• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern n e w americana


☯ b a r b i e ☯

please follow all rules, bbcode and realistic fc preferred.


nickname: (or preferred name)

age: (14-18)

sexuality: (let be diverse here)

gender: (with pronouns)

birthday: (include zodiac)
this can be either in a paragraph or listed but must include:





body figure

clothing style: (either in spoilers or linked)

noticeable features: any tattoos or anything that makes them stand out.
positive traits: (4+)

negative traits: (4+)


likes: (4+)

dislikes: (4+)

family life: (explain what's it like at home and who is your family)

your reason for running away: (3+ sentences)

writing sample: (this is a major part of being accepted, this can be taken from another roleplay. those who are excluded are from this is zatanna.)
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Cleopatra Jackson

Cleo - 16 - Bi - Cis Fem - Feb 20 (Pieces)

h e i g h t


w e i g h t


h a i r

cleo's hair is a natural dark brown which she inherited from her mother. being the lazy person she is, cleo tends to tie her hair up in the a messy bun with loose strands of hair hanging everywhere.

e y e s

dark grey.

b o d y - f i g u r e


c l o t h i n g - s t y l e

x / x / x / x

n o t i c a b l e - f e a t u r e s

when cleo was fifteen, she forged her parents signature and got herself a septum nose ring but she wears it sometimes now.

In Depth
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NAME Zander Sinclair.

NICKNAME N/A. Everyone calls him Zander.

AGE Seventeen years old.



SEXUALITY Homosexual.

GENDER Cisgender male. (he, him, they, them)

BIRTHDAY Oct. 30th, 1998. (Scorpio)




English and American.


Since Zander is originally from England, he still has a pretty heavy English accent. His

is about mid-tone, leaning to the deeper side.

Zander stands at the height of 5'8", making him exactly one inch under average height for a male of his age.


125 lbs.


Zander's hair is shaved short on the sides, with longer locks of curly chocolate brown hair on the top. He usually wears his hair messy without any product or gel, but he pulls off the look well.


Zander's eyes are a strikingly bright ocean blue color. His eyes are very large, deep-set, and hold a slightly intense look to them. Not to mention, his resting bitch face and his side glare are iconic.


Zander has a very slim figure, lacking muscle or any hint of athleticism in his usual outfits. Although, if he is wearing tighter clothes or he's shirtless, you can see that his abs are a tiny bit toned, and his arms have a little bit of muscle on them, but he is mostly just skinny.


Zander has a nose piercing, and he can always be seen with a small silver ring in his nose.


Zander's clothing style looks like masculine girl clothes. He wears a lot of glasses, ripped skinny jeans, oversized cardigans, and boyfriend jeans. Most of his clothes do actually come from the women's section in stores. He doesn't dress exactly 'girly', but his wardrobe does have a touch of femininity.


Zander's most noticeable features are his eyes, and his smile.








































Zander has a pretty shitty relationship with his family. There's this unspoken rule between him and his parents that he'll pretend to be straight and pretend to be the son they want, and in return, he can basically do whatever the hell he wants and they'll buy things for him. Of course they never sat down and agreed upon this, but Zander knows his parent's don't actually love the real him, and his parents know he doesn't actually love him. They never had a discussion about how their relationship is built on lies, but instead put on an idealistic show for one another and hate each other passively. It never consciously bothered Zander, but his relationship with his parents is probably where all his negative traits originated from. Their relationship still doesn't consciously bother him because he still gets clothes and money and food and a good future, but it is obvious that he's gone through some psychological damage from it all. He goes out to get drunk at night and they don't make any comments about it, so he doesn't say anything when his house smells like weed or his dad comes home with a hickey on his neck.



