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Fantasy Mrs. Evans' School for the Gifted

Andromeda perked up when she heard her name, standing tip-toed to see who it was. "Aleks!" She smiled, clinging to the wall a bit so she wouldn't get trampled. Shortly after, she noticed the other boy from earlier coming towards them, and then Alex as well. She usually referred to football players by their last name,  so when she saw Alex she waved. "Hey Martinez!" She said cheerfully, turning her attention to Aleks and Sean momentarily. "What's up?" She asked coolly, leaning against the wall. One person's undivided attention was enough, but three people? The siren smiled brightly and looked at each of them.

( mentioned: @Aquaria Wolf @Deadly Darkness @ThatOneLunatic )
Alex chuckled and waved back before half shoving his way through the people and leaning up against the wall as most football players did, it was kind of their thing. He smiled to the other two and then the Andromeda "Well, I was going to ask if you were as excited as me for the game, but" He turned to the other two "I mgiht have to introduce myself first." He held out his hand to shake Aleks "Hey, My names Alex, my closer friends call me Martin or Martinez, nice to meet you." He smiled, Alex had a friendly Aura about him, very approachable, most people after meeting him could depend on him when they needed something. 

@Aquaria Wolf @raddish @Deadly Darkness
Sean chuckled lightly. "Aren't you popular?" He began towards the spot on the wall next to her, but it was suddenly taken by the other guy. He internally shrugged it off and focused back on the reason he had walked over. His smile was quickly replaced with a puzzled look as he noticed Andromeda's hair was longer and her waist seemed to be smaller. He shook away the thought, chalking it up to simply his imagination. He exchanged glances with the other two, giving a nod of acknowledgement to the one Andromeda had called Martinez. "Sean," he stated simply, seeming much colder now.

@Aquaria Wolf @raddish @Seraph

Lila frowned when looking at the stair cases. Without legs there was no way to be able to make it up to the science floor. She sighed and slithered her way to the cramped elevator like everyday. She coiled her tail tightly around her as the doors closed. After ascending the floors she snaked out into the hallways, a group of people leaning against a nearby wall. 
Aleks narrowed his eyes slightly. Alex's aura was a solid forest green haloed in gold. Another shifter. Hints of amber yellow and shots of emerald graced Alex's aura as well. He ignored the handshake and said. "Aleks, spelled 'a-l-e-k-s'. The pleasure is mine." He noted the jersey and asked. "Are you playing tonight?" Thankfully his hands were still, not fidgeting or busy creating silly little tricks. Nervous habits were a pain. He turned his gaze back to Sean and studied his aura. It was faint, and Aleks could get almost nothing off of it. The lack of a golden haze piqued his curiousity though; Sean was not a shifter? 

@Deadly Darkness @ThatOneLunatic @raddish
Alex noticed Sean's change in attitude, there was something about him that he didnt like, and this was rare to Alex, most people Alex had no problem with but something about Sean didnt sit with him, he then looked to Aleks who seemed to reject his hand and he then seemed annoyed, he looked to Aleks who questioned him about the game "Mhhm, I'll be on the Offensive line, number 12 wide receiver." He would say proudly before asking "You going to watch?" he decided to ignore the fact that he rejected the handshake but he didnt like Sean's Aura, it bugged him, it felt cold and sub-consciously he squinted his eyes at him before looking back to Andromeda and Aleks with a smile

@Deadly Darkness @Aquaria Wolf @raddish

"Alex is the captain." Andromeda said proudly, looking between the three boys. She could tell there was a bit of tension between some of them, but she ignored it for the sake of her own happiness. "I think almost the entire school is going to be there tonight, it's gonna be a night to remember." She smiled. Andromeda had a habit of over-hyping homecoming, but to her homecoming was everything. It was such a fun week. She took note of Sean's name earlier, glad to now know it. She looked towards Aleks, noticing his ears were still there. She briefly wondered why no other shifters had that.


