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Fantasy MoonLight Academy

What plot should be first?

  • Casual Semester of School

    Votes: 7 43.8%
  • Attack on the School

    Votes: 4 25.0%
  • School Dance

    Votes: 5 31.3%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .

Mashiro Shiina

Secretive personalities~
This academy has been well known to harbor some of the most dangerous creatures known to man. Are you one of those? Or are you an unlucky student that just happened to get stuck in such a diare situation of life or death? Its your choice. I will let you decide.

Having existed in the far back of a somewhat wooded area, Moonlight Academy is home to fear itself. Those from all over come to live in peace without the idiocy of humans pounding at the backs of their minds. Humans who have threatened their existence.

Will we retaliate on you filthy, low-life humans? I guess we have to wait and find out what the students want.

"Moonlight Academy. The newly founded school for those shoved and pushed away by those of unknown understanding. Ones who've been trashed by ignorant humans. Thrown away by unsuspecting parents. This is your place to be free. Come together as one under the enlarged roofings of this academy."


All creatures welcome.


1. Limit the cussing, not totally banned.

2. No God Modding. AKA no controlling other people's characters.

3. No killing other people's characters without their permission

4. Drama is okay, as long as it's RP drama.


6. No one liners. Try and write at least 7 full sentences.
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First Day Jitters

Luna hadn't slept much the previous night, and somehow managed to find herself sitting up in her bed, running her thin fingers through the now tangled mess she called her hair. Yawning so softly that it was almost silent, Luna swung her legs to hang off the side of her bed, before sliding so lazily off the comforter. Dropping her hands to land on her sides, she pushed herself off the bed, briefly stumbling before sauntering into her bathroom to stare at herself in the mirror. Lazily, she washed her face and brushed her teeth, leaving her rag and toothbrush lying out on the counter. Blowing her breath, she stretched her arms upwards, before returning to her room and entering her closet. She could hear her mother moving about downstairs, immediately responding aloud as if her mother were going to enter her room at any minute to wake her up. "I'm up...mom..."Whispering to herself, she paused to look out the window of her room, sighing. Of course she was speaking to herself. Her mother was long gone, and there was no possible way she would ever see her again. Yawning,she rubbed her eyes and grabbed a fresh uniform from her closet, dropping the clothes she had on, pulling on a pair of stockings before her skirt, and sliding a shirt on over her head while slipping her feet into a pair of shoes.. It had been quite awhile since she had a first day of school, and with this being her last first day of high school, her concern with her attire was terribly lacking. Sighing, she grabbed a thing sweater and tossed it into her bag,before grabbing her bag and heading down the stairs, through the kitchen to grab a banana off the almost clear countertop, and then out the door, carefully entering the silent courtyard that connected to a thin pathway to the school.
"Here goes nothing."

Lucas was still asleep, his left leg on the verge of flying off the edge of his bed. With both his arms sprawled outward, and his covers tangled around his right leg, Lucas was in for a rude awakening. EEERRRRR!!!!!!! Upon the sound of his alarm attackin his eardrums, Lucas shot up, only to smack his head on some sort of contraption he had fallen asleep messing with, resulting in a matrix like move that landed him flat on his back on the floor. Staring at the ceiling, his icy gaze was drawn to the clouds outside his window, a few seconds passing with no movement before he realized he was supposed to be getting dressed for school. 'Tsk...Dammit~' Pulling himself across the floor after struggling to free himself from his monster sheets, Lucas crawled his way into the bathroom, emerging minutes later on his feet with water dripping from his face. He wasn't the best at getting dressed in the morning, and his following actions were more than enough evidence to prove that fact. Lazily yanking his uniform shirt from the door of his closet, he pulled it on over his head, and pulled his pants on, only to get his foot caught and topple over onto his bed. Grunting, he straightened his foot and stood up once more, pulling the pants up to his waist, before fastening the bottom and carelessly looping his belt, for the most part, through his pants. With a yawn, he grabbed his jackets and his bag in the same hand, holding both items over his shoulder as he walked out his room, down the stairs, and rushed through the trees to the path where he'd meet up with his sister.

