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Monster House

"Down in the basement. We have to go down there anyway so our mad scientest can give you your check up." he grabbed her arm, not exactly gently, and led her inside.
Ciri jerked her arm away from him. "I can walk" She snapped. A check up? "Why do I need a check up?" Se asked.
"To make sure you don't have anything contagious," he replied. Theywalked down a hallway, past a room that looked like a tornado it, around a corner, through the kitchen, to a stairwell down to the basement. Nate opened the door and stuck his head down.

"Cole, you better not be making anything explode! We've got a new person!"

There was a clattering sound. "Okay! It's safe now!" another male voice yelled back up.

Nate moved aside. "After you," he said to Ciri.
Ciri blinked, walking down the stairs. "The basement huh? How comforting" She said. She reached the bottom, looking around.


Cole stood in the midst of his lab. (it looks like a lab from something steampunk). Right now he was stirring a vial of a steaming liquid.

"Cole.' Nate said. Cole didn't react. "Cole!"

"What!" he turned with a scowl, then he saw Ciri. "Oh. Is this the new person?"


'she still has weapons."

"I'm working on that."
((<_<)(>_>) He's cute(:3))

"You seem more of a chemist than anything. Know how to produce ultraviolet light weaponry?" Ciri asked, curious.
Cole's eyes lit up. "Oh, yes. You know that-"

Nate covered his mouth. "Don't get him started." he had a slightly pained look on his face. "Please."
Ciri crossed her arms, "If you dont like the conversation than dont listen" She said. "What about silver? Like silver type grenades that release shards of silver?" She asked.
Cole nodded, and said something muffled by Natecs hand.

"You can talk about this stuff later. First, tske off all your weapons."
Ciri sighed and reached in her cloak and pilled out the pistols, the SMGs, the knives, and the throwing blades. six guns and four knives. "Where do I put these?"
Cole pulled Natecs hand off his face. "On the table over ther. They will be stored later, and given back to you either when you leave, or in case of an attavk. Or do says he.v He nodded at Nate.

Nate rolled his eyes. "Just get on with it."

"Okay.." Cole rubbed his hands together. "I'm going to need blood and urine samples, your temprature, and blood pressure."
"What does blood pressure and temperature have to do with anything?" She asked, "It wont find out if I have some kind of disease. Which I dont" She growled. "And how's about just blood?"
"If I do that, Mr. Man iver there will hurt me." Cole smiled. "So, in fear for my own life, I'm going to have to make you do everything."
Ciri sighed in irritation. "These are some irritating rules" She growled. "And no offense, but I dont think you can make me do anything."
Cole's eyes glashed red and his smile turned feral. "Don't bet on it, little lady. You're in our house now."

Nate rolled his eyes. "Get on with it."
Ciri didnt like being told what she could or couldnt do. "What do I do first?" She growled through grit teeth. Her fangs were slightly showing when she talked, they always showed themselves when she was really pissed.
"Blood. Roll up your sleeve please." Cole got out his med kit and started sterilizing the needle he would use.
"Problem with that is these sleeves dont really roll up." She said, taking off the cloak. "Tight leather, allows me to move a bit faster. I can just bite my wrist" She offered.
"Or you could slice open the leather, or if you don't want to do that, take off your shirt." Cole turned towards her. "Make you choice."
This leather was not cheap, and not something you can buy in stores. Damn, "Or I can bite my wrist" She repeated.
Cole sighed and headed to the door and yelled upstairs. "JINX! WE HAVE A PROBLEM!"

After a moment there was the sound of hurried footsteps on the stairs, and a tiny girl who looked no more then twelve appeared. "Sup Cole. Whatcha need?"

Cole pointed over at Ciri. "She's being uncooperative."

Aroura looked at Ciri. "Ooo. New person. What do ya need me to do? The normal thing? Or can I be a little more... Creative?"

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