Aleks shrugged. "I've no idea what that is. I don't play sports. I'm going to watch tonight though." Aleks noticed Alex's irritation at Sean and smiled a little to himself. It would be amusing if the two began to fight.  "So how does the game work? How many players are there? How do you score points? Why is this a big school event?" He spouted question after question. He noticed Andromeda's look at his ears and covered them with his hands. "Sorry, I'm lazy so I let my human form slip a lot. I'm rather awful at staying in this form." He said quietly. 

@ThatOneLunatic @raddish @Deadly Darkness
The lamia stood silently by the chemistry door, listening quietly to the nearby conversation. She didn't want to be the first one in the class room, and she had nothing better to do, so she simply stood there listening in. She was especially interested in the boy with the fox-like ears. The other three seemed to be your average run-of-the-mill popular kids, but this boy seemed different, obvious by the questions he was asking.

Sean noticed Alex's sudden squinting at him, but paid it no mind. He smiled loosely at Aleks as he began questioning the sport. A grin broke out onto his face at the final question: "Why is this a big school event?" That was the real question wasn't it. A number of snarky comments filled his head about the uselessness of sports, but considering how much Andromeda seemed to love it all he remained silent.

@ThatOneLunatic @raddish @Aquaria Wolf
Alex smiles to Andromeda  "I'm A Captain, theres still two others ya know." He smiled and then added "I just hope I dont screw up today, biggest game of the season." He said sounding genuinely nervous, this was usual, most of the football players got nervous around this time, after all it was homecoming and it was most certainly not going to be a easy win, he then dismissed his worries and smiled to Aleks "Well, A wide receiver is one of the guys to run out and catch the ball when its thrown, then they take the ball and run with it avoiding tackles and get as close as they can to the touchdown zone, if they reach their they earn 6 points, if we choose to go for a field goal, which just means we kick the ball between the two giant medal prongs that kinda looks like a fork with only two points we get an additional point, and if we go for a field goal without scoring a touchdown and we make the kick we get 3 points, and thats the basics of the O-line, D-line just try and stop the other team from scoring." he explained at a average pace. "As for it being so important, its a tradition where the school comes together, like a family. And being players we want to impress our family." He would say with a wide smile 

@raddish @Aquaria Wolf @Deadly Darkness



Hasan sat in class looking up at the board as if he was paying attention but instead his mind was simply a wander with the events that were scheduled to occur today. He still understood the basics of everything the teacher was talking about but that is because he truly was a good student. Once class was over the teacher excused them all to the hallway to which Hasan stood up slowly and gathered his things. Walking out into the hallway in his cheerleaders outfit, he made his way to the stairs and began to go down he was running through the routines for tonight over in his mind. When walking past Andromeda he couldn't help but role his eyes seeing as she was surrounded by boys.


Andromeda shook her head, smiling at Aleks. "No, I like them. They're cute." She said, referring to his ears before moving her attention to Alex's description of football and why it's important. She decided to put in her own input too. "It's not only just for football though, cheer spends most of summer preparing their halftime routine and marching band does the same. Months of hard work go into this." The siren explained. The more she talked about it, the more excited she became. She smiled genuinely at the three boys, then seeing Hasan walk by. She swore she saw him roll his eyes, but didn't want to cause a negative scene. Instead, she just raised her hand and waved to him. "Hey Hasan!" She said to the other cheerleader, standing on her toes again so he could see her.


Aleks glanced over his shoulder and frowned at Hasan. He uncovered his ears and smiled a little at Andromeda. While she and the others conversed on football he held his hand out and whispered. "draig, ffeinddio Hasan's ofn." Black swirls of glittery mist slunk around the floor and grasped at Hasan's legs. Slowly the swirls grew and changed into a large black dragon. It opened it's mouth and spouted flames. Aleks watched his trick whip his tail about, and startled students scurried out of it's way. 

