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Monsters Have Pets, They're Called Humans.

"As far as I know, this cave has been abandoned for a while. So I don't think any other monster lives here." He replied. "Is there anything you want? Anything I can get you to make this place feel more like home?" He asked, his segments loosely coiled up.
Kiara looked around in her cage. She never had had that many toys and plushies before, and this bed was bigger and more comfortable than her old one. All she wanted was her mother and father, but they probably died as well when he attacked... She shook her head lightly, she needed some time to settle in and get used to her new situation. She actually felt like a lost puppy.
I apologize for interrupting but would it be alright for me to join? Just wondering because this roleplay seems very interesting and I'd love to be apart of it if that's alright.
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I originally made this roleplay a one on one, not thinking of the possibilities of what could happen with multiple people. I might make a repost that supports group roleplaying, add some background story, and more features than this.

"You can get settled in and get some rest, we can play tomorrow." He said, going get some food for his new pet. He returned with some strange looking fruits.
Kiara was restless, no matter how comfortable the bed was, she still didn't like this place. When she heard the monster return she hid under the bed, not sure what else to do.
"I brought some fruits!" The monster said. "Hmm? Where'd she go? The door was closed, so she couldn't have escaped." He opened the door and his head floated through it with one of his hands.
Kiara clung to a stuffed animal, curled up in a small ball in the darkest corner under the bed, quiet as a mouse. She had a plan b in case he'd find her.
The creatures head fell to the ground and it looked around. It couldn't see Kiara. His head floated out of the cage and one of his hands grabbed a bowl in the room and put the fruits in it.
At first she found it really scary that each part of its body moved around, but right now she found it quite funny and giggled softly as he dismembered himself while he was looking for her.
His eyes moved to where the giggling came from and two hands grabbed the bed and floated it up. "There you are!" He said, another hand patting her on the head. "Why were you hiding?" He asked her.
"You found me!" she giggled, making use of her plan be. "You said we'd play, so I thought we could start with hide and seek!" she seemed to be in a rather playful mood, her fear completely shaken off.
She seemed to be thinking, then she replied "I don't know... What would you like to play, uh... what do I call you?"
"Call me... Umm... Tero?" The monster said. "Yeah, Tero. I don't usually play much, though we can go exploring somewhere." Tero said.
"Ok! Let's go!" she said, rushing out of her cage and into the open, wondering what the environment outside the cave looked like after she had slept through half of the trip.
It was pretty tropical, instead of grass there was sand and water. There were some palm trees, and they were GIGANTIC. "Like it? It's pretty relaxing." Tero said.
"Everything is huge!" she replied, looking around in awe. She was used to forests and farmland, this place was like a completely different world.
"It's big, even for me, so I can't imagine how you feel." Tero said. "There's probably a new cave around here."
"I feel like an imp" she replied. Seeing that Tero wasn't going to harm her she reached out for him and giggled "Up!"
Kiara climbed onto his hand and wrapped her arms around one of his fingers for support, giggling as she floated up to him. "How do you do that?" she asked shyly, looking curious.
"I don't know, it's probably some sort of magic but I don't know how it works." Tero said, thinking. "Speaking of which, how do you move your arms and legs when they are attached to you?" Tero started floating around, looking for a cave.

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