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Fantasy Moonlit Crisis

The Blue Moon


The city of Calence. Formerly a barren land that once was a large forestry area, it was redeveloped into a bustling city where all sorts of people can feel comfortable to live in.

Tonight is just a regular weekend. Workers are returning to their homes, while some are going out in celebratory parties to give themselves a pat in the back after enduring their tiresome jobs for a whole week. The city's streets are packed with cars, and traffic is slowly getting jammed.

However, to a certain kind of people, this night marks the beginning of a remarkable time. While to mere ordinary people, the moon's light is nothing to be amazed about, to those who can see it clearly - tonight's moon is not just a simple moon.

It is the blue moon. The phenomenon that causes the abundance of mana. It marks the time where anyone who can utilize mana would be able to do greater feats than they could ever do before.

But with the ongoing issue of the mysterious mage killings, as well as the underlying threat of a man named "Nergal", what would occur beneath the blue moon's mysterious light?

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K. O.

Sparkling white light stretched from the moon and kissed the city of Calence. It touched everything and gave it a sheen. The metallic lamp posts, parked cars, a stranger's watch- everything the light touched gained a bit of recognition. Off into the forest up into the mountains where light poked through blankets of leaves and walls of tree branches barely a soul could see what little light touched could truly reveal.

But Howard didn't need to see it. The piercing distorted scream that hit his ears was the only thing he needed to know that thing was getting closer.

"Sometimes", Howard stated as he broke into a run, "I really hate mages." Several gunshots went off. One, two, three, four- hit the hulking mass of fat, bone, and flesh. But despite the mutated manbeasts wounds the thing that looked like a horrible blend between giant, ox, and large boils, kept charging forward as blood merely leaked out of its wounds.

His eyes narrowed as he waited in preparation. When the creature turned to him, Howard merely frowned, deciding to turn his words towards someone else who wasn't near but he knew could still hear him. "And sometimes I really wish you wouldn't throw stuff like this in my face when you know today was supposed to be my day off." The creature swung a fat fleshy arm forward and when it did Howard ducked then rolled as the tree it demolished came crashing down.

A clip popped out, and a silver casing clip was popped in. While ugly dealt with the tree on its fat, bulbous tail, Howard made way to create distance. He hadn't gotten too far when a minute later the beast came rushing and gasping towards him with horns ready and fanged teeth barring. Standing before a rather large tree trunk with little to no expression on his face, Howard waited. As if he could take the beast on his own till the world decided to show both it and him that he really couldn't because the second the beast touched Howard- his hologram shattered into fragments and Mr. Ugly found his head ramming right through more than four trees.

Mr. Ugly, did not like this. No longer man, no longer beast, not even a fraction of the magical creature that had its DNA infused within but a mixture of alchemist concoctions gone wrong and bestial experimentation gone awry, Mr. Ugly howled an disgusting roar mixed with green spittle flying to the sky. Only to be stopped when a long, pointy ear twitched at the sound of a whistle. The type of whistle you used to call dogs.

The type of whistle you wouldn't want to hear in battle. Turning Mr. Ugly expected to find his new playmate that he couldn't wait to rip to shreds. Instead he got something more; a bullet. One that pierced its skin, burrowed through its hulking muscle and unlike before made the bullet wound burn like hell and cause all feeling in its right arm to go null.

Howard listened to the creature roar, then digging a hand into his pouch he removed a vial of red liquid. "Three, two, one--" mana coursed through his nodes, empowered his legs and he jumped a good three feet out of the way only for Mr. Ugly to come crashing down right where'd he'd been, dirt rising, ground shaking, earth cracking the beast's mouth glowed a dangerous orange as it charged for an attack that would vaporize his attacker. Only...he never got to make the attack, the red vial he'd stepped in glowed, crackled, then ignited into fire. First catching Mr. Ugly's leg, then in a manner of seconds unnatural for normal flames, the beasts cries of agony were silenced as the flames ate it whole.

It was a minute before the flames died out on its own after the creature had been forced to turn into ashes, but Howard simply didn't pay it any mind. He walked past the dead and climbed up a tree to glimpse at the horizon. After a minute he scowled and came back down. "Dammit...gone." The hunter let out an annoyed sigh.

"Morgana, I'm assuming you're watching all this. If so, know that I'm coming back. Alkereth is gone, we'll have to find him another night. Doubtful he'll be about now that he knows a hunter is on his trail. Regardless, don't cause any trouble. Wait for me at whatever location you desire and I'll meet you there." With that said, the hunter turned to return, but stopped when he saw something wriggling into the shadows. A piece of Mr.Ugly. If it were anyone else, they might have been creeped out. Howard merely stared blankly- like he'd just been discovered in the girls locker room or something equally as bizarre.

A single bullet took care of the creature, and without waste Howard turned and made his way back down the mountain, heading towards Morgana.

Location: Calence Mountains.
Interactions: Malice Queen Malice Queen
Bloody Mary

  • 16d2b3400af8e3280b222455813baeb5--anime-outfits-ball-dresses.jpg
    Uh, too dark! How was I suppose to see my own work in those conditions? I picked up one of the daggers gently laid on the table and wet the blade in a water tap from the nearest bathroom. Not wanting neither my usual attire nor my new dress to get dirty, I attempted to scrap out as much of the blood on me as possible with the wet blade, feeling little tingles as the remaining mana in the blood was absorbed by the dagger. It was still very little, but it was enough that I couldn't tell which was more refreshing the water passing over my hurting legs or the mana restoring their strength. Hmmmm... Well, on second thought, it was probably the water. I was already being supplied with enough mana just by being contracted anyway, and the stentch was just enfuriating! I better not even think about it, less I be tempted. I myself was just about done too, just wanted to have a look at it before I left. I got myself dressed, then picked up the white gown and took it to the blacony past the window and the closed, red, torn curtins, which I pushed open with my free hand. I then raised the white dress with both of them, bathing it in the moonlight, admiring the soft silk. So beautiful, so perfect, it made me think of what the catch could be. I didn't take me long to nearly drop it when I saw the images within and one of my hands flew to my mouth to contain the nausea. Oh, yes, I remembered now what it was from. Hand still over my mouth, I gazed upwards at the moon, hoping for a distraction from the thought.

