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Fandom Multi Island

AloisMackens said:
Frisk is nice and loving. Always tries to see the best in people and is determined to make the world a better place. They would never hurt anyone inocent and loves everyone they has befriended.
you need to fix this still
Raven Linwood] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/11726-ammy/ said:
@Ammy[/URL] And I love Hatoful Boyfriend as well. Specially Anghel.
Certainly my favorite of the cast, though I'm quite fond of Sakuya as well. Would grab him too but I'm limiting myself to one character per franchise.

Gonna have to play HuniePop it seems. Summer sale is coming soon so hopefully I can get it fairly cheap.
billthesomething said:
Yeah, there was an email sent out to let game devs and all them know. It had "confidential" in it, so naturally the very first place it ends up is the Steam Reddit page.

It'll be here when it gets here. Not in a rush as I've recently bought an obscene amount of games anyway, so I can knock out more of 'em before getting more from my wishlist.
@Super Waifu

If possible, I wish to bring Abigail Marston (John's wife) and Jack Marston (John's son). However, from both is little known about their personality since there isn't a lot of info available about them.
@Super Waifu I notice a small error. I entered Ameratsu into Viridis, but she was placed in Luteus. Was that intentional? If you think she should be placed differently, just let me know.

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