(Start from where ever you want. Your house, dorm, or be an early bird already at school. Good luck and don't forget to interact when possible )
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Jane checked herself in the mirror after a night of reading. Ugh. Bedhead. I thought I wouldn't have to deal with this after I died. A quick charm to straighten her hair fixed the problem. Putting on a white top and neon-pink skirt, she made her way down to the courtyard, where she saw a black-haired girl. "Hi there," she said, more out of courtesy than curiosity.
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Drake wandered by the school's entrance gate. He was very nervous. Most people look down on hybrids back in Germany. Would it be the same here? Maybe, maybe not. Drake looked around and noticed that he was alone for the time being. He pulled out a small mirror from his coat pocket and examined himself. Gotta look nice if you wanna make some friends, after all. He frowned at his reflection. He had stark white hair that had been spiked upwards, smooth copper skin, and pointy elf-like ears. Drake fiddled with his hair a bit and made sure he had nothing stuck between his teeth. After a few minutes of poking around, Drake was satisfied. He looked down at his uniform and smiled nervously.

"Look on the bright side, Drake. If they don't like you, you can always just kill them," He muttered. "Actually, scratch that. They'll probably hate me even more if they're dead." Then he walked past the gates and into the courtyard.
Luna's gaze was restricted to nothing but the pavement waiting to be stepped upon by her feet. She knew at any moment she would running into her little brother as usual, but today something completely odd happened. Some stranger, seemingly from behind her, seemed to call out to her. Reluctant to turn around, Luna sighed, before halting in her tracks, shifting her irises to be positioned in the left corners of her eyes before slightly turning her head to look behind herself, just as the wind picked up. She wasn't intending on speaking up, at least until somebody decided to throw himself out the bushes.

Lucas being as clumsy as possible, could be seen barreling through the trees, resulting in a sprawled black haired male on the ground just feet in front of Luna. 'Ouch ouch ouch.' Of course he hadn't expected to fall, but he also had no excuse. Slowly lifting himself off the ground, Lucas rubbed the back of his head with his left hand, picking his bag up with his right. It took him a few moments to regain his confidence, before his gaze shifted to his right, seeing nothing, before then shifting to his left, where he spotted his sister. Not only that, but some girl who seemed to be holding a conversation with his sister, which was rare. Apart from that, another figure could be seen in the distance, this one looking particularly skinny in his opinion. Shrugging his shoulders, Lucas walked up to his sister, slapping his hand down on her shoulder with a cheesy grin on his face. "Mooorrrrnnnniiiinnngg!"
Luna closed her eyes, taking a deep breath before then opening her gaze, revealing a soft smile to both her brother and the girl. "Goodmorning Lucas....Clearly you see I was in the middle of something."
Lucas raised a brow before altering his gaze away from his sister, to focus on the girl she referred to. In his eyes they were doing nothing but staring at one another, and he felt as though that was an open invitation to jump in. Even though he technically tumbled in. Irregardless, knowing his sister, he decided to do what she couldn't. "So, who are you? And who's that dude following you?"
Shagranoz Shagranoz The Saviour of the Masses The Saviour of the Masses
Drake stiffened slightly as he saw three people together. He could just imagine what they're talking about. They were probably talking about him and how skinny he looked in his uniform. Then they'll all laugh and throw rocks at him and--- "C-Calm down, Drake. They don't even know who you are," he reminded himself. "They're probably just a few friends who're catching up on good times, right? Nothing to be afraid of." Then that irrational part of his brain started imagining those three people brandishing swords and running at him. "Good Lord, what would father think of me if he knew how scared I am."

