Literature NaNoWriMo

Anyone else planning on doing this years NaNoWriMo? If so, what's your prep checklist? This is mine:

1. Finish my outline

2. Buy my snack foods for the month (Not healthy)

3. Finish my character sheets/profiles

4. Post about my novel on social media

5. Work with my writing partner on major plot points

6. Put together a reward box

7. Make a jar of plot bunnies

8. Get someone to draw all my characters together

9. Procrastinate, probably

10. Add to my writing playlist

11. Do my last minute research

12. Stock up on my chocolate supply

13. Plan out non-writing time during November

14. Any last minute stuff

15. Freak out before NaNoWriMo, despite being prepared beyond all measure 

So very professional, I know.
I'll probably just try and see if I have a story in my head that I want to write. if not, then I'll skip out on it this year. If I do, then I'll probably try. I've finished it twice, so there's no real burning desire to go through it again.
I *might* participate, but I'm not 100% certain I will yet, though I did attempt it before UNSUCCESSFULLY  (I am such a slacker v.v)

But I'd imagine if I had a prep list for it that it would be 99% similar to yours xD;
I thought about NaNo.  But then... for me, the process of writing is highly enjoyable. I like thinking in circles and loops and tying things together... and mulling things over slowly.  I like digesting my story.  I just personally can't bring myself to spit things out so quickly without being able to do it on my own slow terms.

I guess... it's like, well. Sex.  Sure, you can have a quickie and it can be fun, but I'd rather take my time and enjoy it.

More power to the folks who can do it, however.


Not quickies.

I mean, those, too, but.... 
I don't usually ever finish my writing by the 50k I write for NaNo. But, NaNo allows me to get my ideas onto paper in a semi-organized fashion. I know I'm not one, but it gives me an idea of where my story is going. So I that's just my two cents on NaNo. @CastoffCaptain
I don't usually ever finish my writing by the 50k I write for NaNo. But, NaNo allows me to get my ideas onto paper in a semi-organized fashion. I know I'm not one, but it gives me an idea of where my story is going. So I that's just my two cents on NaNo. @CastoffCaptain

Yeah, that's the way that I could do it, if  did it. To get the story going.
Your list of preparations is making me feel incredibly underprepared, but I'm contemplating doing it for the first time this year, yeah xD . Managing 50,000 words alongside a degree and church commitments is going to be an experience - getting past the procrastination stage to actually have a rough draft of a story though is a good aim! Any advice for a first-timer, I guess?

I figured it might be a nice idea to get people doing it/planning on doing it together in a group chat or something for mutual encouragement and mini advice snippets :)
What's a nanowrimo?

If memory serves it stands for National November Writers' Month - it's essentially a competition to see if you can write and submit a 50k first draft all written in one calendar month. I don't know if it still applies but it used to be that the winner(s) got a book deal out of it.

I've often toyed with doing it but I know if I ignored everything else to get 50k written I'd spend the next 6 months putting out fires (some of which might even be literal  :P )
If memory serves it stands for National November Writers' Month - it's essentially a competition to see if you can write and submit a 50k first draft all written in one calendar month. I don't know if it still applies but it used to be that the winner(s) got a book deal out of it.

I've often toyed with doing it but I know if I ignored everything else to get 50k written I'd spend the next 6 months putting out fires (some of which might even be literal  :P )

Well that sounds fun, thanks for the info friend 
Yeah I never prepare for NaNo though I always want to try. I have an idea readied but I certainly need to take these last two weeks to write a rough outline or at least get some genre resources together so I don't spend half the month researching instead of writing.
I usually get some crazy idea in my head that probably would have been better executed as a manga. Which is fine and all.

1) Make an outline of my characters much like a character sheet but more in-depth.

2) Get a basic plot down.

3) Research points that I may or not need and yet still feel under prepared.

4) Find random playlists of music I like.


5) Finish three-fourths of the list while hoping that it's enough.
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