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Fantasy Mutant Rp


Bumblebee Therapist
@Prizzy Kriyze

@Der Kojote

^^Co-moderators and what not

This is a remake of a rp I had from a while back.

The world is not too keen on mutants, mostly due to government propaganda they're feared by the general public and are to be reported and taken into custody as soon as they're spotted. Few know what have happened to those who are captured, as most are never seen again. In reality the government are doing testing on them, not unlike animal testing by scientists, looking for a way to duplicate the mutants abilities in order to, in short, create a super army.

General plotline start: A group of mutants squatting in a warehouse for the time being is found by another mutant (my character) looking for somewhere to stay, but is she everything she seems? Will the group accept her, and what will they choose when they're found, fight or flee?

Plot twists, character development, and story lines in general will occur.

The Mole (Mutant-esque RP (Round 3))
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