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Fantasy My Wife

Ava nodded her head, "You're right. I shouldn't give up hope just yet. There has to be someone out there who can help me and I am slowly getting better on my own." she said with a small smile and cuddled into Desmond. If she just had some guidance from someone, then she was sure that she could pick up on it and learn how to control and manage it. There wasn't really a need to summon huge creatures in her life actually, so she wasn't too worried about summoning them for fun. It was just a problem because when her mental state becomes unstable, she summons huge creatures to do her bidding. If she was able to be in environments and spaces where she wouldn't become unstable for any reason then she wouldn't have to worry about summoning something she couldn't control. But until then, she had no choice but to continue to be sheltered and protected. It was a love and hate relationship that she wasn't sure how to find a happy balance between without one being stronger than the other. "When do you have to go into work tomorrow?" she asked, lifting her head to look up at her husband. She then brought her arm up and began running her fingers through his hair and smiling softly at him. "Do we have time to spend the morning and eat breakfast together?" she asked, wanting to be with him before he had to leave for work.
Desmond sighed, he wanted to tell her that they would have as much time as she wanted, but the truth was, that since Noe was staying the night over to deal with the situation; he would have to deal with the aftermath of what came of Noe's discovery. So, he would have to be there early, so that he could get a head start and because Noe would not be in for a while, in the morning to back him up. It was a part of how they worked, normally they would do things together, because Noe and he had been good together for so long. But Desmond also have his wife to come home to, while Noe had nothing to go home to; and Noe usually ended up staying the night over at their house anyway. So, when they had to work late, Noe would work for the both of them and Desmond would come home. Sometimes, he was able to stay for breakfast, depending on the case that they had at the time, but this one was something that could be big, so he would not be able to do that. "It's going to be an early shift for me, since Noe won't be in, plus things might run a little late, since he will be with you, tomorrow, so I need to be up in a few hours and get started to work. I'm sorry, Ava, but I don't think I will have time for breakfast." he apologized, knowing she would rather have him there, or someone with her, when she was stuck at home. But with everything going on with her powers, Desmond had to protect her, by doing a lot of things to keep attention off of her. It was one reason he had asked Noe to move to town with them and had done his best to convince Noe to be his deputy. With one summoner as powerful as Noe, and with her not able to use her powers, they could pass her mistakes as Noe trying to branch out of his Mastered Zone.
Ava frowned at his words a bit, "Oh, okay...and it's fine. I know how work is." she replied, though she couldn't help but feel a little sad that they wouldn't be able to eat breakfast together. It wasn't anything new really, as she was used to him having to go into work early and she was mostly fine with it. It was the nature of his profession and she wasn't going to sulk and throw a fit like a child if he couldn't spend mornings with her. Though, she guessed it was okay to pout a little bit. "Well if you have to go in a few hours, we should get some sleep then. I don't want you to be sleep-deprived when you go into work." she said before kissing him softly and cuddling more into him. She closed her eyes and buried her face into his neck. Being able to spend time with him like this, even it was only for a little while, was enough for her. They could always spend more time together on his days off or if his shift wasn't too long, so there was always those days look forward to. Tomorrow she would go to the library with Noe and then get to see Desmond when he gets home if it's not too late. She couldn't help but feel a little excited that she would get to out for a little bit as it had been a while since the last time she went out. Ava could also try talking to Noe about her feelings as well, to see what his thoughts on them are.
Desmond fall asleep quickly, after all he was tired and needed the rest to make sure that he woke up in the few hours he had to. But he didn't have too much of an issue with that. He was awake before the sun was up and he was showered and dressed for work in time for him to make sure that he had breakfast ready for when Ava woke up. When he was ready to lead, Noe was already at his door and he greeted him, "Hey." he whispered, "She is still asleep, I promised you would take her to the library and the librarian wants her to her out."

Noe nodded, "I will make sure she is safe, don't worry." he promised, "But I just got another mission, I am going to need some time off." he stated as a matter of fact way.

Desmond stopped in his steps, placing his belt on his waist as he looked curiously at Noe, "Yeah, sure. But what is the mission, I will help if I can."