Axel woke up and looked around at the room he was in. It was a really fancy bedroom with expensive decorations, and a bed that was ten times more comfortable than his bed back home in southside Chicago. It took him a moment to remember where he was, but then he finally remembered. At about midnight, Axel had snuck out of his house to meet up with one of his clients. They went out to a club, then went back to the client's house and just fell asleep. After laying in bed for a few moments, he checked the time on his phone. 5:04. "Fuck," He quickly jumped out of the bed, shoved his iPhone in his back pocket, and headed for the door. Axel must have been quite noisy, because the client woke up. "Where are you going?" He groaned, still half asleep. "It's like 5AM. I lost track of time and the first day of school is in three fucking hours. I gotta go." Axel bolted out of the room. "Hey! Your money's out on the table downstairs." The client called out to him. Axel quickly grabbed the money on his way out, shoved it in his other back pocket, and left as quickly as he could. Axel ran outside. He glanced to the left, and then to the right, trying to remember which way the bus stop was. He couldn't remember, so he went with his gut and turned left. After running for about a block, he caught the early bus just in time. As he entered the bus and paid the driver, he took a seat in the back, and dozed off.

The bus stopped about two blocks away from Axel's house, and he got off. He immediately checked the time on his phone: 5:45. That leaves him about one hour of sleep at home. Axel walked the remaining two blocks until he was at the door of his house. He dug into the front pocket of his jeans for his key, and quietly unlocked the door. Axel was usually very good at sneaking in and out of the house from having years of practice, but he wasn't used to there being boxes everywhere. They had just moved into this house the morning before, so of course they weren't even close to being done with unpacking. Every few steps, Axel would bump into a box which made a small shuffling sound on the floor, but thankfully he didn't trip or knock anything over. After what seemed like forever, he finally made it up stairs and into his bedroom. He changed into a pair of sweatpants and a tank top just in case his mom came to wake him up in the morning. It might be suspicious if he was wearing a full outfit in bed. After changing, he collapsed backwards onto his bed, and stared up at the ceiling above him.

"That was fucking close." Axel thought to himself. "Picture what kinda shit storm I'd be in if I got home any later and my parents were awake. Holy shit." He sighed audibly, and turned over on his side. "Easy 200 bucks, though." Axel smirked. He closed his eyes and hoped that maybe he could squeeze in an hour of sleep before he had to get up again for school.

Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. Axel woke up once again, but this time to the sound of an obnoxious phone alarm. He shut off his alarm, and practically sprinted to the bathroom. Axel knew that since this was a 2 bathroom house and his parents shared one bathroom, he'd have to race his two sisters to get in the shower. Axel turned on the hot water, took off his pajamas, and got in the shower. He decided to take an extra long one today, too. Just to piss off Eva. After about 20 minutes of showering, Axel walked back to his bedroom, where he dried off and put on his outfit. Like usual, his clothes looked like something you'd find in the women's section of Forever 21. He didn't dress exactly "girly", but most of his outfits looked like masculine clothes for women. Axel looked at himself in the mirror, deemed this outfit to be decent, and headed downstairs with his backpack to see what the plan was for this morning, and how they were going to get to school.

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gender | male; he/ him/ his

age |
18 yrs old

| 185.42 cms / 6'1 ft

weight | 67 kg / 147.71 lbs

hair color | ash blonde

eye color |
ice blue

build |

sexuality |




△ Birthday △

April 26th {Taurus}

△ Clothing style △








△ Calamity △

"The whole world is shaking. Everything is falling apart."

His body was fooled with, treated like a simple object, like cargo.

He was not a flower, nor had he ever been.

They know you. They know your name. They've caught you."


It frequents Carter's mind, the hollowness he was feeling in the pit of his stomach. Normally he was more alert, more in-tune with his surroundings; however, all he could do was stare at his wrists being wrapped up, his eyes dark with no feelings in particular-- only fear. He registered words, and they made loops in his mind.

"... departure to Sado Island.”

“Don’t be so scared,”

“Ryuzaki has been secured, returning to camp,”

Carter convinces himself that he should stay silent and cooperate, as if being submissive wasn't already in his nature. But there was a vice grip in his chest, a force trying to remind him that this isn't something he can go through with.

