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Fantasy Monster Girl Encyclopedia OOC

Heyo everybody.

Now...I've got to decide what species I want.

(Also, mind if I make a son? I have a idea for one,)
Ori is here.

and is ready to do that making of daddy.
Yeah I wasn't particularly interested this time around. I just wanted to tell yee that even though it's a thin line, you can still make it PG, here. :3
I shall be busy for abit, but I'll get working soon.
poppa's getting up posted soon, be ready.
just getting some final say from our commander in chief and he'll be psoted
Daddy is here.

still sounds dirty given the type of stuff we're reading up on here.
Sojiro is a gentleman.

Absolutely nothing perverted about that man at all.

an upstanding gentleman whom i definitely didn't steal the cafe idea from at all...

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