Noe smiled, shaking his head, "I think it should be easy enough, I will let you know. But one of the summoners escaped the prison and they want me to deal with her."

"Her?" Desmond looked confused, "It's not....?"

"They still have no idea about Ava, don't worry." Noe assured Desmond, who let out a sigh of relief, "This one is someone that was caught while I was out, she shouldn't be hard to deal with. She doesn't have a speciality like I do so I will have a upper hand. I have been working on my summoning of other specialities too, so there is very little am sure she will be able to do against me. But if things get bad, I might have to destroy her and I need to be able to do that without the sheriff department on my tail."

Desmond frowned, nodded, destroying a person was one thing summoners hated to do. Using their summoning portals, they would pull a person in and that destroyed them and if they do it through time, they could erase the history of that person. That is what made summoners so valuable and dangerous, they could do things through space normally, but a speciality like Noe, did it through time. "You will have all the time you need." he assured Noe, before he left without another word. What could he say to his best friend? There were no words that could make him feel better of what his mission and orders were. All he could do was give him what he needed and make sure that he knew that Desmond had his back.
Ava would awaken some time later and get up with a yawn and stretch. It was a shame that Desmond had to leave for work early or else she could have woken up next to him. She made her way into the bathroom and took a shower before getting ready for the day. It should hopefully be fun one as she would get to go out finally. As she made her way downstairs, she noticed Noe already there. "Hey, when did you get here? Hopefully I didn't keep you waiting for long." she said with a small smile before making her way into the kitchen. She had been expecting him to come by a little later, so it was a surprise to see him already here. She grabbed a plate of breakfast that Desmond had made for her and sat down at the table to eat. "How have you been?" she asked him before taking a bite of her food. Both Noe and Desmond were always busy with work and other things and she wondered how they managed to do it for so long as it just looked so tiring.
Noe smirked at her, as she came down, he had been laying on the couch in his lazy way. He tried to always be relaxed around Ava, it often made him seem lazy and easy going. But Noe had made sure that the size of him that was a killer never broke through to taint the innocence of Ava. It was not just for his best friend, but for Ava. She was his friend and she had no idea what she could do and how dangerous she could be in the wrong hands. Which is why he never wanted to be the person to make it so real for her. She had the innocence so many summoners were born with but never got to keep. He smiled at her, "I saw Desmond off for you." He assured her, "Gave me some time to think about a mission." He stated. Being honest was important for him, so he often left out all the details but Ava knew he still had a foot in the military. Noe explained it as a passion, which was a color of the truth. "And thanks for asking. I've been doing okay since two days ago." He teased, "Missed your cooking. But I can't still by for dinner afterwards. Got an important one this time. Only got a chance to come with you this morning to the library and maybe a little thia afternoon. So we can get lunch before you come home."
Ava smiled back at Noe, "Well that's good then." she said, feeling a bit bad he had to wait so long for her to get up, but he didn't seem to mind it so she wouldn't think about it anymore. She was curious to know what his mission was, but decided not to ask as she was sure he would have told her if he could. "A lot can happen in two days." she replied with a light laugh. It was especially true with Noe and Desmond considering their line of work, but Noe must have it harder since he still had military connections. "Well, you're not missing very much in terms of my cooking and alright, I understand." she replied, hoping he wasn't being overworked. She finished up her breakfast, "Sorry you have to spend your free time taking me to the library." she said with an apologetic smile as he stood up and put her plate in the kitchen sink. Noe seemed pretty busy so she felt like she was taking time away from him being able to wind down and relax since he must have been working most of the night before. "Did you eat already?" she asked, wanting to make sure he had eaten something before they left.
Noe smirked, "I ate before I came but I should be hungry by lunch." He said as he started towards her, "You know. Being the only other summoner makes you exactly the kind of person I need to hang out with." He teased before leaning against the kitchen sink. "Besides, my definition of relaxing is making a mess of things and watching it all blow up." He joked before laughing. It was then his phone rang. As he took it out he looked confused and a little concerned. "Sorry. Ava. I have to take this. It's.....will I'll explain in a bit." He said before he started back to the living room as he answered. "Hello?...I'm fine. Just taking a trip with Ava, a friend......You are?.....Ahhh......No. No. It's fine. Just caught me off guard. I have a little time.....Yeah. I'm sure she would be interested to meet you too. Desmond is working but I'm sure