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Monster House

Cole leaned down and whispered something in her ear. Aroura's eyes flashed red, and she grinned.

Nate shrugged. "Try not to make too big of a mess this time. I was picking up glass for a week after the last incedent." he headed back upstairsm

Aroura took a step closer to Ciri. "So.. You think you can stay here without following the rules?"
"Uh, I just dont feel like taking my shirt off. Like I said, I can draw the blood myself, I dont get why it has to come from a syringe" Ciri shrugged.
"Because he needs it from a larger vein up in your arm. The vial s are for the different tests he takes. A lot of them can't be done with free flowing blood." Aroura took another step closer, her eyes now red. "So you can either do what he says, or I can make your life hell."
Ciri narrowed her eyes, "So let me get this straight, I'm guessing you have an ability to take hold of my psyche and control what I see, feel, hear and such like that? Only a guess, I am curious"
"Oh, that, and more, sweetheart," Aroura held up a hand. "So I sugfest that you start listening."

"Just take off the goddamn shirt," Cole said. "It's not worth it. Trust me."
"Hmm, what creature can have the power to do that... Hmm, I will have to think on that" She said. "But I know size does not matter when it comes to non-humans" She added. She sighed, "Fine, fine" She reached back, feeling for the zipper and unzipped the back. "I am curious about you" She said to Aroura, working her arms out of the sleeves.
Aroura's evil facade faded, and she stood there grinning. "I'm actually the most powerful.. Right after Nate of course. I'd be happy to tell you more, later."

Cole stepped foward and cleaned a patch of skin with alcohol, then stuck the needle in, with a vial attached. He had more lined up so he could get as much blood as needed."
"I would like to learn more" She nodded, then watched her blood in the vial. "You have blood here I can feed on, right?"
"I can get some," Cole replied, switching vials. "I have my connections. It might take a day or so for it to get here. Will you be able to hold off that long?"

Aroura observed them silently, her eyes pulsing red every now and then.
"I can, thanks" She nodded. "So, about that ultraviolet light weaponry, have you ever used it? And what it's commonly used for?" She asked.
(Its mostly used against vamps, it burns them to the point of turning to ash when their shot with it. Ciri uses it when she has to shoot some vamps)
Cole smiled. "I have never used it, but I hear it is very effective against vamps. Unfortunately, Nate's rules apply to all weapons, for everyone."
"It is, I can down an enemy vampire with a shot or two. But if you dont produce ultraviolet light weaponry, but you know to, I'm guessing its the same with silver?" She asked.
Cole blushed a bit and rubbed the back of his neck embarressedly. "The last time I tried to work with silver, Jinx yelled at me."

"That's what you deserved for melting down my jewelry!" Aroura retorted.
"I would much rather have a pretty gun than a pretty bracelet." Ciri said, "But that's just me. You do understand you can purchase silver, right?" She asked Cole.
Cole blushed a bit deeper. "Yeah... I know." he switched vials again.

"Dear Cole here has Agoraphobia," Aroura said. "He rarely leaves the basement."
"Really? Poor guy, I dont think I've met someone with that" She said. "I'm sorry about that" She said to Cole.
"It's fine," he mumbled, then pulled the needle out of her arm and covered the spot with a cotton ball. "Hold that there please."
He placed a bandaid on it, then handed her a sample cup. "There's a bathroom over there," he pointed to the door.
Ciri sincerly did not want to do that. "You know, when I was turned I thought I escaped these kinds of tests" She said. "Doesnt help I drained a doctor the next day. Bad timing"
"What's with him anyway? Its like he has a nine foot pole up his ass" She muttered, standing up.

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