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Graded [Nan Gau Fort] May Even These Peseants Have Respite!

TOLERANCE ~ A Queen is NOT a princess.

  • Sariel twirled their staff frivolously, stopping as it hit the floor. Unusually, to how one would regularly hear a cracking or thud of some kind, instead, there was a 'sparkling' noise of the sort, as glistering lights flew out before dispersing into the air. The girl, with her left hand, flipped their hair-tail instinctively as a sigh of relief left them. "Fuuh. How boring." The 'newcomer' would state, in a tone akin to yawning.

    The girl gave a stern glare to the bandit, to those who were keener when it came to facial expressions could note the slight nervousness in Sariel's expression. Time to get into character... The boy thought to themselves internally. Something compelled them to act much differently from how they usually do... [Intimidation F] "Listen 'ere, criminal filth. I am... the Seraph of Sweetness, and thus, it is my job as the [Heroine of Love and Justice] to do more than just restrain you, however, I am feeling more merciful this time," The body flipped their hair once more before pointing their staff at the bandit. "As such, if you DARED to lie about the hostages' whereabouts... Let us be clear that this dress will not be staying white." Sariel sternly claimed, with a foul stare.

    ... He was suppressing it. Deep inside, the body was smiling. I was so cool right there! he thought to himself. He should wear white more often. To say that. More often. Well, whatever. Sariel would leave the sugar heart there to stay. Hopefully, by the time they came back, it wouldn't have run out of time.
    Dulcifer Wink.png
    They felt like they were being mocked every time Maskfreak said that accursed word. Princess?? PRINCESS? Reminds him of some other kid he didn't like much. Ugh. Sariel, once again, ran their left hand through their hair-tail before laying off. Dulcifer would notice how habitually he was doing this... How annoying. Act nice. Act like Spaz. Angels are kind. Angels are kind. Something repeated in his head. Was this his voice?

    Sariel would turn around to Aya, smiling... Forcibly. "Who? Me?" Sariel pointed to his body with its left hand. "Ahaha~☆ Funny you ask!" The 'angel' winked, "Sweet and Beautiful, for that is what my name means, I am the seraph of sweetness... Dulcifer! N- Nice to meetcha!" Sariel proclaimed, before twirling around to look at the freak with the mask.

    "Riiiiiiighht" Sariel proclaimed, stretching out his words, "You mean that kid with the pink dress? Dunno bout you, but they were like totally just zooming by! Seemed skittish as a cat!" Sariel shrugged, trying to keep smiling, though it did seem nervous. "Fuwah~ Who would bring such a small young girl out here in a place like this! Truly. No class, whoever that was." They threw a jab at Aya indirectly for not letting Sariel just sleep in the tent. As well as that demon rat for dragging him all the way out here.

    "I am not on either of your 'sides,' however. I am on a mission, given to me, by celestial order. To enact justice onto those who commit sin, shine on those who live in the dark, and purify this world of the seven sins... (I think.)" Sariel, as Dulcifer, explained. A slightly unconvincing tone with what was Sariel's best attempt at a sweet and gentle smile.

    Flipping their hair once again, the body would turn to the door, pointing at it with their staff. "Now let's go los--" Sariel stopped quickly, "Now let us move onward, my comrades! Together we must right wrong and pursue chivalry! Forthward we go! AHAhhaHAhaha" The 'heroine' would state with a peal of nervous unconvincing laughter, as they began heading toward the door with light and breezy steps, almost tripping, clearly conveying that this person was not at all used to walking in heels.
Aya D grade.png

Aya looked over at Angel as she spoke, "I don't know, maybe crazier things have happened to say the least. But as for the cowboy, he got cut and then took off running back down the ladder. Not everyone is cut out for combat, it seems," Aya stated as she shrugged her shoulders. To be honest, it was annoying the cowboy had run out so quickly, which meant it was not the three of them again. On top of that, with Sariel transformed, she knew they would need to act quickly. Once that transformation was over, the whole secret would be up.

"I mean, Sariel did say she was going to hide at the first sign of fighting, so you can't say that you can be surprised on the matter," Aya stated as she let out a sigh. Putting her sword away, she looked around the room and inside the footlocker at the foot of the beds. Going through a few of them, she found some guard uniforms, some of which had the bandit's belongings. Maybe it was a smaller group than it sounded like; if not, all these lockers are full. This is a pretty good-sized room; you could fit fifty people here. Aya thought to herself as she started to approach the door the man was talking about earlier.

"I'm not lying!" The bandit replied to Angel as she brandished the poleaxe in the man's face. There was fear in the man's eyes though he would also not gain anything from lying at this point in the game. His buddies were all dead on the floor except for the one Dulcifer had knocked out when she finally appeared. On top of that, with Dulcifer's reinforcement, the bandit simply shook his head.

With that being said, Aya opened the door, revealing the stairs leading deeper into the fort. Descending the stairs, she felt much warmer as warm air hit her face. Her cheeks turned a rosy color as she continued; she could be heard people talking further down. Turning behind her, she brought a hand up to her face to signal for them to be quiet before continuing. The voice was that of a woman, "Let us out! Come back here!" Aya paused for a moment as she peeked around the corner, seeing a large cage with women and children inside of it.

Not seeing any of the bandits around, she moved down the stairs and on the floor again, walking toward the cage with her katana ready. "I assume you are the residents that were captured," Aya stated as she examined the lock on the cage, which required a key if they wanted to open it quietly. "Do you know who has the key?" Aya inquired as the woman nodded her head.

