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Fantasy Moonlight (Closed)

Eli chuckled. "You would be wanted as a pup." He assures her. He sighed and thought a moment. "Having a mate is having your other half. Having a mate helps a wolf to feel whole. They are everything we're not and they complete us." He says.
Lee looked at him, "I can be those things. I am a good pup and I can make sure everything is perfect." she assured him.
Lee pouted, biting her lip and looking down as she thought of what he said and nodded, "But then I won't be able to protect my pack."
Eli smiled and placed a hand on under her chin, tilting her head up gently for her to look at him. "You will. Lee you don't have to be Beta to protect the pack." He says gently.
"You just have to love the pack. You can train with me and the elite. You can train with Niklaus. You can know how to take care of yourself so you can help the pack but also know you have all of us to take care of you too." He says.
Eli grinned. "I don't think we were planning on going today. But we can see about you coming with me next time I go." He says.
Lee smiled at him "Yes, dad. My little pups are going to be thirsty if we forget about them." She giggled.
Eli chuckled and stood straight again to start gettinga. Couple of glasses. He filled them and then handed one to Lee to carry.
Lee was happy to help as she took glass and stayed to lead the way outside. "Mom, mom, dad said I can protect the pack with him as an Elite." She said excited before she tilted her head, "What's an Elite?"

Zy looked at get and then Brianna and Eli with a smirk, something told her Lee had taken something out of content.
Eli smirked and sighed quietly. He had given up. He had no idea what to say or do and he was at a loss. He gave Brianna her water and knelt beside her, kissing her cheek. Brianna knew what he was thinking and giggled. "It will be easier with our own. You'll have had practice." She says quietly, kissing his lips lightly before looking to Lee.

"The Elite are some very special wolves in the pack who help to protect the Alpha and the pack at any cost." She says.
Lee smirked, "So better then being a Beta?" she asked, happy.

Zy smiled glancing at Eli, figuring that whatever they talked about inside brought Lee back to the same conclusion as it had Jason. She grinned at Lee, nodding, "Much better."

Lee grinned with excitement, as she hugged Eli by the neck, "I'm going to be just like you, dad. I hope Niklaus finds his mate again, I'll be able to protect their pup when I'm like you." Zy couldn't help giggling.
Eli chuckled, hugging her back and kissing her cheek. Brianna giggled and gently petted Lee's head and then looked to Zy. "Well I guess that's answered." She says with a smirk.
Zy grinned as Lee kissed Eli' s cheek, then turned to Zyana, "When can we see granddad I wanna tell him that I'm going to be better then a beta. "

Zy sighed, she had hoped Lee would be to busy to want to go see Jason's dad. It was clear that even without knowing he was not a wolf, Johnathan was still a cruel man to his son and she couldn't understand the way Lee say him.
Eli and Brianna glanced to each other and then to Zy and Lee. "You mean you don't want to keep gardening with us?" Eli asks playfully, tickling her sides a little.
Lee looked at them and smiled, "I like it, but I want granddad to know I am going to be an Elite. I want him to tell me a story too, about the Elite. Granddad tells me stories and their are really fun, you can listen to him too." she suggested.

Zy sighed, "Lee, how about we finish here and then I will have someone see if maybe your granddad is free before we go over."she suggested.

Lee looked up at her and sighed, frowning, "But granddad loves me, doesn't he? He will let me help him, won't he?"
"Help him Lee?" Brianna asks curiously. She and Eli could tell Zy wasn't wanting her to go, so they were trying to help but neither knew what to do to keep her mind off it.
Lee smiled, nodding, "Because he doesn't know he is a wolf and I am not supposed to tell him." she whispered, "I have to help him be human in a pack." she smiled sweetly.
Brianna glanced to Eli and a little and he glanced to Zy. Brianna turned her attention back to Lee. "Well that's very thoughtful of you Lee. But Zy is right, you two should probably wait a little bit before going to see him." She says.

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