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Fantasy Mortal Gods

She extended her steel gauntlet of an arm, thin warm fingers escaping from the vantage points at the end, the tips gently touching his wrist as her hand met his. "Christina Verashoth, Mikhail's champion, at your service. Pleasure to meet you Ylsef." She too stood straight, providing a sense of maturity, despite her feminine looks, she had a certain flash of fire in her eyes, fire that wouldn't permit her any weakness shown before peers. "Do tell... Do you earnestly believe what was told? Has the Fallen King really survived? Does he live?"
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Aphiel laughed "I wouldn't mind having a drink now, first one is on me!" even though he hadn't been in tough with his family lately, he was able to recieve some money from his youngest sister, she was the only one left that actualy cared for her oldest brother, and didn't care that he was the firstborn. He heard the conversation from the two other visitors, untill a few words caught his attention: 'Mikhail's champion' by Rorik, he didn't think the Gods were planning this huge meeting on one day.

Atreus listened in on the conversation behind him. The Champions of Mikhail and Oranule? "It is unwise to linger much longer. Too many of the god's chosen in one place could attract out enemies," Atreus said in a quiet voice. "Let's go to the tavern now... I'm holding you to that promise." He adjusted Wuthraad and turned, walking towards the door. He had memorized the faces of the two other champions, so finding them once again shouldn't be too hard.
The two walked along the town square to get to the tavern, for a smaller town like this, there were many people around, most of them weren't from around here, some faught in the war, some came to sell their goods, some even came to settle down. The two entered the tavern, many people turning their heads as they saw the black-armoured man, together with the hawk-keeper.

(@Rook hope you don't mind me advancing our characters to the tavern

@aja maji we've just entered the tavern, as you probably read ^^ )
Zulu was seated upon a drunk mans lap as she laughed and pretend to be impressed as he told her a story of a scar. Her attention was quickly drawn to the two men that entered the tarven. They seemed much more interesting. She stood up ignoring the man as she had lost interest. ' surly men of there stature should hold something of value. Even a few coin if I'm lucky' she snapped out of her thoughts and put on a smile as she strutted up to one of the men(aphiel).

"Never have I seen such....impressive men before" she trailed her hand on his forearm and looked up at batting her eyelashes. Hopefully she could get his guard down,rip him of some valuables and be on her way.

"Surly you have seen many victories in battle" she placed her hands on his chest feeling his armor. She pretend to awe over it,really looking for a coin purse. " what a amazing armor for an impressive man" It was very hard for Zulu to keep her composure. She almost felt laughing at herself. She was enjoying this to much. She looked at the other man for a moment. She looked familiar to her tho she couldn't put her finger on it. 'Work first play later' she turned her focus back on the man. Seeing if he would take the bait or not,she really didn't have time to stall.
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Vladimir prepared himself for the meeting. They did excite him somewhat, to him, they were a short briefing to what the killing plans were. Looking his usual self, although he polished his armor up a bit, Vladimir left his tent and headed for it. His large ax was strapped to his back, in preparation for any sudden attack. Vladimir was ready for anything involving violence. Reaching the tent, Vladimir walked in, ducking through the entrance. He was thankful when the tent was a lot larger than he expected, as he had to deal with cramped spaces way too much during his mercenary work. Seeing the champion of the fallen king and his new leader, Vlad slowly took a seat to the right of Grankul. "Greetings my liege. What shall we be planning tonight?" he said in a respectful tone.

"Looks like Rorik has more than just the war on his mind for you..." Atreus laughed. "I'm going to grab a drink. You two can... get to know each other while I'm gone." The champion walked towards the bar, placing a few coins on the polished wood. The bartender counted them before filling a tankard of ale and handing it to him. Atreus took a long drink and sat back in a nearby chair, savoring the taste. Then he looked back to Aphiel and the girl. Something was different about her... who was she?
Aphiel laughed a little as the woman started flirting with him, maybe this was Rorik's doing? He wasn't called Rorik, the Passionate for nothing, Oh well, couldn't hurt to get to know her "And who might you be, young lady?" Fiera flew over to the counter, making a soft screech at the bartender, Aphiel turned toward the bartender "Could you give her some water, please, I'll pay double the price" Aphiel knew what a hassle Fiera could be for the tavern, so he propositioned paying more, ensuring they wouldn't mind her staying there.
Estelle's ears twitched as the door to the tavern opened, and two sets of footsteps set foot inside. She smiled.

"Your name?" She continued, talking with the scrawny boy.

"Cian, Ma'am." He said glancing at her horns, and strange mark.

"It is nice to meet you. Now, excuse me for a moment." She said standing and walking over to now, three people. Two males and a female.

"Excuse me?" She asked bowing slightly.