"The bandit captain has the key; he came down a little bit ago using those stairs over there, though I'm not sure if you will find him right away if you go up there. He had two others with him," The woman spoke as she pointed to another set of stairs at the far end of the room.

Aya turned to their resident potential serial killer, "You wanna hack that lock in two?" Aya inquired, as she wanted to get the people out of there so they couldn't be used against them later on if it came down to that.

Mentions: Faynorae Faynorae L Lulidew
Aya: Armor E Grade
Angel: Armor F Grade
Sariel: N/A

Hearing about the 2 leavers, Angel would feel a sense of disappointment as she wasn't able to kill- no, liberate them in the end... Oh well, there was always a next time for the liberation of lives!

Following that, Angel thought that the man would put up much more of a fight, resisting and never revealing the hostage whereabouts. Instead, it seemed like he had no sense of honor or shame as he spilled everything when faced with death. Seeing him become such a pathetic loser now, Angel chuckled at the poor man. It was as if he was just an ant in her palm. She could easily just dispose of him now, but that wouldn’t be fun… Who knows? Maybe he’d be able to cause more problems for the others down the line if she’d let him live now. That would be hi ~ la ~ rious!

Since you’ve been such an honest and nice lil boy, I guess you deserve to live after all.” Angel said sinisterly, before turning to the woman who had introduced herself as Dulcifer. “And you… You’re acting kinda funny… How do we know that you’re not an evil monster pretending to be human?!” She’d ask while pointing at her, not realizing the irony that she herself was a monster pretending to be a human.

When Aya would ask Angel to break the lock, Angel complained, “and why would I do that? Shouldn’t we make the bandit captain and his goons pay with their lives first-” But then suddenly, she remembered she had to gain their trust and be obedient. Heaving a sigh, she’d say, “I meaaaaan, sure let’s just do that, why not!

The doll swung her poleaxe at the lock, while silently cursing at the cute girl who was ordering her around in her mind. Just who the hell did she think she was?!
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TOLERANCE ~ A Queen is NOT a princess.
  • Sariel twirled his staff unnecessarily, tapping it against the floor after a single spin. The body sighed, nonchalantly waving its hand at the freakish person with a mask's statement about Dulcifer being a monster in disguise. How utterly, detestably horrible. This was probably the second time Sariel has been accused of being a monster. Was that the only suspicion people had in this world? How annoying.

    Sariel stared at Angel. The mask that she wore really did seem sinister. It gave Sariel the creeps somehow. Anyone who would wear something as creepy as that was sure to be some kind of coo-coo, screw-loose space cadet of some kind. Or someone who is just plain grotesque. Sariel didn't particularly like her odd willingness to literally behead another human being. Sariel wasn't completely apathetic when it came to taking lives, it felt "fine" when it was some sort of gross monster, but another person who seemed alike to him made Sariel hesitant.

    "Acting funny? Me? Like, n- No way~☆" Sariel brushed it off with a forced smile and overly friendly tone. "If you ask me, anyone could be a monster in disguise! Better watch yer' back, impure filth could be anywhere and everywhere! aahahAhha~☆" They nervously laughed, though it was terribly fake, yet still slightly convincing. However, it didn't help that the body's eyes didn't keep eye contact as it swept its hands through its pale hair.

    As Sariel walked along with Aya and the masked freak, he would take note of his surroundings. Making sure again to check behind him in case any bandits or whatnot were sneaking up on them. Sariel was quite uncomfortable descending the stairs, after all, this transformation seemingly forced him into wearing heels. Neither in his past life or this life, until every time he had to transform into Dulcifer, had he worn heels. Luckily, these weren't particularly high heels, however, they were still extremely uncomfortable for him, and it was quite inherent, as Sariel was actually paying more attention to his steps rather than his surroundings.

    When they came upon the large cage, Sariel found it somewhat amusing. The idea of holding people in a large cage instead of a jail cell made him laugh, reminding him of those games where you'd have to rescue tiny animals from these large human-sized cages. After running the body's arms through its hair, Sariel would spin his staff around, tapping it against the floor.

    Sariel side-eyed Angel's odd statements, but smiled and looked upon the caged residents. "Be not afraid, dear citizens of this realm!" He'd begin, with an unconvincing bubbly tone, pointing to the victims. "I, the Seraph of Sweetness, Dulcifer! along with my trusted confrères, promise to pass justice upon your captors and retrieve all that has been stolen!" The body stated with a wink, as he twirled the staff he held around 3 or 4 times before finally tapping the staff against the floor with a heavy hit.
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Aya D grade.png

Aya watched as the lock was cut cleanly in two, to which the people quickly pushed open the door. "Thank you, is there a safe way out of here?" The woman inquired as Aya pointed in the direction they had come down from that led to the trap door. The sound of the lock being cut echoed through the room.

"If you head up those stairs you will come to the barracks where there is a trap door that will lead you down into a cave. Here is the map they drew if you follow it backward you will make it to the camp with the other villagers," Aya explained as Sariel did his little speech tapping the staff against the floor several times. Which echoed throughout the whole room.

As the prisoners started to go the way the trio had come from Aya looked over toward the other stairs. "Well I suppose we won't find their leader down here, we might as well see where he is hiding," Aya concluded as she made her way towards the stairs drawing her katana again she started to walk up. The group went up several flights of stairs until they came to a closed door.