He stopped, took a deep breath, and walked towards the three people, intent on getting over his fear of people.
"I'm Jane. First-year, so that's probably why we haven't met before." She idly picked at a spot of rot on her shoulder. "It's a pleasure to meet you all. Anything I should know about the school that they don't tell you in orientation?"
Luna sighed, seeing as though her brother was already enveloped in simple, meaningless conversation. That was the difference between the two of them. He was more open to conversation with a complete and utter stranger as opposed to her. She was ready to walk away, until she noticed another figure approaching, most likely the one her brother referred to as following Jane. Rolling her irises, Luna came to terms with her predicament, seeing that socializing wa absolutely inevitable. Since her brother was also in her presence, she had no choice but to be welcoming. "Nothing more than to be wary."
Lucas eyed his sister with a bland look on his face, before cheering and shaking his head. "Nope. Just relax, you'll do fine. I'm Lucas, and this over here is my older sister Luna." Lucas looked at his sister, before leaning closer to Jane, whispering into her ear. "Don't mind her attitude, that's normal." Chuckling, Lucas stepped back, turning his attention to the figure he noticed before. A guy. Cool. At least now he knew he wouldn't be forced to walk into the gates of the school with two girls. Not that he was bothered by it.
Luna looked at her little brother in annoyance, before returning her attention back to the upcoming figure. She wasn't entirely interested on finding out who he was, nor was she planning on bothering to ask. However she knew her brother was the complete opposite. Even so, she was relieved to see he was already making a quantifies, and could only hope nothing too bad stood in his future. Closing her eyes, Luna turned and began walking onward down the path to the school gates. "School will be starting soon. We should go, introductions can wait until you're in class."
Lucas was just about two feet away from the upcoming male when Luna spoke. Halting in his tracks, Lucas let out a groan of disappointment, before turning to face his sister. "Awww come onnnnnn. Geesh Luna. You always tend to be a stickler." Grinning, Lucas motioned to the stranger, "Let's go dude.", before following in suit behind his sister, tossing his bag over his shoulder.
"Let's go dude." the unknown male said. Drake was puzzled. He didn't know that guy and yet he was invited along to walk to the classrooms. "Huh, maybe not every person is a huge arschloch as I thought." Drake jogged to catch up with the others. There were two other girls walking with them. From what Drake could hear, the one of them is the sister of the friendly guy. 'Wow, I should really find out what their names are. It'll be pretty hard talking about them without knowing what to call them.' Drake looked at the guy who invited him along, "So... I'm Drake Schmidt. What's yours"?
Rei Heartily
Rays of sunlight hit Rei through the window slowly waking him up. Rei slowly opened his eyes and yawned. "Morning already huh?" Rei said as he got out of bed and headed to the bathroom. Rei proceeded to brush his teeth, shower, blow dry his hair, and get dressed. "Today is the day I attend my first class ever." Rei said nervously. He took 2 hair ties and took to even groups of hairs and tied them. Rei then took his bookbag and exited the doormatory making his way to the main building.
Vivinella Bretiax

Viv woke to the sound of the doors of other dorm rooms opening and closing. She kept her eyes closed and slowly submerged herself into the bath she’d drawn the night before. Sleeping in the bath was much more comforting to her than in her actual bed. Knowing she didn’t want to be late on her first day, Viv opened her eyes and lifted herself out of the tub.

Viv’s bathroom was more decorated than her actual dorm. Along the rim of the tub were candles of all heights and colors. Shelves were lined with sand dollars, shells, and even dried seaweed. Viv had even lined the mirror above her sink with starfish and pieces of coral. She stepped out of the tub and onto the soft white sand she had covered the floor with. It took her way too many trips the day before to smuggle this much sand in. Hopefully no one would ever need to see the miniature beach that was her bathroom.