    The blue moon. Even as a grand familiar, I had not been given the opportunity to fully understand it's mysteries, but I did understand one thing about it, how good of an opportunity it presented. At a time like this, magi gained a boost to their usual potential, a massive one at that. Because of that, this was the perfect time to hunt for material for my grand phantasm. Sure, they put up more a fight now, but most were so incompetent at using this unfamiliar boost that it was still relatively quick, something I was very much pleased about. My dear baby was waiting for me, after all. It was just a matter of time and surely much less of it now that we were experiencing this event. The sheer density of mana on the atmosphere, and the output of that mana too, both rich like the sugar, silver and gold of the discoveries.

    "Oh! It does occurr to me, perhaps my master would be joyous to receive a present from myself? They did not have the opportunity... ah, perchance, pleasure, of taking part in tonight's endeavor. Hopefully I can yet satisfy them with some good, less some peasants have a meeting with a witch of misfortune tonight. Furthermore, it will be mistaken for a mere burglary that way." I reentered the house, carefully placing the gown on what was possibly the only completely whole chair in the apartment, and gave a look at the magus laying on the ground in a very friendly embrace with the pointy end of one of my daggers. After meeting my master I had expected most magus's today to wear weird fashion like her, but I had soon come to learn that it was no less of a secret than before, and most were more akin to the one in front of me, men with plain faces wearing suits and a dark blue tie that perfectly matched the walls of the house before tonight's decorative repainting in red. I had already searched him too, and aprt from an expensive-looking watch, his engagement ring, wallet and a couple of simple mana potions, he was useless. These people put the parlament to shame with how wasteful their resource management was.

    I continued to search the small apartment. I began by checking the bedroom, and after checking all of the drawers, I decided to take a jacket that looked clearly oversized for me, and the jewelry on which I covered myself. The jewels might be useful for my master, and they looked pretty too so if he didn't want them, I could always take them myself. The jacket, on the other hand, was mostly for the pockets. It was at time like this that I regreteed not having a purse to carry stuff around. I raided the kitchen next. I didn't have a lot of room on me to carry food, so I simply took just some closed packs of meat, some milk and bread, plus a box of utensils. I was about to leave when I spotted it though: The cookie jar. I gulped, unsure of whether I could carry it. No, I couldn't. I mean, I needed space on me to carry the gown. I sighed, knowing I had to give up some...delicious...sugary....cookies...


    "Master, I've returned!" I called out to him as I emerged from a mirror in our current hideout, barely balancing everything I was carrying, with the gown over head, the utensils and food on one hand, and a cookie jar on the other. "I have brought thee a gift! But before I offer it to you, may I request that thou lends me some kind assistance?"

    CrimsonEclipse CrimsonEclipse
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Outfit: Formal
Expression: Calm

Elaine Shaltir
~'Dragon Witch' Matildas Descendent~
Perhaps it would be a breath taking sight under different circumstances. But Elaine was simply not in the right mood for such an optimistic outlook. The eerie glow of the moon sent a sly shiver up her spine, as her prominent footsteps faltered to a slow, momentary pause of appreciation. It was pretty. But the connotations of its arrival soured that simple thought. If only Nergal wasn’t so insistent on being a rebel. His desire was understandable though, the sweet taste of the mana buzzing at her fingertips was so very tempting, and she wasn’t even heavily invested in her magecraft. Maybe, it has something to do with her ancestry.

Shaking away that thought as quickly as it came, her footsteps returned, resounding on the lonely street she was travelling on, at a brisker pace. Thinking about her never did any good. She was something that never should have happened. Her thoughts were abruptly changed to be about her day, just to get away from that thought.

It had been a long day at work. No matter how many times she repeated herself, the foreign woman failed to comprehend even a word of what she was saying. It was clear that she was trying, but her stress levels were just too high. The panic in her eyes, and the dark circles beneath them were signs of such. The possibility of being an illegal immigrant must be hard on her. It’s not like Elaine could blame her for those circumstances, and so she was just left with a feeling of bitter annoyance sitting at the pit of her stomach. Despite finally getting a job as an immigrant solicitor, she wasn’t quite as happy as she thought she’d be. Hopefully, the issue will be resolved by Monday. Hopefully.

With a quiet sigh, Elaine nonchalantly turned round the corner. It was comforting being greeted by the sight of her humble abode, only a few meters away, but at the same time, irritating. She’d seen this scene too many times over the past week, when she’d travelled to and fro one of the many Mage’s Association stations. Despite searching thoroughly for any information on Nergal, she’d found absolutely none. Was she looking in the wrong place? Were they withholding information from her due to her weak magical abilities? Questions that she couldn’t solve just by pondering over them flooded her mind. It was frustrating.

Even then, it’s not like she was going to give up.

Quietly, she let the door close behind her with a silent click, and entered her bare foyer. It was a little chilly, but not enough for her to want to turn on the radiator. Although she had quite a bit of research and work to do, she resulted to curling up into a warm ball on her sofa with a novel. The weekend has only just started afterall.
Hmm~ Hmmmm~ Hmmm~ Hm~

A soft humming could be heard from a nondescript house in the middle of a nondescript neighborhood. It was a simple house, one storey, nice front lawn, a red sedan parked on the driveway, the colors of the house were not too flashy and gaudy, just simple baby blue house with a brown tiled roof. Just a normal house in a normal neighborhood. The family who lived there are quite lovely and friendly. The father is a science teacher in the nearby high school while the mother is a housewife. They have two lovely children, one a 6 year old girl and the other a 3 year old boy, and they are absolutely adorable. They are a truly lovely family. Well, were.