There were three voices coming from the door, "I don't care if its cold, you two are supposed to keep the others in line. Unless you want the lot of us to be out in the cold again!" One of the voices said though it wasn't long before another voice was heard.

"What do you mean? They won't make a move on us while we have their families held hostage," A feminine voice said as the other voice sounded like a whisper. Which Aya thought was a little strange that one of them only whispered, though stranger things have happened before she supposed.

"If you want the first go at them by all means," Aya stated as she looked back over at Angel allowing her access to the door to barge in if she so desired to do so.

Mentions: Faynorae Faynorae L Lulidew
Aya: Armor E Grade
Angel: Armor F Grade
Sariel: N/A

“Ughh… Never imagined I’d be the one rescuing people.” Angel muttered quietly under her breath. She’d then raise her voice, hoping to match Dulcifer’s introduction. “And I am Angel, sent from the heavens to save all of you! You’d better remember my name!”

Maybe with this, she’d be able to gain some fame and be recognized as a hero of some sort! And then after that, perhaps forming a cult would be a piece of cake! It all begins here! Angel nodded to herself gleefully, as the master plan was set in motion.

The group would then approach the door where 3 other voices could be heard. Aya would give Angel the green light to barge her way in, however she wouldn’t be happy following along with the suggestion. She wasn’t some obedient little puppy! How dare this fox give her orders!

“How about we have a little fun instead~? First we will open the door, using our cute princess here as bait to lure em outside where the rest of us will be hiding, then we ambush them!” Angel would whisper to the others, referring to Dulcifer as the princess. Setting up an ambush sounded way more underhanded and fun than just revealing oneself immediately and fighting on fair grounds! Besides, this was enemy territory! There was no such thing as fairness here!
AHAH ~ He almost tripped with that twirl. Heels suck.
  • Sariel blinked. Huh. Odd, the villagers didn't seem to care for much fanfare. It was understandable, after all, he would care more about getting home rather than fawning over some flamboyant person in a pretty dress. Eh, he didn't mind it. He'd rather them not care than point it out... Wait, why did he even introduce himself like that? It was so shameful, how could he make such a cheesy display?

    "Seraph of sweetness my ass..." The child uttered his breath, and that Mask-Freak wasn't helping either. Talk about a copycat, pretending to be an angel was my gig! He thought to himself, barely stopping himself from staring bullets into that poser. Pseudo-angels aside, he was feeling stoked to actually be doing something good for once. Beating up people for no reason was fun and all, but doing it for a reason made it all the more worth it.

    While Sariel was occupied overthinking why he felt so compelled to do things he would never ever even try or think of, he'd come to be surprised that they made it to their next location. Sariel was confused as to why Aya would just let the creepsie wannabe angel take over the situation but was somewhat relieved that said wannabe had a different plan...

    Until it had to do with Sariel putting his face on the line. "Oi, ya' dwe-" Sariel was about to go off, but quickly covered his mouth and decided against. Patience. Patience. I am a heroine, I am strong and beautiful, kind and bright... Wait no, why the hell does that matter? I'm . . .! What is going on? Whatever, whatever, I'll just... be... With Love! "AhahahAHa, It's so nice of you to call me princess... Any the do! I am like psyched to help..!" Sariel said, the body's sweet voice hiding most of his unwillingness. "Get ready y'all!" Sariel whispered as he readied himself.

    "Okay... Let's do this..." Sariel pepped up himself silently, gathering the strength in his left leg to deliver as powerful a blow as he could muster. And with that, he'd kick open the door. With an unnecessary dramatic flair, he stepped into the room while spinning his staff, before stopping to point at whoever happened to be behind it. Smiling with a subtly aggressive expression.

    "Cease, you filthy evildoers!" He'd loudly state, "Forcibly holding and stealing from the innocent populace is truly unruly and vile! Those who sin shall be forgiven, but I shan't!" Pausing for a moment, Sariel twirled his staff and violently hit the floor with it. Running the body's hand through its hair, he glared at whatever stood behind the door.

    [Pretty Girl’s ☆ Stock Intimidation ♡ Technique]

    "Shining on those who live in darkness, Behold! I am the beautiful and pure maiden who fights for love and the safety of innocent and pathetic victims of your crimes! Be not afraid, for I am the Seraph of Sweetness, Dulcifer! In the name of scared children, worried husbands and sick mothers, I will cleanse all evil filth..." Sariel loudly proclaimed, before twirling around needlessly, pointing with his staff again and placing his free hand on the body's hip and winking. "And THAT means you! So give yourselves up quietly and maybe I'll go easy on y'all!" Sariel bluffed with a clearly fake cheerful tone...

    While he was doing all this, the only thought that went through his mind was, Why am I doing this? Am I a clown?
Aya D grade.png

Aya looked at Angel as she muttered under her breath. Aya let out a sight and then gave the girl a confused look as she suggested that plan. Huh, so now she wants to be smart about this outside of rushing into combat. Interesting, though I can't really argue with that logic. Aya thought to herself as she once again drew her katana as she looked further back at Sariel as she was coming up the stairs. This whole thing was strange to her, not to mention the girl to which she thought was crazy at this point.

Aya was about to stop Sariel but by that point, it was already too late as she was brought out of her thoughts a little too late. As Sariel kicked the door open, the door broke off its hinges and then fell to the floor. To which Aya face palmed herself as Sariel went off on a little rant as she spun her staff around. Though the group inside didn't have a whole lot of time to react.