"I have no doubt you are all champions, am I correct?" She asked raising her head again, and once again her gaze off, and staring into nothingness.(@DramonFire @Rook @aja maji )
Sierra looked up at the seller. "50 coins? Well I guess. People do need to make a living.", she said quietly. She smiled and handed the man the amount. He smiled back and handed her the case. She nodded and took the case. Sierra sighed and walked over to the closest tavern. "Took me all day and night to get here. I'm sure it wouldn't be bad to get a big meal.", she said to herself. Sierra walked over to the bar and placed the case down. She smiled at the bartender and asked, "May I have your special please?" He nodded and left. She sighed and sat down. She then noticed how hot it was. It was usually extremely cold up north, so she was surprised by the change of temperature. She unbuttoned her white fur coat and took it off. She placed it by her and waited.
Atreus sat up as soon as the blind woman mentioned the word champions. "Lass, its not wise to mention such a thing in public. What do you know of the champions?" he asked, alarmed. Was she one as well? She had the look, but one can never be too sure. "She was also quite sure that the woman messing with Aphiel was one. That would answer the feeling he had towards her intentions- was it really going to be so easy to meet those like him?
"I go by many names. If you are the kind of man I think you are it will be one you won't forget. " Zulu looked over at the woman who had just approached them. Her hand went down to her dagger. As her demeanor changed at the woman's skeptical approach. She looked back at the man and sighed,her plan ruined "I was actually looking forward to it..." She back away looking around finding her escape options if things went south.

"Perhaps you would do wise to keep your voice down"
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Kane watched as the small gathering formed in the tavern. He also overheard the word 'champion' bounce around a few times but still he sat back at the bar waiting to be sure of their true nature for such talk, there were those as of late who impersonated the champions of the gods as way to gain a true champions trust. It was like lambs to the slaughter after that. The tavern keeper made her rounds once more and Kane ordered another pint, he wasn't a big fan of beer but it would do.

Pushing all reservations to the side he stood from the seat at the bar and made his way over to the small group. "All this talk of champions is dangerous work in public you know." He said in a low voice. He had noticed some of the weird looks the other patrons of the tavern were giving the group. "Do you think perhaps we should make our way back to the temple, it would provide a bit more safety than this tavern don't you think?" Kane stood there a moment before realizing how rude and weird this must have been he hadnt even given a proper introduction. "Im Kane." he dropped his voice down to just above a whisper. "champion of Kyne."

(Sorry guys i forgot to watch this thread and wasnt notified of it beginning. @Rook @aja maji @DramonFire @Queen of Fantasy )
"Well, the Fallen King himself is still a god and to kill a god takes much more power than any mortals could dream of conjuring. So while we were successful in disabling him greatly he managed to place his influence on the world none the less and so his power is still evident." Ylsef said in one long continuous breath, since his patron was the god of intelligence knowledge seemed to pour out of him at times. Upon seeing the other two champions leave he watched them for a moment then turned back to Christina. "Perhaps you would like to rest now, you look exhausted and I can have arrangements made for you to freshen up if you would like?" Ylsef offered his fellow champion.
"Yes of course,let's all the so called champions meet up the temple with our gods. What a charming idea. Who will look there? And I thought I was cunning"

Zulu was uneasy about this whole situation,and made no attempt to to try and hide it. When morthal had told her to find the champion of mikhail she wasn't expecting everyone to follow. I was expecting jewels when you said many valuables will come my.she examined everyone's faces. Zulu was certain that the armored man was one of them,which lead her to suspect that the one he arrived with was one as well. She had doubts about the blind women. It was one thing to be prideful in your choosing,but to just come out and say it was something all together. as for the newly approached man,she couldn't tell. 'Morthal is a scheming God,but never has he forsaken me' she decided to give everyone the benefit of the doubt,for now. She took her hand off her dagger and crossed her arms,becoming more relaxed.
She turned to him, the pack on her back feeling rather heavy at the bare mention of the word "rest", it lured her into a sense of security, and with a gentle groaning of her voice, she gladly accepted his offer, "Sleep would be delightful." She hadn't slept much the previous few weeks, she'd always been on the move, scaling across the grand plains as quickly as she could, and the weather had never been nice to her either, she was also in dire need of a bath, temples had baths, didn't they? Wouldn't that just be a treat, to finally get some warm water on her weathered figure.

She also soaked in what Ylsef had told her, she absorbed all of the information her poured, and began to contemplate her decisions, she'd already met him, one of the other champions, and there was a decent chance of her meeting the other two that had walked by them earlier. Fate had a weird way of intertwining things, making it seem as though all is lost, but working its mysterious ways with another plot. She sighed and then, immediately following the rude gesture, she yawned, a glare forming in her left eye that was hindering her vision, "Yes... Let's... Get some... Rest...". At this moment, she looked like a feather in the wind, the only thing holding her to the ground was her armor, and she was full and well prepared to fall asleep at any moment, but the comfort of a bed might be more forgiving.
Aphiel noticed the foreign, tattooed girl getting ready to draw a blade, he was about to say something, as battling inside with his large sword wouldn't be very safe for the rest of these people, but Kane was the one who stopped them both "That would be the best option right now" his voice went to a whispering tone "the Fallen King has spies everywhere"
Estelle merely stood there s everyone talked, and replied when it became silent.

"If you didn't notice, most of the men who heard is drunk, and won't remember a thing. Also, yes I'm one of you, and I could tell all of you are chosen."