He loosened the feeling with a deep breath.

“We’ll be there by morning,”

Said a boy with molten eyes that reminded Carter of a yellow butterfly bush, his wicked gaze causing the teen to recall his attention back to his palms, sinking against the car seat.

But before Carter could shake his head or shrug his shoulders in disinterest, he was suddenly ducking below the car window in panic when the sound of an explosion reverberated throughout his bones, creating stillness in his thoughts.

All of a sudden they were moving, the sight of trees passing by the windows proof of their mobility. Carter lay down on the seat, head rested against the door handle with eyes that had grown to the size of dinner plates. He was thinking about those golden eyes again, the way they seared into his memory.

"Like a yellow butterfly bush... like chrysanthemums..."

Chrys. He was leaving Chrys and Taro.

"Hey..." Carter suddenly said in a shaky tone, rising back up from his horizontal position on the seat.

"W-what about Esso? And Miyashita? Surely you can't just leave them," he said with a little more volume, pulling his mask to his chin as he leaned forward over the center console.

“They’re the only one’s I have left.” He thought, minding not to say the words out loud.

Carter shifted, his hands shaking in their roped prison. What were they even going to do with him? Why was he being held hostage in the first place? Why were any of them worth imprisoning? Nothing was making any sense at all.

“Seriously… I can’t let them go.” Carter’s voice cracked, his fingers curling into his palms for reassurance. There were too many components now, too many pieces to this goddamn puzzle that were missing. He’d never thought he’d say such a thing, but Carter missed their old life. It was simple: run, or be eaten. The group had strength in its members, each one carrying a fraction of the pain and responsibilities. But now… everything was confusing, muddling together to create an ugly mess in his mind.

He trembled, his heart aching for his friends. What if they were being slaughtered by that maniac back in his old neighbor’s house? What if they were gonna be blown up by those explosions from earlier? Everything was turning to dust, their messily constructed relationships twisted by these fucking people.

Carter stared ahead through the windshield, watching the gray morning brightening up ever so slightly with the hopes of a rising sun. He was thinking about the moments before, about the people he had met that were suddenly acting as if he were property to be bought. And what about that boy with the glasses that was with Chrys and Taro right now? Wasn’t he part of their group? Were they truly leaving a teammate? Carter couldn’t comprehend it.

Thoughts of Dazai flooded his brain then, but not the Dazai he let slip through his fingertips last night. He thought of the Dazai that had no problem with rolling up his sleeves to plant daffodils in the back garden, the Dazai that would get a deep concentration-induced crease in his forehead when Carter would explain the intricate climates he kept his orchids in, the Dazai that would stop everything to join Carter in observing a tiny inchworm that was inhabiting his lemon tree. He loved that person so much-- he still loves that person-- but those memories were being threatened.

“You can’t forget him. You can’t forget any of them.”

Carter choked out a sigh, pressing the heels of his hands to his forehead. His eyes squished shut, trying to picture every detail of their faces-- the sun weathered crinkles that appeared around Anthony’s eyes when he smiled, the faintest dimple that appears on Chrys’s cheek when in laughter, the slight flickering of Taro’s eyes when he analyzes a sentence… but possibly his favorite, the gentle gesture he’d grown to adore, was the way Dazai would cast his gaze downward, drawing his eyelids half closed while his eyelashes caught the filtered sunlight from the window. Carter could picture it clearly, like he was in the moment right then, holding on to it with everything he had.

“I’m not gonna forget. I’m not gonna forget…”

The car sputtered and jerked forward suddenly, causing the teen to brace himself against the front seats with his elbows. His patience was running thin, but he felt loneliness more than anything else in these moments. He wanted to be home again, to be surrounded by his second family-- the only people who had ever distracted him of his mangled thoughts.

