My latest character background (D&D 5E)


Oddball and author
Hiya! So I really want to share the background story of the latest D&D character I've made.
Her name's Isolde. She's a 20-something Aasimar Cleric (Light Domain) who has recently left her temple in Neverwinter because her adoptive father/mentor was convinced her Divine Purpose is to figure out what's going on over in Chult and kick some undead ass while she's at it. Yeah, we're playing Tomb of Antihalation. Sometimes my characters just get really chatty and want to tell me their story. So I ask them questions and they answer. I swear I'm not a weirdo. Just a nerdy author whose characters often decide to do things I did not plan in advance. A few sessions ago, all I knew about Isolde was that she's in her mid-twenties and that she spend about 20 years living in a Lathandrian temple. Why did she, with her less-than-great social skills decide to leave her home? Turns out there's a bit more to it than just this supposed diving purpose others have pushed upon her.

Feedback on this background story is welcome. As well as tips on how to play a fun, sweet, socially awkward cleric. But for now... Enjoy the read!

“The Angel Child of Neverwinter”

There’s not much to tell about me, really. I was born to human parents in a small village a few miles east of Neverwinter. Although I have precious little memories of my family, the ones I do have are generally full of warmth. I’m the youngest of three children; I have an older sister named Isabella and brother called Isaac. My father is a carpenter, and my mother a herbalist. She taught me and my sister about the healing abilities of various plants that grew in the fields around our house, and in the forest nearby. I also remember my mother baked the most delicious honey-cakes when she could get all the ingredients. My father told amazing fairytales near the hearth fire. He would support his stories with carvings he’d made himself. It were happy and carefree years, even though my parents were actually a bit too poor to properly look after three children. That’s part of the reason why I was taken to the temple.

It’s been three years since I’ve seen my family. That was at Isabella’s wedding. She married a farmer from two villages over. I have to admit it was a bit awkward. My many years living at the temple have estranged me from them. But I was glad to see how happy my sister was, and that’s the most important thing, is it not? I believe my brother has taken over my father’s business since then, too. We may not have spent very long together, but I love them dearly even so. Anyway, I digress…

I imagine it was a difficult choice for my parents to take me to the temple, but I believe it was the best for everyone. It must have been difficult to raise a child who was different from the others. Being born with golden hair, bright eyes, and an innate magical ability is bound to draw attention, right? Most people who can use magic have spent years training. Now enter a little Issy with the innate ability to summon light in the palm of her hand. All the more reason for the people to believe there was some sign of divinity to me. According to the stories, the birth of an Aasimar is either a blessing from the Deities, or the sign of some impending cataclysm where said Aasimar will be tasked with defending the world from great evil. The other villagers took to calling me “The Angel Child”. I was constantly expected to act accordingly: acting out was frowned upon, for “Angels don’t behave that way”. Many children in the village seemed afraid to play with me. It was… lonely.

During one summer solstice, I believe I was six or so, my mom and dad took me to the Temple of Lathander in Neverwinter. Father Thurmond was happy to take me in and become my mentor. From that day on, I lived among their ranks. I was provided with food, shelter, and an education better than my parents would ever be able to offer me. My parents would come to visit me twice a year: on the Summer and the Winter Solstice. To surprise me, they even dropped by for an extra surprise visit on my twentieth birthday!

Life at the temple was happy enough, but even there my brothers and sisters eventually heard the stories of the Angel Child. Expectations remained high. Perhaps they were even higher than they were in the village. They were certain there was some grand destiny or divine purpose ahead of me, and I was expected to act accordingly. I can tell you, a young child has no concept nor care of destiny or purpose. Even now I’m not sure if such a thing really even exists.

Among the other Awakened, novices in the temple, I made friends with Cedric and Theodore. They were brothers, training to be Paladins. We had a lot of fun together, and I can’t recall how often the three of us would get in trouble. The standard punishment would be to clean out the stables for a week. A couple of years ago they left Neverwinter to finish their apprenticeship in the temple in Beregost, while I stayed behind and finished my own. When my apprenticeship was done, I was officially granted the title of Dawnbringer. Last I heard of my friends was that they headed toward Chult on a mission from their temple. That was before the stories of what happened at Camp Righteous reached us. I have no idea if they even made it there. Maybe they were attacked by pirates. Maybe they were trampled and eaten by dinosaurs. But I definitely do hope they’re safely in Camp Vengeance.

Speaking of which, when the stories reached us that Camp Righteous had fallen, father Thurmond was convinced that this was the divine purpose I have to fulfill. Safe Camp Vengeance and vanquish the undead from the land. The temple provided me with everything I might need on my way and paid for passage.

So… that’s all there is. Just a girl who spend the last twenty years of her life living in the Temple of Lathander. A life of service and devotion. Protecting those who can’t protect themselves, providing aid to those who come and ask for it. This right here and now, this is the first time I’m ever outside of the temple, and immediately I’m off to a far and unknown land. I must say I was in for quite the shock. Not too long after arriving, I learned that the people of Chult don’t even know who Lathander is! Just around the time I learned this, however, I made some friends. Like me, they’re from a far-off land. Together we’re off into the jungle. Me, to face this supposed destiny of mine. Them, for reasons that are their own.

Will I return to Neverwinter once my task is over? Honestly, I’m not sure. There’s a chance Lathander will call me home to his realm before I’ll even get to figure out what’s causing these disturbances. And even if I do survive… Of course I miss my home and my family. But it’s also nice to be somewhere where the people don’t know me. To be free of the burden and expectations of the Angel Child of Neverwinter. To just be me.

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