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Fandom My Supernatural Hero (Closed to Divinedarkness)


New Member
There was only pain, as long as she could remember. The kind of pain where she would scream, and scream as the flames engulfed her and nothing made it better. Nothing gave her relief. Pretty soon she knew she would succumb ...she might even break and end up doing the torturing instead...
The first time she saw him in hell, she knew he would break - knew it, but hoped, deep down, that they would not do that. Especially to someone with such pretty green eyes. Green, she thought, which was a little bit like the color of grass. She wished she could remember what that smelled like. But down here, there was only the rotten stink of sulfur and blood. Screaming.

Oh yea gods, that she could get away from that sound! How long had it been? A hundred years? Fifty? Nothing made sense here. And as they cut into her flesh, she got a sense of the name of the man with those green piercing eyes:
The name struck a chord in her heart. She got a feeling of things that weren't hers. Sneakers in the dust. A mud-covered vehicle. Carry on, my wayward son. Cassette tapes and sex with pretty blondes, killing monsters and drinking booze. The family business. Oh, what sweet vengeful silence was in that gaze. In hell's line of suffering, he was right next to her...then soon, without her knowing how many days, years, or endless moments had passed, his knife would cut her flesh and she would scream, and recognition and terror, and sadness would fill his eyes as he tortured her as a demon watched on, giggling at the mercilessness of it all.

Yes they finally broke him. A Winchester. A man who once saw himself as unbreakable. She knew this from his mind, as well.

Then, silence. A ringing in her ears. The beat of wings and a flash of light so bright it burnt her flesh almost as badly as the fires, and she was clinging to an arm, her shackles breaking and demons and jaded human souls shrieking behind her as they were lifted up into the cosmos. No, past rock and stone and sulfur, and the fresh air hit her nostrils like a train. A voice spoke, but not to her. This rescue was not meant for her, but him. The one who broke. The angel spoke, but not now. She saw the future. Of his shadowy wings spreading against a stone and concrete background.
"“I'm the one who gripped you tight and raised you from perdition.”

Before the angel noticed her, the witch (for that is what she was, a being who was once human) rolled over in the grass and quickly scribed a symbol in the dirt with a trembling hand. She looked at her palm, and noticed it had been sliced open from a rock on their way up from hell. Perfect. She slapped her hand down on the symbol and teleported away, not even knowing where she was sending herself. Anywhere at his point. Away from the angel, whose brightness hurt her skin and made her soul crawl.
Rachel didn't know. All she knew was that she was away from the endless suffering, and for the first time in ages, under the shade of many trees dripping wet with rain, she rolled on her back and laughed hoarsely, clutching mud in her hands, screaming with relief and delight.

Saving a Winchester was never simple. It was never an easy task, it was like they wanted to die and punish themselves. Somehow her and her father felt responsible for them and she wasn’t sure why, she felt especially responsible for Sammy. He was like a little brother to her and he’d gone off the deep end since...well since Dean had gone to hell. It was something Shiloh refused to think about. She’d spent the last few months tracking down the younger Winchester, before she’d found him in a hotel room with some broad. Her and Sam had gotten into a argument, before finally she’d managed to convince him to get into her blue 68’ mustang.

Sam was asleep in the passenger seat as the two drove to Sioux Falls, like a child Sam was refusing to talk to her, but that was fine, because Shiloh would rather listen to music anyways.

Where I go I just don't know
I got to got to gotta take it slow.
When I find my piece of mind
I'm gonna give you some of my good time.
Today love smiled on me.
It took away my pain say please
All that you had to free
You gotta let it be oh yeah.

The song filtered through the car as they got closer to home. Sam stirred In the passenger seat before he sat up and looked to the blonde. His chestnut brown hair hanging in his eyes a bit, Shiloh however kept her eyes on the horizon, the sun was just starting to peak up over the South Dakota mountains. Sammy licked his lips and sat his seat up.

“It’s going to rain.” He said simply a clear bitterness still lacing his voice, Shi didn’t respond. “You’re just going to ignore me? Real mature Lo.” He rolled his eyes glancing out his passenger window.

“You want to talk about mature?” She said glancing to him, taking on almost a motherly tone with the younger Winchester. “How about the fact that you’ve been screwing a demon for the past few months Sammy? Dean didn’t go to hell so you could take up with Ruby.” She spat harshly.

“Look Shi, I don’t expect you to understand-“ Sam started but Shiloh was quick to cut him off.

“I understand perfectly. You and your brother are selfish assholes. You only think about yourself-holy shit!” She slammed on her breaks Sam and Shiloh stared at the sudden appearance of a girl in the middle of the empty road. She looked dissolved and confused, a little beat up, Shiloh grabbed her gun from the center console of her car, before both her and Sam pushed up there doors. She kept her gun at her side.

“Are you aright?” Sam called out to her. “Do you need help?” He asked.
It had been ages since she had been asked that question. The boy's question resounded in her like the ringing of a bell, striking her in the heart with something like anxiety and fear, as if she was human again, as if that question came with that anxiousness in her throat when she was a demure little woman in 1969, eyes to the floor whispering No, I don't want to be any trouble. She had gone through so much since then. From demure, and abused, to a newfound power, and everything in between that consisted of her rebellion against the devil himself, resulting in her torture in hell.

"I...I do need help," she said.

The vehicle in front of her was familiar. How long had she even been downstairs? She looked into the boy - no, the man's - dark brown eyes, which were so full of a sort of affection and concern, and unbidden, a name slipped past her lips, a name the broken man had thought of many times in hell's labyrinth;
"Sammy," she said. What a Winchester thing to do, asking a witch if she needed assistance. As if she knew them. She did know them in a sense.
She could not seem to get rid of that man's extra feelings in her chest, she had spent so long taking refuge in his mind with her telepathy. It's like they were linked even now.

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