A sharp pain shot through Carter’s thigh suddenly, earning a muffled grunt from his throat as he felt around the area, his fingers searching the opening of his pocket.

Razor blades.

“Oh yeah… from my box.” He thought, tucking them further down so they couldn’t slip out. He was capable of cutting himself loose if he so desired, but that would leave room for only more dead ends. Instead, he pretended as if nothing happened and stared into the rear-view mirror, his eyes reflecting nothing but the slight glimmer of fear.

i'm a twisted fool


my hands are twisted too


● Positive ●

○ Charismatic

○ Whimsical

○ Humble

○ Flirtatious

○ Open-minded

○ Wise

○ Negative ○

● Mischievous

● Temperamental

● Overly- sensitive

● Passive-aggressive

● Lacking in book smarts

● Submissive

△ Quirks △

△ Has to sleep with a stuffed animal. Pillows

are not an acceptable substitute.

△ Loves sugar, but can only drink black tea

△ Winks more than he ought (it's a nervous habit)

☁ Likes ☁

☼ Tea (black)

☼ Long, torturous walks

☼ Foggy mountain sides

☼ Sugar

☼ Spicy food

☼ Dislikes ☼

☁ When people yell

☁ Wet socks

☁ Alcohol

☁ Sour food

☁ Hot weather

five fingers, two black hooves


△ Family life △


△ your reason for running away △


Remy Grayson

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Incredibly sexy asshole WIP




no slide
no slide

no slide
no slide

no slide
no slide

no slide
no slide

no slide no slide

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a little

loss of


  • hi


    daphne joy parsons.


    anything really, daphne tends not to care what people call her. daf, daffy, daisy, blondie and deedee are her main nicknames, along with some harsher ones that won't be mentioned. for the most part she's just known as daphne.


    sweet sixteen.


    bisexual, although tends to lean towards females much more than males.


    cisfemale. she prefers she/her pronouns but isn't totally apposed to they/them.


    january seventh, making her a capricorn.





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Sour Patch Kid WIP


Natalie Humphrey

Sour Patch/Nat

age: 17

sexuality: Panromantic Asexual

gender: Female she/her/they/them

birthday: November 23rd, Sagittarius.

height: Nat is 5'6 and weighs 145 lbs. She has long straight blonde hair and her eyes are a vivid icy blue. Nat has a curvy body, but nothing is too pronounced. Her curves and bust are small. She's very athletic and takes care of her body.

clothing style:



noticeable features:
Nat has a mole on her upper left thigh and a birthmark at the base of her spine. A small ying yang tattoo is at the base of her neck.

positive traits:

> Funny

> Compassionate

> Protective

> Easy going

negative traits:

> hates everyone

> sarcastic

> closed off

> aggressive

quirks: Natalie hates germs and can often be found cleaning her apartment. She refuses to allow shoes passed her doorway.


> fighting

> poetry

> scary movies

> comfort


> Most people

> The Quiet

> Drinking

> Sex

family life: Natalie's family life is complicated. Her father was a boxer that she never met in person, only watched from her living room floor and talked to through letters. He died when she was young, she had been completely enamored with him. Natalie's mother was a drunk and a whore who despised her own daughter. Nat trained herself in strength and agility. As she aged, her mothers boyfriends tried making passes and advances towards her, which her mother did nothing to stop.

your reason for running away:Natalie ran away because she couldn't take her mothers emotional abuse anymore and decided she could take better care of herself. Of course, one of her mothers many boyfriends tried to stop her and she ended up fighting him, resulting in a scar at the base of her neck which she decided to cover with a tattoo. She pays for a small apartment with money she gets from underground fighting.

writing sample: Maev tucked, but hit the wall and sprung back, flipping before landing on her feet. She held her ax in one hand at length to her right, looking up at Kaldar. "You don't get to do this alone, got it?" She growled, rushing at the male.