Upon inspecting herself in the mirror she noticed how grimy her hair had gotten. Oh no, this is not how you’re supposed to present yourself on the first day. With a small motion of her hand, Viv lifted a small ball of water out of the tub. Viv motioned the water towards her and enveloped her hair in it. Adding a bit of soap and twirling her finger around created a bubbly whirlpool, sarcastically she thought, I could really turn this into a hair cleaning service ha… Hair still washing, Viv walked to her closet and tossed on her uniform. Viv grabbed her bag and tossed in a few extra pens and notebooks, I have a feeling I’m gonna be writing to talk a lot today, she grabbed her favorite purple journal and matching pen. My hair should be done now, Viv waved her hand and the water and soap left her hair clean and dry. The dirty ball it had become whizzed through her room and splashed back into the tub.

Here we go, Viv cautiously opened her door and snuck into the hall. Heading out to the courtyard, Viv prayed she wouldn’t make a fool of herself. I’m sure everyone will be nice and patient with me, oh and I bet my classes will be fun and I will met soooo many new monsters and and and… So lost in thought Viv didn’t notice the stairs leading to the courtyard. She tumbled down them easily and landed flat on her back. Great job Vivinella, way to mess it up…
Lucas Soulis
Lucas kept forward, anxious to make his next mark on another desk of the school. His thoughts were trampling about his conscience like wild gazelle escaping a dark fate. His eyes darted back and forth between his sister and Jane, creating randomized scenarios for that they could possibly be discussing. It was a matter of seconds before some voice disoriented his thought process, causing him to blink and dart his gaze to the side of him, raising a brow to the male beside him. "What's mine? What's mine wha- Oh!" Lucas chuckled, casually shrugging his shoulders and placing his left hand on the back of his neck, allowing his elbow to point aimlessly outward. "I'm Lucas. Lucas Soulis."

Lucas was silent for a moment, before his gaze returned to the front of his body, which then created another thought. He knew how antisocial his sister could be. This Drake guy wouldn't have the chance of introducing himself to her on his own. Nodding to himself, while making a sound of approval, Lucas grimaced as he spoke again. "Those two up there. The one on the right, with the black hair is my older sister Luna. The one on the left is supposedly a girl who said her name was Jane."

Content with his behavior, Lucas made a note to treat himself later to a snack between classes. After all, it was a lot of work introducing people to others. So far, they had only encountered two people. And their distance from the front gates of the school was now lessened to about just a small measure of ten feet at most. Luca's gaze caught the sight of some figure that seemed confused, walking taking a step towards their direction, before turning back into the school. Confused, Lucas nudged Drake, nodding his head towards the stranger. "Do you think that guy wanted to see us?"
Selena Stone, Witch of the Fantasy

Selena's sleep had been a quick and dreamless one. The rush of excitement for what the first day of school would probably have kept her awake the previous night, had she not grown tired from her constant pacing back and forth and making sure that all her materials had been accounted for and that her dorm room was immaculate.

The witch's eyes fly open at the same time her alarm begins to go off. The rhythmic beeping fills her ears, prompting her to jump off her bed and get ready for school. Selena reaches for her bedside counter, patting its wooden surface with her hand until her fingers brush against her wand, a long thin rod made of cherry wood. She grips it and with a wave her belongings begin to fly around the room.

Selena emerges from her dorm room ready for classes. Her witch robes and all accompanying accessories had been straightened and put on carefully. She had her wand still in her hand, keeping it pointed at the books floating beside her. In her other hand is a flask of sorts, which she secures on her belt. The books disappear as she puts away her wand.

As she heads out, she can already see others around the campus. There are so many people. Having memorized her schedule and familiarized herself with the school's layout the night before, Selena makes her way to her class.

"Hello! Nice to see you all!" The witch waves at all the strangers she passes by. Some of them look friendly. Others, not so much. But Selena is determined to start school off strong and hopefully make some new friends.
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Drake looked in the direction Lucas was gesturing at. He wasn't paying attention to his surroundings to know what the dark-haired teen was talking about. The reason for his inattentiveness? Well, Drake was a little "distracted" by the sight of the two ladies in front of them. With a slight blush, Drake shook his head. 'Sure hope he didn't notice. Would be pretty awkward if he knew I was gawking at his big sister.' Can you blame Drake, though? He spent hundreds of years all alone. Let's just say he sorely needed some females around him.

