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Fantasy Mortal Gods

Zulu pouted,she held no guilt to what she had done,but he was right. Zulu wasn't a warrior,the only thing she ever done in effort of battle was spy. After all why try to sneak your way into a place when you can implant memories that you are suppose to be there. Taking this into knowledge Zulu was the most deceitful out of all the champions. They had no knowledge of her origins or what noble cause she stood for in this war effort. She was going to have to get them to trust her. Which would have been easier if aphiel stopped watching her like a hawk. Pulling the wool over his eyes was going to be tough. She would have no choice but to submit.

"I am no common thief champion of Rorik,tho I love riches it's not what drives me to take what isn't mine It's the act."

Her voice took in a softer tone,one of guilt.

"Even still I was foolish,you are my allies. Instead of using my skills to aid you I have taken from you" she wasn't going to stop stealing,just not steal from them. She felt that taking what she wanted was justified. 'my brother has stolen what is most precious to me,I have every right to do the same to everyone else.' It was this delusion that made Morthal hold back zulu's powers. She had no problem with Zulu stealing,but not for this reason,not for some revenge quest to hurt people like she was hurt. Zulu was going to have to find good in a evil world. Which is why Morthal inserted she travel with the champions.
Christina had faded into the background now, almost like a silhouette, watching them argue. That girl had even stolen, the one with the bizarre headdress. She patted herself several times, nothing of value was taken, yet, as she stared at the girl, she couldn't help but feel a minuscule amount of empathy. She had to resort to stealing, her obliviousness was far from determining what it was, but logistics would demand that something harsh had happened to her in her life.

"Look, there's no such thing as a common thief!" She grabbed the girl's arms firmly, looking her in the eyes, "You're no thief..." She shook her head, upset that this girl would compare herself so highly to nothing more than a modern criminal. "Honestly, what the hell!?" She shook her roughly, her grip tightening, "There's no reason to tear yourself to that level, not even the slightest!" She began to become aware of the volume of her voice, "Forgive me..." She let go, backing away sullenly. She then turned to Atreus, nodding her head at his earlier remark, "Yes... I think letting the people know would be a wonderful idea. Could help, but, keep in mind, despite my little knowledge on this topic, we are both beloved and hated. Should the wrong people hear our names, we could be placing our own lives along with innocents in danger. Are we ready to accept that?"
Would... Would I even be able to lead? I'm no leader... Mikhail already told me that I am the weakest of the bunch...


@aja maji



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(I just typed my entire reply in caps without realizing it. My life...;- ;)

Atreus watched the argument take place in front of him. Christina definitely had the ability to lead, but she simply didn't know how to utilize it. This was good- the entire group had their own issues to work out. As she approached him, she began speaking, both agreeing with him and warning him. He nodded, mulling over the thoughts in his head- only cowards would hide their identities when they could bring good into the world, even if it put them in danger. If they hid their identities only to prolong their lives, what good would that do? The Fallen King's forces would hunt down the only threats to their power as long as they lived, like those that came before them.

"People die on the battlefield every day that we do not aid them. I know I am ready to take my place... hopefully I am not the only one." Atreus made eye-contact with the champion, as if trying to read her mind. "Are you?"

She became flooded as his words pierced her ears, she made contact with him, sharp icy-eyes never breaking fold from his, "I am more than ready to take my place..." She ran a finger underneath her nose as she formed a slight grin. "There isn't any way I'd let someone fall because I was incompetent and decided to hide myself rather than stand in the light I know I have been called into!" She brushed her bangs gently to the side as she stared continually at Atreus, finding her vision glued, she couldn't look away, even if she tried.
Zulu stood there wide eyed. Had anyone else had approach her in the way she did they would be missing a hand. But instead she just stared at the woman. 'Is she yelling at me? Am I being scolded' Zulu just continued to stare at her. A look of shock plaster on her face. Yet in her mind she was thriving with different emotions. She has been scolded by others before,but this was different from aphiel. It was as if the woman actually held a care for her. Zulu's mind went back to her mom. She was always scolding her about bringing animals into the house. She never understood why in till she tried to take a bear cub. She hadn't made it a mile before her brother had to come rescue her from the mother attacked her. As soon as the memory came was as quickly as it left. She instantly deleted it. She didn't like to think about home much. In fact she doesn't even remember where her home is. She erased that memory when she ran away from home,wanting no excuse to go back. But some memories she couldn't bare to part with. Her thirteenth birthday, her first thunderstorm,and the death of her brother. She took her place in the corner .she wanted nothing to do with the conversation and awaited for them to either head out or speak directly to her. She crossed her arms pulling her head dress down over her face. One would almost thing she was sleeping. But she just wanted time to brood. It's not like I wasn't going to keep it all.
She confirmed his hopes. "Then lead on, Christina," Atreus said quietly. "And I shall follow." He stepped to the side, allowing her passage out the door. Before they left, he noticed Zulu sitting in a dark corner, clearly angry or depressed. Was it wise to try to talk to her? He had neither the wisdom of Kane or the intelligence of Ylsef, but his honor demanded it of him- whether he wanted to or not. Without any more hesitation, Atreus walked over to her, holding out his hand. H looked down at her, trying to read her emotions. "You are coming, are you not? It would be a shame if you stayed behind."
"I'm just a lowly thief, what good would my skills of thievery have in aiding you. There is nothing to be stolen,no memories to be erased. I would just be a burden" she lifted her headrests back where it belonged looking up Atreus. His kindness sickens her. Not because she didn't like it,but she didn't deserve it. It just made her hate herself even more.
"And yet I'm asking you to come with us anyway," Atreus calmly replied. "Come on, get up. The world doesnt have time for to sit in self pity, and neither do you." He took her arm firmly in his hand, and without yanking, gently pulled Zulu to her feet. "Come on, lass." Elianora watched the conversation, showing feint signs of interest. The girl was right- there was nothing to steal. But what was that she said about memories? If she could read memories, than maybe she could find where the Fallen King's champion and his allies were staying. And if the druid didnt give a prophecy willingly...
It was the first true action of kindness she received. Zulu couldn't help but smile. " all you had to say was that you missed me" very well Morthal,I ask for your blessing Zulu was going to have to behave,she wanted to. Here she was surrounded by those who were willing to give there lives for this cause. She was still unsure where her heart stood. She still held a grudge against life. She never attended to help them out,but small acts like this sometimes made her forget her hatred. Almost anyways. She nodded her head to Christian. " then shall we make haste? We have a intresting journey ahead of us."