Maev swung her ax, the crunching of the Acklays shell piercing the air as her blade cut through it. She was royally pissed off, blood dotting her armor and face as she looked up at her counterpart. Maev gritted her teeth as the Acklay hit her, causing her to hit the wall.

The impact made her head to roll, but she stood defiantly, a groan escaping her lips as she rushed back at the monster, her weapon at the ready. She caught the monster under its plaiting, slicing its head off as she panted, looking at the males before her.

Maev reared her fist back, ripping Kaldars helmet off before punching him as hard as she could in the face. "What were you thinking?! How could you possibly think that you would do this without me?! What if you died!" She screamed, shoving the much bigger male. Surprisingly, he moved. It was quite a sight, the tiny female taking on the giant of a man.



female, she, her.

February 11th. aquarius.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/upload_2016-7-29_23-43-4.jpeg.46643b232b974c2601261be02308ad97.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="146661" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/upload_2016-7-29_23-43-4.jpeg.46643b232b974c2601261be02308ad97.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/upload_2016-7-29_23-43-18.jpeg.83ba03902e3c994999979c0b7b518919.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="146662" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/upload_2016-7-29_23-43-18.jpeg.83ba03902e3c994999979c0b7b518919.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

5'6" at 129 lbs. black hair, brown eyes. slim.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/upload_2016-7-30_0-1-42.jpeg.5e051fb1863c0d3084c39258eab44732.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="146675" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/upload_2016-7-30_0-1-42.jpeg.5e051fb1863c0d3084c39258eab44732.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/upload_2016-7-30_0-3-5.jpeg.db05d12429d65187bcc846ca696604d4.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="146677" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/upload_2016-7-30_0-3-5.jpeg.db05d12429d65187bcc846ca696604d4.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>
positives: carefree, confident, clever, decisive

negatives: careless, cynical, manipulative, insecure

likes: momentary attention, partying, reading alone

dislikes: commitments, expectations, elitists

family+running away:

She was supposed to get into an ivy league. And seeing the way she's spiraled down the past years, it's not a surprise Suki's relationship with her mother is strained- though, with the way she drowns herself in parties and addictions, Suki doesn't really remember anymore. She doesn't want to. Outside of the house, Suki doesn't have to tiptoe around sudden eruptions or exclamations of disappointment or prolonged sentences of misery. Outside of the house, all Suki has to worry about is if there'll be enough alcohol to go around, and by the time she's drunk, not even that worries her anymore. So she stays outside of the house. It's been a year, and she hasn't felt the absence much (she doesn't reckon her mother does either). Nights blur together and days are spent trying to find a place to stay. She imagines this is what her father is going through, thousands of miles away in Korea, drunk, homeless, and aimless.

writing sample:

The air is soft and laced with a complacent yellow, lingering but not lost, silent but not still. Hyelim breathes occasionally in between copying notes and scrabbling homework and lapses of a faltering brain. Her eyes are light hearted in the words and numbers, but her heart holds heavy underneath it all. There’s a noise somewhere, not here, but Hyelim doesn’t know what it is, what it’s here for, what it wants. It’s a buzzing, shaded, fading into the seams of the still, and all the God damn time it comes back into the echoes of her mind. The cost of choosing the life she had always lived, Hyelim theorizes, must be the loneliness etched into the back of it. And as she breathes in the yellow hum, she feels the comfort of her familiar routine become the monotonous buzz, one and the same, and so she closes her eyes and succumbs to the pressure of it.