another time......If you ask around, someone will point you to the library. That is where I will be.....Actually. It's more of a favor.....It's a long story. I can explain later....Yeah. See ya then." He gave a small smirk as he hung up the phone. The one on the other line was someone he never expected to see again. Someone he understood but who was always sorry for how Noe's life ended up. He sighed, as he turned to the direction of where he left Ava. "Sorry about that. My dad is in town. Wanted to meet up. You don't mind do you?" He asked. Ava knew almost nothing about Noe's family or his life before Desmond. Noe could never explain how hard it was to live without his mother, become military property at the age of 10, or how sorry his father felt when he was pushed into a corner to allow it. All she knew was that he didn't visit his family and they didn't come looking for him. It might have been why it was so easy for her to no question the fact that he was always around. But for him, his father was ashamed for not being strong enough to protect him and he didn't want to keep reminding him. He loved his parents; the mother he never met and the father that had no powers but was never afraid of him and raised him the best he could.
Ava smiled at Noe, "Well that's good." she replied, glad that he had eaten something before they would leave. She then laughed a bit at his next words, feeling they were very "Noe like". It made her feel a little relieved that he didn't see their little outing as a chore. At least from what she could tell anyways. She made her way over to the door and put on her shoes and grabbed a jacket. As she put it on, she looked in his direction when his phone went off. "Yeah, no problem." she said, tilting her head a bit as Noe looked a bit confused as to who was calling him. When he was on the phone, she grabbed her bag and put her phone and keys in there before slinging it over her shoulder. She had only heard bits and pieces of his conversation, but she wondered who he was talking to. Ava turned to face him when he was done with his call, "Oh, yeah! I don't mind. It's not everyday you get to see him right?" she said with a small smile, wondering what Noe's dad was like. He didn't talk about his family much and she had never really asked because she figured it might be hard for him to talk about. She was curious as to how his life was before he met Desmond, but she wouldn't pry and would let him tell her on his own terms. She stretched out a bit before looking at him, "Shall we be on our way then?" she asked, ready to leave. Hopefully it was going to be a fun time.
Noe smirked, "Actually it's been almost 20 years since the last time I saw him." he told her as he started to the door, to follow her to the car. "You know, he raised be by himself, but there is some history between us that might seem a little awkward, just so you know. He did something he never really forgave himself for. But I did, after all, that decision is how I meet Desmond and you. So, if it gets weird, just don't go to far." he said. He was not someone that really liked to keep her on a leash, but he was sure to keep her in his sights at all times. There was a freedom she needed, but there was also protection that he had to make sure she had. With her power, there was a chance that she would end up on the table if he wasn't careful and Desmond would never forgive him for that. So, he was going to make sure that she was safe no matter what. "You know, if things go okay, you should talk to him. I know he is my dad, but we can all have lunch and he can help you understand how it is for a normal to raised a Summoner." he teased.
Ava opened the door and walked to the car after locking the front door when they were both outside. "20 years is a very long time." she said, surprised that he hadn't seen his dad in so long. It was hard to imagine not seeing a parent in that long, but she figured they both had their reasons. She then nodded her head when he told her not to go too far, "I gotcha." she replied, wondering if she would even have much to say. Family matters were always a tricky slope to go down, so she wouldn't say or do anything unless she felt she needed to. She smiled at Noe and waited for him to unlock the car door, "I'm not sure what I would even say to him, but I think it would be nice to hear how it was to raise a summoner as a normal person." she said, knowing her own parents were both summoners. They were not nearly as powerful as herself or Noe, but they were a big help in teaching her how to summon properly. "Oh, and there's something I need your advice on, Noe." she said, wanting his opinion on how often she was allowed to go out on her own.
Noe unlocked the door and got in, after her. He smirked, at her comment about what to say to his father, "You can actually ask him just about anything. My father is kind of a nice guy, if you haven't noticed me." he teased. As he sighed listening to her wanting his opinion, he nodded, "You don't have to ask for permission from me. I am an open book for you.' he assured her. That wasn't exactly true, but with his smile, it was nearly impossible for anyone to know that it was. Noe was good at what he did, since he was raised as a government dog, as some of the summoners would call him. He was one of the few summoners that had to track their own kind down and they were probably the most hated of all the summoners that exist within the government.
