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Fantasy Mortal Gods

Atreus nodded to Aphiel, his face grim but determined. "If we have all met so quickly, the gods must be getting desperate. If our journey is going to begin so soon... we need to find the Champion of Mikhail.We should make our way to the temple- there were two others who could possibly be champions," the priest replied, keeping his voice down. "We should move indiscriminately, as to not draw attention. The Fallen King's forces are everywhere, so a large group of people entering the temple would be suspicious." @DramonFire

Atreus turned to the woman who'd just spoken, looking her over. She seemed to emanate a similar power to the rest of the champions, but something seemed off. He decided to keep a low profile and responded innocently, smiling: "We were just talking about how the war would be much easier if the gods decided to choose new champions. Its been years since the last war, and by the looks of things, we are loosing." @Andrea Logan
Vladimir thought about what to recommend. "Yes, we are going to have to get more tactical than usual, especially with these so-called "champions" of the gods. When we do get information from our spies, we should begin formulating better ways to counter such champions. If I was too recommend anything, it would be scout the battlefields more thoroughly than usual in case one superhuman hides among the regulars." he explained. "I do have faith in whatever decision you eventually decide to make, our king has decided you to be the best for this." he added on for formalities and respect.

Sierra nodded and smiled. "Oh I see. Well sorry for bothering you. Sometimes I can be a not noisy.", she said. She waved to the group and walked out of the tavern. As she walked down the street, she thought. Sierra could tell that the man lied to her, but why? When she reached the temple, she walked in and went to the statue of Molach. She kneeled and bowed her head. After saying a silent prayer to him she stood up and looked around.
Zulu weighed her options. If she did choose to trust these people she had to keep her profile low. So far they don't know what she looks,or her name. If going with them means I will find the champion of mikhail.....

Her thoughts were interrupted by the appear here of another being. Zulu's eyes cut like daggers at her. This was to strange. why had marthol not warn her that it would be so sudden. It didn't matter at this point. They needed to disperse and meet back up at the temple

"We are causing a scene. The locals are noticing,and I don't plan to be around when all hell breaks lose" she glanced around at the others then took her leave. She stopped looking up at the sky when she walked outside. She then held up the sack of coins she swiped from aphiel when he wasn't noticing . "Sometimes I even surprise myself" she walked off deciding to take the long way to the temple,wanting to clear her head.
Ylsef watched as she left, making sure she went the right direction. Once she was out of sight he smiled to himself at being able to help a fellow champion. The light was starting to fade outside, but he was not tired enough yet to sleep himself. Walking in front of the shrine to Oranule he began lighting incense and praying, he could sit on his knees in prayer for hours if need be. He had done that many times before and would happily do it many times again. While deep in prayer he noticed people began straggling in slowly. Keeping to himself he maintained his perfectly still stance whilst praying.

Grankul nodded along, taking in the suggestions from Vladimir. "Alright, is there anything that you would like to discuss?" He asked, looking at the table and adjusting the pieces around slightly. Running through minor scenarios for the next few battles, visualizing how they would go down in his head.
Kane kneeled before the shrine of Kyne, his patron. He lit the lavender incense, the same insense he has been burning in her honor for years. There was a small shrine to her back in his home village. Some of his earliest memories were of him and his mother, the priestess of the village, praying at the shrine to be in her good graces.