Once anyone takes a peek through the windows, their breakfast, lunch, and dinner would surely want to vacate the premises. It was as if meat was crammed into a blender, set it to the highest setting, then remove the cap while the blender is on. The living room was covered in blood and guts, even the ceiling wasn’t spared from the mess. Two headless bodies lay spread on the floor, their midsection cut wide open and the internal organs neatly placed beside the bodies. The ribcage looked like it was broken open with a sledgehammer, which it definitely was. The heart is nowhere to be found, though it’d be no surprise if it was ground into a paste due to the sledgehammer. As for where their heads are, well, they’re in the hands of the one responsible for it.

Hmm~ Hmmmm~ Hmmm~ Hm~

The humming continued as the figure sitting on the couch held a skull, a bloody skull with bits and pieces still attached, in its hands while the other lay on her lap. The skull on her lap had strange carvings on it, which if one is to look closely at it, turns out to be flowers. The flowers are delicately and beautifully carved, giving the skull a macarbe and dark beauty. The other skull is undergoing the same process, though the carving this time appears to be different. The figure continued humming, the mask obscuring the figures face. The figure on the couch appears to be dressed as a jester, though jesters tend to not be covered in blood. The jester, Grinn is her name, continued humming as she carved on the surface of the skull.

Why is she doing this you may ask? Is for a ritual to summon a malevolent creature? A blood sacrifice for an evil god? To power a spell to achieve neverending life? No. Nothing of that sort. Grinn merely did it because she was bored. She happened to be in the neighborhood, having just finished a job, and she was getting bored. Her adorable familiar was somewhere doing her own thing, so Grinn had to look for entertainment elsewhere, which she happened to find here.

Where are the children you may ask? Why sleeping in their beds of course, what did you expect? She didn’t do it out of the goodness of her own heart of course, not for something so silly of course. She just didn’t want her Mary to get upset that she killed children, again. And she’s do anything for her Mary. Speaking of which, a little girl just went through a large mirror in the living room. “Mary!” She squealed in delight, dropping her handicraft on the floor and running towards the girl and hugging her tight. “What took you so long? I missed you!” She said towards the little girl. “Ooh, you got me cookies! And what a nice dress you have there! You’ll look so adorable in those!” She said in succession, grabbing the cookie jar from the little girl.

Idea Idea
Bloody Mary


  • "My sincere apologies, master. I hadn'th accounted to be so delayed in mine arrival, but I followed thine presence here. Yet, the home mine eyes meet is not our hideout either..." I apologized, then sighed. I supposed it was too late after all, my master had already gone on a rampage. A surprisingly contained one, thankfully, judging by the amount of pummeled internal organs on the floor. Usually I would appear to a whole birthday party slaughtered, their guts covering the walls like smoke blown from the candles. The thought was even enough to dissuade me from asking for a birthday party of my own. It was some time away anyway, just February 18th, on pratically the opposite day in the year when my master summoned me. It wasn't long from then that I went to thinking as kind and perhaps a bit excentric to grasping the tip of the iceberg regarding the kind of master who would summon Bloody Mary (as much as I hated that name) as a familiar. Over time, I had gotten more used to these tantrums of hers and it wasn't like it was my place to criticize. I was but her familiar now, a servant to her cause as well as my own, and both would have me bloody my hands many more times in the future. The familiar to the jester mage who just squealed my name and ran towards my embrace, making it even harder to hold everything. "Hast thou at least spared the children in this instance? Verified that there were no witnesses? Caution is always advised, even if we are both of the highest caliber in regards to escaping."

    I was about to ask Master to take the gifts I brought her, when she suddenly noticed the cookie jar and exclaimed that I brought them for her, before complementing me on the dress. I was about to protest in a flurry of sudden emotions, when my master took the cookie jar from me. The words left my mouth, I was too shocked and too embarassed to ask they be returned. Me, a former queen of England, who strived forever to achieve such position and even in death continued to struggle, I of all people would go such lengths for some childish treat? Nonsence! Though my gaze did keep focused on the jar. Sugar was so sweet and so rare back then... No, I this was not the right behavior! I needed to keep in mind the order of the moment, that I was beneath. Even if they did look delicious. Even if this was just like master. Even if I felt disgusted, almost to the point of puking at the idea of wearing that dress again, after seeing what was inside it.

    "Ay, master, I did bring them for thee... I thought perhaps thou wouldst forgive mine exploits if I brought you such gift." I lied, looking away to a bloody corner and pouting a little without realizing it. However, I couldn't help but face him again, with a bit of anger in my tone this time. "Yet mine master, may I humbly request thou refrains from insinuating I wear this dress in the future? I hold it much hatred, even if it is indeed of importance. This is the "Gown of Failure", the next stage of my grand phantasm. I wouldn't dare wear it, and any that does will become addicted to it. I had hoped we could discuss who to give it to."

    I pulled away from the embrace gently. This wasn't the first part of my grand phantasm I literally birthed. There was the mirror I hid beneath my dress, and the box buried off somewhere, and that rod....

    "Regardless, master, I have brought thee others gifts aswell. Might thee aid me in their carrying?" I called attention to the utensils, food and precious objects still on my arms.

    CrimsonEclipse CrimsonEclipse

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”Yes Howard.”, her voice would echo in his mind. On one of the nearby trees a three-eyed raven would be perched on a branch. Its glowing red eyes had seen the entirety of the fight. She heard the news that Howard had lost Alkereth and she would let out a sigh “If you would allow me to accompany you, then Alkereth’s amalgamation of flesh would not have been an issue.” The raven would caw once at him, a sign that she was frustrated with his refusal of letting her be of use to him. ”I shall journey to the town square – do not fret, I shall draw little attention.” The raven perched on the tree branch would cock its head and caw once more at Howard before spreading its wings and taking off.

The raven would find its mistress in the town square, of course not directly landing before her – she did promise that she would keep attention drawn to a minimum. The raven would perch itself in a small tree in the square and disperse into smoke. A small red stone would fall from where the bird was perched. Along came Morgana, scooping up the ruby and lacing it through her necklace. The woman from Arthurian legend was aware of how time had passed over the centuries, but that didn’t mean she had to like it. All the lights and sounds were annoying, and these new clothes were tight and annoying.

