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Fandom My Hero Academia Roleplay [Currently Not Looking For Any More Players]

Favorite Quirk Idea?

  • Nullifying One Of A Person's Senses

  • Making Telepathic Barriers

  • Becoming Stronger As You Take Damage

  • Telekinesis

  • The Ability To Manipulate One's Hair's Length And Strength

Results are only viewable after voting.


You're Done!
Hello, everyone. This is an idea I was going over during the time the site was down during it's most recent update. It would be an RP focused in the world of My Hero Academia/Boku No Hero Academia, and players will be roleplaying as students of U.A High. There will be a multitude of arcs, mostly being similar to the ones in the original manga/anime. However, there will be some original twists, and there will be chances for players to have their characters enjoy 'normal' school moments as well as get into some action in the name of justice. There will also be an abundant amount of new characters that make up the world, Heroes and Villains alike, for your character to interact with and understand the world a little better.

At the time of this post, I will be waiting for more information on the likelyhood of this being able to be a Hosted Project, as I believe that would work better than if this was a regular roleplay. However, if this seems unlikely in the future, I will just push on to make it all work. If you are interested in this roleplay, or have any questions, leave a comment. I will address questions as soon as I am given the opportunity.

Edit: I know this is a very basic description. I apologize for that. If anything is unclear, please ask, and I will try to clear up any confusion.

Edit #2: I should have mentioned this as well, but this RP will be considered as Detailed, meaning there will be a longer post length requirement, as well as a requirement for greater grammar skills.
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I knew I would get that face because of that. I'm sorry. It was just so short-lived, which is why I want to bring it back. So if the people who were in the original and liked their characters still wanted to play them, they have another chance...

This sounds amazing! I would love to try and roleplay that with you because it honestly fascinates me. :D
Awesome! Welcome aboard, matey. By the looks of your username and profile picture, I will take a shot in the dark and say you must like My Hero Academia quite a bit. :p
I would love to be a part of this. Though I have to ask, does it happen along the events of the anime or are we in a completely different timeline/dimension?
Ooooo. I love waking up and seeing all these new people. :]

I would love to be a part of this. Though I have to ask, does it happen along the events of the anime or are we in a completely different timeline/dimension?
It would be a different timeline, with no canon characters from the manga/anime. Some events/arcs from the original anime, though, such as the Sports Festival, will happen.

Sounds great count me in!
Awesome! I am so in~!
Love the manga and the anime, intrested!
Awesome! I can't wait to RP with you all. <3

I would like to join if you're still open.
There is no limit to the amount of people who want to join, yet. They may change depending on how many people show interest, and if Hosted Projects are not as available to make as prior the site update. So if this changes, I will make sure to keep a spot open for you so you can be a part of the Roleplay. :]

Hmmmm. I wonder if you're excited for this. :P
I will assume this means you're interested? :P

Awesome! Welcome aboard.

If you're still accepting, I would love to join.
This is simply an interest check to see how many people will be interested, so there are no spots taken yet for acceptance. However, people here will have spots taken for when the RP does go up so everyone has priority over others when they make characters. But I am glad that you're interested. :]

So, as of right now, there are 13 people who are interested in being a part of the RP. That's more than I expected, to be honest. Which is awesome! I'm going to work on getting parts of the RP ready when I get home from work tonight, such as the Character Skeleton and some of the NPC's.

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