence until everyone else was on their way. She then smiles to herself, thankful for the strange yet comfortable company she has found herself in. Considering her current position, she appoints herself rearguard and decides to focus on the safety of her new friends.
A little taken back at what she saw, Mako couldnt help but stare in silence until everyone else was on their way. She then smiles to herself, thankful for the strange yet comfortable company she has found herself in. Considering her current position, she appoints herself rearguard and decides to focus on the safety of her new friends.
Kuma quickly catches up to opus and keeps pace
A little taken back at what she saw, Mako couldnt help but stare in silence until everyone else was on their way. She then smiles to herself, thankful for the strange yet comfortable company she has found herself in. Considering her current position, she appoints herself rearguard and decides to focus on the safety of her new friends.
Kuma quickly catches up to opus and keeps pace
Kuma watched Aiolos and laughed as he did that to Kuma. He then followed behind Aiolos
Opus kept them running for hours using music to help them set a pace however Aiolos was the first to catch on when Kasai would be breathing a little hard from the work while Aiolos seemed mostly fine and Kuma didn't seem the least bit bothered. Aiolos said "you're using genjutsu on us aren't you, something to help us keep going." Opus smirked as he looked back at them and then kept going playing more music as he went.
Opus kept them running for hours using music to help them set a pace however Aiolos was the first to catch on when Kasai would be breathing a little hard from the work while Aiolos seemed mostly fine and Kuma didn't seem the least bit bothered. Aiolos said "you're using genjutsu on us aren't you, something to help us keep going." Opus smirked as he looked back at them and then kept going playing more music as he went.
Kasai looked at back to make sure Kuma and Mako are ok before looking back towards Opus and following his lead and the pace he had set with his music. He then runs closer to Aiolos and takes a deep breath before saying to him "how much farther do you think we have to go before we reach the desert?"
Opus kept them running for hours using music to help them set a pace however Aiolos was the first to catch on when Kasai would be breathing a little hard from the work while Aiolos seemed mostly fine and Kuma didn't seem the least bit bothered. Aiolos said "you're using genjutsu on us aren't you, something to help us keep going." Opus smirked as he looked back at them and then kept going playing more music as he went.
Kuma comes next to opus and asks him “how much father is it”
Kasai looked at back to make sure Kuma and Mako are ok before looking back towards Opus and following his lead and the pace he had set with his music. He then runs closer to Aiolos and takes a deep breath before saying to him "how much farther do you think we have to go before we reach the desert?"
Aiolos frowned and looked around at the trees watching as the mist began to fade signaling they were leaving the expanse of the mist village. "I think we should be there probably some time tomorrow if we stop to sleep."
Kuma comes next to opus and asks him “how much father is it”
Opus stopped his music and said "hmm I think we'll reach the sand in about a day give or take with some hours. This is also with some hours for sleeping." Opus said with a small smile.
Aiolos frowned and looked around at the trees watching as the mist began to fade signaling they were leaving the expanse of the mist village. "I think we should be there probably some time tomorrow if we stop to sleep."

Opus stopped his music and said "hmm I think we'll reach the sand in about a day give or take with some hours. This is also with some hours for sleeping." Opus said with a small smile.
Kasai kept his pace and nodded his head, he than looked back to check on the girl to see how she was doing.
Aiolos frowned and looked around at the trees watching as the mist began to fade signaling they were leaving the expanse of the mist village. "I think we should be there probably some time tomorrow if we stop to sleep."

Opus stopped his music and said "hmm I think we'll reach the sand in about a day give or take with some hours. This is also with some hours for sleeping." Opus said with a small smile.

Kuma looked at the sky seeing that it was getting close to dusk and wondered where they would stop. He was feeling wary from leaving a familiar place.
Opus kept them running for hours using music to help them set a pace however Aiolos was the first to catch on when Kasai would be breathing a little hard from the work while Aiolos seemed mostly fine and Kuma didn't seem the least bit bothered. Aiolos said "you're using genjutsu on us aren't you, something to help us keep going." Opus smirked as he looked back at them and then kept going playing more music as he went.
Once the music began, Mako assumed it was intentional as well... however she could only guess if the intent was to spur them on or deter possible threats.
Kasai looked at back to make sure Kuma and Mako are ok before looking back towards Opus and following his lead and the pace he had set with his music. He then runs closer to Aiolos and takes a deep breath before saying to him "how much farther do you think we have to go before we reach the desert?"
Kuma looked at the sky seeing that it was getting close to dusk and wondered where they would stop. He was feeling wary from leaving a familiar place.
Mako quickly nods to Kasai as he looks back, signaling she is still fit to continue, though she couldn't help but notice Kuma's uneasiness. "This may be the farthest I've been as well. Sieryu watch over us," she says to him as she catches up. She then smiles at his passenger, " you know, there is a legend among the islanders who sail the Nagi Sea of a great serpent who resides beneath the waves. He creates the mists as he exhales and calls the storms as he shouts... a warning to outsiders to dare approach the Land of Water with evil in their hearts." Mako pauses for Mira's reaction, then raises an eyebrow and wonders just how old she really is, and if sharing a child's tale is even appropriate. She then shakes her head and chuckles, "If we end up sailing south through the Nagi, perhaps I'll show you how superstitious old fishermen pay their respects..," she then leans towards Mira and winks, "and maybe we'll reach the mainland safely."
Kasai kept his pace and nodded his head, he than looked back to check on the girl to see how she was doing.
Kuma looked at the sky seeing that it was getting close to dusk and wondered where they would stop. He was feeling wary from leaving a familiar place.
Once the music began, Mako assumed it was intentional as well... however she could only guess if the intent was to spur them on or deter possible threats.