note: hi i'm lowkey new to this site & so pls bear w my crappy formatting. also the sample's kinda abstract but like. yeah i hope it's ok lmao.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/upload_2016-7-29_23-28-57.jpeg.e2b7f593ca36f4a13246c2aa676c6d62.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="146654" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/upload_2016-7-29_23-28-57.jpeg.e2b7f593ca36f4a13246c2aa676c6d62.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p><p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/upload_2016-7-29_23-29-4.jpeg.6f8382a1a9fa34ba409f4a5d7138dc9a.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="146655" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/upload_2016-7-29_23-29-4.jpeg.6f8382a1a9fa34ba409f4a5d7138dc9a.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p><p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/upload_2016-7-29_23-29-18.jpeg.78a3078b0f6c9d1c3ab9f56cfcf119ca.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="146656" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/upload_2016-7-29_23-29-18.jpeg.78a3078b0f6c9d1c3ab9f56cfcf119ca.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p><p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/upload_2016-7-29_23-29-28.jpeg.5f70ae85e435e4e1b7c624adbfd2229f.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="146657" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/upload_2016-7-29_23-29-28.jpeg.5f70ae85e435e4e1b7c624adbfd2229f.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p><p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/upload_2016-7-30_0-2-33.jpeg.24c92e11c2f8bc3cd5a39e65d6b2597b.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="146676" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/upload_2016-7-30_0-2-33.jpeg.24c92e11c2f8bc3cd5a39e65d6b2597b.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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When all of our friends are dead...



Piper Auden// August Yates


Pipes // Auggie


Sixteen // Eighteen


Omnisexual // Heterosexual


Female // Male


September 21; Virgo // May 11; Taurus



5'8" // 6'2"


156 lbs. // 168 lbs.


Noir // Umber brown


Fern green// Powder blue; appears grey in lighter environments


Though her body is somewhat curvaceous, Piper's build is mostly athletic


Minor muscle tone, but otherwise seen as quite average

Clothing Style


Noticeable Features

The freckles that splatter themselves across her features - Her naturally pouted lips


Mediterranean attributes - A scarred-over slash on his left shoulder blade














Wynn Irick; Biological Mother; 47

Oliver Irick; Biological Father; 50

Diana Auden; Adoptive Mother; 52

Emery Auden; Adoptive Sister; 20


Aminda Yates; Mother; 44

Fredrick Yates; Father; 49

Cadence Yates; Sister; 16

Julian Yates; Brother; 20






Writing Sample

// A post from our final journey to the ground //

The light wind that weaved it's way between the tree's branches was just calm enough for the young Grounder to fall asleep to. With one leg swaying over the edge, and the other keeping him balanced, Shilah's blue eyes disappeared beneath his closing eyelids. This was his sanctuary, a home away from home, and the only place he didn't have to deal with other people's violent traditions. There were only two places the boy could truly clear his mind: the oak tree being one such place, and a cave being another. His best kept secrets, as he liked to call them.

Granted, his mother would pace herself a hole in the floor while he was away on his own terms, but going back home meant returning to judgement, and quite frankly, the tree was a better conversationalist anyway. As the male drifted into a light sleep, his swaying leg coming to a slow stop, there was a disturbance; a small object that scorched skin like a brand. Startled by the burning feeling on his hip, Shilah jolted up in a rush to get it off, not exactly realizing that his balance would potentially be unhinged with the sudden movement. With that being said, the teen managed to both get the hot metal off of him and inevitably slide off the tree branch--it was a relief to know that he wasn't so far up in the first place. His back hit the earthen floor quicker than he anticipated, but it wasn't until he looked up towards the sky that he noticed the true horror. Debris engulfed in red flames rained down like a storm concocted from Hell.

What little damage the small object from before created on his skin was next to nothing compared to the devastation caused by the larger chunks, yet the boy was frozen in his place. He was utterly bewildered by the manifestation the fire had on its surroundings. However, it wasn't exactly an appropriate time to find beauty in chaos, and with that, Shilah rose up off the ground and ran. Trees were burning, moans of agony could be heard from each direction, and the gentle wind from before had been sucked up by the flames. By the time the boy reached the nearest village, singed holes riddled his clothes, each showing a clear view to his now branded skin, and soot discolored the majority of his body. He had never seen so much pain, never locked eyes with a corpse, yet there he was: on his knees in the middle of a war zone he had never even signed up for.

...and just a memory.


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