Drake stopped in his tracks, suddenly remembering something. "Oh, I'm a freshman. My classroom's that way." He pointed down the hall to their left.
Jane made her way into the school, following behind the rest of them. She was a little slow to move, that was all. When she turned around at hearing another girl, she was naturally one of the first to greet her. "Hi there! Come on, join us. I don't bite." Maybe not the best thing for an undead to say, but she wasn't one to care about tact.

Muses of the Legendarium Muses of the Legendarium
A group had already made their way before her. The witch speeds up to join the group when she hears someone greet her in response. She turns to the girl, a reply already shooting out of her mouth. "Hi! Nice to meet you. And that's good, I've never been bitten and I hope it'll stay that way..." Selena raises a hand in greeting and paces her steps so to catch up to the other girl. Well, that was quick! This person seems nice.

"My name's Selena," she tells the girl. "It's my first day here! And you are?"

Shagranoz Shagranoz
Luna's gaze remained forward throughout the entire walk. From what she could hear, her brother was talking someone's ear off. Evidently his name was Drake, and by the time they reached the building, she learned that he was a freshman. Ew. Rolling her irises, Luna halted in her tracks once they reached the hall. Turning to face her younger brother, Luna smiled, holding her bag in front of her. "Alright Lucas. I'm off to class. Do me a favor and don't get into any trouble today. I have enough stress as student body president as it is. You know to meet me in the student council room after school." Luna then turned back around, prepared to walk away, before realizing she would never hear the end of it from her brother if she didn't say goodbye to the other two standing there. Without turning around, Luna spoke just as she walked off towards the stairs. "Enjoy your first day Jane, Drake."

With those words Luna disappeared at the top of the stairs, heading up to the third floor where all senior classes were located. With a sigh, she erased the smile from her lips, a now emotionless expression taking its place. She hadn't had her nerves tampered with as of yet, and she only hoped it would stay that way throughout the remainder of the day,
Lucas hadn't had the time to respond to anything his sister said. Releasing a stressed breath of air, Lucas turned his attention to Drake, A freshman? At this rate, Lucas was never going to meet anyone from his class. Shrugging his shoulders, Lucas allowed a goofy grin to take hold of his lips. "Alright! Well if you need me, you know where I'll be after school."

With a dismissing wave, Lucas then walked off, heading to the stairs to reach the second level, where his junior classes were held. To think he himself was a freshman last year, only caused him to reminisce of his first day. It was awfully odd, however he had the advantage of his experienced oldest sister. Walking silently to his classroom, Lucas turned a corner, entering the currently empty room.

Lucas eyed the room first, before grinning once again and rushing to a desk settled in the third row, directly next to the window. "Hell yea, first dibs!" Oddly enough, once he sat down, Lucas noticed more people start to pile in, just as the starting bell for school rang. Early? Geesh. Usually he was late. Nevertheless, it gave him time to think of how he was going to introduce himself when the bell rang for class to start.
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Teachers are in the process of being created. This means the first day of classes will be nothing but introductory classes, giving everyone a chance to get settled and accustomed to the system of being in a classroom setting. This introductory class lasts throughout the school day, giving timely breaks as necessary for the students to have lunch or roam the halls. All three teachers should be done by the end of the day or midday tomorrow. There has been a change in classes. There will now only be Freshman, Junior, and Senior classes. Thus all six freshmen students will be gathered in the same room. Same goes for the Junior's and Senior's. Once the teachers post, we are moving forward with a casual first semester of school.Enjoy your first day of school! <3
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Kit woke up in her room in her fox form, her body curled around that of her cubs. Her eyes blinked slowly, momentarily forgetting where she was. Looking around, she saw a room, then a desk, then a bed. Oh right, the dorms... I'm going to school now... She thought, still appalled at the idea.