He watched as slowly some from the tavern trickled in. He was happy to see that they weren't all coming in at once. Because that wouldn't attract any attention, a whole group of people entering the temple. He silently turned back to his praying. "Please goddess, I pray to you in this time of confusion. Help me see the true motives of those who claim to be Champions, help their auras reveal their true intentions. And if all else fails. Slow my aim to be true and my lightning... Lightningy" Kane was never the best at ending a prayer, his mother taught him much but that always seemed to allude him.
Sierra lit each candle by Mochal's shrine one by one. She looked back at the entrance and smiled. She was here for one reason and one reason only. She stood up and picked up her bag. After waiting by a fountain for a bit, she walked up to the building beside the temple. It was an old small inn. She smiled and walked in. The inn keeper looks up and smiles. "Hello miss how may I help ya'?", he asked with a cheerful voice. She went to the counter and asked, "Yes may I have a room on the top floor with the view of the front street please?" He nodded and handed her a rusted key and said, "25 coins please." She handed him the coins and walked to her room. After getting settled in, she opened the window and looked out.
Atreus made his way out of the tavern, making sure to look as inconspicuous as possible. His helmet was once again firmly fit on his head, and it reduced the sound of the world around him- but not enough to hide the laughs of children running in the streets, the stall owners calling out prices. He smiled slightly, relishing the feeling of being in a city once again after his travels. As Atreus entered the temple, the smell of incense wafted into his helmet, filling his nostrils with sweet scents. Three others were praying at the shrines, while the rest remained empty.

After Atreus bent at the shrine of Ruthen, he felt his patrons presence once more. Finally, some guidance... What am I to do, divine? I have found the others, but Mikhail's chosen has yet to reveal them self. No response- wait. Suddenly, images began rushing through his head; faces, statues, shrines. He could hardly make sense of any of it. I... I understand. Some of the gods had sided with the Fallen King? This made the war much harder to win. I will do what I must.

So thats why he didnt trust the woman at the bar... he had seen the shrine of Molach in the vision from Ruthen, as well as her face. Reman, he could have expected. But Molach, and Xerxes? It seemed impossible. With a sigh, he finished his prayers, sitting back on his heels. "It is in you, Ruthen, that I draw my strength. Your love and trust give me my motivation. Guide me in my days to come, and protect me from whatever harm you do not wish me to endure." He stood as he finished the prayer, pulling out Wuthraad and resting it next to the shrine.
Aphiel sighed as he went out of the tavern, Fiera flew up and landed on his shoulder "I wonder, you think we can trust those champions?" He asked Fiera, he knew the hawk was more intelligent than the normal hawks, the hawk nodded slightly. Aphiel entered the shrine, the smell of incence was calmong, he saw Atreus there, along with some recognisable faces, he went and kneeled before the shrine of Rorik. "Rorik, show me the way, I ask for your guidance" a series of sentances were given to Aphiel, but none of them made actual sence, what he could make out was that each champion had inhuman power, that would immedeately seperate the actual ones from the real ones. He stood up, and went to the middle of the temple "may Rorik's flame burn brightly" he took out his Flaming edge, and set it ablaze, proving that he is indeed Rorik's champion, he waited for the reaction of the others as the flames went out while he sheathed his sword again
Blinking from the shadows Taline quickly moves unseen, the only succubus on earth people will tear her apart. Taline is no more a devil worshipper, no longer a succubus. Cursed in her attractive,horned and winged appearance, Taline is just eye candy. As she walked it was night and there was a nearby lit temple, she decided to go in. As she walked inside she saw the way all the guys looked at her biting their lips. She continued to sit on a stool, still being watched by many the guy that caught her eye was beside her. He was gorgeous, his slightly scarred face gave him alittle more masculinity. She poked his shoulder and said:" Hello Iam Taline, who are you? @Rook
Zulu finally made her way into the temple. She bowed down before her goddess morthal. Her eyes were sadden and her face sullen. She knew Morthals answer before she could even ask. She must not let her fear of betrayal cloud her judgement. Zulu knew in her heart who she could and could not trust. After all she was the most deceiving person she knew.

My goddes I seek your guidance

Zulu looked down at her hands. Memories flooded her mind,of how she hurted people with her powers,the times she lost control. Realization came over her. It was not the others she did not trust,it was herself. The reason she had so much doubt in the others intention,why she was unhappy about there growing numbers. She had lack of faith in herself for she might be the on to betray others.

Why have you chosen me? I am unworthy to even call on your name,yet you rain me down with praises. Why?

She got no reply,this caused a small smile from Zulu.