As the three bandits all looked at each other they started to laugh and point at Sariel,
"What? You want us to be scared of you?" One of the bandits stated as he continued to laugh. After a moment he wiped a tear from his eye as the group drew their weapons all three of them were longswords.

Taking advantage of this Aya moved to one of the bandits. When she was in range she quickly used Quick Slash as she surged forward bring her blade across one of the bandits stomachs who let out a shout of pain as he moved a hand to the wound that Aya had just opened up. Before Aya could bring her sword up to block an incoming attack the bandit brought his sword down against her armor leaving a large cut in it.

  • Quick Slash - Kitsune Style F, Fast F, Sword F - Aya uses her speed to quickly rush a target with in 10 feet and deliver a quick slash attack with her sword. - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown
1. Moved to closest Bandit
2. Used Quick Slash.

Mentions: Faynorae Faynorae L Lulidew
Aya: Armor E Grade => F Grade
Angel: Armor F Grade
Sariel: N/A

Seeing Aya sigh, Angel would smile to herself gleefully from under her mask. “Hows that! Can’t go around ordering me around now, can ya?” She’d thought to herself. Although she had been mostly obedient up till now, she wasn’t willing to follow every single order like a good lil puppy! Especially not when it was a cute girl giving the orders!

Watching the princess barge her way in and making such a grand introduction, Angel would let out a small chuckle from behind. Geez, did she really need such a grand entrance everytime she met someone new? Those bandits probably didn’t even care about her in the first place! And it wasn’t as if they would just give in when she asked them to.

Although the thought was ridiculous to Angel, she wouldn’t say anything aloud for the time being. After all, watching this girl make a fool out of herself was entertaining too!

And it was time to kill again! Angel skipped her way into the room, with her poleaxe rested on her shoulder. She’d skipped over to one of the guys, before gripping her axe and swinging it down on his head.
BEAUTY ~ The sparkling justice and magic of LOVE
  • Sariel, was in all terms, very very, unimpressed. First of all, How dare they! They laughed at him. AT ME?!?? As the Strawberry Buster, and Seraf of Love and Sweetness, Sariel could not just let this go. How truly and utterly horrid of them.

    "Now listen here, you degradable FILTH, do you WANT to get wrecked?!"

    Sariel twirled his staff, before bashing it against the floor. A loud sparkle rang throughout the room. "All of you are a bunch of butt-ugly hosers, with dweebish fashion sense as well as being criminal scumbags yuppies to ya' big boss. I, the Seraf of Sweetness, Dulcifer, will make sure you truly get what y'all deserve!" Sariel glared at the bandits, "And y'all deserve tah' be squashed and crumpled into roses made o' flesh!" The girl stated, with a loud and aggressively fervent tone.

    But then... Those two ran in. He glared at both Aya and Angel as they went up ahead of him. "Oi 'thought we had a plan?!" He shouted at them, as they charged forward. First, they make him utterly humiliate himself, and then they go in without even following the strategy they laid out, "...Hosers." The 'angel' muttered to themselves. "Oi, Rat thing, stay near 'kay!?" He asked quite hurriedly, as Sariel held his staff upward and twirled it round and round.

    The red jewel of the staff glittered beautifully, along with Salboros's eyes. Crimson ribbons of magical energy twirled around the tip of the staff, Sariel then point it forward. "Oi! You two, outta the way!!" Sariel demanded, before shouting [A1] "[Screw ☆ Driver]!" As the body lunged forward, sliding forth at the bandit who laughed at him. The crimson ribbons turned pink, sparkling like stardust as Sariel's body dashed 10 feet forward, creating a magical drill to puncture his foe if it connected.

    Afterwards, [A2] Sariel again raised his staff, channelling the magical energy of Salboros's power into the tip of his staff, he would then madly swing his staff at the bandit, intending to hit the bandit with a [Heavy ♡ Press]. When the attack would land, it would let out a small heart-shaped burst of magical energy in a 2 feet radius.
Aya D grade.png

Out of the corner of Aya's eye, she saw Angel skip over to a bandit and swung her axe at the bandit. The bandit was still laughing at Sariel as the living doll arrived at her target. Dropping her axe down on the bandit before he could get a chance to react and cutting down the bandit with little to no ease on the matter. By this point, Sariel was muttering something to herself drowned out by the sound of combat.

Aya turned her attention back on the bandit as she narrowly brought her sword up to block an attack using deflection. Turning her attention back to the fight at hand she used a quick slash this time aiming for the man's stomach again. As she dashed forward and cut down the bandit who dropped to the ground. When Sariel surged forward Aya moved out of the way as Sariel went past her to the final bandit in the room.

As Sariel launched herself toward the bandit didn't have a lot of time as the drill impacted him and then the swift follow-up with the strike of the staff knocked the bandit out could. Aya looked around and she saw a single set of double doors. She was about to speak when heavy footsteps were heard coming close to the door. "Hey whats all with all that racket! I thought I told you idiots to keep the captives quiet!" A man's voice shouted through the door.

As the foot steps reached the door it was kicked open knocking the doors off their hinges and onto the floor. The man looked confused for a moment as he saw the three bandits on the ground. "What is this a rescue party? Well I suppose its time to teach people a lesson! You want to hurt and kill my men then its time to return the favor!" The captain chuckled.