She said blinking. She tattoo's and eye's had a dim orange/yellow glow to it. Usually it's a sign of uneasiness, but right now it was more of caution.

"I had lost my way as I started for the temple. Usually I can find my way, just fine. But being blind doesn't help with this lost situation."

She said waving her hand in front of her face.

"I forgot to introduce myself. I am Estelle, Champion of Toryyg."

She said bowing to all of them, and standing once again, her gaze to the floor now.
Zulu's placed to fingers in her left temple and closed her eyes. A strange force could be felt radiating from her,even if dim you could feel the power behind it. She rocked forward steadying herself quickly,and let out a sigh. She was dizzy,tho she tried to hide it. she never went through the memories of so many. But there minds were weeken by the drunkness. She felt a small tinge of pride at her succes.

"She tells the truth. They won't remeber anything" she could not look into the memories of the group around her,not without physical contact. She has agreed to tolerate them but she would not trust them till she could se for herself.
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Ylsef smiled to her and turned around, finding one of the local priests and talking to him. The priest seemed worried at first but when Ylsef assured him she would be okay the priest knew better than to question a fellow holy man. The priest pulled out a ring of keys from his pocket and took one off, handing it to Ylsef and smiling to Christina before continuing on his way.

Handing Christina the key Ylsef told her what the priest had wanted him to. "There are a few rules, no disruptive behavior and be respectful. Especially during ceremonies. The bath is open from sunrise to midnight, and if you use the library be sure to bring the books to the desk so they are replaced properly. If you can keep all that in mind then you are welcome to stay as long as you like."

"Word has came to me that there are new champions of the gods, and that they plan on forming a resistance against our forces. While in the end our lord and King has yet to fail us it would not be proper to expect him to push us through their force. Instead we must prove ourselves to him yet again, conquering this hurdle just as any other we have had in the past. So, I have spies laid out all across the lands we do not control yet and reinforcements coming to our main force in an effort to get information on them and prepare our soldiers accordingly. But more discussion of that will come when we receive more information. Today our meeting is about how we will continue our current conquest towards Chorus. We could stick with our usual power through the weak forces of those who shun the power of the Fallen King. But a more tactical approach may be required as we get closer to the capital. What would you recommend?" Grankul presented all of this information for Vladimir before sitting back and letting him soak in the information and formulate a response.

@Eighty Seven
"That doesn't eliminate the threat. I have been in the Capitol a while now. I have seen those who claim to be champions while truly being shrouded assassins. Like vipers the await their chance to strike. Even if you choose not to believe it there are those who look at us as abominations. Some are jealous that the gods chose us while others just want us dead. The temple will provide sanctuary as well as the extra boost from our deities." Kane took in a breath. The looks from two men at the bar were making him uneasy. Not in a 'they look like they want to mug me' kind of uneasy it was a look like they wanted to gut him like a fish. "I will be in the temple when you are ready to discuss this further." And with that Kane departed from the tavern.
She gladly accepted the key and slipped it around her neck, "Thank you, I think I'll retire for the night." And with the acceptance of the item, she headed on her way to the sleeping quarters, doing her best to look friendly and completely harmless as she walked through the halls, bright armor chinking, her steel heels clicked on the marble, echoing her presence among the shadows daring to hide from the darkness of candle walls. It was peaceful, the gentle aura of the temple practically dragging her body to a better place, seducing her with its fragrances and serenity.

She'd found the room that matched the key and made refuge inside, the first thing she did was remove all of her armor and the heavy pack on her back, unfolding the wolf pelt within, and laid it out on the bed, it'd provide enough comfort for the night. She then put on a wool tunic and looked around for the bathing area, coming across a pool with Mikhail's symbol above it. She entered, and soon found her bare body engulfed in the warm water, her clothes folded neatly in a pile beside her. She bathed with oils and other fine fragrances, running them along her skin, taking time to truly enjoy the experience, as she may or may not stay in this place for much longer, depending on how her journey would turn out.

After she'd finished cleaning, she laid back against the edge, gazing up at the statue-head of Mikhail, noticing a familiarity between the marble and the man she had actually seen in her dream. After another few minutes of good soaking, she re-dressed, then began her mindless daze of a tip-toe around the silent halls, once more locating her room and entering.

She yawned as she flopped down in her bed, fatigued in every aspect of the word, and as soon as she shut her eyes, she dare not open them again 'till morning's light.
Aphiel walked to Atreus "Well, what do you think, huh?" he figured if he should be surrounded by champions he should best surround himself with familliar ones. Fiera drank from her water zs she stopped and looked around, the men at the bar kept staring at the bird, but she didn't care at all, she just continued to sit there, enjoying the sounds of the tavern bard. 'this whole situation is getting more and more confusing, in this day and age, anybody could say they were a god's champion, maybe just for the title, but some probably would do it because the champions were viewed as heroes, and that power attracted people.' He thought to himself
Sierra heard the word champion and smiled. She finished her meal and handed the man her money. She grabbed her stuff and walked to the group. "I am sorry if I seem rude but...", she lowered her voice to a whisper. " Do you say champions?"

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