Though she would try her best, several people passed her by and complimented her the necromancer would put on a fake smile and said ‘thank you’ with as little accent and as much cheer as she could. Apparently very long and dark hair was a rare thing to see but pleasing to the eye? With a shake of her head Morgana’s façade would drop once she was alone, staring at the spewing fountain in front of her watching the colorful lights change and pulsate slowly. ”Do not keep me waiting, Howard~” she would call to him in a sing-song voice almost as if she was threatening to misbehave in his absence; of course, she knew better.

The Regal Rper The Regal Rper
((SO sorry for the wait. I'll try to be more prompt with my posts.))
Howard Kingsley

"I usually try not to keep a lady waiting.". Came his first response in awhile and it sounded rather calm for one who'd struck out on a hunt. " Besides we both know that journey up the mountain couldn't happen" Howard finally responded. Almost close to an hour since his last statement had been made. Picking up his watch from the empty trashcan lid he glanced at it, seeing the the time read 1: 32 a.m. ""Climbing up the mountain here would require me to carry you, Ana. And allowing you to use the more potent spells at your disposal would deplete my reserves faster than it does yours. While you may be knowledgeable I prefer to keep damages to a minimum. So you'll have to simply understand when I say it was for the best, Ana." And there was that name. The name he only used for her when secrecy could be scarce.

The last button was done and after fixing his collar, Howard put the satchel full of equipment on, then picked the silver briefcase full of his coat, armor, and work clothes, up. He walked out of the alley he'd used to change clothes, stepped over a stream of mud, broken glass, and gum, then made his way across the street to a sidewalk where he walked for four minutes, blue moon casting his shadow, eyes always looking out, ears always checking for signs.

"By the way," his voice hummed through their connection, a sign of suspicion and curiosity that could be detected easily. "That raven" there was a pause before his voice returned, "I don't recall you having that raven a day ago." She knew where he was going with this. And she could tell it if she looked up towards the square's main path where the fountain's water nearly blocked her view. Walking towards her was Howard, and as usual he carried an expression that neither seemed pleased or excited, just tired, but calm. "Where exactly did you get it? And how wasn't I aware of its presence when you were using it?"

There was a sense of accusation in his tone as he moved in her direction, circling the fountain of gushing water as he moved. Where Morgana disliked the current eras clothing, Howard disliked unnecessary attention. Always so cautious, always so attentive.

Oh how he trusted her so little, it was almost surprising she was still around.

With a moment of silence long enough to let his question settle in, Howard wasted not a second and kissed Morgana's forehead. An act he'd just put up to draw away enemy attention, an act he neither cared to play but saw it as a necessity. When you kill mages for a living, precautions have to be made. It wouldn't do to have other mages think this was a meeting between two mages or worse a mage and their familiar. Play it off like a date; a young man meeting with his girl, even if 'his girl' was a millennia older despite still looking as young as he was.

With a small gesture for her to take the case as he turned, Howard began walking away from the fountain, ignoring the lights, the extra sounds, the fact he'd just suddenly surprised his familiar with affection he hadn't ever cared to display before be it real or not, and moved along. There was a slight slowness in his step, one that hinted at a bit of exhaustion from today's long and fruitless effort.

"Let's go Ana. We need to get some rest for tomorrow." He called, and from the way he moved and his eyes seemed to try and stay open, it didn't take a genius to tell he was actually tired.

Location: Town Square.
Interactions: Malice Queen Malice Queen

Madilynn HoudiniMadilynn hummed softly as she walked down the street, ornate walking stick in one hand and a somewhat large case in the other. The way she was dressed clearly she denoted she wasn't normal, her fashion sense was clearly lacking, or she was some sort of performer as her clothes didn't match the current time period whatsoever. Unless of course it was indeed some kind of odd fashion statement...there were quite a lot of them these days. Retro, furries, 'old-school', millenials, far too many to count. And frankly she didn't care. However her outfit was indeed that of a performer, a signature one at that. She smiled at the people that would take note of her, whispering about her and such....it was quite nice to be gaining some sort of fame. Spreading her ancestors legacy, making the Houdini name one of greatness once more.

The short girl would soon make her way to the Town Square, where she generally set up shop for one of her magic acts. She didn't say anything, instead she simply pressed a button on the side of the case she was holding causing legs to expand downwards onto the ground where'd she'd gently set it, opening it to expand it into a rather curious and complex table. It wasn't so much a table as it looked like some odd experimentation kit, the table filled with several compartments and holders for a variety of things. Odd phials of liquid, standard magician fare of cards and such, even several knives. What stood out the most was the fire in the middle that seemed to just sort of be sitting there...on wood and not burning it.

She cleared her throat as she drew up the deck of cards, "Ladies and gentlemen, tonight I will once again mystify you all with my magical talents~!" She cheered happily. "Gather around and watch closely now, especially you kids!" She said. As always, she'd start out simple. Doing some generic card tricks, guessing the card, making them disappear, etcetra. What your typical street performer usually does. Though as always near the end of the magical card act she would get more elaborate, including the use of her powers. Namely...guessing the card and burning it only to have the cards' design light up briefly in front of her. Typically this netted her some money and a uproar of cheering and people utterly amazed, this was no exception at all. She bowed respectfully and thanked them all, putting away what was left of her deck after burning it.