  • Quick Slash - Kitsune Style F, Fast F, Sword F - Aya uses her speed to quickly rush a target with in 10 feet and deliver a quick slash attack with her sword. - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown
  • Deflection- Kitsune Style E, Deflection E, Energized E - Aya uses her word to deflect incoming non magical attacks. - Grade E - 0 post cool down
1. Used Defelction
2. Used Quick Slash.

Mentions: Faynorae Faynorae L Lulidew
Notes: The Boss has appeared!
Aya: Armor F Grade
Angel: Armor F Grade
Sariel: N/A
ANGELIC PRETTY ~ The Angel of Love Declares!
  • What was this feeling? Sariel honestly couldn't understand. Usually, he was not filled with such excitement after harming another... It was unusual. It was wrong. Sariel felt some sort of warming joy and gladness filling his body, blooming in him like yellow roses. "he...Hehe." It made him giggle, it was ticklish. "Aha... OHOHOHOH!" He laughed manically, covering his mouth with the arm of this body, before running him through his hair, and dramatically flipping it.

    Heaving a relieved sigh, Sariel smiled. "How's that?! Yer' still flapping ya' mouth? Scared yet? Too weak ta' handle a few hits?" Sariel scoffed, "Thought you would last longer, but it seems the pretty pure white dressed yamato nadeshiko totally beat you out cold! AHaha!" Sariel celebrated, laughing and boasting a genuine smile, before kicking the bandit's unconscious body as a final act of spite.

    Resting his left hand on this body's hip, Sariel smiled gladly, twirling the staff frivolously. "That'll teach you for underestimating your opponents," Sariel said, turning his attention to the door. "You gotta be kickin' me, another one...!?" When it flew open, revealing some other guy with a grand attitude, the body would stare in utter displeasure.

    "Jeez, ever heard of a doorknob?" Sariel ironically stated. Whatever, he thought. [A1] With his staff, Sariel pointed. A smile spread across this body's face.

    [Pretty Girl’s ☆ Stock Intimidation ♡ Technique]

    "Passing justice to those who pursue a criminal path, Behold! I am the sweet and pretty girl who fights for love and the weak ordinary citizens of this land! Be not afraid, for I am the Seraph of Sweetness, Dulcifer! In the name of the filial love of the mothers you dare inhibit, I will reprimand all evil villains..." Sariel loudly proclaimed, before twirling around needlessly, pointing with his staff again and placing his free hand on the body's hip and winking. "And THAT means you! So give up, or feel the overwhelming violence and wrath of the angel of love!" Sariel stated aggressively, this time without a smile.

    Sariel then turned his head to look at Angel and Aya, "Oi! You two curb that lame bogue to the max, kay?!" Sariel suggested loudly, hoping they'd aim for the legs or something. It's better to start out powerful anyway. Sariel prepped up, [A2] fluttering 10 feet behind Aya and Angel.


After chopping down another one of the bandits, Angel couldn't help but to grin widely from under her mask. Another one down! Another one saved! She was granting them true salvation! All of a sudden, a crazy laughter would erupt from elsewhere. Angel thought she had finally lost it, and was hearing things. But turning her head she'd notice the laugh coming from the princess lady instead. What the hell? Didn't know that the pretty snowflake had a screw loose in her head! It seemed she enjoyed killing as well! Maybe she was a potential comrade?

Just then, the door would have been kicked wide open as an ugly man stepped through. It seemed like the man wouldn't have felt bad or anything about his men dying, still being able to chuckle at the group like they were mere insects. So this man was an actual scum... In that case, she could go all out! Yay!

"Hey ugly! How about you join your comrades in the afterlife?!" Saying this, she'd charge right for the captain preparing a swing at him.
Aya D grade.png

Compared to the other bandits this one seemed much stronger compared to the rest. As Sariel tried to intimidate the man, he only chuckled. "Haha, was I supposed to be scared of you girly? Well, I think you had better try something worse than that if you plan on trying to get me to back down or be afraid." The bandit then produced a rather large-looking mace that looked like it could do a lot of damage to armor and bones should it come into contact with anyone. Though it went without saying that the man though he didn't look too happy about what Sariel was saying.

As Angel spoke the bandit looked in her direction, "Says the freak in the mask!" The man retorted as she charged at him brining his mace up he deflected the attack knocking the momentum of Angel's axe off as he swung down with his mace breaking through Angel's armor and knocked her off her feet and landing 5 ft back from where she was.
Aya looked confused at what had just happened as she quickly followed up with quick slash as she surged forward at incredible speed the bandit captain did the same to her but this time lacked the will or the ability to counterattack this time. Following up with Blind strike she delivered a slash to the bandit's arm causing him to let out a grunt of pain. Before she went to defend herself in case he went after her next.

  • Quick Slash - Kitsune Style F, Fast F, Sword F - Aya uses her speed to quickly rush a target with in 10 feet and deliver a quick slash attack with her sword. - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown
  • Blind Strike- Kitsune Style E, Heightened Sense E (Hearing & smell), Blind Fighter F, Energized E - Aya strike at targets within sword length by listening to sound if her sight is taken away. - Grade E - 0 Post Cooldown
1. Used Quick Slash.
2. Used Blind Strike
3. Defended

1. Counter Angel
2. Swung the mace
3. Defended

Mentions: Faynorae Faynorae L Lulidew
Notes: The Boss has appeared!
Aya: Armor F Grade
Angel: Armor broken
Sariel: N/A

Charging straight for the captain Angel would have her attack deflected and her armor broken as the bandit captain repelled her worthless attempt at attacking. Falling backwards onto her bum, she'd yelp out in surprise. Wow, this man wasn't going down easy like the others, huh... She'd thought to herself, while running a hand over her body to inspect her injuries on her metal body. It seemed like she hadn't been split into two yet, and she'd heave a sigh of relief.

