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Fantasy Moonlight Valley IC RP (Credit to ScorpioDragon for the idea)

Lmao I wonder what would happen if mom and dad come home and both are gone X3) the puppy is still having some fun in the sun rolling around in he field snuggling in the warm grass happily
Misako finally managing to pick his scent found herself in a clearing. Growling as she walked over picking Red up by the nape of his neck. "Dont just go running off like that!" Angry but relieved that he was okay
The puppy, scared for his life as she appears to be infuriated at him but he has no idea why, scampers away from her as she almost caught him he hid inside a tree log as his only option of hiding as he starts whimpering and crying
Misako let's out a sigh before slowly walking up to the log, laying down at the entrance with her face just inside. "Red come here please, I was just worried that something happened to you is all..." starting to whimper as she gently pawed at him, trying to calm him.
Asriel, her natural instict, telling her red was in danger, caused her to get up, leave and shift heading home to find red, quickly finding him out of her mothers instict and she stood with him under her in a protective stance her eyes scanning the area, sensing another wolf besides misako
In the hunting grounds Luke is on the ground breathing heavily as it's his final moments of freedom as the chaos corruption starts running through his veins, " AHhHhHhHhH!" He shrieks loudly in the forest for all to hear........ The devil has awakened....
The little Red whimpers and cries out for mother as he hides in fear from misako, he will never forget the events of her anger when sprinting to him that made him hide in the log .
Misako's ears perked up as she turned around, facing away from Red, growling and keeping her body low. "Red please come out of there this instant, we have to get you home right now" misako was shaking, she had only heard stories but after seeing one and hearing that even se was scared
The little pup shakes his head and stays inside the log until his mother comes, he simply didn't trust her
Astrid was back at the house the doctors told them they can go as she smiled she just sighed she noticed she was alone in the room she was feeling better but she had to take some medicine just in case she gets worse" where is everyone" she say getting up from the bed she just looked outside as she just looked around she just sighed' auntie sissy' she thought she was lonely she knew she supposed to be resting on her bed but she didn't want to rest she just wanted to play
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Misako stayed alert, starting to whimper, if that thing did try to attack her theres no way she could fight it off. Tucking her tail between her legs as she used her body to block the hole, letting out weak howls to try and get his mother or father to come to her.
Emila was in a basket as she was crying her parents just died she had blood on her as she just was scared as she just looked around she was in a tree as she was scared she start to suck her hand as she saw some people she just start to suck her hand making noises Scarlett-Wulf Scarlett-Wulf
Red hears the noises and looks at misako, if she left he might run away , he waits for the perfect moment to strike , curling his tail and shivering ..
"R-Red....s-Stay here until your mother comes...please" a tear running down her face as she turned around, sticking her head in and licking his face "everything will be okay little one..." she whispered before pulling her head out. "I'm going to go see what that is so please just wait for mommy" stepping away from the entrance and keeping herself low to the ground as she started towards what ever was making the noises. Finding a basket she stuck her head into it nudging the pup with her nose. "What happened here?" She asked herself before picking the basket up and heading back to Red. Setting it down she picked the pup up with her mouth and curled up next to the hole, licking the blood off of it. "Its okay little one, no one will hurt you" she told Emila.
Emilia just yawned as she got picked up as she just" mama" she cried as she just looked at the lady she looked around as she just was getting licked as she just was getting licked as she just giggled she missed her mother and her dad her tears just kept flowing as she was only two she just looked at the other pup she just was getting attention she just start to suck her hand again she just yawned as she start to close her eyes as she was a bit sleepy as she just was alone now as she sucked her hand calming her down a bit Scarlett-Wulf Scarlett-Wulf
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Red remained inside the hole as misako was quick enough to come back , Red saw the young Emilia and started sniffing her wondering who she is before he tilts his head and looks up at misako confused " who is she?"
[Sorry for the wait, I had some courses at college and work]

An unfamiliar scent struck Enigma's nose immediately causing him to stop and perk his ears up. He slowly looked at the surroundings but saw nothing. He decided it be best to alert the alphas so he turned around and sprinted in their direction.
Red remained inside the hole as misako was quick enough to come back , Red saw the young Emilia and started sniffing her wondering who she is before he tilts his head and looks up at misako confused " who is she?"
Emilia just yawned as she got picked up as she just" mama" she cried as she just looked at the lady she looked around as she just was getting licked as she just was getting licked as she just giggled she missed her mother and her dad her tears just kept flowing as she was only two she just looked at the other pup she just was getting attention she just start to suck her hand again she just yawned as she start to close her eyes as she was a bit sleepy as she just was alone now as she sucked her hand calming her down a bit Scarlett-Wulf Scarlett-Wulf
"I dont know, but she was left all alone in the woods" watching Emila after she finished cleaning her "I think I'll call her Emila..." nuzzling against the pup with her face as she relaxed "Red I'm sorry if I scared you earlier" licking the side of his face before hearing her say mama. "Oh...little Emila, I'm sorry that you miss them..."
I...it's okay ..." he mumbled before checking in on the pup " hi! I'm Red!" He smiles and waggles his tail at her
Emilia just looked at her as she just looked around as she smiled as she just liked the name as she just clapped her hands as she just looked around" it okay" she say as she just played with her hands she just was cuddling with the lady as she just looked at the boy she just" red nice name i'm two" she say as she looked at them" do i have go to oranage" she say trying to say orphanage but couldn't say Scarlett-Wulf Scarlett-Wulf
"You two are just adorable" laughing as she watched their cute little conversation. "That all depends on what my niece and her mate says but if you, little emila, and them are okay with it you can be my little girl"
Red licks her cheek once before restingon misako's lap. He was generally tired with a rough day and needs to be carried home

The old world burns....

Once ago by the devil ...

Now he has awoken ...

Possessed Luke starts howling in the night with his hairs raised and spiked club , masked on , he rushes past trees, through bushes, chasing a fearful Jonson pack guard " SOMEONE !!! HELP !!" He shouts before he fell to the ground bleeding out , as the camrea rotated upwards slowly comes the spiked club, thrown from over 12 feet piercing the lung and heart as the beast walks from behind , 7 foot tall, with tattered arm wraps and harsh, rugged clothing, he pulls the club out of the victim and casually walks his way to the Jonson pack HQ , carrying a plague with him that is very ancient and deadly we humans call... rabies...

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