Ava got into the car when he unlocked the door and put her seat belt on. “Well, I would hope he is a nice guy and I’ll ask him something if I can think of anything.” she replied with a smile. There wasn’t much she could think of to ask him, but maybe something will pop up after listening to him talk for a while. She then nodded and looked at the ground, “Well, what I wanted to ask was…do you think I’m being too protected? I appreciate what both you and Desmond do for me, but somehow I keep thinking that the progress for getting me used to being on my own is going too slow. I feel like I’m ready for fewer restrictions and some more freedom, but Desmond doesn’t seem to think so. I understand where he’s coming from, but I can’t shake this feeling of wanting to go out on my own more and more…what do you think about it?” she asked as she looked at him. She wasn’t sure what kind of answer she was expecting, but she wanted a second view of the matter. Was she just overthinking it?
Noe, thought about what it was that she was asking, there was a chance that Desmond still had not let her have what she wanted because she had not mastered enough of her power. But then again, he understood the need to be free. He sighed, "Ava....." he started, he wasn't sure how to explain that her protection was far more than her being dangerous to others, but more to have to do with her being caged for life. "I know you want that, but as a summoner, without your level of power, I have to side with Desmond. I know we don't explain it, right. But there is a very good reason for keeping you protected and having one of us with you when you go out. I'm sorry, but I have to side with Desmond. Being a summoner is a lot more dangerous than you think it is and if you ever lost control, which you could, there would be on turning back. There is just no way that I could think of you, going anywhere alone, and not being at risk." He sighed deeper, before he smirked at her, looking straight at her, "To be honest, I think it would have been a lot better if my father had done the same to me. I would feel the same way, but there would be a lot of things that would be different in my life. And I would be free, like you are." he said, but didn't explain. All summoners were like property to the government, either in chains or on their call, like he was. He was not happy with that fact, but Desmond was trying to keep that from being Ava's fate and he would do his part, as their friend. Even if he couldn't really explain the who thing to her, he would keep watch of her.
That wasn't the answer that Ava had wanted to hear. Noe and Desmond were best friends, so it was only natural that they would side with each other about this matter. There wasn't anyone else she could talk to about summoners though. The only other people she could think of was her parents, but they would be on Noe and Desmond's side as well, seeing as they had kept her sheltered her whole life. She was starting to see more of the cons of being sheltered like she has been for so long. But, maybe they were right about their decisions. If a lot of people seem to agree that her protection was more important, then it had to be the right choice. Though, if that's the case...then why does she feel this strong urge to have more freedom? This back and forth she always had with herself was annoying and she was tired of it. She was quiet until he had finished talking and let out a sigh, "Alright...I understand." she replied, but it was obvious she was a little dejected about his answer. He had mentioned that he wished his father had done the same for him, but she didn't feel like asking about it since he probably didn't want to explain it and that was fine. "Well, let's go to the library then." she said as the day was only starting. This was a rare chance to be out and about and she didn't want to let her conflicting feelings ruin it for her.
Noe nodded, he was sure that she wanted to hear something else, but the trust that she didn't know, was that she was safe this way and that if she wasn't sheltered this way, she would not like the way she would be kept. She had no idea what was going on, when it came to being born a shifter, her parents kept her sheltered and there was no doubt in his mind that they had to get special treatment that let them kept her hidden. There was very little that they could have done, to keep her from the military or the government, if they even for a moment showed signs of having a daughter. It wouldn't have been easy to keep her in hiding, but her parents either managed to make it seem like she wasn't born with powers or that she didn't exist. Those were the only ways, and he had thought of asking before, but there was very little chance for him to ever ask, without Ava being there. That was something that he would have liked to find out, because he didn't want to be in a relationship, knowing that the child he had could be a summoner and have to be a resource the way he is. The worst thing that he could think of was to have a child that would have his life. He loved his life, when it wasn't getting orders, but he had a lot to do to have the parts he loved. That was why he was sure that even if she wanted another answer, he had to be honest in the way that made her know as little as possible for the reason why. "You know, I have a training section coming up with Desmond if you want to know how we actually use our powers. I mean, you haven't seen use used how powers since....before you two got married, right? It might help you with more control, like you want. I could even move from my speciality, I have been working on different summoning types." he suggested as he tried to figure out a way to make her understand that they wanted her to be happy, protected and to help her to get her powers in control. Watching them before helped her to find a way to manage her small summons better, one of the reasons that her parents had be okay with her living with Desmond and didn't make a deal of it.