Mako quickly nods to Kasai as he looks back, signaling she is still fit to continue, though she couldn't help but notice Kuma's uneasiness. "This may be the farthest I've been as well. Sieryu watch over us," she says to him as she catches up. She then smiles at his passenger, " you know, there is a legend among the islanders who sail the Nagi Sea of a great serpent who resides beneath the waves. He creates the mists as he exhales and calls the storms as he shouts... a warning to outsiders to dare approach the Land of Water with evil in their hearts." Mako pauses for Mira's reaction, then raises an eyebrow and wonders just how old she really is, and if sharing a child's tale is even appropriate. She then shakes her head and chuckles, "If we end up sailing south through the Nagi, perhaps I'll show you how superstitious old fishermen pay their respects..," she then leans towards Mira and winks, "and maybe we'll reach the mainland safely."
The girl in Kumas arms was pretty uncomfortable as she had been there for several hours although she was sucking it up by not saying anything. Aiolos saw her expression and stretched his arm to give her a bottle and said "try to relax we should make camp soon."

The Mira listened to Mako with some curiosity since she wasn't from the mist although she didn't say anything about that although she said "that is not in our travel plans so I doubt we will go see it." She said quietly as she tried not to get sucked in by the attitude of the ninja she was traveling with.
The girl in Kumas arms was pretty uncomfortable as she had been there for several hours although she was sucking it up by not saying anything. Aiolos saw her expression and stretched his arm to give her a bottle and said "try to relax we should make camp soon."

The Mira listened to Mako with some curiosity since she wasn't from the mist although she didn't say anything about that although she said "that is not in our travel plans so I doubt we will go see it." She said quietly as she tried not to get sucked in by the attitude of the ninja she was traveling with.
Kuma was listening curiously to the girl while trying to see if there was anyone fallowing them
The girl in Kumas arms was pretty uncomfortable as she had been there for several hours although she was sucking it up by not saying anything. Aiolos saw her expression and stretched his arm to give her a bottle and said "try to relax we should make camp soon."

The Mira listened to Mako with some curiosity since she wasn't from the mist although she didn't say anything about that although she said "that is not in our travel plans so I doubt we will go see it." She said quietly as she tried not to get sucked in by the attitude of the ninja she was traveling with.
Kasai kept a close watch on the surroundings and started to hum along to the music that Opus had been playing.
Kuma was listening curiously to the girl while trying to see if there was anyone fallowing them
Oddly enough Kuma would notice that there was no sound other than the sounds they made as they ran and talked. It was like the forest itself was holding it's breath.
Opus began to slightly alter his tune playing the song in a different key than when he started.
Kuma got close to opus and said very quietly “it’s to quite here, someone or something is here watching us” as kuma glances around and have the other three a warning look
Kuma got close to opus and said very quietly “it’s to quite here, someone or something is here watching us” as kuma glances around and have the other three a warning look
Opus chuckled and couldn't stop himself from bursting out laughing stopping his music. "oh really?" Opus played a quick musical flourish and suddenly the canopy shook and birds thronged around them beating their wings and cawing before Opus played a single note and they dispersed "my clan is known for our mastery of music and controlling things with it. My music has been keeping the birds quiet and watching our progress while also keeping you going."
Kuma got close to opus and said very quietly “it’s to quite here, someone or something is here watching us” as kuma glances around and have the other three a warning look
Opus chuckled and couldn't stop himself from bursting out laughing stopping his music. "oh really?" Opus played a quick musical flourish and suddenly the canopy shook and birds thronged around them beating their wings and cawing before Opus played a single note and they dispersed "my clan is known for our mastery of music and controlling things with it. My music has been keeping the birds quiet and watching our progress while also keeping you going."

Amazing. Makoto knows too well how to keep hidden by controlling the amount of sound you make or interfering with an opponents vision... but controlling the sounds your natural surroundings make to your presence is simply genius. She recalls the teachings of her swordmaster and of using your environment to your advantage, but this has further broadened her perspective. "There are infinite avenues of attack," she remembers to herself, "and when facing a truly skilled opponent, the unconventional can catch them off guard, and may be your only chance at success." She also realizes that throughout a ninjas career, it might take multiple teachers to truly understand a single important lesson.

Her mind now back in the present, Mako looks to see if Kumo is still on edge and then says to Opus,"Are we being followed? Who else knows of our companion here?"
Opus chuckled and couldn't stop himself from bursting out laughing stopping his music. "oh really?" Opus played a quick musical flourish and suddenly the canopy shook and birds thronged around them beating their wings and cawing before Opus played a single note and they dispersed "my clan is known for our mastery of music and controlling things with it. My music has been keeping the birds quiet and watching our progress while also keeping you going."
Kuma gave opus a look of surprise and awe and says “something still isn’t right “
Amazing. Makoto knows too well how to keep hidden by controlling the amount of sound you make or interfering with an opponents vision... but controlling the sounds your natural surroundings make to your presence is simply genius. She recalls the teachings of her swordmaster and of using your environment to your advantage, but this has further broadened her perspective. "There are infinite avenues of attack," she remembers to herself, "and when facing a truly skilled opponent, the unconventional can catch them off guard, and may be your only chance at success." She also realizes that throughout a ninjas career, it might take multiple teachers to truly understand a single important lesson.

Her mind now back in the present, Mako looks to see if Kumo is still on edge and then says to Opus,"Are we being followed? Who else knows of our companion here?"
Kuma gave opus a look of surprise and awe and says “something still isn’t right “
"I can't speak freely of who may be after us but as of now we are clear I have some of my pets out scouting for me to make sure we aren't tracked and the animals are working to mask most of our scent." Opus said calmly but then he looked at a paper that he pulled out of one of his pocekts and said "we're about to set up camp soon so don't worry but I'll need Aiolos and Kasai to work together for the night."

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