This would continue on for a little while, the girl eventually moving on to more elaborate tricks involving her fire. Spitting it with seemingly no wine involved, fireworks, designs, all one grand spectacle. She of course knew this was against mage law...and well, she had been doing it for quite some time. So she didn't really care, and if need be, she could always Escape if she so needed to. She laughed alongside the crowd with a bright smile on her face, having as much fun as she possibly could at this point in time. Of course, several people asked just how she was doing this. "A magician never reveals her secrets folks, much less a Houdini~!" She would reply as per the norm.
Location: Town Center/Square
Tags: Malice Queen Malice Queen The Regal Rper The Regal Rper
Bloody Mary


  • "My sincere apologies, master. I hadn'th accounted to be so delayed in mine arrival, but I followed thine presence here. Yet, the home mine eyes meet is not our hideout either..." I apologized, then sighed. I supposed it was too late after all, my master had already gone on a rampage. A surprisingly contained one, thankfully, judging by the amount of pummeled internal organs on the floor. Usually I would appear to a whole birthday party slaughtered, their guts covering the walls like smoke blown from the candles. The thought was even enough to dissuade me from asking for a birthday party of my own. It was some time away anyway, just February 18th, on pratically the opposite day in the year when my master summoned me. It wasn't long from then that I went to thinking as kind and perhaps a bit excentric to grasping the tip of the iceberg regarding the kind of master who would summon Bloody Mary (as much as I hated that name) as a familiar. Over time, I had gotten more used to these tantrums of hers and it wasn't like it was my place to criticize. I was but her familiar now, a servant to her cause as well as my own, and both would have me bloody my hands many more times in the future. The familiar to the jester mage who just squealed my name and ran towards my embrace, making it even harder to hold everything. "Hast thou at least spared the children in this instance? Verified that there were no witnesses? Caution is always advised, even if we are both of the highest caliber in regards to escaping."

    I was about to ask Master to take the gifts I brought her, when she suddenly noticed the cookie jar and exclaimed that I brought them for her, before complementing me on the dress. I was about to protest in a flurry of sudden emotions, when my master took the cookie jar from me. The words left my mouth, I was too shocked and too embarassed to ask they be returned. Me, a former queen of England, who strived forever to achieve such position and even in death continued to struggle, I of all people would go such lengths for some childish treat? Nonsence! Though my gaze did keep focused on the jar. Sugar was so sweet and so rare back then... No, I this was not the right behavior! I needed to keep in mind the order of the moment, that I was beneath. Even if they did look delicious. Even if this was just like master. Even if I felt disgusted, almost to the point of puking at the idea of wearing that dress again, after seeing what was inside it.

    "Ay, master, I did bring them for thee... I thought perhaps thou wouldst forgive mine exploits if I brought you such gift." I lied, looking away to a bloody corner and pouting a little without realizing it. However, I couldn't help but face him again, with a bit of anger in my tone this time. "Yet mine master, may I humbly request thou refrains from insinuating I wear this dress in the future? I hold it much hatred, even if it is indeed of importance. This is the "Gown of Failure", the next stage of my grand phantasm. I wouldn't dare wear it, and any that does will become addicted to it. I had hoped we could discuss who to give it to."

    I pulled away from the embrace gently. This wasn't the first part of my grand phantasm I literally birthed. There was the mirror I hid beneath my dress, and the box buried off somewhere, and that rod....

    "Regardless, master, I have brought thee others gifts aswell. Might thee aid me in their carrying?" I called attention to the utensils, food and precious objects still on my arms.

    CrimsonEclipse CrimsonEclipse

"But it’s sooooooooo boooooorrrrrrriiiiiinnnnnnggggg there!” Grinn said with a huff of annoyance, purposely lengthening her words to put emphasis on how annoying it was. “There wasn’t anything good on the television, reading hurts my eyes, and even violent video games bore me as well! It just didn’t feel the same! So........ I did it in real life instead!” She proudly said as she spread her arms, one hand still holding on to the cookie jar. She was definitely not regretting her decision, not even one bit, nor was she feeling even a kittle guilty about the entire thing. She’s like a curious kid tearing off a butterfly’s wings for fun, except the butterfly was a human, and the wings were their internal organd. The point still stands though, in Grinn’s eyes, everyone is a butterfly for her to toy with.

“And besides, it’s not like you care about the adults anyway. It’s only the kids you care about, and they’re fine by the way. They’re sleeping in their little beds, having wonderful dreams while their parents lay here screaming as I played a game of Operation by myself.” She said, her hand flourishing towards the two bloody corpses as if to show off her work. “And as for witnesses, no need to worry. For while the Blue Moon is u, my powers are as strong as it has ever been. The house is covered in a near perfect glamour, both illusory, visually, and even auditory. Should any peek through the window, they’ll find no one in this living room. They’ll even hear faint moaning and groaning in the bedroom if they listen closely, you know, so that no one even thinks to disturb. Wink wink, nudge nudge, say no more.” Grinn said while nudging Mary repeatedly, no doubt winking beneath her mask as a naughty grin spread across her face.

“Aw, such a pity about the dress.” Grinn said upon hearing about what the dress does to its wearer. “Why does every beautiful have to be bad! Or maybe it’s the other way around? Bad things are covered up with beauty to hide how bad it is. Then, no one would expect such a beautiful thing to be bad! That’s genius!” Grinn exclaimed as if she had an epiphany, though she’s no dubt just distracted by a stray thought. “Still though, I ought to buy you a nice dress or two. It wouldn’t be proper for a lady to inly have one pair of outfit you know.” Grinn said, ignoring how she herself never seems to wear any other clothing than that of a jester’s.

Grinn put the cookie jar on the nearby coffee desk as she went to gather the things her familar has brought her. “What are all these anyway? And where have you been exactly? I want to hear about it!” Grinn said excitedly as she sat before Mary, looking like a child waiting for a bedtime story.

Idea Idea
Bloody Mary


  • What was I expected to do in my situation? Cry for help? Getthe police or mage hunters here? Try to fight for justice? Or should I take the opposite path and embrace the ways of my master? Ridiculous, all those options. I couldn't even say I was shocked by the actions that jester took anymore, however. A little annoyed perhaps, but they were my master nonetheless. I had no right to interfere, even if it did sting a little. It would be hypocritical of me to do so anyway. I too had to bloody my hands for my objective, however more grand that objective was than mere entertainment. In return for the chance to achieve that objective, I wouldn't mind being a killer with a side job as a mad jester's housemaid that cleans up their mess of corpses. Perhaps it was inevitable that it was that way. After all, who else but that aforementioned mad jester would summon an accursed queen to their service?