Kitsunes and Nogitsunes were creatures of myth and legend-- they didn't go to school. But then again, that was kind of the case with all of them. None of them belonged at school.
That's why we're here. That's why we're in the middle of nowhere, going to a school humans don't know about, learning things that no one can fathom. Because none of us are real.

She slowly got up, trying her best not to bother the still-dozing cub lying in front of her. She stretched first as a fox, then hopped off the bed and transformed into a human-- stretching a second time. She got into her uniform, struggling to pull the skirt on over her tail. Well, great. If I try to wear it under my tail, it hangs down. If I wear it over my tail, it will definitely ride up. I really need to learn to get rid of these things... She thought, but not really wanting to. The ears and tail made her feel more like herself, even within a human body. She decided to go with the first option- her tail would stick out in between her skirt and shirt, tugging the fabric of her shirt down and trying to hide any bit of skin that might be showing. The teachers will probably be able to help me with this... I should ask before the end of the day. But maybe not in front of everyone...

Although she enjoyed making people blush, she still knew nothing about other monsters. Were their emotions similar to humans? Would they be attracted to-- and fooled by-- the same things? Guess I'll have to find out.

Kit continued getting dressed, pulling on the rest of the uniform and brushing her hair and tail-- with different brushes, of course. She grabbed her schedule and walked out the door, heading quickly to her first class.

Second floor... Classroom... A? She followed the directions, self consciously peeking her head in the door when she reached what she thought was the right classroom. She saw a number of people already in there, but not everyone. She was still early.

Hm... Well, guess I'll just have to wait in here until the teacher arrives. She thought, her tail flicking once in annoyance-- as if it was the teachers fault for not arriving at the exact moment that she did.

She walked towards the windows, looking around and picking a seat in the fourth row, next to the wall of windows. She was sitting behind a boy that looked about the same age that she looked-- do they put people in classes based on how they look?-- but seemed a lot more confident. He's probably been here a longer time than me.

She didn't say anything, not sure what she would say to him in the first place, but her tail swung back and forth behind her (sticking out through the hole in the chair- how nice of them to accommodate!) in the same way someone's leg would bounce when they were nervous.

Mashiro Shiina Mashiro Shiina
Lucas was fumbling with his pencil, when he noticed the strange girl enter the classroom. He analyzed her figure for a mere second, questionably. It had been awhile since he saw a creature of her kind, aside from sensei of course. Lucas, although having attended the school for two years now, and having lived near it for three years, still found himself amazed by the different people who showed up.

Clearing his throat, Lucas watched as she disappeared behind him. Disappointed, Lucas was about to resume playing with his pencil, until he heard motion in the seat directly behind him. Tapping his pencil for a few more seconds, Lucas peered over his shoulder, watching the flickering of her tail as it popped up, only to disappear right back behind her chair. 'Great.This should be fun.'

Lucas swivled his lower body in his seat, his side now resting against the back of his chair. Leaning his elbow on the very edge of her desk, Lucas leaned forward, his silver irises searching through her gaze with a determined look evident on his facade. With a sound of thought escaping his lips, Lucas then removed his elbow, staring at her with a bland expression, just second before grinning and placing his left hand on the back of his neck, allowing his elbow to point to the window.

"Yo. Names Lucas, nice to meet ya."
BoilingWriter BoilingWriter
Mr. Hokkaido to you, my students.

Ren woke up as he did my mornings, except today he was to meet his new students, in the Junior class.

He shifted, until he sat up in his bed, and yawned heavily. He jumped off the bed, and slipped on a shirt, some pants, and his glasses. He looked in the mirror. Eh. Not bad, not good. Looking at the time, the students should be arriving in their classes for introductory, luckily, staff housing wasn't far from the classes. He opened his door and locked it again, slipping his key into his pocket, and then


He shifted into his fox form and began bounding through the school halls towards his classroom, leaping over recycling containers and empty wheeled carts. He eventually reached the room, and shifted back into his human self. He opened the door, and stepped inside.