@raddish @ThatOneLunatic @Deadly Darkness @Seraph
Alex smiled and nodded in agreement with Andromeda before seeing the sudden appearance of a black dragon and flames and he immediately stepped forward pushing Andromeda behind him in a protective manner he hadnt shifted into his other form but he was definitely prepared to as he snarled at the dragon

@raddish @Aquaria Wolf @Deadly Darkness @Seraph
Sean looked down at the dragon with a look of surprised amusement. He chuckled lightly, smiling at Aleks, the one who had obviously conjured the beast. "Well it's been fun, but Psychology waits for no one." Gently he took Andromeda's hand and kissed it. "I'll see you later, but if not, then until this evening, mon cheri." With a charming smile he left the group, headed for the stairs. 

@raddish @ThatOneLunatic @Aquaria Wolf @Seraph

She watched in surprise as a dragon appeared out of thin air.If let out a puff of fire, sending nearby students into a panic. She watched silently in surprise. It was strange to see the number of different reactions the magical beast got out of people. Lila looked from the dragon to the boy who she assumed made the creature, she watched him curiously. Why had he done it?
The moment first period ended, Azalea shot out of the room, quick and light strides but it was nearly a run until she spotted Raisa. As she approached, Raisa turned and blew her a kiss, her movements stiff and perfect. Her eyes looked brainwashed. Empty. Raisa said something in an emotionless voice and then it hit her. Sorren compelled her to do it. Raisa would never dare act this way. 

Damn him. Damn Sorren. Azalea nearly charged the girl down, but grabbed her arm instead, so tightly her hand turned white on the poor girls arm as Azalea dragged her down the hall. "You idiot. I told you to watch him, not attach your eyes to him. Now look what I have to do." Azalea hissed coldly and angrily as she dragged her along. Azalea pulled her into a janitors closet, pulling the door shut behind them. 

Mentioned: @Bowa

Andromeda was taken aback by the sudden appearance of a dragon. She looked to Aleks, wondering if he had done it, then to everyone else. It wasn't Alex, he was protecting her from the beast. She watched with wide eyes as the dragon blew fire, soon noticing her hand moving. It was Sean. Andromeda smiled, blushing a bit before blowing the charming boy a kiss. It was comical how casual he was about the dragon though, because her heart was racing seeing the reptile who formed from nothing. She hid behind Alex a bit more, though. Just in case the beast felt compelled to come after her group.


Aleks laughed softly, and let the dragon fall away, and watched as it snowed black feathers. He turned to look at Alex and smiled a little shyly. "Sorry, I didn't think you'd think it was real. They can't hurt anyone. Illusions are my specialty." He explained. He caught Lila's gaze and nodded at her. Then he looked back at Andromeda. "Remember, they're not even physical. " He held his hand out and summoned the small mermaid he had been practicing in class. It swam over to Andromeda and reached it's hand out to touch her face. 

@ThatOneLunatic @raddish @DarknessSpirit
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Alex was watching the dragon preparing to have to fight the beast when all the sudden he felt a sudden movement behind him, turning to see Sean kiss Andromedas hand he would watch as Andromeda blew a kiss to him and something inside him clicked and his face grew red with anger, his hands would begin to morph becoming larger turning ito claws as he did so his body also got bigger and more muscular and it all the sudden stopped, about halfway through it stopped and he looked down at his hands and it began to reside, he had calmed himself but he was still clearly angry about something, he didnt know why though, was he actually jealous? ALex? Jealous? He had never actually been Jealous in his life and he turned to Alek and said with a smile "Y-yeah, sorry about that, didnt mean for that to happen." His shirt would be in tact as he stopped just before it normally would have ripped and then he turned to face Andromeda putting  ahnd to the back of his head scratching it "Sorry about that, hope i didnt scare you."  he would say nervously

@Aquaria Wolf @raddish

The blonde smiled, watching the apparition of the mermaid come closer to her. She was curious, but didn't raise a hand to touch it. She forgot the conjurings weren't physical. Andromeda smiled at Aleks and the small mermaid, flicking her attention back to Alex. Her hair whipped at the mermaid, she didn't notice. "You were only protecting me." She said, ruffling Alex's hair. "I should be thanking you, even though that dragon was harmless. I don't think Aleks would make something with the intention of hurting anyone."