You and your schemes.

she left all her stolen goods she had collected on her travels to here with the shrine. She stood looking around to see that the man she suspected to be at first to be a guardian was there. Her eyes fell onto the one she favored the most,impressed by his display. So he truly was a guardian. She stood behind him,a slightly smug look on her face.

"Impressive champion of Rorik, I am pleased that you are indeed who you say you are,for I really didn't want to have to kill you" She had a child like arrogance to herself,her gaured was slowly coming down. Soon her mind would slip away and she would become the daydreaming child she was once before.

Aphiel got a little frustrated with Zulu's arrogance, he was the strongest fighter in the castle when he was 16, right before he left, and the only one strong enough to wield his sword, the Black Edge, a very large sword, which he used to hack his enemies apart, after his allegiance to Rorik he began calling it the Flaming Edge, due to him setting it ablaze in battle, in his mercenary days he was known as the Black Phoenix, due to Fiera also having the ability to set herself on fire, just like an actual Phoenix. ((Little bit of backstory can't hurt))

He raised his eyebrow, but figured it wouldn't be good to make enemies right now, he looked down at Zulu and spoke "And who might you be, if I may ask?" His voice deep, though friendly.

@aja maji
Zulu removed her headdress reavilng her blond hair. Her war markings had already been wiped off,no reason to hide herself amongst....friends (see second link in sign up sheet if you haven't )

"Zulu the deceitful one. Champion of morthal. I believe I have heard of you before. I grand warrior with a sword of flames. Accompanied by a Phoenix" you could here the confusion in her voice as she looked upon his bird,she was a grand being. But certainly did not look like a Phoenix.

"Your reputation percieves you as a hellish being fuels by anger. Yet here before me is a,handsome kind spoken man. How odd,but fortunate for us I suppose." Zulu was confused by her actions,she was flattering him yet wanted nothing from him. Perhaps this is what it felt like to find friendship of another.
"I'm not one fuelled by anger, but I suppose my reputation and my past say otherwise." Aphiel knew he was lying, in battle he was ruthless, even moreso when he was angry, which happened rather quickly in those instances. "I have not heard of you, Zulu, though I did not expect a graceful girl to be beneath those warpaints" Aphiel wasn't the best in giving compliments, but he had enough confidence not to care. As Zulu spoke about a phoenix Fiera closed her eyes in pride, she liked being recognised as a majestic phoenix rather than a simple, large hawk. Aphiel then smiled "I'm Aphiel, Aphiel Truth-Seeker, champion of Rorik the Passionate."

@aja maji
"Aaaah Rorik in my tongue it has the meaning of 'Red King'. How fitting for a grand man who fights with fire. How long have you three been traveling?" Zulu assumed that he had been traveling with the man he arrived with at the tarven.

"What do you think of the others,and I suppose me as well. I say I do not trust them, but morthal tells me my judgement is clouded that I am under the impression that everyone is as deceitful as me." Zulu looked for a second option on the situation,someone she knew she could trust. Se has excepted the fact the the champions of the gods are here,but they are not the only champions who have gathered here either.


(Nothing you doubled posted,but it's fixed now)
(Are you talkng abut Marcus Antilius? Atreus doesnt have a scar, but Marcus does, and hes not in the temple. @steevenajj )

Atreus felt heat lap against his back, but he could feel the magical energy being released behind him. As he stood, he pulled off his helmet, sweat dripping down his brow- being in a divine presence could really take it out of you. "Very impressive, Aphiel. You truly are the Champion of Rorik." He calmly looked over the Champion who called herself Zulu, and confirmed that he could feel a divine presence emanating off her like the other Champions. "It is good to meet you, Zulu. I am Atreus, Champion of Ruthen. I wish I could prove it as fact, but I wouldn't be able to without damaging the temple."
Zulu looked over at the man,she was still skeptical. Yet still he seemed to be a freind of Rorik,and she deamed him okay. A playfully smile keeps up on her face and she turned to face him. "I have my ways in to seeing if you really who you say you are,that is if you are up for it" she held her hand out to him waiting to see if he would let her or not. This was not only for her sake but for others as well,after all she has yet to prove that she is who she says he is as well. she was already strained and needed contact to look into his memories,tho tempting she did not have the energy to go through them,just simply his past relations with his God.

