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Realistic or Modern [MxF] A Partner with Multiple Roles and Plots


The Obtained Rose
Hi, everyone! To put it bluntly, I've been writing for some time now that I've written out all sorts of plots that we can go through. But, first, let's get into what I'm looking for.

Even though these may seem too specific, I won't force these preferences to everyone. For starters, I would like for the minimum amount of writing to be one paragraph. However, this could depend on your skills as a role-player. If you're a beginner, I'd completely understand and adapt. For the amount of times I would like for my partner to be active, I would want to say the minimum would be about twice a week. I understand that life can truly get in the way and that itself should always be top priority. So, if you need time or you will be busy, please let me know instead of leaving me hanging. Speaking of which, I ask that you please notify me about anything that has to do with the role-play itself. If you are not liking it and prefer not to write with me, I'd understand and we can either move on or just fix some things to fit our liking. Don't be afraid to let me know about anything, I'm always open-minded for opinions.

Alright, since we got that out of the way, let's move on to the actual plots.

As of right now, I don't have the stories written in full details, but I'd say that they're enough to get the basic idea. Here are the pairings that I would be looking for. I will explain something about these pairings afterwards.
  • Soldier x Civilian
  • Popular Student x Outcast
  • Corrupted Individual x Therapist
  • Musician/Artist x Fan
Here's where I put the little twist in; Let's say that we go for A Popular Student x Outcast. We can have the role of A Popular Student with traits of a Therapist while the role of Outcast has the traits of A Corrupted Individual. This way, we can add some diversity to the roles to make the writing more engaging and fun. Here are some plots that I've just made that involves the mixing with these roles.

  1. The soldier of the battlefield is all alone. They have just lost their squad after an ambush has taken place in a remote town of a country. They have lost all communications to their HQ, leaving them stranded and isolated. Another problem is that this happened in the enemy's home country, giving the soldier a chance to be shot by one of the enemies. That was when they met a civilian, who only wanted nothing to do with war. Luckily, the civilian studied about the soldier's home cultures and even learned their language prior to meeting them. The two grew a fond to each other, primarily due to the soldier asking for help and the civilian agree as long as they remain connected. Things would escalate, however, once it is revealed that the soldier seemed to be mentally unstable. It was a secret that they wanted to keep from anybody until now. They'd imagine about killing and torturing and many inhuman actions. The civilians saw this and was unsure if they should give the soldier a chance. The soldier showed that they needed help in the real world and in their mental realm, given that they suffered from traumatic events. The civilian agrees to help, seeing that the soldier is willing to change for the better, though it would be tough. If both were to be seen together, the soldier will be taken hostage and who knows what would happen to the civilian if they were caught helping their enemy.
  2. It is near the start of senior year and the popular student has been recently interested in a very talented individual who makes great works of art. Since they also are popular, the popular student feels like they are living a good life. They are very active with school activities, clubs and sports. They are also great with academics giving them the chance to gain a scholarship and get a career that they have been dreaming of. Their life seemed to be in order until the very first day of senior year. The outcast of the school has finally gain recognition after the popular student found his work that has fallen to the floor. Once they returned it to the outcast, the popular student found something shocking later on. The outcast is the talented individual who makes music and pieces of art that the popular student grew fond of. Even though their works are amazing, their social skills and emotions aren't. They have been depressed and was, in fact, bullied throughout their last three years of attending the same school as the popular student. The popular student decided to help out the outcast to promote their fantastic works by gaining publicity, yet society is letting them down, letting their depression grow worse. It would be up to the popular student to aid the outcast as they both embark on a journey about themselves and how society works.
  3. College can be such a stressful transition to many students. That is how the therapist sees it when it comes to analyzing the students, even though they are a student themselves. Despite this, the therapist would always do their best to work with troubled individuals in need of mental help. That was when the therapist meets the outcast. The outcast may seem shy and reserved. However, there is darkness within the two-face individual. They have extreme thoughts of becoming a serial killer. Despite this, there is a strange pull between the two. The therapist felt great amount of empathy for the outcast that they would try their best to be as close to them as possible while still working on their social life. The outcast has never faced such a human with a kind heart that they grew a huge attachment to the therapist, though he hated everyone else and would do anything to torture and kill his victims one day. This would branch out in different situations under this pair. The therapist may have a chance to ruin their own reputation and academics that they might have their future destroyed before it might even start. The outcast might even be close to their breaking point that it might be too late for help.
A few notes about these plots.

  • The plots that I wrote down are gender-neutral. A role can be depicted as both male and female.
  • These are what I provided myself. If you have any other ideas that you would like to work with, let's figure it out together.
  • We can add some NPCS or more characters to make the story a bit more interested and engaging. They can also help out flesh the scene for depth.
I'm not planning to use Discord for a couple of weeks or a few months, so we can do threads or PMs. Another thing I would like to do is to draw out our stories, since I'm planning to work on a comic that is similar to these stories.

Feel free to either reply or PM me if you're interested. Thank you for taking the time to read and I hope that we can write together and have fun while doing so!
Really like your first plot about the soldier and the civillian, would look forward to see it through :)

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