( mentioned: @Aquaria Wolf @ThatOneLunatic )
He chuckled as he blushes slightly, his hair was soft and pushed to the side, after she ruffled it he fixed it putting it back in place before he smiled sweetly to her "It is my duty isnt it? Protect a damsel in distress." He said with a devilish smirk 

"I wouldn't." Aleks said quickly, dispelling the mermaid with a flick of his wrists. "I don't hurt people, the rest of my family can influence people's emotions but I don't. Well, mostly because I can't, but even if I could i wouldn't, it seems wrong." He rolled his eyes a little at the cheesy line. "I'm pretty sure she can't take care of herself." He said under his breath. Aleks checked the time and wondered if it was worth it to go to his next class. Political Science didn't sound all that entertaining right now. "I have to go to class." He told the two of them. "I'll see you around I guess. Sorry about the whole dragon thing, it's a quirk of mine. Illusions that is." He laughed at himself a little and wandered down the hall towards his next class. 

@ThatOneLunatic @raddish

(Well, I have ice skating practice so bye.) 
He heard Aleks comment and dismissed it, he had obviously been joking when he spoke the cheesy line, if Aleks couldnt pick up on it then that was his fault, he smiled as he looked at Andromeda, admiring her beauty as she stood there, he then quickly stopped staring and looked to Aleks as he walked off "Have fun, see you later, if not I'll see you at the game!" 

@Aquaria Wolf @raddish
Andromeda smiled at Aleks, then looked at the time herself. "Oh my god, you're right." She said, laughing. "See you at the game!" Andromeda waved and turned to face Alex again. "Do you perhaps have some sort of super speed that will get me to the choir room faster?" She joked.

( mentioned: @Aquaria Wolf @ThatOneLunatic yeah I have cheer practice right now too, sadface )
((Haha, have fun, football season and soccer is over for me so I dont have to do anything xD.)) 

He smiled and looked at her and nodded "It is my job to run, hop on." He said as he knelt down for her to get on his back
Sorren let out a soft yawn as he strolled out of the classroom, the lesson had begun to drag towards the end and he was glad the torture was finally over. The Hybrid scratched the back of his neck as he took small steps in no specific direction and searched his mind for what class he had next, AP Chemistry, this was a class that Sorren was doing particularly well in. The teacher and him got along fairly well and Sorren was ahead in the class, he preferred to always be one step ahead, therefore the teacher was rather lenient on Sorren's attendance in the class. Sometimes he could show up halfway through or even not at all and the teacher would be fine with it as long as Sorren's grade didn't drop, during this class was normally the time when he went to one of the schools elegant and picturesque gardens or vintage gazebo.

As he made up his mind to go and wander to one of the gardens, the one with the majestic water fountain was his favourite, Sorren suddenly thought about Azalea. Raisa was bound to have gone up to her by now, he could only imagine Azalea's reaction and a grin crept onto his face. He pondered over whether he should go and find her, maybe demonstrate why he isn't to be underestimated, maybe give her a little taste of what he was capable of. Ultimately, he decided against it. Sorren had made the last move and wanted her to seek him out if she really was up for his challenge, plus he wanted to wait and see what else her manipulative and cold-hearted mind could concoct; his amusement and intrigue was gradually building, finally someone who wasn't a complete bore to be around.

The garden made for a serene and quiet atmosphere, a place where Sorren often came to relax and think about a variety of things. It was a bit out of the way and so not many people ventured to this garden which was why it was Sorren's favourite, he sat on one of the benches and rested his eyes on the magnificent water feature in front of him. The movement and sound of water usually brought upon Sorren a tranquil state, and so he sat leaning back with his arms folded behind his head. He contemplated to himself, "Now what am I going to do about that Whisper...".


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