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Fandom My Hero Academy: Rise of Heroes (Currently Closed For Now!)

Ye you youngens back in my day the only way to catch the pokeman was on my original gameboy that was a giant grey brick. On a side note I will post toooonighttt
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Argus said:
Ye you youngens back in my day the only way to catch the pokeman was on my original gameboy that was a giant grey brick. On a side note I will post toooonighttt
Grey brick memories resurface, thx a lot buttbutt
All the original ones were grey I believe. Plus my parents had no problem buying the system but God help me if I wanted a game. "Can I get some games for the thing you bought me?" "Jesus son we already bought you a game for it why on earth would you need more? Like seriously just play that game over and over again." Ooooooo the flash backs it burns
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_08/image.jpeg.38decd6c7a060f6960d7166da6028e66.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="148719" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_08/image.jpeg.38decd6c7a060f6960d7166da6028e66.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

The Nokia of game systems



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you darn kids when i was your age, the only thing i had to catch pokemanz was some rope and a fishin net, and i darn diddly caught myself some pokemanz, alright
simj22 said:
you darn kids when i was your age, the only thing i had to catch pokemanz was some rope and a fishin net, and i darn diddly caught myself some pokemanz, alright
You got a fishing net? (*^*) So lucky.
It's almost here guys...the big day...I don't think I can handle even ONE day without RPN, so I'm getting back into fallout NV to find something to do xD
[QUOTE="Zy That Guy]Speaking of fallout. I wasted 60$ on that piece of trash fallout 4.

I didn't ;^)
[QUOTE="Zy That Guy]Speaking of fallout. I wasted 60$ on that piece of trash fallout 4.

[QUOTE="The One Eyed Bandit]I didn't ;^)

I LOVED Fallout 4. I'm working to finish NV, but it's so intimidating with all these choices xD Trying to play the cowboy who's a god a pistols, repairing, speech, and picklocking.
SpicyLickiTung said:
I LOVED Fallout 4. I'm working to finish NV, but it's so intimidating with all these choices xD Trying to play the cowboy who's a god a pistols, repairing, speech, and picklocking.
Try mods you casul
SpicyLickiTung said:
messing up the story AND the game
I dont see the issue here.

Also, pick up the Willow companion mod. She's the best companion mod for NV, since she sort of grows with you, and she responds to other companions, and the story as well. Fully voiced as well.
simj22 said:
I dont see the issue here.
Also, pick up the Willow companion mod. She's the best companion mod for NV, since she sort of grows with you, and she responds to other companions, and the story as well. Fully voiced as well.
Eh. I'm probably going to mess around with mods after my first playthrough.
Refaulted said:
:D ˙spɹɐʍʞɔɐq puɐ uʍop ǝpᴉsdn ʇxǝʇ ʎɯ dᴉlɟ oʇ ɹoʇᴉpǝ uɐ punoɟ I
Your magic tricks won't work on me. I'm too smartest fer u!

QuirkyAngel said:
And here I was thinking this ooc chat's gone silent. Turns out I just haven't been getting notifs^^
HA! ME? Go Silent? That's as possible as my mom growing wings and winning the lottery *Hears the sound of flapping and excited squeals coming from door* ...Oh.

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