As they began making their way to the library, Ava listened to Noe's suggestion, "Sounds good to me. I rarely get to see you two use your powers and it has been a long while since the last time, you're right." she replied, remembering the last time she watched their training session. It had helped her to figure out how to control her summoning powers a bit, so maybe watching them would help her again. Especially since it seems like Noe has learned different summoning types. Ava had always wanted to learn how to use different types, but it was out of the picture for now since she still had to fully master her summoning ability. She looked out the window for a bit before glancing at Noe, "What other types have you learned?" she asked, curiously. It was a subject that always interested her seeing how it was a way to strengthen and modify a person's summoning abilities.
Noe chuckled, "Yeah, well, I have a lot of stuff going on with the military that I haven't gotten a chance to really think about it." he said as if was something he was supposed to do. He chuckled as he thought of how to explain it, "Well, when I was younger I wasn't specifically using only one type of Summoning. I summoned a building once, very old and very long gone, from what my father explained. I am not really used to that kind of summoning anymore. So, I have been working on trying to do it again. I have gotten as far as a seden. I plan on getting bigger, but I think that for now I should work on that and master it before moving to something bigger. Of course, no a lot of chances at that, when I have so much going on, so I have been thinking of trying something new, to give me a little time. Of course, I am a bit of a chicken when it comes to the idea, so I haven't tried it yet, but I will."
Ava nodded her head as she listened to Noe explain the type of summoning he used to do. All she had ever known was summoning beings from another realm, so it was interesting to hear his experiences. "That's a shame that you don't have much time to practice since the military is keeping you busy." she replied and it must be difficult to deal with, she imagined. It definitely wasn't a job she would ever want. "Hmm, I see. I'm sure if you put your mind to it, you should be able to do it." she said with a reassuring head nod. Noe was a talented summoner, so she believed that he could try and maybe master the summoning he wanted to. A question then came to mind, "If you could learn any type of summoning, what would you choose?" she asked and was curious as to what he would say. There were many different types of summoning and maybe even some still being discovered. The summoning population was small and scattered, so there was no telling what kind of summons their people were capable of. Ava especially fit into that category since her summoning ability was very unusual and rare as she had been told by her parents. Every summoner is born with one type of summoning that comes naturally to them, but they also have the ability to learn and master more than one type. Some are much better than others and some might not be able to learn any other types at all. Ava didn't know which category she fell into as she had never tried learning anything new, so she was curious to see if she could ever learn more than one type.
Noe smirked, the irony didn't escape him, she wanted him to side with her about her freedom, but if she knew that the military was the only choice for Summoners, she would happily be stuck at home to avoid it. But when she moved on the her question he thought for a moment. No one had ever actually thought to ask him that and he had not been able to think of something that was so.....selfish in a long time. He had started training when he was young, with one summoning idea, weapons. The government knew that he would be able to summon more then the standard one weapon with the fact that he was strong enough as a child to summon a building that no long existed, but weapons was what he was trained for, because he could summon enough for more then just him. But what did he want to be able to summon, that was something that he had no idea...or did he? He had thought of something for years, but when he brought it up, he was shut down and there was of course the basic rule, people and portals can not exist in the same space. But Noe had thought about doing something to change that, to be able to summon what he wanted, would be something that he wanted to be able to do. Unfortunately, there was never little chance that he would make it to retirement, very few summoners had. "People." he finally stated, "I would want to summon people." he paused as he sighed, "From my record I should be strong enough to do it, but the portal used for summoning is unpredictable that no one has ever tried. As far as we know, a whole human can not survive the portal. It's used as a punishment by the government, you know. A hand full of Summoners only job is to punish in this way, to avoid knowing if there is pain for the subject. But I would want to summon people, since we can draw from just about any time, I would want to draw from different people from other times." he chuckled a little, "But that's impossible and illegal without permission, which is impossible to get." he explained.
