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Fantasy Mythological Gardens || Character Sheets


New Member

  • "Hey! Welcome to the Mythological Gardens of the Americas. We have creatures from all over the world, and we're happy to welcome you. Would you mind reminding me of your job, so I can get you the necessary files?"

    Owner - Cassia Evadne Cooper
    Owner of the Mythological Gardens, and keeps a close eye on the employees. She mostly works with the people of the organization, but she definitely loves her 'field' time as well.
    Manager - OPEN

    Vet - OPEN

    Vet's Assistant - OPEN

    Senior Caretaker - OPEN

    Caretakers (0/2) - OPEN

    *For now, only make one character, please*

General Characteristics
Name: Cassia Evadne
Other Names: (Nicknames, pen names, pet names, etc.)
Alternate Forms: (What can your character turn into, voluntarily or involuntarily, while retaining control over that form or not? Descriptions are fine.)
Theme Song: (What song best describes you character?)
Personal Characteristics
Birth Date:
Secrets: (What does your character know that must not be told to anyone?)
Quirks: (What about your character makes them different from everyone else?)
Mental Characteristics
Known Languages:
Savvies: (What are they very familiar with and/or very good at doing?)
Ineptitudes: (What are they simply unable to understand?)
Hobbies: (What activity or interest doe your character pursue simply for pleasure?)

General Characteristics

Personal Characteristics

Mental Characteristics

Philosophical Characteristics

Morality: (What divides your character's definition of good and bad? TVTropes has some good tropes on this here.)
Perception: (How do they perceive their situations? Optimistically? Pessimistically? Sadistically? Masochistically? Ideally? Realistically? You might answer by having them tell whether 'the glass is half empty or half full', and each of these perceptions should give a different answer.)

Supernatural Characteristics

Ability: (What is the name of your character's power? Sonic Scream? Reactive Adaptation? Toxic Flatulence?)
Element: (What element does your character control or is classified under? Fire? Light? Surprise?)
Restrictions: (What can't they do with their power or what balances it? They can only use it when they genuinely need it? They can't use it for more then five minutes without serious side-effects? It gives them intense gas and no one wants to be around them?)

Likes and Dislikes

Likes: (What kinds of things does your character like? Dogs? Pizza? Alfred Hitchcock?)
Dislikes: (What kinds of things does your character no like? People? Burgers? Angry Birds?)


Equipment: (What equipment does your character carry with them? A gourd? A toolbox? A bag of hair?)
Wardrobe: (What kind of clothing does your character have? Mostly jocky? Half goth and half average? Nerdy?)

Social Characteristics

Emotional Stability: (How much emotional inflictions can your character take before they break? Lots? None at all? Negative amounts?)
Humor: (What does your character think is funny? Blond jokes? Death? Farting?)
Status: (What is their social status? Quiet? Popular? Dead?)



Interpersonal Connections

Immediate Family: (Who are the relatives your character sees everyday or saw everyday growing up? Parents? Siblings? Children? Adopted parents?)

Pets: (What animals (or in some cases, people) does your character keep under their rule? A dog? A ferret? An alien?)

Physical Characteristics

Height: in
Weight: lbs
Skin/Fur Color:
Hair Color:
Hair Length:
Eye Color:
Tail Color: (if applicable)
Tail Length: (if applicable)
Tattoos and Piercings:
Locomotion: (Plantigrade, digitigrade, or unguligrade)

Sexual Characteristics

Significant Other:


Anima: (How does your character act when they are really being their self?)
Persona: (How does your character act to hide their real self?)


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Name: Joe Robin
Appearance: A distinctly male physique, but most other features John makes a great attempt to hide from everyone, By wrapping his entire body in bandages and hides his eyes behind a pair of sunglasses. he prefers to wear a boiler suit over his bandages.
Other Names: No-Face, Invisible Man
Alternate Forms: Despite his nickname, Joe isn't invisible beneath his bandages, nope instead of finding nothing you'll find a heavily rotted zombie
Theme Song: (What song best describes you character?)

Personal Characteristics

Birth Date: Doesn't remember, but remembers he was reborn on a Monday
Secrets: Hates Slavery, Actually Cares about his co-workers, due to not ever sleeping will sometimes watch other people sleep if he's bored
Quirks: Will steal chocolate whenever he sees some unattended

Mental Characteristics

Known Languages: English
Savvies: Machines,
Hobbies: Collecting Metal Albums,

Philosophical Characteristics

Morality: Generally Joe couldn't give less of a shit about morality, Joe normally only looks out for himself, but certain issues that could be considered immoral are been known to get under his skin and force him to be put into a situation where could undoubtedly be looked as the good guy.
Perception: A mixture Pessimist, Masochism, a drop of Nihilism and a pinch of optimism

Supernatural Characteristics

Ability: Immortally, being already dead Joe is unaffected by mostly everything that plagues the living such as tiredness, sickness, and hunger to some extends
Element: None
Strengths: Strong (Able to break down a steel door and tear off a car's door with ease), Doesn't Tire, Gives surprisingly good advice from time to time,
Weaknesses: Needs to eat phenethylamine (a substance found both in brains and chocolate), A Major asshole,
Restrictions: If he doesn't eat Phenethylamine, then he'll lose his mind and revert to a feral state that lasts until he's either killed or eaten Phenethylamine

Likes and Dislikes

Likes: Death Metal, Hair Metal, actually most kind of heavy metal music, Brains, Chocolate,
Dislikes: Touch-Screens,


Equipment: Toolbox
Wardrobe: Almost exclusively work focused attire, Though sometimes Joe likes to dress like an old rocker

Social Characteristics

Emotional Stability: Joe can take a good chunk of abuse
Humor: Dark
Status: Surprisingly Popular with young people (Teenagers)


Occupation: Caretaker

Interpersonal Connections

Immediate Family: N/A

Pets: A small Rat named Ben, A raven named Cortex,

Physical Characteristics

Height: 6'1
Weight: 100 lbs
Nationality/Species: Zombie
Skin/Fur Color: Cole Black
Hair Color: N/A
Hair Length: N/A
Eye Color: Blue
Tail Color: N/A
Tail Length: N/A
Scars: N/A unless you count missing so much skin that you're able to see bones
Tattoos and Piercings: N/A
Locomotion: Plantigrade

Sexual Characteristics

Gender: Male
Orientation: Straight
Significant Other: N/A


Anima: (How does your character act when they are really being their self?)
Persona: (How does your character act to hide their real self?)


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