    "It is joyous thou hast at least prepared for the eventuality of witnesses, master, rather than merely slaughtering those folk as well." I replied to her excuses, purposely avoiding that implied innapropriate topic by the end (though to be perfectly fair, what was proper when one stood among the remains of two blendered corpses?). I couldn't help but worry about the children when they woke up, after such a sweet slumber, and finding the real nightmare of their parent's mutilated corpses spread all over the walls. That was.... that would be too much. I knew it all too well, the pain of not being able to be there for the final moments, before the parent's final breath expiring in pai and dread. Sealed away in another room, prevented by the unfairness of the world from... "Master, y... thou hast told me thee children still lay in slumber, correct? Does thou hast such magic that could prevent them from realizing the demise of their parents?"

    If not for the particular topic my master chose next, perhaps nothing would have taken my mind of the the children's fate. But such was my hatred for the dress, that the mere mentioned of it made me irritated enough to be distracted from the grief.

    "Beauty is but a desire. And as any desire, it vanishes once one attains it. If there is evil in beauty, that is it. It is new, unexplored, once known, it shall be old and rusty and be discarded as worthless. Those who seek to have forever search to no avail for beauty eternal. Those who seek to be only loose it to those who are closer. Such is the evil of beauty. A rose whose thorns are seen only after a long stare. A woman perfect until one more perfect is in sight. A beautiful clean white dress not yet worn and muddied except by myself, who know of it. " I closed my eyes, yet again, recalling. Such moments of dark remembering would never truly abandon me. I took a deep breath, then bowed my head the best I could. "Forgive me, master. I have digressed there, over thy words, unbeffit a familiar such as myself. Please, do not mind mine prior words, it would be mine utmost pleasure to accompany thee to such a market experience. Albeit, I myself never had experience with markets. I used to have such tasks delegated to mine servants, and after being summoned I have had no such need yet, as I merely kept you guard while you were in the market thus far."

    I couldn't deny that it made a little happy to be called a proper lady though after my rant about beauty, I couldn't outright thank my master for the compliment either. Fortunately the objects I was carrying gave me an excuse to change topics again and I took the opportunity.

    "Gifts for thee, master. Compensation for wandering off on my own to further the progress of my grand phantasm. Just seven, seven more steps. So, I have brought thee these supplies, tools and valuables... and the cookie jar ... as spoils of good faith between us." I felt relieved as my master took away some of the burden, allowing me to lay down some of the things I needed to progressively, but being careful not to put anything on blood. When I returned to paying attention, my master was sitting down like a little kid, ignoring the streams of blood despite having almost certainly sat on at least a few. "Just simple routine, master. With the blue moon in the heavens, mine powers of mana absorption are greatly benefitted, even my simply wandering around or crossing leylines, but in the particular, facing mages and slipping mine blades into their bodies... as you can witness by the dress you hold in your hands, I was able to birth the next step considerably faster. Again, tonight, I simply sneaked into one of mine mirrors and travelled to a nearby mage, another corporate sellout, nothing like the ones made before. I slayed them in their hoome and took the spoils of war, though of course with much lesser amounts of... "internal redecoration" as your "art"."

    I took out one of my blades and looked at it with a faint hint of sadness.

    "And I imagine, a lot less collateral damage."

    CrimsonEclipse CrimsonEclipse


Out in the outskirts of the city stood a rather odd mage. The man seemed to be fixed on the sky, more specifically the moon. While this would look strange to any other people... It's a good thing nobody really roams the city outskirts at this time. Besides... Mages would understand. It's not often that the blue moon will show off it's wondrous glow, so Albion is taking his time to relish in the moment. Then again... He doesn't want to waste the whole night staring at a moon. He reached into his robe and grabbed his old pocket watch to look at the time. "Oh my! I've been staring at the moon for half an hour! I suppose I should perhaps say hello to the locals. I do hope they have some kind of hotel there..." That being said he reached behind his head and flipped over his cowl to cover his face. You know... Just to avoid any complications in first impressions. Sure hiding his face won't help either but it's better than scaring them off with one look.

Then he began his venture into the bustling city, it was more active than he thought. Must be some sort of occasions for ordinary humans too. Albion strolled the streets for a while, picking up the chatter of people commenting on "the strange man with the red cowl." Okay so he's not having the best start but sometimes you just have to climb from the bottom. Suddenly he could hear the cheering of crowds in the distance, Albion pressed forward to investigate and stumbled upon what seemed to be some kind of magic show. But not any ordinary street performing, This magician is undoubtably using real magic. While she may be able to fool an ordinary human... There's no fooling a mage. "Well this seems rather interesting." Albion joined the crowd to watch the show, little did he know he stood out far more than he realised. Especially saying that he was taller than most of the crowd and the red cowl didn't help either. Still he continued to watch as the magician performed her tricks. He has to admit she's rather creative. He clapped respectfully as a breeze of wind barely lifted his cowl, only just showing his skeletal lower jaw. Most people wouldn't notice but those with a sharp eye would notice right away.
Mitchs98 Mitchs98
Howard Kingsley

Ears perked up and Howard's pace slowed down. From the corner of his eye he watched the girl show off her display. And after about two minutes of steady walking and silent musing his attention returned to heading home. Her acts weren't something he hadn't seen before in the past. It wasn't common these days, but every now and again you'd get the occasional mage working their magic into their 'magic' tricks.

It always seemed ironic to Howard, but he didn't care to stay and watch. He wanted to go home and get some sleep. Ana, had dragged him out here to attend to this duty after all and despite her complaints he was in no mood to discuss anything related to their escapee further.

It was several steps past one very tall man before Howard completely stopped behind the man, mouth slightly agape, body slightly tense. With an effort he calmed himself, then with a sour frown he turned his attention back to the girl, choosing to stand right next to the thing eyeing her.

For his sake, he hoped he'd been seeing things. And if Ana could hear his thoughts, he hoped she'd tell him he was seeing things. Because getting into a fight with this many people around, wasn't the greatest option. Nor was it ideal.

