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Fandom Monster Hunter; Legacy (OOC)



Elder Member
OOC chat thread for MH; Legacy.


Discussions, polls, bar fights you name it.
Anything out of character belongs in this thread.​
I have a question actually, are we doing only canon races? The main page said that you could be whatever you wanted but that could just he in terms of hunting style. Just wanted to double check.

I wondered if we all wanted to do a Discord chat instead, just a suggestion! I find RPN's notifs system doesnt work all the time sadly.
Wow terrible GM! Thread notifications out of whack,

Hmm. I'm gonna probably keep it to canon races for simplicity! But wyverian is a broad race line! Not all of them look human
Degadoodle Degadoodle
That's fair, no worries.

Does my character necessarily have to be a hunter? Perhaps I could play a mon instead?

Sorry to bother but I just kinda wanted to play something unique as if I were to be a hunter I would essentially just be describing my daily grind in text form for every reply, considering I have 400 hours in the game :P
That's fair, no worries.

Does my character necessarily have to be a hunter? Perhaps I could play a mon instead?

Sorry to bother but I just kinda wanted to play something unique as if I were to be a hunter I would essentially just be describing my daily grind in text form for every reply, considering I have 400 hours in the game :P

Draft me a CS and we'll go from there! I'm not opposed to the idea at all (u3u)
Would be good to have characters who weren't hunters
Yea I am aha this is just the first time I've been tagged since my iPad broke lol

I'll try and fill a CS soon
Can we specialise in more then one weapon? I'm usually running around with the longsword katana thing,
The knife and shield,
Or the twin blades. I'd like to be able to switch between two cause that's how I kill anajaths haha
Can we specialise in more then one weapon? I'm usually running around with the longsword katana thing,
The knife and shield,
Or the twin blades. I'd like to be able to switch between two cause that's how I kill anajaths haha

Yes you may have up to 2 weapon specialisations for now (•¥•)
SidTheSkid SidTheSkid NeonFlow NeonFlow fluticasone fluticasone xAlter xAlter GrieveWriter GrieveWriter Ginko The Mushishi Ginko The Mushishi
I want to use the game as a guide rather than law so game completion is not necessary and I'll do my best to avoid/limit spoilers if you haven't finished the storyline.
I was thinking for the rp (am open to any ideas/opinions you have!)
  • Food/water is necessary as is sleep.
  • Areas will have to have bases constructed before you can be considered safe in areas outside of Astera.
  • Fall damage is a definite, best get that guillie mantle quick smart if ya want to be making great leaps though when fall damage becomes lethal/debilitating is up for negotiation.
  • Carrying too much meat/monster parts will attract other monsters.
  • Our starting location will be Ancient Forest and we'll expand the map after
Also note: Will have a quest board thread up but major quests will be given by NPC (if ya got a cool idea for a main or side quest send me a DM)
(Do we want a discord server?)

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