Ava was a bit surprised to hear that Noe had wanted to summon people of all things. It definitely might be possible, but it also sounded incredibly complicated. Summoning circles and portals were usually very dangerous to mess around with like that unless it was your natural ability or you had an affinity for it. "That's interesting. It definitely sounds like something you could work towards in secret. Though, that might be a little hard for someone as active in the nosey military like you." she said with a small laugh. It would be hard to practice something like that with his profession for sure. "Hmm, I'd like to summon animals from this world actually. While I do like my strange creatures, sometimes I feel like it would be nice to summon a bunny or tiger or something like that. I probably wouldn't struggle so much with summoning if that's what my natural ability was now that I'm thinking about it." she said as summoning animals seemed so simple compared to other-worldly beings. "I also think being able to summon teleportation portals would be really nice too. I'm sure it has it's limits, but think of all the travel time you would save from it." she said as she imagined how easy her life would be if she could just teleport. She wondered if it would be possible for her to summon animals as she has a natural affinity for summoning living beings. The thought excited her, but for now she should focus on mastering her regular ability first.
Noe chuckled, "Yeah, that would be something to think about. But you are right, the military doesn't want to lose any of its...." he couldn't say summoners, that would open a few questions that he couldn't answer. So he thought of another word, "assets." he said, trying not to make it clear that the only assets the military cared about were summoners. He was sure that he was going to have to make it clear at some time, but she was still so innocent and he didn't know where he was going for his mission. Last thing he needed was to come back to Desmond's temper because he left a mess. They had agreed that she wouldn't know what she was in the eyes of the government or that she was one of the only ones that were not on their radar. That was important to Desmond, he had promised her parent sto keep her safe and he was going to keep her hidden better then they had. That was the only way that she was going to be able to have any kind of normal life. "But I have made some impression on someone, so they....." he paused again, he wanted to say, they give him a little more rope to work, but that would be too much of the truth for her to know; and it could open those questions he was hoping to avoid. "give me a little more freedom. It's better that was, gives me some ideas to help my own, like you, and not have to worry about being hunted down." he commented, "It gives me the only chance I have at finding some happiness."
Ava felt a little sad that Noe was still so heavily restricted after all this time from the sounds of it. But he did tell her some good news, "I'm happy to hear that! You should keep working hard to make sure that you get the freedom and happiness you deserve. I'll be rooting for you!" she said cheerfully and she truly hoped Noe could find the happiness he wanted some day. The two would eventually arrive at the library and Ava stood in front of the doors and glanced at Noe with a happy smile before heading inside. It had been a while since she had been here and just being out of the house for a change felt really nice. It was something she had been craving and it seemed like she would finally get to spend some time out and about. She made her way over to the librarian who greeted her and Noe. Ava looked at Noe, "You can sit and wait for your father and I'll join you in a little bit." she said before looking back at the librarian and following her around the library as she explained what Ava would be helping out with today. She looked around at all of the books and the library really was a peaceful place. It only made her think that Desmond worried too much since there was hardly anything dangerous about it. The worst thing she could think of was maybe a book shelf falling down on somebody, but that didn't seem like it was likely to happen. Ava began organizing the books and returning them to their proper places on the shelves. It was an easy task to do and she quite liked organizing things. Her spaces at home were also very organized since she found it much easier to find the things she needed. She wondered how Noe was doing and once she finished her task, she began making her way over to where he was sitting.
Noe smirked at her comment, thinking that she was so innocent, he wondered if he would be that way if he had no idea what a Summoner meant. But that was a good thing he was sure, as they arrived at the library, she was like a child. She rushed off and he made sure that he could see her, when she told him to sit, he knew that she wanted to be free. He walked to the librarian with her first and listen to what she was supposed to do, before seating in the center table and to keep an eye on things. He had told his father where he was and how to find him, but that didn't mean that it should affect what he was there for. His father didn't waste much time, a few minutes of watching Ava from his table, his father moved to seat across from him, "Dad." Noe said.

