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Fantasy Moony's Orphanage V4 - New


Elder Member


"The official plot of the roleplay. it is still in development. Suggestions for improvement are greatly appreciated. Please post bellow.

Scroll down for the official rules."

You've been left in this hole of despair, abandoned in a world different than the one you used to live in. You were rejected, humiliated, your existence was denied. This is why you were left here, in this orphanage. Here, you are taught to embrace the shades of solitude, to accept the darkness and all its sorrows, and to live your life as it is. Do not reject the warmth and kindness of the one who allowed you to be part of this world. He's your eternal guardian. And his name is..


1. I will not tolerate characters whose power is absolutely beyond limits. The principal is an exception, and even so, he has his hidden weaknesses and he rarely appears. He acts more like a general figure of the rp, the one who keeps everything in check.

2. The same applies to the character's personality. I will not accept mary sues or lary or barry or whatever sues. (In translation. No perfection allowed) Characters with mysterious and complex personalities are most welcome. Cliche characrers aren't that bad either, but please, try to make everything as interesting as possible.

All RPNation Rules Apply.

4. Respect each other. Communicate. Contribute. Make friends. Develop beautiful friendships. We're like family. We all love each other in a way or another. Just don't fight, be rude, racist, judgemental.

5. No insta-kill allowed. Discuss before acting. Ask for permission. And if you want incredibly huge plot twists, make sure you discuss them with every active member.

6. Notify everyone before leaving on hiatuses, so we can discuss the fate of your character. Innactivity is okay, just, try not to be gone for too long, we need you.

7. The plot is not carved in stone. Developing is neither. Don't be reckless. follow the main plot of the rp and don't do whatever you want.

8. The literacy requirements aren't a super big deal. What we care about is interesting ideas and characters, the literacy is our second most important detail. I personally like the minimum of 1-2 lines. It's my recommendation.

This is a powers rp,so you are given special powers at birth. It didn't take long until the members of your community found out about your abnormal abilities, this is why you were thrown in this place. Your friends and family are no longer with you. Your goal is to be recognized by the principal of the orphanage, a man whose power is beyond limits. Many others say that the ones who joined him found eternal happiness. This is why you must learn to control your powers and master your abilities. There are some who don't realize that this is all about self development. Make alliances, friends, enemies. Do anything to win the grand prize.

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