Looking in, he saw two students. Definitely a change from last year's class, he had a few more then, although a few didn't come tell first day, and some arrived late, so tomorrow or later he would hopefully see more. Test two were chit chatting, so he'd let them do so for now. Introductions would come soon.

He stepped over to his desk, the four tails of his waving back and forth. He looked at the attendance sheet.

Kit. Or just Kitsune. This must be the girl. Wonderful, he was going to teach a fellow Kitsune. That would be great, the first Kitsune he'd have taught.

Lucas Von Soulis, was this Luna's younger brother? He had taught her last year and she was a wonderful student, and he hoped Lucas would be as well.

He stood up, and began to speak.

"Good morning you two, you can resume the chat after this. My name is Mr. Hokkaido, and I will be your teacher this year. I assume you are Kit, and you are Lucas, and I must ask, are you Luna's younger brother?"
Rei Heartily
Rei entered the school and was shocked at the sight of all the students. "S-so many students," he said nervously. Rei wandered the halls looking for his classroom noticing all the different kinds of beings that attended the school. Rei smiled at the sight, "A place where everyone can get along," he smiled even brighter, "how nice."

Rei finally found his classroom and entered. Rei noticed all the other students and blushed a bit, he still wasn't used to being around so many people. Rei then held his right arm with his left hand and walked to a seat that wasn't too far from the teacher's desk and sat. As he sat he noticed that his hair was too close to the floor and untied his hair putting it in a bun. Rei then looked down at his desk and began to hum softly and quietly.
Kit perked up as the boy turned around, her tail stopping its motion as he looked into her eyes. She was startled by it, but her first reaction was to freeze in place. What is he doing? Staring into my eyes like that? Humans normally do that when they're suspicious, or interested... Is he suspicious of me? Of course, she thought all of this in a single moment, because in the next second he smiled and introduced himself.

Kit let a relieved sigh escape her lips, and she happily gave an introduction of her own. "My name is Kit, it's nice to meet you Lucas." Her tail began to wag. My first real interaction with a non-human! She thought happily, but in looking him over, she realized he looked exactly like one. Then again, if she put more effort into it, she would too. It's nothing to worry myself over. She thought, and began to open her mouth to ask Lucas what he was, or at least what he was doing here, but the teacher began to talk.

She froze in place as she realized exactly what the teacher was. Well look at that... She thought, and then deflated even more as she looked at his tails. Four? Hm... He's probably about 50 years older than me... She thought. That's not that much older... I wonder what his element is?

Mashiro Shiina Mashiro Shiina PortugalTM PortugalTM
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Lucas having introduced himself to the girl, was met with what seemed to be a state of shock in his perspective. Perhaps she wasn't used to being spoken to? Or was there something in his tone of voice? Confused, Lucas was bound to correct himself if need be, until the girl sighed and gradually released her identity to him. Perfect. One down, and no idea how many left to go. So far so good.

Upon hearing her name, Lucas was about to repeat what he heard in terms of having the opportunity to meet a new face. However, his intentions were destroyed by the sound of another voice coming from the direction of which he had managed to hide from. With somewhat of a shallow swallow, Lucas twisted in his chair once again, looking to the one who identified himself to be the teacher.

Analyzing the appearance of the man before him, Lucas concluded his claim to be true. The man seemed slender, however boundful with what looked to be four tails swaying behind him. Was he of relation to Kit? Or was it coincidence? With the unveiling mystery in his head, Lucas was once again interrupted by a question deemed directly to himself.

'and you are Lucas, and I must ask, are you Luna's younger brother?'