His father gave an embarrassed smirk, Noe knew he didn't like how straight forward Noe was sometimes, and blamed himself for it. But Noe hasn't her for fun, he had to make sure nothing happened. "You look good." his father finally let out

Noe smirked, his eyes watching Ava, "It's not all bad, dad. I do have some things I am very happy and proud of."

"I just meant...." his father started before Noe stopped him.

"I know what you meant, but it's not as bad as you might think. Like I said, once you get used to it, there is actually very little that is upsetting." he assured him, as he looked at his father for the first time, before going back to Ava.

"You are on mission, now?" his father asked.

"No." he motioned to Ava, "Just keeping an eye on her, she is my best friend's wife and like me. She is on a completely different level, but we watch her close, just to make sure while she learns she doesn't get found out."

"Ahhh." Noe could her the disappointment in his voice, his father had done what any parent that was normal could do.

Noe looked at him, "It's okay, dad. You know, I can't see any way that you could have done anything for me, when I didn't even know what I was."

"I could have done this." he motioned to what Noe was doing, "I just have a lot of regrets about how I raised you and what happened."

"Don't." Noe said, looking at his father again, "I may have had a hard time, but I meet a lot of great people and what I have done, I wouldn't think were possible sometimes. I hate being leashed, but because of what I can do, I wouldn't expect anything less. You could have been killed or hurt if you tried doing anything than what you did. I hate my restrictions, but I also understand why they are restrictions." Noe assure dhim, before his phone went off. Ava was coming towards them as he looked at his phone and let out a deep sigh, as he answered, "Yes?" he said as he stood up, "Hold on." he informed the caller before turning to Ava, "I have to take this, that's my dad, Santiago Patrick, dad this is Ava Dale." he said, as he moved to go to a quieter place.

His father smiled, as he stood, reaching his hand out, "Nice to meet you." he said.
As Ava was making her way to where Noe was, she felt someone watching her from somewhere in the library. She stopped in her tracks and looked around before locking eyes with a woman who had a hat and sunglasses on. The woman took her sunglasses off and smiled at her. Ava could immediately tell that the woman was a summoner and wondered why she had been watching her. Summoners could always tell when someone else was summoner, it was like a sixth sense they had. The woman raised her hand and pointed to the women's bathroom and Ava could tell that she wanted to have a talk with her in private. The only problem was that she didn't know this woman. Desmond and Noe had told her many times to not trust anyone she didn't know or had just met, so she was reluctant to go into the bathroom with this unknown summoner. Besides, Noe was here with his dad and she was a little more interested in that than talking with a stranger right now, summoner or not. Ava turned her attention away from the woman and continued on her way to the table Noe and his dad were sitting at all the while feeling the woman's eyes on her as she did so. When she finally got to them, Noe had to take a phone call so she sat down at the table and looked across at his dad, "Nice to meet you too." she greeted with a smile and shook his hand. It was a little exciting getting to meet Noe's father as it was rare for her to get to talk to a parent of a summoner that wasn't her own. "I can see the resemblance between you two." she said as she relaxed in her chair and thought about what to say to him. The woman she had just seen was still in the back of her mind, but she pushed it further back since she could already feel her curiosity growing and that wasn't always a good thing.

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