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Moving On

Jason chuckled, "You bet we are. But it works for us, and I couldn't imagine me being with anyone else, Leah." He grinned. "Not ever. You're stuck with me for the rest of eternity." He chuckled.
"We can be boring college students. Forsake frat parties to watch movies together and instead of sleeping around? We've got each other. Though, I'm not opposed to make out sessions in public. I mean, marriage makes that all the more okay, right?" she grinned up at him.
Jason laughed lightly, and nodded. "Who needs a party full of alcohol when we can drink in the safety of our own place and cuddle the night away?" He grinned, "and yes. Marriage makes pda that much more okay." He laughed lightly.
"Cuddle the night away." Leah giggled. "I like that." she traced circles on Jason's waist. "I'll be the least elligible girl at college and guess what? That's just how I want it. I want you. I've been sure of that since tripping over you in the bleachers."
Jason chuckled softly, shivering as he felt her tracing on his waist. "Same here, babe." He said softly before kissing her, and this time, holding the kiss.
Alex glanced back for a moment, then at the road. She drove until dinnertime and then ordered chinese food for everyone, knowing that Leah and Jason would be asleep for the moment. She looked at Samuel and grinned, "I get to pay tonight, right?"
"Good." Alex nodded, sliding out of the driver's seat and collapsing on their bed. "My back hurts. Driving this bus is painful." she laughed.
Samuel chuckled, and moved over, flopping over beside her. "At least on the bus we can get up and move around. Couldn't do that in a car." He grinned at her, and then shifted. "Roll over." He said with a smile. When she was laying on her stomach, he straddled her hips, so he was kind of half sitting on the backs of her thighs and half sitting on her butt, and began to message her back for her.
"You're full of surprises." Alex giggled, "Seriously. You're good at this. How did you get so good at this?" she groaned quietly, resting her forehead against her arms. "You keep giving me reasons to love you, Samuel."
"You like to read..." Alex laughed, turning her head to the side. "Tell me more about your family, Sam." she whispered. "Tell me what you remember about your twin. And about the twins. And tell me about your dad."
Samuel smiled, "Selena was lost to us when her and I were five." He started, "So I don't really remember much. Mostly what I remember is the bond we shared. Ya know? The one people says all twins have?" He laughed softly, shaking his head. "The closeness and almost completeness when me and her were together." He shrugged. "As for the twins... they're a handful. Penny likes anything considered to be for boys, but she has her feminine habits also. And Piper... she's feisty, and commanding." He laughed, smiling. "Dad is a but harder to explain. What is it you want to know?" He asked lightly.
"I don't know. Your parents are a weird match. How did they meet? They're just so different. She seems like this crazy intuitive woman who just knows stuff and your dad is this warm guy who does what your mother thinks is right because he trusts her but they make no sense." Alex mumbled.
Alex set the food up and then walked to the back of the bus, tickling Leah's exposed feet. Leah squealed and jumped, pulling the blanket with her and leaving Jason exposed.
Jason jumped as well, and sat up, laughing when he realized what happened. He tugged in the blanket to cover himself. "Leah. Thanks. Alex has now seen me naked." He laughed.
Alex laughed a little, "It's okay. I feel like I've heard enough from you guys that the sight doesn't shock me." she smirked. "Dinner is here. I'll let you two get dressed." she walked back to the front and sat beside Samuel. "Just saw Jason naked."
Samuel choked slightly on the drink he had been taking, and laughed. "Well. Good to know I guess." He said after he had finished coughing. Which, by that time, Jason was dressed and headed for the front of the bus, also laughing.
"For what it's worth, I like you better." Alex smirked, kissing Samuel's cheek before beginning to eat her dinner.

Leah walked up and joined them, wearing Jason's shirt and a pair of cotton shorts. "Sorry about the nudity." she laughed. "I didn't mean to do it, I swear."
Samuel chuckled, "Also good to know." He grinned at Alex, leaning against her.

Jason chuckled, "Next time, don't try to give Leah a heart attack and you might not get accidentally flashed. Sorry." He said, laughing, as he added the last bit. He sat down and grinned, "Yes. Chinese. Gotta love Chinese delivery." He chuckled.
"To be fair, I've told her enough stories about us together that it's about time she heard what the buzz is." Leah smirked over at Jason. "Yeah, that's right... she knows details about that part of our lives.... I asked her for advice on outfits a bunch of times."
"I did once." Leah stated. "She offered to take me to Victoria's Secret and I couldn't do it. I mean, Anastasia Delafontaine is amazing for advice, but when she goes to Victoria's Secret with you? She's buying for herself too. And that's stuff I don't want to know."
Jason laughed and nodded in agreement. "True, true." he chuckled, grabbing up some food. He munched happily, "Mom two can be a little more open than we all want, but she's still cool." he said lightly.

Samuel chuckled, "I have tried talking to mom about that... but she just gets carried away." he laughed, shaking his head as he lifted a plate of food for himself as well.

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