The man had also called her a 'freak', which pissed her off. "Hey! I'm not a freak!" She'd shook a fist at the captain, getting up back on her feet carefully. She couldn't just run at him, he'd just swat her away like before! What other options are there... Wait a minute, just what was the princess up to anyway? Looking about the room, Angel would spot the princess just right behind her. "Alright, you're up Mrs Decoy! Ugh... I hate to admit it but we might need to work together just to defeat him..." Angel pointed to the bandit captain as if she was commanding the magical girl to go forward and distract him, although she was disgusted about the fact that she was instructing her for help.
SWEETNESS ~ The Angel of Love strikes of shining fervour!

  • With the snickering of that demon rat thing following Sariel around and the old man bandit's mocking, Sariel couldn't help but feel irritated. He boldly glared at the laughing bandit, "Well~ Seems like ya' didn't notice your bogus mates on the floor 'ere. So I'll take that as a sign that you have below elementary intelligence." The angelic fighter snapped back, with an aggressive tone in his voice and a mocking smile. "Ah! But that's tah be expected cuz' you probably got correctly properly educated; Did'ja~?" Sariel barked back at the bandit.

    Seeing Angel charge forth at the bandit's leader(?) and carelessly attack made Sariel flinch. His worries weren't sated when Angel had her attack slighted, as the old man seemingly effortlessly deflected it. It seemed like this man was more powerful than the other drunkards and idiots that littered the area. In the best-case scenario, that was a lucky strike and his only slightly stronger. Sariel decided to stop wasting time thinking as he realised Aya had seemingly blinded the man.

    "Yabe~i!" Sariel excitedly exclaimed, as in a means to say a great job. With that, Sariel quickly gets irritated at Angel's next statement and actions. He glared at her profusely, "Oi Yariman, didn't you get the message!?" The 'heroine' shouted on impulse. Realising that may be a little too aggressive for this characture, Sariel turned back, "B- But if you gotta take a back seat, Fine by me! Don't... Do not get in the way! Take Cover!" Sariel stated.

    He looked to Aya, and shouted again, "Move it, Foxy!"

    [Shining Sweetness ☆ Super Stardust ♡ Sugar Stream!]

    [A1] With that Sariel held up his wand, posing while twirling the staff around and around. As it spun, it glistened with that of a crimson light akin to the petals of a red rose. Despite its inherent luminosity, it seemed dark. As if it consumed the already dim light around it. Twirling it around a disk of a rosey red ribbon-like light. Sariel then performed a very poorly done pirouette, twirling and lowering the staff down in front of him as he spun to face the Bandits' supposed leader.

    The shining light became a magical circle which had various odd words on it, stated in a language unknown to the party. The circle had the design of a three-pointed star. In between were depictions of a dove, a rabbit, a deer and in the middle, a human. All without eyes, and a wide smile. Ignoring the odd circle, Sariel stopped spinning his staff and began to singingly chant "Shining And Sweet, oh Stars. I call upon thee!" Suddenly, the circle shined with a bright white light, "Befall thy celestial dust and purify my wake. Heed me!" Sariel smiled, and twirled around "Sugar...!" He held the staff forward and struck the circle. "STREAM!"

    Suddenly, with a dazzling gleam, as Sariel held the staff on the Magical Circle, pouring out from it was a wave of sweet-scented and brilliant magical energy. The beam of energy flowed forth, heading toward the man's direction. With a circumference of 15 feet and a length of 100 feet moving forward. "Take this, you dipstick!" Sariel shouted as the blast moved forth.
Aya D grade.png

Aya was about to follow up and attack when Angel shouted at the man and shook her fist. What is wrong with her? I think she is literally looking to draw blood at this point. Aya thought to herself as she seemed to be at least that meant she didn't need to entirely watch her back. The bandit by this point was starting to get his sight back as Aya moved back to keep him from swinging wildly trying to hit anything in range of his weapon.

She turned her head back toward Sariel as she heard Sariel shout at her.
"Foxy? Excuse me." Aya scolded Sariel with a cocked eyebrow as she heard Sariel give her warning. She quickly moved out of the way as the laser beam shot from Sariel. The bandit captain didn't have any time to react as the beam hit him and destroyed his armor.

"Oi! What the hell was that!" The bandit captain stood up from the rubble as he was sent through several walls making him 50 ft from the group now. He then started to run toward the group as there were now warning bells that echoed from the keep.

1. moved.
2. Dodge.
3. Unused

1. Moved toward the group
2. unused
3. unused

Mentions: Faynorae Faynorae L Lulidew
Notes: The Boss has appeared!
Aya: Armor F Grade
Angel: Armor broken
Sariel: N/A
ARROGANCE ~ The Angel of Love strikes of shining beauty!