"Fiera and I have been travelling for 3 years together" he then looked at Atreus "I have only met Atreus today".

He laughed a little at his comment "I have heard about the earth magic the champion of Ruthen possesses, I did not want to set anyone ablaze here though" his eyes averted back to Zulu "You two better not fight out here, it's sure to attract some attention from the Fallen King's minions..."

@Rook @aja maji
Zulu glanced back at Rorik as if she has been insulted.

" for your information I do not use my powers when fighting for sport,nor do I have any intentions in fighting this man,I want a peek into his mind" she let out a huffed as she turned back to Atreus. Her child like nature was breaking through. she could praticuly hear Morthal laughing at her. She never let anyone fluster her up,preferring to keep her distance. She has spoken two words to the man and he could already push her buttons. She smiled slightly turning back to Rorik her face soften. "Or perhaps the reason is that you fear I will beat your freind in battle" her voice was teasing and she was back to her flirtatious self.

"I can not give you my word Atreus for it means little for I am a thief. So on my virtue I promise to not dwell in your past,you can block anything you don't want me to see and I will respect that."

@DramonFire @Rook
Ylsef felt the heat from Aphiel's sword from where he was praying. "Please do not destroy the temple." He called over to them as he stood up from his prayer and pulled his mask back over his head before turning to face them. "Keep our true intentions in mind whilst here please, there is a common enemy we must defeat before fighting each other. That is, unless you have defected to the side of the Fallen King. If that is such the case then please come forward about it now so that I can duel you as an equal and get on with my day. If you withhold information such as that and when I find out, which I will, I will not hesitate to smite you in the name of Oranule." Ylsef knew this was not how he normally acted but these people were causing a commotion and that was not what they wanted. Slowly and peacefully he walked over to them, eyeing them up and down from behind his mask.
Atreus looked at her hand skeptically, listening to the banter between the two. Perhaps the champions would be able to work together after all... "I have no memories i wish to hide. See for yourself, lass," he said before pulling off his metal gauntlet and taking her hand in his. He felt something similar to when Ruthen had filled his mind with visions, but less powerful. Another man was speaking to them, but he couldn't hear him- Atreus was too focused on what was going on in the moment.

Marcus Antilius walked quietly in the small camp. It was filled with noise- the quartermaster hammering a sword back into shape, a captain insulting the soldiers, the laughter of men siting around fires and eating. Why others considered them evil, he did not understand. They were simply following their gods, as their enemies did. With a muffled grunt, he sat down in front of his tent, pulling out his blade and dragging a smooth stone across the edge.
Zulu held his his hand in both of hers. Her eyes closed for a moment,she was use to doing this technique without the other knowing,but she was going to let Atreus show her,it would be easier on her mind. Her eyes opened again them being black as night,so as well were Atreus. The strings of reality were slowly snapping around them. As it felt like they fell into darkness. Then there was nothing,no temple no champions. The only hint Zulu had that he was there was that he held her hand. Zulu held no restraint to the man,letting him show her whatever he wished,what every memories he would show would decided what would fabricate around them.
Atreus grimaced slightly at the sudden change of surroundings. "Alright then..." he murmured, trying to focus on a memory that would prove his legibility. Maybe... he focused on the memory of when he had been chosen. He had been correcting a mistake in his father's business ledgers when it felt like there was someone else in the room with him. When he had spun around, the person was gone, but Wuthraad, a hammer sacred to Ruthen, was leaning against the wall. As soon as he picked it up, Ruthen's power had filled him, causing him to black out. When he had awoken, there had been a huge earthquake in his village, and his parents had figured out what had happened- he was visited by Ruthen.

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