'Shit.' Clearing his throat, Lucas sat up straight in his chair, only to slump back down just seconds later, positioning his elbow on the surface of his desk and stationing his chin within the palm of his hand. "Did she tell you to watch me or something? Because last year she did and my sensei went a little overboard." Simultaneously, Lucas's thoughts trailed back to Hak. Or what they call the 'lightening beast'. More like the annoying uncle figure to Lucas.

Nevertheless, Lucas took a breath, releasing it just as he inhaled it, a sense of neglect in his actions. He hadn't truly answered the question, and somehow felt as though his reaction was indeed going to be reported to his sister. Imaging the results, Lucas immediately shook his head, refusing to be subject to such torture. Aside from that, he had already been made aware of sensei Hokkaido by Luna anyway. It was to be expected that he was asked.

"Yeah, she's my sister."

Hak Lightening (Freshmen Teacher)
Hak rolled to his side, instantaneously falling to the floor below his bed. Picking himself up off the floor with a shudder of his shoulders, Hak combed his left hand through the mess of what people called his hair, a cold gaze staring at the blinding light shining through his bedroom window. It took about an entire minute just for Hak to realize where he was, what day it was, and where he was supposed to be. Or at least that's what one would think happened.

Hak, who was already on the grounds of the school, had in fact been treating himself to the peace and quiet of the faculty room the entire time the students were waking up. Hak had always been an early bird, and had yet to break the habit even after all this time teaching at the school. He was fully aware of the late students that would pouring in, claiming he was the one to blame.

Even so, Hak quietly sipped his tea, irises sealed away behind blank eyelids. The second bell had yet to ring, and with being so familiar with freshmen classes, Hak knew he had no need to rush. On estimate, Hak had another three minutes until the bell would ring, which gave him ample enough time to simply walk out the door and down the hall. Living such a lavish life was almost boring to him.

His thoughts of content were interrupted by a chill sliding sneakily down his spine. In that moment, Hal's gaze opened, and he knew someone within the building was speaking on him. Searching through his memory, Hak grasped the one student he expected to do so after the numerous events of last year. With a chuckle, Hak got up from his seat and exited the room, heading directly to the left hallway to relocate his classroom while mumbling to himself. "Seems like ol Lucas didn't forget about me after all."

Shagranoz Shagranoz Angelofwishes7 Angelofwishes7 lissamissal lissamissal The Saviour of the Masses The Saviour of the Masses PortugalTM PortugalTM BoilingWriter BoilingWriter xsaberzx xsaberzx Muses of the Legendarium Muses of the Legendarium RoyalPhoenix32 RoyalPhoenix32 TwistedTruth TwistedTruth
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Vivinella Bretiax

Viv sat up and assessed the damaged she'd done. Her bag was resting against the bottom step with her water bottle peaking out and a few notebooks lay around her. Ok ok not too bad just get up, no one saw you... The first bell rang as she gathered her things and fixed her skirt. It had a small tear at the bottom and her shirt was a little dusty now but, there was no time to go back and change.

Viv walked down the Freshman hall as quickly as she could, praying that she wouldn't be late for her first day.
Which room..which room? Oh my schedule... she reached into her bag in search of the small sheet. Ah there you are, ok what room...oh you have to be kidding me. It was then that she realized she'd been standing in front of her classroom the whole time. She peered into the room seeing a couple other students already at their desks. One was fixing her hair, Wait is she a girl...no...maybe...no...yes? Ok now I need to know.

Viv walked into the room noting the peculiar guy in the back studying it like a shark studies the movements of its prey,
He seems... interesting... She shook her head one person at a time, let's not get ahead of ourselves. As she plopped into the desk next to the long haired student who's gender was soon to be uncovered, she wrote a simple "Hi, I'm Viv" on a sheet of paper. Ok now or never... Viv folded the sheet once and placed it on their desk with an audible thud, interrupting their soft humming. She tilted her head and waited for she or he to pick it up.

xsaberzx xsaberzx

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