  • "Ohohohoh!" Sariel cackled, the staff twirling back into his hand. He flipped his hair dramatically with little elegance. He smiled and stared mockingly at where the bandit leader was hurled at. Sariel twirled around to face Aya and Angel, winking, "Once more, the Seraf of Sweetness and beauty-clad warrior of justice reigns victorious once more. My esteemed self is quite impressed by mine own talent and aptitude. Ohohoh!" Sariel arrogantly proclaimed, while laughing. "Honestly, I dunno why people don't just throw out their most powerful abilities more often! It's fun, quick and gets the job done fervently and powerfully~☆ OHOHOH" Sariel again laughed.

    He stopped and flinched when he heard the bandit's voice again. He turned around and was quite annoyed to see the man at them. "Huh? HUH?!" He exclaimed, "Oi! Why're ya NOT a corpse yet!?!" Sariel shouted, his face pulled into a scowl. "Aiyayai, dimwitted folk are fer shur stubborn." Sariel scoffed.

    [A1]Twirling around, and spinning his staff, Sariel faced the bandit as he ran toward the group. "Take this you FILTH!" The staff's crystal once again began to glow, sparkling crimson as it created yet again another magical circle. It gleamed, and Sariel shouted furiously,

    "[Sugar Heart ♡ Cannon]!"

    Beaming with beautiful light, a large Heart-Shaped magical candy coalesced in front of the circle. "Heads-Up!" Sariel shouted, as he madly struck the magical circle, causing it to shatter and disperse into sparkling light, the magical sugar heart flung forward (100 feet) at a high speed, aiming to hit the bandit.

"Yariman?! What... ?" Angel would stand there for a moment, stunned with her jaw dropped as the princess would shout at her out of nowhere. So the princess DID have a screw loose after all! Was this the real her? Angel would ponder to herself, as she watched the girl blast the captain away. So she was also a powerful mage, it would seem. Maybe the current her was not enough to kill the fox along with this princess... In that case, it would be best to continue being friendly with them!

Somehow, the powerful blast alone was not enough to take out the bandit captain. Seeing the princess lady attack the bandit captain once more, Angel would eye Dulcifer from the back, thinking to herself that she did look pretty vulnerable while she was distracted. However, she'd shook her head to snap herself out of it. Hmmm... maybe not now while the bandit captain and the fox are still alive... To face all of them alone may be far too much now.

As much as she hated working alongside the rest of em, it looked like she didn't have much options now. "Ugh! Screw it!" She'd spat out, before running up to the bandit captain after Dulcifer's attack, preparing an additional swing for his head if Dulcifer's attack was not sufficient in taking the boss out.
Aya D grade.png

Sariel started to gloat about the attack, Aya thought it was over after that point. Or well that was until she heard the voice and now with the alarms going off all over the place. She knew now that it was going to get only more interesting. If they couldn't finish this quickly she figured that more people would start show up. She started to hear people shouting. As she was about to make her next move Sariel sent another attack toward the bandit.

As the heart-shaped attack launched forward there was a blue slash that erupted forward as it touched Sariel's attack the two exploded launching smoke in both directions. To which Aya's jaw dropped at the building shook a little bit. "Hey watch the explosions!" Aya called out and that's when Angel rushed forward to the Bandit Captain. The captain brought the Mace up to block the attack causing both weapons to bounce off each other.

Aya using Angel as the distraction surged forward and trusted her blade into the man's side but only barely cut him. Quickly following up she used Qazi delivering a nice cut to the captain's chest where he started to swing around widely as he lost his sense of touch and sight. Due to the close-quarters nature as he flailed around he smacked Aya with the mace breaking her armor. He then started to whistle as now all three could hear footsteps coming toward them.

  • Qazi - Fighting Style: Kitsune Style C [sword], Blind Fighter, Deflect F, Flare E (Sight, Touch), Area F, Fast E - Aya uses her katana to make a wide swing in a 5ft area in a single direction overloading the target's sense of sight and touch for a single post. When not in combat up to the narrator's discretion. - C Grade - 3 post cooldown

1. moved.
2. Attacked
3. Used Qazi

1. Used Blacklash Wave- Beast Basher Style [Mace], Range x, Area x - User unleashes a wave of blue energy and sends it at a target. - X Grade - X post cooldown
2. Defended
3. Whisltes for reinformcements

Mentions: Faynorae Faynorae L Lulidew
Notes: The Boss has appeared!
Aya: Armor Broken
Angel: Armor broken
Sariel: N/A
INTERVAL ~ The Angel of Love is on cooldown! 頑張れ☆頑張れ!

  • "UGH! WHAT THE HEL- I mean... MY HEAVENS!?!" Sariel shouted, watching his attack be sliced in half like that was a horrible blow to him. It was slightly disheartening, but magically condensed sugar probably wasn't that hard to deal with anyway. A dew of sweat trickled down his cheek. "Jeez, this is making me sweat... Grody.." He muttered, it felt even more gross in this body. At least, through the power of magic, all he could smell was sugar.

    Sariel watched as Aya went in to blind the man, this was Angel's chance to finish him off... Hopefully. Sariel didn't have the energy to attack currently. [A1] Sariel fluttered up and backwards 10 feet, trying to get a better view of the area, "OI! Angel, finish him off while he can't see!" Sariel shouted, "I'm cooling down, so punt his head and I'll charge another one! Go ☆ Go get 'em!!" Sariel encouraged with an aggressively cheerful tone.

