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Fandom Naruto: Brave New World

Da'aaaw Concerned Snake Parent!

I can twirl a broom between my fingers. If Im outside with plenty of room.
of course im concerned, his life and everything depends on me and whatever happens to him is my fault lol


It's all in the wrist and when you lift your wrist up and down
@Infinities Lover Sorry for not posting, been preoccupied with skyrim, real life stuff another rp and skyrim. What exactly happened to just out characters. I know what Backlash has been doing cause he always tells me, but could you maybe summarize? and ill post asap
Tsukiko attempted to keep Riku still in a water prison but he dodged it. Gilzar's last post summarizes what he's doing next. Then backlash was fighting the others. I've just been waiting for you to post before I do.
Ahh FNAF.....the topic of conversation at lunch every few days...

I don't mind. I was busy xD
Same at my school Dx

All the guys in my class are obsessed with it, and I hang out with some of them. We're kind of obsessed with completing Fnaf 3
lol before we all started playing Smash during lunch, we used to crowd around this sophomore's phone and watch him get killed xD
wtf happened to rpn

or was it just me?

idk but wow im still up ive been writing this research paper for

wow um

approx 6 hours unholy hell and papa satan how FUCK


alsmot done yet

so cloooooossseeee
i was yeah

live prey is actually dangerous for them
western hognose, breeder said around a year old

so of course, hes eaten at some point...
That's a tricky one. Although I know they are able to eat a dead prey, I would recomend alive and smaller and/or weak animals. Mouse nestlings or frogs for instance.
im probably not going to have time for a post today and tomorrow is a family thing so i might be busy then too

monday i will be scrambling to meet a work deadline, but knowing me i literally cant do nothing but work all day so theres a chance ill post then

anyways im going to try to not post more than once a day for awhile because i have lots of school to catch up on this last month

( - _ - )

i dont want to be in huge trouble
@Infinities Lover Aime doesnt know how to capture a person. Shes always had low leveled missions xD I cant wait to see his reaction to being bitten. LOL i laughed to much doing that post

Well he's certianly not happy.

Also, side question. How do I get that sick CS format that you used for your character?
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@Infinities Lover


@Tenshi Hinara

I noticed when you asked if you can make a genin, while cleaning up the character sign up section, I answered with yes you can make a venom. I meant yes you can make a genin.

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