@Rook @ChristinaXIV
"It's settled then" Aphiel said as he turned toward Christina "Christina, it would be wise to go to my father's castle first, I can fix up some horses for us, we will be much faster that way" The journey would be long, even longer if they didn't have a good form of transportation, and in his opinion, horses were their best options, unless one of the other champions knew a better, or more foreign way of travel.

@aja maji



@Andrea Logan



She stared out the open door, her eyes fixing themselves in a daze. "Yes, let's go." She then regained her light as she turned towards Aphiel, "I agree with you, but how far is your father's castle? Is it out of the way of our current objective?" She was of course questioning this as a leader, if she was to lead them through this pandemic, then she would have to be cautious. She would keep them all alive. Though, as she thought about keeping someone alive, her mind wandered to Charlie, the small boy she had befriended in Everwinter. He spoke to her, mentally, she could hear his voice, soft and innocent, "Come back, one day..."

Christina sighed, resting her hand on her waist as she curved her hip outward, the wolf cape around her shoulders were growing heavy. She anxiously awaited Aphiel's response, her only thoughts now resided in home, the place she knew was all to distant to return for some time.
Mom, I'm finally living my dream, I'm living like Dad did... Dad... Maybe I'll learn how he truly felt to save those who he loved.




@aja maji


Atreus nodded at Zulu, glad he had convinced her. As Christina and Aphiel began discussing their first destination, he absentmindedly reached out and took a plant in his hand, gently rubbing his thumb over the leaf. He prayed for a few seconds and tried infusing his power into it. While he could cause earthquakes and fissures in the earth, growing plants took far more power and control than he usually had. The leaf pulsed slightly, before sprouting another stem, growing a small flower. Atreus smiled, before turning back to the group, confident that they were making the right choice.
Sierra stood up and sighed. She should head back. She couldn't lose sight of them. When she caught sight of them she frowned. It seemed like they were preparing to leave, that would make watching them harder. She stepped back against a wall and waited for them. She wrapped the cloth around and looked at the temple.
"The journey to my father's castle is only a day long on foot" Aphiel said as he turned toward the leader "I'll have Fiera fly ahead of us, my sister knows her well, well enough that she'll arrange a meeting with my father, king Malgerius the Brave..." Aphiel knew however, that his father had developed a dislike for him, as Aphiel revoked his right to become king, leaving his younger sister Jaketta the rightful heir as queen over Droskyn Fortress, and the land around it. "It wouldn't hurt going out of our way to go there first, if it would simplify our journey."




@aja maji



@Andrea Logan
"Sure... So, let's get going!" She raised her fist in the air, a triumphant grin upon her face. She was ready now, they had a plan, a way to achieve knowledge over the great power that had befallen all of them. It's finally time... And with the bold new possibility of an adventure before her, she stretched out her arms, growing ever more vigilant by the moment. Her heels clicked upon the ground as she headed out into the sunshine, morning air striking her hair, setting it in a motion backwards. "It's time..."
Ylsef spread his arms, gesturing for Christina to lead the way. "We await your lead champion of Mikhail." They would finally begin their first quest in the journey to defeat the fallen king and avenge his temple. The thought of outsmarting the simpleminded orc at his own game brought a smile to his face, imagining the orc attempting to attack him and never landing a hit.

Zulu of course waited for no one,her. Mind drifting back yet again. She ran outside more than eager to start the journey. She has never seen a castle before,well as far as she remembered. But she loved traveling. It was her favorite thing to do,besides stealing. She never traveled during the day. She only remembers direction not sight marks she of course had no idea where she was going,and didn't stop to think about waiting for the others. She thought of her being a champion as a game when her mind was In this state. In stead of saying excuse me she would proudly announce "excuse me I'm a champion" "move champion coming through" she was a serious head ache. Even Morthal wonder how the others could take her through the whole journey.
Sierra saw a girl, most likely the champion of Mikhail. Sierra got up and put her cloth on. She walked to the edge of the temple and watched the girl. She should have been closer to listen to them. Now she had no idea where they were headed. She guessed she would have to follow them.

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