Location: Town Square.
Interactions: Mitchs98 Mitchs98 @ Jackaboi Jackaboi
Bloody Mary


  • What was I expected to do in my situation? Cry for help? Getthe police or mage hunters here? Try to fight for justice? Or should I take the opposite path and embrace the ways of my master? Ridiculous, all those options. I couldn't even say I was shocked by the actions that jester took anymore, however. A little annoyed perhaps, but they were my master nonetheless. I had no right to interfere, even if it did sting a little. It would be hypocritical of me to do so anyway. I too had to bloody my hands for my objective, however more grand that objective was than mere entertainment. In return for the chance to achieve that objective, I wouldn't mind being a killer with a side job as a mad jester's housemaid that cleans up their mess of corpses. Perhaps it was inevitable that it was that way. After all, who else but that aforementioned mad jester would summon an accursed queen to their service?

    "It is joyous thou hast at least prepared for the eventuality of witnesses, master, rather than merely slaughtering those folk as well." I replied to her excuses, purposely avoiding that implied innapropriate topic by the end (though to be perfectly fair, what was proper when one stood among the remains of two blendered corpses?). I couldn't help but worry about the children when they woke up, after such a sweet slumber, and finding the real nightmare of their parent's mutilated corpses spread all over the walls. That was.... that would be too much. I knew it all too well, the pain of not being able to be there for the final moments, before the parent's final breath expiring in pai and dread. Sealed away in another room, prevented by the unfairness of the world from... "Master, y... thou hast told me thee children still lay in slumber, correct? Does thou hast such magic that could prevent them from realizing the demise of their parents?"

    If not for the particular topic my master chose next, perhaps nothing would have taken my mind of the the children's fate. But such was my hatred for the dress, that the mere mentioned of it made me irritated enough to be distracted from the grief.

    "Beauty is but a desire. And as any desire, it vanishes once one attains it. If there is evil in beauty, that is it. It is new, unexplored, once known, it shall be old and rusty and be discarded as worthless. Those who seek to have forever search to no avail for beauty eternal. Those who seek to be only loose it to those who are closer. Such is the evil of beauty. A rose whose thorns are seen only after a long stare. A woman perfect until one more perfect is in sight. A beautiful clean white dress not yet worn and muddied except by myself, who know of it. " I closed my eyes, yet again, recalling. Such moments of dark remembering would never truly abandon me. I took a deep breath, then bowed my head the best I could. "Forgive me, master. I have digressed there, over thy words, unbeffit a familiar such as myself. Please, do not mind mine prior words, it would be mine utmost pleasure to accompany thee to such a market experience. Albeit, I myself never had experience with markets. I used to have such tasks delegated to mine servants, and after being summoned I have had no such need yet, as I merely kept you guard while you were in the market thus far."

    I couldn't deny that it made a little happy to be called a proper lady though after my rant about beauty, I couldn't outright thank my master for the compliment either. Fortunately the objects I was carrying gave me an excuse to change topics again and I took the opportunity.

    "Gifts for thee, master. Compensation for wandering off on my own to further the progress of my grand phantasm. Just seven, seven more steps. So, I have brought thee these supplies, tools and valuables... and the cookie jar ... as spoils of good faith between us." I felt relieved as my master took away some of the burden, allowing me to lay down some of the things I needed to progressively, but being careful not to put anything on blood. When I returned to paying attention, my master was sitting down like a little kid, ignoring the streams of blood despite having almost certainly sat on at least a few. "Just simple routine, master. With the blue moon in the heavens, mine powers of mana absorption are greatly benefitted, even my simply wandering around or crossing leylines, but in the particular, facing mages and slipping mine blades into their bodies... as you can witness by the dress you hold in your hands, I was able to birth the next step considerably faster. Again, tonight, I simply sneaked into one of mine mirrors and travelled to a nearby mage, another corporate sellout, nothing like the ones made before. I slayed them in their hoome and took the spoils of war, though of course with much lesser amounts of... "internal redecoration" as your "art"."

    I took out one of my blades and looked at it with a faint hint of sadness.

    "And I imagine, a lot less collateral damage."

    CrimsonEclipse CrimsonEclipse

"Oh, don't worry about the kids." Grinn said, removing the cover of the cookie jar andonhaling its sweet and succulent scent. "They'll be fine, yeah, everything will be going fine with them." Grinn said as she fished out one cookie from the jar. "Those kids will have sweet dreams, very nice and sweet dreams." Grinn said in a cheerful voice that feels ominous as well. Grinn used her mind magic to put those children in an eternal sleep, a wonderful dream they'll surely have as part of the deal, but an eternal sleep nonetheless. Grinn just so happens to forget to mention this to her familiar, what could possibly go wrong?

Grinn puts her chin on her hands as she intently listened to Mary's view on beauty. It's quite a sad and harsh outlook on beauty, that it only remains beautiful when it has not been claimed and will only remain beautiful until something else comes along, which then proceeds to be thrown away and replaced. Of course she could hardly fault the girl, knowing what she knows about her story. Grinn's own view on beauty is a simple one, but not one many shares. After all, no man could be enamoured by a grusome effigy of corpses, though Grinn would claim that those people simply have no taste in art.

"No no, it's fine. I quite enjoy listening to you speak." She said as she waved her hand, dismissing Mary's notion of her words being unbefitting a familiar. "After all I do enjoy a familiar with its own will. It's much more fun and enjoyable when you don't know what they are going to do next. A traitorous familiar who seeks my death would be far more entertaining than one who merely follows and never thinks for themselves." Grinn said to Mary. She's had familiars who did just that, each having their own reasons, but seeing that she's still here it would appear that their attempts were in vain.

"Thank you!" Grinn cheerfully said as she received the gifts Mary was bearing. It was a bunch of essentials and nonessentials but Grinn gladly accepted it nonetheless, after all, it was from his dear familiar. Grinn sat back on her spot as she continued to listen to Mary's explanation, munching on cookies while managing to keep her mask on somehow. "So, who are we gonna give the dress to?" Grinn asked her familiar, curious as to who's the unfortunate soul who will wear this beauty but deadly dress in her hand.