    The building seemed like it was going to crumble if Sariel were to deliver another one like that. He didn't know how many men that guy had in the back, so their best chance was to blow a hole in this place and skedaddle. Hopefully, he could wreck this place enough so that the supports crumble and they can all get out safely. Hopefully the hostages were already on their way outta here.
As Angel tried attacking the captain, she'd find herself being easily repelled once again. He was just far too strong! Not only that, did he just call in for more reinforcements?! Oh well, it wasn't as if she was a hero or anything to begin with. Maybe it was a good idea to run for it while she could, just like the cowboy did earlier!

Angel would turn her back away from the group, taking off from the direction they came from. "Welp, it was nice knowing all of yall! See ya, suckers!" She cackled as she made her way out. Although she did feel her heart sink thinking about how she couldn't be the one to end them herself. Argh! Who cares! Her own survival was far more important than that!
Aya D grade.png

Aya looked over her shoulder as she saw the masked freak rush away. As she returned her attention to the bandit she brought her Kanata up to defend herself. She quickly followed up with Shinten as she delivered her attack she cut through the man as he dropped to the ground and stopped moving. Aya looked over at Sariel and shook her head as she wiped the sweat from her eye. The shaking of the building had subsided for now.

The shouting got louder as Aya turned to look at the bandits that were coming but once they saw their boss they quickly started to shout and run away. "Well, I suppose that means we don't have to fight a whole army now, though I suggest that we be on our toes." Aya suggested as she turned to face the transformed girl.

"I suppose we should return to the camp, I don't think the bandits are going to be staying around," Aya stated as she put her weapon away before walking out through the large whole into the courtyard. As she looked around there was a large gate open that lead into the village itself and back toward the direction of the camp off in the distance.

  • Qazi - Fighting Style: Kitsune Style C [sword], Blind Fighter, Deflect F, Flare E (Sight, Touch), Area F, Fast E - Aya uses her katana to make a wide swing in a 5ft area in a single direction overloading the target's sense of sight and touch for a single post. When not in combat up to the narrator's discretion. - C Grade - 3 post cooldown 1/3
  • Shinten- Kitsune Style D, Flare, Sword F, Fast E- Aya strike at targets within sword length overloading the target's sense of sight. When not in combat, the narrator's discretion for the duration. - Grade D - 2 Post Cooldown

1. defended
2. Used Shinten
3. N/A

1. Attacks
2/3. N/A

Mentions: Faynorae Faynorae
Notes: The Boss has been felled
Aya: Armor Broken
Angel: Left
Sariel: N/A
LOVE reigns victorious once again!

  • "Oh phew!" Sariel spoke as he stretched out his arms, fluttering down toward Aya, however, Sariel didn't think about how he would land and ended almost tripping as a result of the poor poor reality of walking and standing in heels. He grunted a bit as he regained his stance. "AH! Golly god, can't I have a break from these shoes?!" The transformed 'girl' complained. "Ah~ But 'least I don't gotta act like a total preppie since that Mask Freak ain't 'ere anymore, right?" Sariel mused, looking to Aya.

    "(It was embarrassing..)" Sariel muttered to himself and looked at the body of the captain. Sariel gave the body a good kick to check if he was really just dead now. "Yeesh, ya ain't gonna even give him a chance ta' repent for his crimes?" Sariel asked Aya nonchalantly, "(Ruthless... Kinda cool though.)" Eh, Sariel didn't think much of it. It still bothered him how she could so easily slay someone similar to herself. They were all sentient beings, the same people in a way. However, when he thought of all the other atrocities this man could've played a part in, Sariel couldn't help but feel glad he was dead. It still bothered him slightly though.

    "Even if there's an army that's gonna approach, I'll blow 'em away with my super special attack, aight? No need tah' worry cause I was born both as an extraordinary flower and absolutely brilliant fighter!" Sariel proclaimed, twirling his staff and then planting in the ground. Covering his mouth his gloved hand as he laughed boisterously, "OHOHOH! This is but another win for the beautiful seraf of sweetness, lovely and hot, Dulcifer! I am flawless in my stratagems and poised in battle, no one could ever defeat me, The great heavenly Dulcifer☆ OHOHO!" Sariel twirled around, the sparkling fabric of the dress fluttering as he boasted about his win. "Clearly, you guys couldn't have done nothing without me☆ Praise be my esteemed self!" He continued, as he followed Aya's lead.

    He was content, after all, he just defeated some super bad guy. Surely this was worth something in his quest to find the seven holy feathers, correct? "Perhaps I should give you some credit, Miss Aya, as you did deliver the finishing blow to that ass! Great job! Keep that up and maybe one day you will be just as beautifully brilliant as I am~♡" Sariel commended her, still boasting more about himself than her.

    Right, the camp, as Aya mentioned it was probably best to return and report the news. However, Sariel wanted to explore the village. Maybe the villagers would provide the two handsomely with a reward? Whatever not! Sariel should listen to the old woman this time around since he kind of ditched her before. "Let's be off then♡" Sariel spoke as he began walking in front of Aya, "You gotta be quick! ☆ time is of the essence y'know?" The girl smiled brightly as he turned around and began to move.
Aya D grade.png

Aya smirked as Sariel started to walk off in the distance. As the two returned to the camp they were greeted as a small force of guards arrived shortly after their return. Aya explained to the guards the bandits had been ran off and that the fort and the village around it could be retaken. With that Aya decided to stay in the village for the time being at least until something else gathers her attention.

Mentions: Faynorae Faynorae
Notes: End of Rp sorry for the wait and the rushed ending I just didn't want to keep you locked any longer!
Aya: Armor Broken
Angel: Left
Sariel: N/A

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