Idea Idea
Howard, Madilynn, and Albion

The young mage's show has began, and it had attracted its fair share of audience, including a mysterious hooded man, and a known mage-hunter. Though to the eyes of a regular person it would seem that he magic show is superb, to the eyes of those who can utilize mana, it is but a display of amateur-level magecraft. But her charismatic performance makes up for her lack of magical prowess.

Unfortunately, word about her illegal display of magecraft has gotten to the ears of the Mages' Association. And if there's one thing they don't tolerate, it is the revelation of magecraft to society.

Far back into the crowd, an agent of the Mages' Association could be seen - a man in formal attire, staring intently at the one who performs at the stage.


Mogana's raven familiar had flown up in the sky, scouting for her master's escaped enemy. But instead of finding such, it had caught sight of a face that she had not seen in ages. A face that she would easily recognize from a far, and a face that she could never forget.

Such a sight had made her feel slightly compelled to check it out.


Her phone begins to ring. The screen displayed a name she did not expect - Julius Anderson Donovan, a renowned mage and part of the Arcana Committee. Perhaps this was her key to reclaiming her family name's honor.

Grinn and Mary

As Mary leaves to check on the sleeping children, loud knocking came from the door. This humble house, turned to a grotesque display of blood and gore, seems to have gotten a visitor. If one were to take a peek from the keyhole, it would reveal that a bunch of men and woman, varying in age and size, were waiting outside, carrying a bunch of what seems to be party supplies.

Perhaps it was someone's birthday today. Perhaps they were going to celebrate for something. But that seems to be quite a terrible idea for now.
Bloody Mary


  • "Dreams, master? Merely dreams?" As expected, my master was completely unaware of the issue. The moment the kids woke up from their sweet slumber, they would find themselves faced with the utmost nightmare. I sighed. This was no time to be playing around, I had to go and deal with this issue myself. Since, after all, no one else would. I indulged in the conversation pertaining to beauty and later the dress, and albeit my master essentially gave me permission to be disobedient I hardly felt like I should. I was a lowly familiar now, just as I once had been a feeble princess and later a hated outcast. I knew when I ought to be in my place. Still, I bowed to my master, raising one of my daggers parallel to my chest. "If such is the case, then I beseech thou allows one such as myself to entertain thee in this moment. A small rebellion perhaps, "

    "I had such hopes as that we could discuss such matters between us. Perhaps a stout foe with base defenses or a nobody among peasants who'd never be found by our foes would be the most wise to atribute the dress to." Were the final words I gave my master as I climbed the stairs, not even looking back. I first turned right as i reached the top of the staircase, and attempted to open the room, but it seemed locked. I raised an eyebrow. What kind of parents locked away their children like this? As a grand familiar, even being physically weak amongst my kind and despite my outward appearance I still had the strength of twenty regular men, as my strength was a D rank. As such, I knocked down the door with ease, not concerned about awaking the children since I needed them up for what I was about to do anyway. Yte, there were no children in this room. Instead it was populated by all sorts of trinkets and old paper, even the rumored papyre, and a distinct smell of dry blood permiating the whole room, having been used as ink to draw all manner of strange symbols on the paper. Failed versions of magecraft, perhaps, as some seemed similar to others I had seen, but... wasn't this a normal family? Why would they have such a room? Perhaps they praticed it in secret?

    I shook my head, concluding it didn't matter after all. They were dead. And I never heard of real children capable of using such magecraft that could threaten a grand familiar like myself. I headed towards the other room and was surprised to see the children were still asleep. I drew out one of my daggers and-

    "Maybe we're trying to summon Bloody Mary for something." The voice resonated in my head, causing me to grab my forehead and grit my teeth. Saying it once didn't matter much, but the pain still took my by surprise.

    "What do you mean, who, Bloody Mary man, Bloody Mary!" I growled at the continued echo, and looked out the window. There was a knock on the front door. Outside, there were a bunch of people, man and woman of various kinds, carrying what seemed to be props for a costume party. Some were dressed up, while others wore the robes the first were carrying in their hands. However, despite this appearance, there were faint amounts of magic I could trace to them. Weak mages, maybe. Dead people, for certain. The name once again echoed as it was spoken "Oh, that Bloody Mary!"

    With a growl and a thin red line dropping from the edge of my lips, I rushed down the stairs and charged at the door, knocking towards the people out there. A couple of them were knocked down by the door at once, but I still felt the surge of power from my "Bastard Queen" spell. With two down, I was still 10.5 times stronger than usual. I grinned, and reached into my pouch.

    "Thou execution hast come." I simply stated behind a grin as I hurled a set of mirror shards at the mages. Starnegely, none seemed to cast any spells, some even getting actually cut by the mirrors. But no matter. I slipped out one last pocket mirror from my pouch and leaped into it. "Mirror gate network."

    Daggers in hand, I leaped out of the mirror shards, slitting open the mages, leaving only the one that spouted my name intact to watch the rest of them being slaughtered by cattle. yet the more I slaughtered the more powerful a particular couple of them became, the more magic they seemed to bear. I tried coming for them, but suddenly I foundmy hands and feet bound by some rope-like magic. I dropped to the floor, and looked up. A taller man, seeming a bit old but nonethless an intimidating figure, had his hands aimed at me, seeming to be the mage that cast the binding spell, while a long-haired woman stood near him.



    "Maria, you stay here. I'll be checking if the house has any other. This one seems to get weaker the less enemies she's fighting. Don't get close to any of those mirror shards." The man said, gesturing towards the one mage I intended to spare to follow him into the house, and the two went. I watched it from the corner of my eye, but the woman began to speak.

    "Try anything funny and I will put you down, even if I'm not as strong as my teacher, I am at least strong enough for that." The woman said, with one hand over her mouth. Weak, already failing from one peak at my master's "art". It was insulting to even be compared to such a feeble mage.

    "Flames of Heresy." I muttered. In a moment, the spell went form a small spark on my hands to busting flames surrounding my entire body. Yet these flames didn't seem to burn me, as much as they stinged. Instead it was only the mana of the bidnign magic cast on me that was being quickly eroded.

    CrimsonEclipse CrimsonEclipse


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